Chapter 173 Half Root

 “This meat is good, this meat is good!” Zhou Cuihua nodded fiercely, “Little comrade, how much does it cost per pound?”

This silly woman... started boasting before she even knew the price. How could she bargain for it later?

Yang Yun twitched the corner of her mouth and quickly pushed away Zhou Cuihua's hand holding the basket, "Do you want a vote for this meat?"

"I just happened to be passing by and heard that my sisters-in-law were in need. I won't say anything else. If my sister-in-law plans to ask for it, I will give her an honest price. The pork is one yuan and eighty one catty, no fee. The lard suet is one yuan and ninety one catty."

This time Yang Yun couldn't hold it any longer and asked in surprise: "Is it true or not?"

She had actually been to the black market that Zhou Cuihua mentioned just now. She had met people selling meat somewhere before, but not much. They were all in small pieces. They were basically lean meat and looked like meat. The processing products cut off from the joint shop are the same.

 And the price is not cheap. Generally, the price depends on the time, usually between two yuan and two yuan.

 Looking at the meat in the basket of the young man in front of me, it is fatter and thinner, and it is oily. Just looking at it makes you drool.

But when she thought of something, Yang Yun glanced at Si Ningning up and down and saw that Si Ningning was not very old, only in his teens at most. He probably had little experience in reselling.

After pondering for a while and questioning, Yang Yun said: "On the black market, meat is only two pieces, two yuan and two pounds per pound. How can you buy it so cheap? The difference is several cents per pound. Isn't it diseased pork that was dragged from somewhere?!"

As soon as Si Ningning heard this, he understood what the other party meant.

This is because she said the price was cheap and I was tempted, but she still wanted to lower the price.

Si Ningning directly pushed away Zhou Cuihua's hand that was pulling up, covered the basket with fabric, frowned and was about to carry the basket on her back with an unhappy expression, "See what you said, sister-in-law, don't think about it because I'm young." Are you fooling me? Don’t forget it! I’ll send it to my sister!”

"Hey! Why are you so anxious, little comrade?" Yang Yun was anxious and quickly pulled Si Ningning back, "I want it, I want it! I owe it to you..."

As he spoke, he patted his mouth twice, glanced at Zhou Cuihua and Si Ningning, and said quietly, "Go to my house? It's just around the corner on the first floor!"

 This is a family building, and men like this are basically not at home, so the possibility of accidents is very small.

Si Ningning thought for a moment and nodded.

The three of them quickly moved to Yang Yun's house. According to Yang Yun's request, Si Ningning took out everything in the box one by one.

 Fifteen pounds of meat, four pounds of suet, and ten small bags each of milk powder and brown sugar wrapped in oil paper.

Si Ningning had weighed the meat in the space last night. Each piece weighed exactly one kilogram. He made holes and was skewered with pigweed vines in the space.

After placing the meat, Si Ningning put the scale she just bought aside and let them weigh it themselves. This made them feel more at ease and saved her trouble.

Zhou Cuihua neatly ordered two kilograms of suet and one kilogram of pork. Yang Yun, on the other hand, repeatedly selected from more than a dozen strips of meat.

Si Ningning was in a hurry and said, "Sister-in-law, the fat and leanness of this meat are the same. You know the price of pork on the black market, and you can definitely see that my meat is only better than that on the black market, not worse."

Indeed it is.

Yang Yun felt a little embarrassed, so she picked out five pieces of meat and asked Si Ningning to count the money.

Zhou Cuihua on the side asked with wide eyes: "Yang Yun, why did you buy so much? Can you handle the heat?"

"Why can't you let it go? I'll cut off the fat ones separately and boil them for oil. I'll go back to my parents' house in the afternoon and give one to my parents."

As soon as Zhou Cuihua heard this, she looked at the suet in her hand and suddenly felt that it didn't smell good.

yes! This meat has a lot of fat, and the fat meat can also be cooked in oil!

Thinking about it, Zhou Cuihua looked at Si Ningning sheepishly, "Little comrade, can I return my suet? Can I buy two more kilograms of meat?"

 “Okay!” Si Ningning nodded, since he hadn’t paid yet yet.

Zhou Cuihua returned the pork suet and ordered five pounds of pork. She and Yang Yun each paid nine yuan.

"It's hot today. It's going to stink if you carry such good meat out on your back. Do you think this is okay, little comrade? If you're not in a hurry, I'll go out and ask you how many good sisters I have." You can buy some too," Zhou Cuihua said.

Si Ningning nodded, "Okay, then I'll trouble my sister-in-law!"

Zhou Cuihua gave the money and then opened the door and went out.

Yang Yun scraped together, and she only had seven or eight yuan in hand, which was a bit embarrassing.

