Chapter 168 Troublesome

Happling over the T-shirts and jackets that he had just found, Si Ningning picked the simplest T-shirt and started.

Using small scissors to pick up the threads and remove them all the way. After all the threads were removed, Si Ningning neatly laid the one piece of clothes on the floor and pulled out a brand new book from the bottom of the bookshelf.

 She lay on the desk and used a ruler to mark out the shape of the disassembled clothes.

 After finishing the painting, Si Ningning went to measure the dimensions of each corner and wrote them down one by one in his notebook.

After finishing this work, Si Ningning picked up the disassembled fabric and arranged it on the sewing machine table according to the original wiring pattern.

Before re-routing, she carefully marked the turning direction arrows on the edge of the analysis diagram in the book to remind her to more clearly distinguish which side corresponds to which side when making clothes in the future, so as to avoid cuffs, or The neckline is set crookedly, or it is an embarrassing phenomenon.

The T-shirt has a simple structure. When sewing and routing the fabric at first, Si Ningning would twist the fabric or experience stitch skipping.

In response to this situation, she took out the mobile phone she used to shoot the video and adjusted it again and again according to the video. After disassembling and sewing the clothes twice in succession, she was basically able to get started.

Si Ningning felt satisfied and had a sense of accomplishment. She planned to try a more difficult gown again, but when she looked at the time on her phone, she saw that almost five hours had passed since she watched the video.

Through this calculation, it means that almost two hours have passed outside time, and the time should be almost six o'clock. The members are probably preparing to leave work.

Worried that the educated youth group was looking for someone because of her delay in returning, Si Ningning had no choice but to put the matter aside for now, drank another glass of water, left the villa, grabbed a few cucumbers and green peppers from the ground, and walked away. Out of space.

Si Ningning ran back with her things in her arms. When she got to the side of the house at the Educated Youth Point, she bumped into Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun.

 “What did you do? Did you come back at this hour?”

As Si Ningning expected, Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun were preparing to go to the team to find her.

"I came back a long time ago. I met my aunt who was picking vegetables on the way home and forced me to give these things...I didn't think about it, so I just took the things and left, so I just chatted with my aunt for a while." Si Ningning straightened her belly. , showing the cucumbers and peppers in his arms to the two of them.

 The aunts on the team were indeed enthusiastic. There had been other educated youths who had shown kindness but were stuffed with stuff. Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun had no doubts at all.

They took some of the weight from Si Ningning's arms one after another, and the three of them walked back. Song Xiaoyun looked at the cucumber in her hand and said, "It's this cucumber again!"

 “What’s wrong?” Si Ningning’s eyes flashed with confusion.

"It's okay." Song Xiaoyun shook her head. Jiang Yue seemed to know what she wanted to say and spoke first: "Xiaoyun wants to say that this variety of cucumbers is more delicious, right?"

Song Xiaoyun nodded, and Jiang Yue said "hmm" and continued: "I also discovered that this variety of cucumbers does taste much better."

  The cucumbers brought back by Song Shuhan and the others were large and thick, but they were a bit astringent when eaten with the skin on. The skin was removed and the seeds in the middle were very large.

And despite their size, the water inside is really not as much as the cucumbers that Si Ningning brought back, and the texture is not crispy, but more like dough.

 Jiang Yue and the others thought it was a breed problem, but it was not.

Materials were scarce in this era, and most of the time we didn’t have enough to eat. Cucumbers were not as sweet as other fruits. So the members planted cucumbers in their private plots. Most of them had simple ideas and wanted to wait for the cucumbers to grow bigger. , pick it when you are older, it doesn’t matter if you are older.

As for the texture of the dough, it is entirely due to the recent hot weather and strong sun.

After chatting and crossing the threshold, Xu Shuhua poked her head out of the kitchen, listening to the noise, "You're back? The food is ready, let's call everyone to eat!"

Song Xiaoyun went out to shout, and Si Ningning wanted to wash his hands. Xu Shuhua took a ladle of water and asked Si Ningning to catch it on the swill bucket. She slowly poured water down, "There is still a lot of bone soup in the morning, so I will After the soup was heated, I fried the eggplant... I think there is still more than half of the pork liver. Will it go bad if I keep it tomorrow? "

"Is it supposed to be okay? If not, just put it in a bucket and drop it in the well. It's dark at night, so others won't know and won't steal it in the dark."

“I think it’s okay, I’ll go after dinner soon.” Xu Shuhua nodded.

