Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 172: Textile factory family building

Chapter 172 Textile factory family building

Holang glanced at Si Ningning up and down and asked her: "Are you okay? If you get lost..."

"The county is not in the mountains, and I can speak and read. If you can't find me, just ask someone for directions. Don't underestimate me!" Si Ningning snorted and glared at Huo Lang, and stretched out his chopsticks on the pickles. With a chopstick stuck in the meat, in the blink of an eye, Si Ningning was instantly diverted and exclaimed: "Isn't it meat with pickles? Why don't you see pickles? Are these dried beans?"

“The braised pork with cowpeas is a specialty of Xixian County. Try it and see that it tastes no worse than the braised pork with pickles and vegetables in state-owned restaurants in big cities.” Huo Lang said, and naturally gave Si Ningning a chopstick.

But what he put in was not dried beans, but three very solid pieces of meat, so that the meat in the bowl was reduced by one-third.

Si Ningning didn’t expect it and could only watch the meat being put into the bowl.

Pork and pickled cabbage noodles are a kind of clear soup noodles. Put a few pieces of meat into the bowl, and the oil will spread instantly.

Most of them are meaty. The aboriginal residents in the 1970s would have loved to eat them. But Si Ningning is different. She comes from the future. What kind of delicious food has she not eaten?

Si Ningning can’t eat fat meat at all, and she prefers lean meat to fat meat.

But now that the meat has been put into the bowl, it cannot be taken back to Huo Lang, let alone wasted.

Si Ningning sighed lightly, bowed his back slightly with a feeling of despair, picked up a piece of meat and took a small bite.


How to say?

 In fact, it doesn’t feel very greasy. The lean meat part is a bit greasy, and the fat part is very soft and waxy. Only the edge of the skin is a little hard. As for the taste...

 It’s a bit like sauce-flavored pork, but the meat is juicier and tastes smoother than sauce-flavored pork.

good smell.

Si Ningning felt that it would be better to eat this meat with rice.

After finishing the meat, Si Ningning picked up another chopstick of dried beans.

The green beans are wrinkled, and both in color and appearance, they look like dry old branches, but the taste is amazing to Si Ningning.

Although the beans are dry, if you chew the beans hidden inside, they will have a glutinous texture. In addition, when they are steamed in the pot, the beans absorb the soup and fat that overflow from the meat, and the vegetarian and meat neutralize each other. Not only It's not greasy, and the more you chew it, the more delicious it becomes. It's simply more enjoyable than eating meat!

 After that, Si Ningning sternly refused Huo Lang’s several attempts to pinch meat. Instead, she rounded up the remaining dried beans at the bottom of the bowl.

By the time Si Ningning finished cleaning up the dishes, he leaned back on the chair with his bulging belly and sighed comfortably. Over there, Huo Lang had finished four sesame shortbread cookies and was almost full. "Is it delicious?"

 “It’s not just delicious? It’s simply a blessing!” Si Ningning sighed.

 There are both meat and vegetables, and the taste is passable. The most important thing is that she is only responsible for eating and does not need to cook it herself. Isn’t this considered happiness?

“Come back next time when you have time. When the lotus roots come out in winter, you can come over and try the lotus root clips... Do you know? There is a lake in H Province, and the lotus roots coming out of there all have nine holes.”

 Nine-hole lotus root?

Si Ningning became a little interested.

She had heard about the nine-hole lotus root before and knew it was produced somewhere in the south, but she never expected that it would be so close to her now, in the same province!

Si Ningning wanted to ask a few more questions, but Huo Lang glanced out the window and said, "It's almost time, I have to leave. You..."

"Can one person really do it?" Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning hesitantly, "It's better to follow me back to the party committee department first. If you want to wander around the county, I'll say hello to Xiao Dan and ask him to drive you."

As if to convince Si Ningning, Huo Lang deliberately added: "It's more impressive to ride in a pickup truck."

“…” There was a row of black lines on Si Ningning’s forehead. She cleared her throat and refused again. “It’s really not necessary. I’ll just walk around and won’t lose it. I’m not a child.”

Si Ningning was firm, and Huo Lang had no choice but to agree.

They made an appointment to meet at the state-owned hotel at two o'clock. Huo Lang got up to leave. He took out a few tickets from his pocket and handed them to Si Ningning, asking her to buy food for lunch. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached out, Si Ningning took the tickets. The little hand holding colorful bills also handed over.

Two hands, one big and one small, are on the mid-air line.

