Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 169: Laosi, Laosi, teacher

Chapter 169 Laosi, Laosi, teacher

 “, no!” Hegu turned his head to avoid Si Ningning, “Si Ningning, please stop it, I’m going to be angry!”

Hegu said cruel words, but Si Ningning had already noticed the clues and put his fist to his lips and laughed out loud.

As if facing a formidable enemy, Hegu covered his mouth and glared at Si Ningning, "Don't laugh!"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to smile." Si Ningning suppressed her laughter, got up and took Hegu to continue walking to the production team. During the process, he did not forget to smooth Hegu's hair. "This is only temporary, and the new teeth will come soon." It’s nothing to be ashamed of growing up.”

 Children aged seven or eight are in the period of changing their teeth.

He Gu lost his two front teeth, but the most obvious part is that you can see them just by opening his mouth.

No wonder I heard him speak slurred just now. It turned out that his words were leaking.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning’s eyebrows curved and she couldn’t help but smile again.

This time, Hegu didn’t have Si Ningning, and she was not allowed to smile. “Si Ningning, can I really grow teeth?”

"It moved two days ago. I, I was a little scared so I never told my eldest brother. When I was eating crispy rice last night, two of my teeth were knocked out at once. It bled a lot, but it hurt." Hegu's little hand Si Ningning tugged at the corner of his clothes, feeling very frightened.

“This is the tooth replacement period. It is normal and will grow back.”

“When new teeth grow out, it means that Xiao Hegu has become a little adult. He will be stronger in the future and cannot cry at will or lie to others. Do you understand?”

The corn chick pecked at the rice and nodded.

It would be great if the teeth can grow back. He thought that he would have to press against the "door hole" in the future. He couldn't sleep last night.

 Thinking about it, Hegu's little jaw tightened, and he opened his mouth and let out a big yawn.

Si Ningning didn’t know that he didn’t sleep well last night. He only occasionally said a few words about paying attention to oral and dental health while walking:

“When teeth come in, it will feel a little itchy. Don’t touch them with your tongue, otherwise the teeth will become crooked. Do you know?”


“You should brush your teeth not only when you get up in the morning, but also when you go to bed at night...Don’t eat after brushing your teeth, otherwise, over time, your gums will be corroded and you will suffer from toothache in the future. Do you remember?”

"Hmm..." He Gu nodded and looked up at Si Ningning sideways.

The sunlight was dappled under the tree-lined path. In He Gu's line of sight, Si Ningning's chin was shining white, and the curved smile on her face could be vaguely seen.

 Very gentle smile…

If Si Ningning were his sister, she would be the gentlest sister in the world.

 The gentlest sister…

Hegu thought, and for some reason, the scene of Sanya's mother calling her to eat suddenly flashed into his mind. He didn't notice where he was standing for a moment, and was staggered by a branch that fell on the ground.

 Fortunately, Si Ningning grabbed Hegu's arm in time and prevented Hegu from falling.

"What are you thinking about?" Si Ningning lowered her head, frowned slightly, and scolded softly, "Watch the road when you walk."

 As he said that, he would lead the grain and continue walking.

Hegu, however, held onto the hem of Si Ningning's clothes and refused to move forward.

Before Si Ningning turned around to ask, He Gu looked up at her seriously and asked first, "Si Ningning, can you hug me like you did yesterday?"

Si Ningning didn't think too much about it. She only considered that Hegu was emotionally sensitive and thought that he was feeling conflicted and afraid because of the tooth replacement. Without hesitation, he bent over and hugged Hegu's small and thin body, patted his back and said: " There is nothing to be afraid of. You will see new teeth in three to five days, and they will grow in half a month. Are you confident that you can hold on for half a month?"

Hegu buried his face on Si Ningning's shoulder and took a deep breath.

Si Ningning had a very warm and gentle breath, and a very light but nice fragrance. For a moment, Hegu felt that the empty space in his heart seemed to be completely filled at this moment.

 He seemed to feel the feeling of having a mother.

very nice.

He Gu’s pale lips raised a wide arc, “I have confidence.”

 He straightened up from Si Ningning's arms, looked at Si Ningning with his dark eyes, very seriously, "Si Ningning, I will never cry again in the future, I am a man."

 I want to protect you. Hegu added silently in his heart.

“Okay little man, remember to have a good meal at noon today.” Si Ningning smiled, got up and walked in front.

Hegu followed behind, and the homonym of the childish voice was raised as he ran and shouted: "I will definitely eat a big bowl, and I will grow as strong as my big brother!"