Thinking of something, Si Ningning explained: "That pork liver belongs to us and Comrade Huo Lang. He left it here to cook for his younger brothers and sisters to eat. Today I cut a small piece off and there is still some left..."

"Okay, I'll tell you all later." Xu Shuhua nodded knowingly, then turned to another topic: "What happened in the afternoon? After you left, Mo Zhiqing came to see you again."

Mo Bei came to see her?

Si Ningning’s hand that put the pot lid paused slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t take it too seriously.

 It’s not that he dislikes Mo Bei. As long as his character is okay, Si Ningning thinks he can get along with him no matter what.

 As for the current situation, what should I say?

Mo Bei probably wanted to keep a certain distance from her, and she also thought carefully that keeping a distance would be more beneficial to her.

Si Ningning has also considered it in her heart. It should be as usual, but all unnecessary contact can be completely avoided.

 “Ning Ning?”

"Ah?'s not a big deal." Si Ningning came to his senses. It was hard to tell Xu Shuhuaming what happened, so he made an excuse casually, "He said that my cooking is not good, but you know, I Everyone usually likes the food I cook... Anyway, I’m a little unhappy.”

“…” Xu Shuhua’s face wrinkled with doubt. Of course, she was not questioning Si Ningning, but Mo Bei.

Si Ningning’s cooking skills were highly praised by everyone at the Educated Youth Point, and it was really delicious. The bone soup was even more delicious than the piece of braised pork she had at the state-owned restaurant last time.

If Mo Bei could despise this, what else could satisfy him?

Xu Shuhua sighed and was successfully diverted by Si Ningning. In the end, she did not forget to comfort Si Ningning: "Forget it, don't think about these unhappy things, just clean up and eat!"


After receiving the rice bag in the afternoon, Mo Bei sat at the door holding a book, apparently reading, but in fact he just squatted and waited for Si Ningning to come back.

The Educated Youth Point is surrounded by trees. When Si Ningning came back in the evening, the sky had darkened. When Mo Bei went in to put down books, Si Ningning had already entered the house.

 When the two faced each other again, the table in the main room was already full of people, and Mo Bei couldn't find a chance to speak.

 After dinner, I wanted to ask Si Ningning to go out and talk. Every time I wanted to speak, someone would happen to call him away first.

After a trace of ink, the sky had turned dark, and it was inconvenient to ask Si Ningning to go out again. Mo Bei had to give up for the time being. His handsome face and sharp eyebrows were tightly knitted. Not only was his heart heavy, but his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of oppressive darkness. gas.

 Mo Bei walked all the way back to the house, Li Lingyuan didn't dare to breathe, but Song Shuhan, with a slight smile on his lips, pushed up the frame of the glasses, looked at his nose and heart, acting as a qualified bystander without saying a word. A peaceful night passed. Si Ningning made breakfast early the next morning and boiled the water in the back pot. Considering that the educated youth took water to the fields to drink today and she didn't need to deliver it, Si Ningning didn't fill the pot.

Carrying the elephant trunk pot, she washed it by the well and picked some mint. After returning to the house, she placed the pot by the stove. Si Ningning took a bowl with the mint tips and wrote a note on the bowl. Down.

 It probably means that when everyone gets up to eat, the temperature of the water in the back pot will be almost the same, so you can just fill the pot yourself and put the mint in it.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning yawned and climbed into bed to catch up on her sleep.

The threshing floor is usually busy with spreading rice and grinding millet in the morning. The work of winnowing millet is around noon and mid-afternoon. She goes out at the normal time to feed the pigs in the pig pen, and then the time is just right, so there is no need Go out so early.

Due to the different work schedules, Si Ningning rarely eats with everyone in the morning. Originally, it was okay. However, after what happened yesterday afternoon, the atmosphere at the dinner table this morning was obviously not right.

Li Lingyuan looked at the sweet potatoes while eating them. He insisted on telling what was wrong, but he couldn't.

It wasn't until after breakfast, when Xu Shuhua and the others filled their bottles with water and carried them out, that Li Lingyuan asked about the seriousness of the matter.

Male and female educated youths do different jobs and are divided into two groups.

Li Lingyuan glanced at Mo Bei, who looked gloomy: "Boss Mo, have you made Si Zhiqing unhappy? Si Zhiqing didn't even cook last night, and today he asked us to bring our own water..."

Mo Bei lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

He knew that Si Ningning was angry, but he didn't know why Si Ningning was angry. Was it a misunderstanding or something?

Wanted to ask clearly, but could never find a chance.

Mo Bei is also troubled.

