Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 171: Academician Liang

Chapter 171 Academician Liang

 But in fact, Si Ningning put the basket into the space early in the morning...

With no weight on his body, Si Ningning's steps became brisk. He walked from the educated youth point to the production team in seven or eight minutes. From a distance, he saw a tall, strong man standing in the hazy light.


At this point, all the members were lying on the bed, wondering whether to sleep for a while or get up directly. There was no one outside who would be waiting here. Who else could be there but Holang?

Si Ningning picked up her steps and ran over. When she arrived in front of Huo Lang, before she could say anything about the question, she heard Huo Lang say:

 “Why is your hair tied like this today?”

The little girl had her hair **** today, and she hugged her slender, white neck. Just like when they first met, she was so fragile that she could break it without much effort.

"What? Are you afraid that I will pull your pigtails?" Huo Lang asked teasingly.

 …Annoying guy!

“You pulled someone’s pigtails, do you have the nerve to say so?” Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang, then touched a handful of his hair with his backhand.

The braid is braided from the left side of the head to the right side. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary braid, but it is actually much more troublesome than braiding.

However, the reason why I tied my hair up was partly to be wary of Huo Lang, but more importantly because of the hot weather. The long braid fell on the back of my head, and I often sweated on the back of my neck.

Si Ningning looked back, holding the strap of her backpack on her chest with her small hands, and took a step forward to walk side by side with Huo Lang, "Let's not talk about this anymore. I have something to ask you!"

"What's the matter?" Huo Lang tilted his head and asked her, then took a step ahead of Si Ningning, "It's dewy this morning, so follow me."

Si Ningning paused slightly and couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

 When she slowed down, Huo Lang turned around in confusion and said, "Let's go."

"...Oh!" Si Ningning responded in a dull voice, shaking off the strange thoughts that flashed through his mind, regaining his usual vigor, and running behind him in small steps, "I went to open a letter of introduction yesterday, and the captain said something strange. Weird words...Tell me honestly, did you get some work for me?"

"Well..." Holang paused and laughed hoarsely, "There is something, but you don't have to worry, it's just an excuse."

 After saying that, he turned sideways and glanced at Si Ningning with a smile, "I will take care of it."

“But what is going on?” Si Ningning pursed her rosy lips, “Why didn’t you tell me in advance?”

Huo Lang's deep brows furrowed slightly, thinking that Si Ningning was impatient because he was forced to take over the "troublesome" matter. For a moment, a feeling flashed in Huo Lang's heart.

 Disappointment, loss...a little complicated.

Just when Huo Lang thought that Si Ningning was not as flexible and transparent as he imagined, the corner of his clothes on his back was suddenly grabbed by a vague gravity.

The little girl babbled and said: "If there is something I can do my best to do, I will definitely help."

“But can you tell me first next time?”

“What if you promise someone and I really can’t do it, what will everyone think of me in the future?”

  The clear voice was a little angry and a little helpless.

Horang’s deep brows were raised, and his sinking heart suddenly became enlightened.


If Si Ningning was a person who disliked trouble, he would not have asked to help Hegu from the beginning...

 What was he thinking just now? You actually think Si Ningning is that kind of person?

Huo Lang sighed, his mood suddenly brightened, but at this moment, the clothes on his back were suddenly scratched again, and Si Ningning's voice was obviously higher: "I'm talking to you!"

 “I heard it.” Huo Lang responded teasingly, and then said: “I know.”

"Then why don't you tell me what's going on?" Perhaps it was because they were so familiar with each other, or maybe it was because they had been taken care of by Huo Lang more times, Si Ningning's tone was filled with emotion. There was a hint of coquettishness that even she herself was not aware of.

"Okay, let me tell you." Huo Lang smiled hoarsely and explained the matter: "Actually..."

 In fact, it was the midsummer harvest season, and a new batch of grain was harvested. Apart from the public grain handed over to the commune, there was still a lot left in the production team.

The grain is usually stored in the warehouse or granary of the production team. After the grain is harvested in the autumn, it is calculated according to the work points of the commune members for a year, and is divided among each household at the end of the year.

The three teams of grain are stored in the warehouse. They are usually watched by scorers during the day. People from the security team occasionally pass by on patrol at night. It is easy to guard against people who steal food, but it is hard to say about mice that can burrow.

 So we need a cat that guards the granary.

 But these days, when people don’t have enough to eat, how can there be any leftover food to raise cats?