I was thinking of discussing it with Si Ningning, otherwise I would lose a piece of meat.

Si Ningning saw that her embarrassment was not a lie, and suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, your family members work in a textile factory, right? Do you have any cloth at home? You can handle anything, it's worth it."

"Yes, yes! Just wait." Yang Yun sent the meat to the kitchen, wiped her hands repeatedly with linen cloth, then walked into the room, rummaged under the wardrobe in the room for a long time, and pulled out a roll of slightly yellowed linen cloth, " Do you think this will work?”

Line cloth is second-grade cloth and is usually sent to supply and marketing cooperatives by textile factories.

This kind of cloth has a single color and is very thin. It is generally used as processing cloth. The supply and marketing cooperative sells it for 4 cents per foot, free of charge.

Si Ningning made a visual inspection and didn’t say anything about measuring it.

Yang Yun actually felt a little embarrassed when Si Ningning didn't ask her to make up the money. She always felt embarrassed that she had taken a big advantage.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Yun said: "Little comrade, your meat is really good. You can help my sister-in-law, and she will also help you. Please don't talk for a while and just look at my sister-in-law's eyes. Can you do that?"

Although he was a little confused and didn't know what the woman in front of him was doing, Si Ningning still nodded.

Zhou Cuihua quickly brought back several women, some older and some younger. As soon as they entered the house and saw the meat on the ground, their eyes lit up.

"How is it? Did I say it right?" Zhou Cuihua said proudly, as if all the meat belonged to her.

While everyone was looking at the meat, Yang Yun pulled Zhou Cuihua aside. After a few words to confirm that Zhou Cuihua had not mentioned the price, Yang Yun told Zhou Cuihua her thoughts.

Zhou Cuihua was a little hesitant: "Isn't this good? Everyone in the neighborhood..."

"What's wrong?" Yang Yun said "tsk", took Zhou Cuihua and glanced at Si Ningning, and continued: "We have already taken advantage. If we sell better, this little comrade will come here in the future. I will definitely get more discounts!" Zhou Cuihua was moved, "Okay, I'll do what you said!"

Si Ningning sat on an old chair nearby, drinking the cold drink that Yang Yun poured for her, and watched the two women who had reached an agreement sing and act in harmony:

"Pork is two yuan a pound, and suet is two yuan a pound. Hurry up! How long will it take if you don't take advantage of such a huge advantage?"

“That’s right, my nephew is leaving soon!”

Since the pork brought by Si Ningning sells well and the price is indeed much lower than that on the black market, with the praise of Yang Yun and Zhou Cuihua, the remaining five kilograms of meat and four kilograms of pork suet were quickly sold out. Even small packets of milk powder and brown sugar are sold in large quantities.

After sending those people away, Si Ningning counted the money tickets. He originally wanted to give some to Zhou Xiaocui and Yang Yun, but the two of them had the same attitude. They both waved their hands and refused to take it. They told Si Ningning to come back when he came down. , just give them a little more convenience.

Si Ningning agreed wholeheartedly, but sighed in her heart: She probably won’t come to this place a second time.

Coming out of the family building of the textile factory, Si Ningning took the thirty-seven yuan and sixty cents he had just earned and asked for the address of the family building of the slaughterhouse as usual. However, this time Si Ningning did not intend to sell meat.

 The families of textile factory workers usually do not lack cloth, and the families of slaughterhouse workers are not so greedy because they can eat it occasionally. However, they are just like ordinary people and have basically no way to obtain cloth and milk powder.

Si Ningning found a corner, put the cloth he had collected last night into a basket on his back, compacted it tightly, and then walked towards the family building of the slaughterhouse.

The most time-consuming part of last night's cleaning was weighing meat and cutting cloth. Using pig grass to skewer meat was relatively easy, but cutting cloth was really a disaster. It was difficult for one person to do it. Si Ningning had to break several pieces of cloth before he gradually got started.

Regarding the price of the fabric, Si Ningning originally wanted to sell it at a price of sixty cents per foot, free of charge. However, after having a brief chat with Yang Yun at the textile factory's family building, Si Ningning learned more. Therefore, the price of fabrics has also been adjusted to a certain extent.

The fabrics in the space were all purchased in the fabric city before traveling through time. They are available in various colors and styles, including thick fabrics used for curtains, and soft and breathable fabrics used for bedding, such as tablecloths with a texture that is easy to use as table decorations. Fabrics are also available.

 Although the materials are of different materials, the quality is the same.

Si Ningning priced them at 80 cents, 1.5 yuan and 2 yuan per foot respectively.

Compared with the prices of goods in today's era, this price may sound outrageous at first glance, but once you think about it, you don't need to vote, and if you put the quality on display and let people see it with your own eyes and touch it with your own hands, you will still buy what you should buy.