There are many children on the threshing floor, some of whom are here to catch sparrows, and some of whom, as Si Ningning said before, are willing to teach the children how to read in their free time.

The aunt in the team knew that after finishing her work in the pig pen, she would go to the threshing floor to winch millet. She would definitely not stay in the pig pen for a long time, so she asked the children to come to the threshing floor first.

The uncle and aunt are busy, and a group of radish heads are noisy in front of the big sun. Their throats are almost hoarse, and they are not afraid of the heat at all.

Si Ningning waved to them to play under the shade of the trees, leaving some grain on the threshing floor to catch sparrows when they came, and then encouraged He Gu to stay and play with everyone.

Hegu was a little resistant, but remembering Si Ningning’s previous teachings, he stayed even though he was reluctant.

The children were noisy and played serious games, or they weren't even considered "games". They just chased me and I chased you. When they were about to be caught up, they climbed up the haystacks. When they fell, they fell on the straw. Up there, the slightest bit of pain was ignored.

However, even this seemingly nonsensical gameplay can make them laugh until their throats go dry until they cough and retching.

Si Ningning stood at the edge and watched for a while. When she saw He Gu gradually getting closer to the other children under the guidance of Sanmiao, her hanging heart was relieved. She turned around and went to the warehouse to get rice bran, and then went to feed the pigs.

 The weather is very hot, and even though the pig pen is cleaned, there is still some residual smell.

Si Ningning mixed the pig food, took advantage of the break between the pigs to eat, went into the pig pen, entered the space in a flash, and came out of the space again, carrying a large bucket full of water in his hand, took the broom head and was about to use it. After cleaning up, the sound of orderly footsteps suddenly came from the alley outside.

Si Ningning looked up and saw that the man standing outside the pig pen was looking at her intensely.

Si Ningning's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and she thought to herself that she just entered the space and came out immediately. If she had been slower, she might have been caught on the spot.

But just thinking about it, I don’t know why, Si Ningning was a little embarrassed and embarrassed to be alone with Huo Lang all of a sudden.

"What's the matter?" Si Ningning calmed down and asked two questions, "Don't you have to go to work?"

“I guess you should be here at this time, so come and take a look.” Huo Lang raised his chin and motioned for Si Ningning to come out.

He originally stretched out his hand to help, but thought of something, Huo Lang reached out halfway and pulled back, "I have something to tell you."

Si Ningning thought it was something serious and was worried that the pig would knock over the bucket, so she carried the bucket to the wall and then got out of the pig pen.

Si Ningning patted the unnecessary dust on his sleeves, looked at Huo Lang and asked, "What is it?"

"I took over the task temporarily. I have to go to the commune to get the approval slip. I should also go to the county later. Why don't you write a letter to your family first? The county can send telegrams and make phone calls."

As Huo Lang said, he lifted up his long legs and stepped into the pig pen in front of Si Ningning, taking over the work she had not had time to do just now.

"Alas..." Si Ningning stretched out her hand and said "Alas" without stopping her at all. Seeing that Huo Lang was already busy working, she said no more. Si Ningning was a little moved just thinking about going to the county that Huo Lang mentioned just now.

But the thought returned, Si Ningning shook her head and said, "Thank you, Comrade Huo Lang. But I'm afraid it won't work this time... The production team is busy everywhere, and it's hard to find time to go out."

She really wanted to go, but how could she have the nerve to ask Zhao Hongbing for leave at this time?

Even if he had the nerve to ask, Zhao Hongbing would definitely not agree.

Si Ningning simply gave up the idea, but Huo Lang’s confident voice came out at this moment:

 “If you want to go, you can go.”

 “I’ll take care of the other things.”

Si Ningning was stunned, lying on the edge of the pig pen and looking at Huo Lang, "Why are you so nice to me?"

The entire pig pen was silent for a moment, only the sounds of birds chirping and the sound of a few pigs feeding troughs were heard.

Holang was silent and asked: "If you help me, I will help you. Is it any wonder?"

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and chuckled, then glanced at the floor of the pig pen, "What about this? Is it because I helped you?"

"If you understand it this way, there's nothing wrong with it." Huo Lang flushed the pig pen, raised his chin and asked Si Ningning to stand aside, "The water is gone, I'll get it."

Si Ningning nodded, took two steps back, looked at Huo Lang with deer-like eyes, and said, "Then, I'll leave it to you to go to the county?"

 “Easy to say.”

  Holland stepped out of the pig pen, picked up the bucket and walked towards the back of the pig pen.