Usually working is too tiring, so Li Lingyuan bases his fun on eating every day. For him, every meal is like "opening a blind box", and he is looking forward to what weird and interesting things Si Ningning can do. Delicious dishes on top.

Si Ningning didn’t cook last night, Xu Shuhua did it.

Although it was Si Ningning who did it this morning, Li Lingyuan always felt that things were not that simple. He was worried that Si Ningning would really give up his job in the future, and his life would really hit the bottom.

Li Lingyuan wanted to say more, but looking at Mo Bei's unsightly expression, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Thinking about it, Li Lingyuan turned into an emotional master and advised: "Boss Mo, if you like Si Zhiqing, just be more considerate? You always have a cold face, let alone Si Zhiqing, I'm afraid..."

As he spoke, Li Lingyuan put his hands around his shoulders and made a goosebumps-rubbing gesture, "Besides, it's you who likes Si Zhiqing, and it's not Si Zhiqing who likes you... You should be gentler when you speak, and don't let other girls guess you." thought."

 When did he say that he liked Si Ningning?

Mo Bei couldn't listen anymore, and suddenly stopped and glanced at Li Lingyuan: "Nothing."

Between Mo Bei and Si Ningning, Li Lingyuan naturally favored Si Ningning for the sake of food.

Now he was no longer afraid of Mo Bei. He frowned like an old black cow and stamped his feet on the spot: "Look, look! It's just a look! You don't want me to say... look like you're trying to eat someone." Yes, Si Zhiqing will definitely be angry when he sees it."

Mo Bei looked a little at a loss and almost blurted out his explanation: "I didn't look at her like that."

“Then what did you look at Si Zhiqing? Or what did you say?”

"I..." Mo Bei couldn't help but think about it for a moment, but when he thought of the situation at that time, his expression quickly turned cold and he walked past Li Lingyuan without saying a word.

"What's going on? Why didn't you say anything again?" Li Lingyuan was confused. No matter how he asked him, Mo Bei would not utter a single word.

How did Li Lingyuan know about Mo Bei's dilemma?

 What to say, how to say it?

   said: "I told Si Ningning that Huo Lang was plotting against her and told her not to trust Huo Lang and to stay away from Huo Lang"?

Or: "I told Si Ningning not to believe Huo Lang, but to believe me"?

No matter what kind of thing it is, Mo Bei can't say a word of such ridiculous words.

Thinking of something, Mo Bei stopped suddenly.

Li Lingyuan who was following behind didn't predict in advance. His nose hit the back of Mo Bei's head, and he screamed "Ouch!"

"What, what's going on? Boss Mo? Why did you stop suddenly?" Li Lingyuan bowed down with tears in his eyes, muttering to himself: Fortunately, it was him. If it were Song Shuhan, his glasses would probably be broken, and his eyes might be damaged by then. Gotta go blind.

Mo Bei still didn't answer, but in the brief moment just now, he realized a problem and also had a new guess.

He found it difficult to say a single word in front of Li Lingyuan, but he said it to Si Ningning completely and completely...

As for Si Ningning, was she angry because she misunderstood his words, or was it because...

She likes Holang? And what he said about Holang? Is that why she's angry?

Mo Bei's eyebrows unconsciously tightened, and the new speculation made him feel more troublesome than the previous situation.

 In the middle of the morning, Si Ningning got up and went into the space to tidy up. When he came out of the space, he brought out half a pot of purslane.

 Educated youth restaurants usually don’t open at noon. In recent days, Hegu and others are coming over for dinner, so they are an exception.

 Purslane Si Ningning plans to mix a little at noon and save the rest until the evening.

It was also because of what happened to Mo Bei yesterday, which reminded her that the purslane she had promised Li Lingyuan had not yet been made.

I was washing myself and getting ready to go out. As soon as I closed the door with my hands, some grain came over.

Si Ningning quickly used the hemp rope to keep the door intact, beckoned and walked up the team with Hegu, "Why didn't Sanae come with you?"

“Uncle Hongbing said that we are busy now and asked everyone to go to the threshing floor to catch sparrows. Sanmiao is at the threshing floor.” Hegu said vaguely.

"That's it." Si Ningning nodded, put his hand on the head of the grain, and asked as he walked: "Do you want to eat candy?"

Hegu hesitated for a moment, covered his mouth with both hands and shook his head.

Si Ningning felt strange. She squatted down and opened the grain with her little hands to look at it, "What's wrong? What are you hiding? Are you eating something delicious behind my back?"

 (End of this chapter)

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