Si Ningning took the opportunity to leak something out at a corner of the family building of the slaughterhouse, and immediately someone sneakily came up to ask.

As Si Ningning expected before, some people turned around and left as soon as they heard the price, while others bought several feet after touching them, and some even bought some of different designs.

“This pattern is beautiful. My eldest daughter is getting married at the end of the year, so I’ll give it to her.”

“Hey, why would you buy such a good thing when you marry a girl? Why don’t you take it to your husband’s house and make it easier for her? You, you, are so stupid!”

"Fuck you, what does my love for my daughter have to do with my husband's family? I bought this for my daughter. Whoever wants to make this idea will first see if I agree with the butcher knife in my hand!"

The bald guy who was buying fabrics got into a conversation with the tall, skinny guy.

Si Ningning didn't want to make the matter a big deal and attract attention, so she rummaged under the basket, pulled out half a piece of fabric that had been cut crookedly, and handed it to the bald head. After that, she calmed down the matter and said, "It's my daughter's own pain. I agree." Uncle, if my daughter is wronged, she must step in to help. Otherwise, if you say this is the first time, there will be a second time? "

The tall and lanky man was in charge of cleaning the internal organs in the slaughterhouse. He knew that the bald man was the one who killed the pigs, and killing pigs was also a technical job. He knew that he was not as tough as the other person behind the scenes. The tall and lanky man nodded quickly and agreed with a smile, "That's right, that's right. This is actually what I mean too!”

The bald man snorted, took the half piece of cloth that Si Ningning handed over and carefully put it away, then smiled like Maitreya Buddha with a shiny face, "This cloth is a good thing, boy, I don't take it for nothing." It's yours. I just got a basket of big stick bones. Do you want it? I'll give you half of it!"

There is fresh pork in the space, and you can "dig" it if you want to eat stick bones. But these days, pork stick bones are also a good thing for ordinary people. It would be a fool to refuse, which would easily arouse suspicion.

Si Ningning said, "How about I dare you? Can you give me two? I'll take them back and feed them to my wife."

Without saying a word, the bald man walked ahead with his hand raised, gesturing for Si Ningning to follow him.

Si Ningning followed behind for a while. After turning the corner, there were several Chinese locust trees scattered on both sides of the road. A lot of garbage was piled under one of the trees. You could vaguely see the black marks burned by the fire. It should be like this at ordinary times. A garbage dump where garbage is piled up in a family building.

Si Ningning only glanced at it and looked away without paying much attention. But when he passed by, the garbage pile suddenly made a "crash" sound, and a man stood up, "Comrade Fang, you are finally back!"

The man was dressed in rags, his clothes were almost earth-colored and had nearly a hundred patches on them. When he squatted in the garbage pile, he instantly blended into the garbage pile.

Si Ningning didn’t even see the person there just now. The other person suddenly stood up, which really frightened her and made her jump up to three feet high.

"I go…"

Si Ningning patted her chest and cursed uncontrollably.

The bald man walking in front of her was also startled. After he saw the people in the garbage heap, the bald man let out a "tsk" and said impatiently, "Why are you here again? You said that you are a **** and you don't care about your appearance. Yeah, I’m always having **** here..."

Si Ningning finally realized that when the man dressed like a beggar called "Comrade Fang", he was calling the bald man in front of her.

And judging from the bald head's reaction, the two of them seem to be quite familiar?

The two people were talking, but Si Ningning didn't interrupt and just listened silently.

"Comrade Fang, I haven't been here for a few days. Do you have any stick bones here today? Can you give me some? I, I..." Comrade beggar glanced at Si Ningning, paused before continuing: "I This time I didn’t come empty-handed.”

As soon as these words came out, Si Ningning roughly knew that the other party's purpose was similar to hers, except that she came to sell things, while others came to buy things.

This woman dressed like a beggar has unkempt hair and looks ugly, but judging from her voice, she looks to be in her thirties or forties. From the appearance, she looks quite downcast, and she really doesn’t look like a wealthy owner.

 And that’s the case, wouldn’t it be nice to have some money to buy rice and grain? Came here to buy stick bones?

Si Ningning thought and shook her head.

 It’s better not to make generalizations, because it’s not possible for someone to have this need due to something.

The bald man sighed sadly, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I have a stick today, but I promised others first."

As he spoke, the bald man glanced at Si Ningning, and then continued: "I have to keep some for myself, so be it, I don't want your money anymore, I'll give you half of it this time."


Ah Yao muttered:

  Thank you all for the rewards~ Your support is the driving force for A Yao to persevere! Ah Yao will work hard~

 (End of this chapter)

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