Si Ningning raised his eyes and looked at Huo Lang, puzzled, "What are you doing?"

 “What do you do?” Holang asked.

"Here are the money tickets for you. For lunch, we... just ate, my share." Si Ningning explained, and then she found out the reason why Huo Lang gave her the money tickets, and she almost laughed out of anger.

Si Ningning exhaled and glanced at Huo Lang with his clear deer eyes, "Are you treating me like your partner? Or are you treating me like a child?"

Horang was speechless.

He definitely didn't treat Si Ningning as an object, but at this moment, he couldn't say the words "treat the child" under Si Ningning's gaze.

 Otherwise, based on his understanding of this girl, she would definitely jump up and yell at him, "Who is the child?"

Huo Lang rubbed his hair on his forehead and stood up, "Okay, I'll go work first. Don't forget two o'clock. If you can't find it, just ask the party committee department. There is the tallest building in the county. Most people know it.”

“Okay, I understand, go ahead!” Si Ningning waved her hands impatiently.

Even if Holang didn't say it, she felt something.

Children should be children. Anyway, we should be reasonable and get along with each other as we should. Basically, there is no difference.

 Wanting to think about it, Si Ningning snorted again unconsciously as she looked at Huo Lang's back disappearing at the top of the stairs, "You're obviously not a few years older than me..."

The sound of teeth grinding when the summer wind moved the window coffins brought back Si Ningning's thoughts.

Si Ningning patted her face and went downstairs to ask the lady at the counter where there was a toilet. She learned that the state-owned hotel had an independent toilet. Si Ningning followed the prompts to find the toilet. During the process, she looked along the road and found that the toilet was facing the back door of the hotel. The back door was now wide open. , and there are people carrying mesh bags delivering potatoes to the kitchen.

Si Ningning's mind was slightly moved. After entering the toilet, she locked the door latch with her backhand. After five or six minutes, she came out of the toilet looking like a thin boy.

Si Ningning carried an empty backpack and quickly left from the back door of the state-owned hotel.

Si Ningning doesn’t come to the county often, the terrain is unfamiliar, and time is limited. Si Ningning only covered her face this time. In order to walk faster and save time, she put on a pair of flat black cloth shoes. Xi County is much larger than Bahe Town, and the alleys are complicated. Si Ningning almost got lost, and finally followed the dim voices of people before gradually returning to the main road.

There are a lot of people on the street. Occasionally, you can see one or two men in white coats riding fast 28-inch bicycles. Judging from their appearance, if they are not regular factory workers, they should be directors of supply and marketing cooperatives or department store managers. Such characters.

Si Ningning walked and looked around, and unknowingly came to a small bungalow with a guest house sign. Inside, an aunt wearing a headscarf came out to take out the trash. Si Ningning stepped forward to greet her, "Auntie !”

As he spoke, he added another slogan: "Study hard and make progress every day! Auntie, can I ask you something?"

Si Ningning scratched behind her ears in embarrassment. Compared with her previous image of a handsome young man, she deliberately stuttered when she spoke this time and had a shy look on her face. The first impression she gave was that of a young man who was still shy. baby.

As expected, the aunt didn’t have any precaution at all. She patted the back of the dustpan she was using to shovel the garbage with the broom. After taking out the garbage, she grabbed Si Ningning’s arm and took her to the roadside. “What’s the matter, little comrade?”

“I, my eldest sister gave birth to a baby, and my mother asked me to come to the county to deliver something. She said what kind of factory it was, but I forgot about it. Now I can’t find the place..."

“Hey, it’s a happy thing to have more people!” The aunt praised at first. Seeing Si Ningning’s anxious expression, she quickly comforted her: “Comrade, don’t worry, there are only a few factories in the county, ah…”

The aunt thought for a moment, then held the broom and dustpan with her arm and counted them with her fingers, "There are a textile factory, a brick factory, and a slaughterhouse, just these three."

Si Ningning thought for a moment and said, "Auntie, I remembered that my mother told me to go to the textile factory!"

Seeing that Si Ningning remembered, the aunt breathed a sigh of relief and was happy for her, but then she asked: "Comrade, is your eldest sister a family member or a worker?"

Upon hearing this, Si Ningning made some guesses. It was estimated that the county factory and the family building should be in different places.

fair enough…

Thinking about it, Si Ningning replied: "My eldest sister is a family member. My brother-in-law works in a textile factory. My eldest sister comes with me to take care of my brother-in-law's daily life."