There are wild cats, but those things are like spirits, but no one can catch them.

The only place where Nekomata happened to be known by Huo Lang was in the county.

Si Ningning was confused when he heard this, "You know where there is a cat? Couldn't you just borrow one or just bring it back with you? I don't need to go there, right?"

Si Ningning didn’t understand why Zhao Hongbing agreed.

Huo Lang laughed and explained in a low voice: "I told the captain that the cat owner is a cultural person with a bad temper. Si Zhiqing's culture is among the top among the educated youth. Maybe it can be done by letting her go. "

Si Ningning was at a loss for words for a while.

 If you put it this way, does this seem to make sense?

 But it seems a bit far-fetched...

Si Ningning was hesitant. As he spoke, he walked to the rope bridge in the mountains. It was already dark, and there was a military green pickup truck parked on the other side of the rope bridge.

  It’s the one that brought Holang back last time.

Si Ningning turned her head to look at Huo Lang, and Huo Lang also turned his head to look at her, with a smile on his tough face, "I will go to the county on this day of every month."

 That's why the pickup truck is waiting here in advance.

Si Ningning nodded, not surprised that Huo Lang would choose this day to enter the county.

She went from the county train station to the commune, and the tractor swayed for more than two hours.

If you don’t have a car to travel here, you will probably have to walk all day on your legs.

The two of them got into the car. Huo Lang got into the passenger seat and Si Ningning took the back seat. During this period, Huo Lang made a brief introduction: "This is Xiaodan (shan) and this is Si Zhiqing."

“Hello, Si Zhiqing, my name is Shan Mantang. You can call me Xiao Dan or Comrade Shan.” The driver, Shan Mantang, greeted Si Ningning from the rearview mirror.

Si Ningning curled her lips and nodded in response, "Hello, Comrade Shan."

Hunter Huo Lang was talking to Shan Mantang for a long time. Si Ningning didn't listen much. Occasionally, one or two things came into his ears, such as "patrol", "recruit selection" and so on.

 It should be related to Holang's work in the county. Si Ningning didn't pay attention and looked out the window. He was originally looking at the scenery. However, because he was busy too late last night and got up too early this morning, Si Ningning's eyelids were already fighting after a while.

After a few more minutes, Si Ningning tilted her head, and her whole body slowly tilted to one side along the back of the chair in the jolts, until she completely sank into the seat.

 The moment Si Ningning fell asleep, the car became quiet.

Shan Mantang glanced at the rearview mirror and was too embarrassed to look further, "Comrade Huo Lang, is this your partner?"

Huo Lang was shocked by the word "object", and quickly reacted and explained: "It's an educated youth on the team who went to the county to do business. I took him along for the ride."


The car swayed to the county, and Si Ningning didn't sleep well all the way. Almost as soon as the pickup truck stopped, her eyelids trembled and she opened them.

His thoughts were still a little dazed, and the car door beside him was opened. Huo Lang bent over and looked over, "Are you awake?"

"Well..." Si Ningning yawned and nodded, moving out to get out of the car, "Are you here already?"


 Huo Lang responded. After Si Ningning got out of the car, he turned to the passenger window and greeted Dan Mantang, "I'm dealing with some personal matters. Please help me bring a message to the division commander. I will arrive on time in an hour."

"Copy that, don't worry, Comrade Huo Lang, I will definitely bring your message!" Shan Mantang smiled, glanced at Si Ningning behind Huo Lang, then stepped on the accelerator and turned around to leave.

 “Let’s go.” Huo Lang said, but the man was already walking in front.

Si Ningning followed behind, "Are you going to find the cat now?"

"No." Huo Lang shook his head, and no matter what Si Ningning asked him, he didn't say anything.

Si Ningning walked behind him in confusion for a few minutes. Huo Lang suddenly stopped in front of him. She paused and looked up. She was dumbfounded.

 “State or state-owned hotel?”

Huo Lang turned his head and looked at Si Ningning, "Eat first."

 Before Si Ningning could say anything else, Huo Lang had already crossed the threshold in a big stride.

"..." Si Ningning passively entered the state-owned hotel. As soon as he entered, he heard Huo Lang say: "Go to the second floor and find a place first. I will come right away."

Si Ningning had no choice but to comply.

The county state-owned hotel is much larger than the state-owned hotel in the town, with a wider space. The paint on the tables, chairs and benches is also half-new or 80% new, and it looks different.