Si Ningning watched him walk away, shook his head with a smile, and scooped two more scoops of swill into the trough.

The two were chatting and laughing, but little did they know that outside the alley not far from the pig pen, a tall man holding a gun was standing with his back pressed against the outer wall of the alley, his back to the two of them.

Mo Bei has never been able to find a chance to talk to Si Ningning. He was counting the time and wanted to wait until Si Ningning came to the pig pen to talk to him, but now...

Mo Bei lowered his eyes and clasped the gun shoulder with his slender fingers.

 It seems like there is nothing more to say.


 His guess is right.

Does he like Si Ningning?


 But from this moment on, no.

Mo Bei's jawline was tense. When he raised his eyes again, they were all cold and cold. He picked up the musket and left decisively.

With the help of Huo Lang, the work in the pig pen was quickly finished. The two of them had agreed to go to the county, and Si Ningning was ready to go to the threshing floor.

Before leaving, Huo Lang held her pigtail again and said, "Put the bucket over here. I'll come over and help you clean it up when I have time."

 Because he was in a good mood, Si Ningning just put on her braids and was not angry.

As for Huo Lang's proposal, Si Ningning did not refute it. She subconsciously believed that Huo Lang was helping her just like she was helping He Gu.

 When the harvest is almost restored in the future, this relationship will naturally end.

 Leaving the pig pen, Si Ningning went to the threshing floor.

Just like yesterday when she left the threshing floor and her uncles and aunts were talking, the work of winnowing millet had already been taken over by others.

Si Ningning stepped forward. Before she could speak, the uncle who was busy winnowing the millet waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, Si Zhiqing, you'd better go and turn the straw. I'll do the work of winnowing the millet."

Si Ningning’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, a little confused.

Another sister-in-law on the side advised: "Yes, Si Zhiqing, we lesbians have limited strength. We can get twice the result with half the effort by digging grass. If you are raising millet, you will be tired and you won't be able to keep up with the progress!"

This makes sense. Si Ningning was afraid that she would delay everyone's progress, so she had no choice but to give up.

In fact, Si Ningning could also see that this was everyone's concern for her, so before walking away, she sincerely thanked the uncle who took over her job of raising corn: "Uncle, thank you."

 “What’s the harm?” The uncle smiled, waved his hand and continued working.

Si Ningning took out the wooden twig stuck in the straw pile nearby and helped turn over the straw.

In the morning, the rice is spread all over the threshing floor. After being crushed back and forth by the oxen with the stone roller, most of the grains have been separated. In order to prevent the straw from remaining on the threshing floor, the straw must be turned over and crushed again by the oxen and the stone roller. It took two times to gather them together and pile them aside.

This work is basically not difficult, except that the dust is a bit heavy and you have to stand in the sun.

Si Ningning lowered her head and was busy, her movements changed from clumsy to swift, and she basically forgot about the noisy children around her.

Until the aunt next to her reminded her: "Si Zhiqing, Si Zhiqing? What are those dolls calling you?!"

"Ah? Oh!" Si Ningning came to her senses, and a few bald guys wearing sacks stood nearby and looked at her, shouting: "Old Si Laosi, my mother said you would teach us how to read. Is it true? Then when do we start?”

At first Si Ningning thought the children were calling her "Laosi", but later she realized the accent of the local dialect and realized that the children were calling her "teacher".

Si Ningning was at a loss for words for a moment, and her face turned red.

To be honest, calling her "teacher" made her feel embarrassed.

But looking at the expectant and eager eyes of the little carrot heads, Si Ningning thought for a while and said: "I can't spare much time to teach you how to read now, but if you are willing, I can teach you other things first."

 “Yes! We are willing!”

Not even knowing what Si Ningning wanted to teach, the little carrots answered in unison.

Some of these children came here out of their own curiosity about reading and literacy, and some of them came here because their parents said that if people want to have a great future, they must read and understand.

A group of children stood together and said they were really making a fuss, but while they were making a fuss, there was also an inexplicable sense of orderliness.

He Gu was squatting in a shady place, and when he saw everyone making noises, he couldn't help but get closer.

Si Ningning saw everything in his eyes, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I know everyone's wishes. Let's go sit under the shade of the tree for a while. I have to think about it first."

Sent away a group of little carrot heads, Si Ningning plowed the grass while thinking.

 Teaching people how to read and write is definitely not feasible now.

 Firstly, there is no time, and secondly, there is no such condition.

 (End of this chapter)

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