The aunt at the guest house immediately smiled and pointed the direction to Si Ningning and said: "You follow this road to the end, then turn left and walk to the end, then turn left and walk for 200 meters. , saw the alley full of clothes, that was the family building of the textile factory. "

"You, go there and look for someone to ask. If you still can't ask, just call and try. If your sister just gave birth to a baby, she must be in the house and not come out."

“Okay, thank you, aunt!” Si Ningning grinned, bowed deeply to the aunt, then turned and left.

 The time is too short to find out where the black market is in S County. You can try it at the back door of the factory, but you have to wait until the workers leave work at noon. The time is too tight.

 Thinking about it, there is no place more suitable than the family building.

 The population is densely populated, and at least one person in the family works in a factory, with the main source of income, and the money in hand is relatively flexible.

Before going to the textile factory's family building, Si Ningning asked someone for directions again, bought a small scale in the department store, and then set off towards the destination.

The family building stands behind an alley. Most of the outer walls of the building are peeling off. There are obvious cracks in parts of the building. There are also traces of rain soaked and moss growing.

The aisle between the family building and the alley is even more stretched with countless ropes, which are filled with all kinds of patched clothes and coats.

It was said to be a family building, but Si Ningning’s first impression was that it looked more like a slum.

 The feeling of crowding and clutter is worse than the residential buildings I saw in the town before.

Can those things of hers really be sold?

 Already here, there is no reason to give up without giving it a try...

Si Ningning encouraged herself, squatted down and put down the empty basket on her shoulders as if searching for something. She lifted a corner of the covering fabric with her small hands, reached into the basket and took out some things from the space.

Si Ningning carried the basket in front of her and looked at it as she walked.

In the three-meter-wide corridor, many aunts and young wives were washing clothes in basins. Those with children at home would put a bucket next to them and put the children in the bucket to avoid falling and crawling around. It happens that the baby cannot be found.

Si Ningning walked around, not daring to speak rashly, for fear of causing trouble.

Those aunts and sisters-in-law noticed Si Ningning, but looking at Si Ningning's outfit and the fabric alone, they thought it was a brother or nephew from some family who came over, and they didn't think about it at all.

Si Ningning just walked and stopped like this, never finding a chance to speak. Just when she turned around and was about to walk back, she suddenly heard two deliberately lowered voices talking:

"Damn it, I can't even envy you! Marrying a good man is a woman's second reincarnation. It's a pity that we didn't meet a master who will love his wife... Look at Liu Xiaohui? She gave birth to two children in a row. This girl’s man is still in terrible pain! That brown sugar and egg thing is there every day.”

“Isn’t that so? Brown sugar is expensive, but you can buy it at supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. You said those eggs are so hard to snatch, where did her man get them?”

"Where else?" The woman's voice was lowered due to caution, "Have you never been to the black market in the county? I got it from there... It's a pity that we don't have the courage. If we had the courage, we could-"

 The sound stopped suddenly, and the two young wives discussing in the corner both raised their heads and looked at the young man with a bright smile in front of them.

Zhou Cuihua twitched her lips and asked hesitantly: "Comrade, what's the matter with you?"

"Two sisters-in-law, I want to ask you something." Si Ningning put down the basket, pretended to be honest and opened the sealing cloth on it, and directly showed the contents to the two of them. She grinned and asked, " My eldest sister’s name is Zhu Honghua. She moved in with her brother-in-law two months ago. My mother told me that my eldest sister was going to give birth and asked me to send her something. I’ve been looking for her for a long time but I can’t find her. Do you know her?”

"Is she a family member of the textile factory? There is no name Zhuhong here -" Zhou Cuihua was mid-sentence when she was pulled by Yang Yun on the side.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Cuihua clicked her tongue. Yang Yun first shook her head, and then raised her chin towards the basket.

Zhou Cuihua's eyes were fixed on the things in the basket on Si Ningning's back. Her throat rolled and she swallowed. She completely forgot what Si Ningning asked just now. She grabbed the edge of the basket before Si Ningning covered it with a cloth, " Sell ​​it? Sell it? Or tickets?”

Zhou Cuihua raised her head and looked at Si Ningning with eyes like a hungry wolf.

Si Ningning’s mouth twitched. Originally, he wanted to make a pretense, but now there is no need to do so...

She pursed her lips and nodded lightly.

Yang Yun waved, and the three of them walked towards the blind corner of the wall together.

 (End of this chapter)

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