Si Ningning chose a seat near the window and sat down. She noticed that there was a clock hanging between the slogans on the wall. She quickly touched the sweater rope around her neck and took out the "pocket watch" with the strap removed from the collar.

Si Ningning had previously adjusted the time on the production team based on the whistle on and off work. Now she compared it with the wall clock in the hotel and found that the time on her watch was twelve minutes slower, which was not bad. The time was not far apart. That's an exaggeration.

Si Ningning adjusted the time on the watch according to the time on the wall clock. After adjusting, he stuffed the watch back into his clothes, just as Huo Lang came up from downstairs carrying a tray.

 “Here!” Si Ningning raised her hand and waved.

 When Huo Lang came closer and put down the tray, Si Ningning glanced at it and called him a good guy.

Two servings of shredded pork noodles with pickled vegetables, one serving of braised pork with pickled vegetables, four sesame shortbreads, and a plate of clear cabbage sum.

There were both meat and vegetables, most of which were fine grains. While Si Ningning was sizing up the food, a bowl of noodles was handed to her, and it was clearly arranged for her.

This meal costs at least two yuan.

Si Ningning ate the noodles slowly, "I'll give you my share later."

 “Let’s eat first,” said Huo Lang.

Si Ningning just eats the noodles in silence.

Huo Lang took a big sip and inadvertently raised his eyes to see Si Ningning eating slowly. He stared at it for a while and suddenly said: "After dinner, I will take you to send a telegram first... If you remember where your home is, Phone, you can make a phone call.”

"After you finish this matter, I think you need to wait for a while while I deal with the matters in the county... After that, I will take you around the county, and we will go back to the independent team later."

Si Ningning had been listening silently. When she heard the end, she frowned and asked in confusion, "That cat?"

"Cat..." Huo Lang paused for a moment, then laughed and shook his head, "I blame me for not making it clear to you before. Academician Liang has a weird temper. It's impossible to borrow the cat from her."

Si Ningning frowned even more tightly, "Then you still agree to the captain?"

“If you can’t borrow the cat, just go back and buy some more mouse traps.” Huo Lang lowered his head and took another sip of noodles.

They are tough and handsome, and they are not like the vases or little fresh meat of later generations, who deliberately take into account their image and so on. It is more natural and comfortable to get along with them.

However, at this moment, Si Ningning still felt a little unhappy in her heart. She frowned and looked at Huo Lang with a pair of deer eyes, "A cat is a cat, and a mousetrap is a mousetrap. You are not like this." Fooling the captain?"

Huo Lang had just finished finishing his bowl of noodles. He raised his head and looked directly at Si Ningning with his deep peach blossom eyes.

There was not much expression on his face, but his expression seemed to be asking Si Ningning: What do you think?

Si Ningning averted her eyes unnaturally when he stared at her. After all, this excuse was given by Huo Lang to bring her to the county.

 But he went back without even trying. Si Ningning always felt very unwilling to do so. "How can you know if it works if you don't try? What if it works? What if it works?"

"Do you know where Academician Liang usually stays? Maybe I can give it a try?" Si Ningning pondered for a moment, then added: "I have already sent a letter to my family before, and there is nothing I need to tell them by telegram now. …You can go and get busy with work, and I’ll go find Academician Liang myself during this time.”

 The dinner table suddenly became quiet.

Si Ningning looked at the silent Huo Lang across the table and cautiously asked: "No way? Huo Lang!"

Si Ningning was crying in a long and mournful voice. She was obviously asking for help, but to others' ears, it sounded like she was coquettish.

"No. Okay." Huo Lang raised his eyebrows slightly, shook his head first, and then nodded. He picked up a shortbread and took a bite, "Then let's do it. After dinner, you go to the party committee department with me first, and we'll join you when we're done. Find Academician Liang.”

 The party committee department... looked very serious upon hearing this.

Si Ningning hesitated for a moment, but instead of rushing to agree, he asked, "When will you finish your work? Or when can we go find Academician Liang."

Holang thought about it in his mind and said: "It will be almost two o'clock in the afternoon."

 It's two o'clock...

Si Ningning glanced at the wall facing Huo Lang's back. It was now 9:22 in the morning, almost five hours before two in the afternoon.

After thinking clearly, Si Ningning resisted and said: "I won't go with you. It's rare for me to come back to the county. I want to take a look around. Well... we met here before two o'clock, and then we will go to see Academician Liang. OK?"

 (End of this chapter)

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