Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 175: Si Ningning’s secret

Chapter 175 Si Ningning’s Secret

As Huo Lang said, those people did not have any malicious intent. After looking at it, someone curiously came forward to ask. When they learned the identities and purposes of Si Ningning and Huo Lang, they enthusiastically gave them directions:

“You follow this main road to the end. From there, turn left and you will see a thatched hut, where Academician Liang lives!”

"Thank you, uncle." Si Ningning loosened the hem of Huo Lang's clothes and bowed slightly to thank him.

The dark and thin man waved his hand "Haha", "What's the big deal? You go quickly, Academician Liang will not be at home if it's late."

Si Ningning nodded, looked sideways at Huo Lang, and the two of them walked in the direction pointed by the man.

When he first heard "thatched shed", Si Ningning didn't realize anything. After turning the corner and seeing the dilapidated thatched shed dozens of meters away, Si Ningning shook his head and raised his eyebrows in question: "Academician Liang, Just live here?”

The thatched shed is black and gray, and the thatch is almost rotten. Supporting the weight of the shed are two tree trunks as thick as wrists, one of which stands crookedly, and the whole thing does not even have a proper door.

Now the door is just a disassembled snakeskin bag, with holes cut out at the edges, and a hemp rope threaded through it and tied hastily to the top of the door frame.

  It is used as a cover by falling from top to bottom, but it cannot actually cover anything. It will be lifted up when the wind blows. When there is no wind, as long as you squat down, you can clearly see everything inside.

The entire shed is not only old and dilapidated, but also shaky and in danger of collapsing at any time.

Huo Lang didn't expect to see such a scene. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly opened his mouth and speculated: "Humans, life is not long or short. Some people go smoothly, and of course there are also people who walk in adversity. middle."

The meaning of this seems unclear, but Si Ningning can probably understand it.

 Probably, she is in the same situation as Mrs. Hu on the team...

“Let’s not talk too much, let’s go over and take a look first!” Si Ningning held on to the strap of her backpack, adjusted the backpack that had been moved to her lower back during walking, and took the lead in taking steps. “We will make a decision after looking at the overall situation.”

 Academician Liang is a veterinarian and must have raised animals himself. When he walked near the hay shed, he could smell the smell of cat urine.

Si Ningning has also had the experience of raising a cat before, so she is very familiar with the smell.

There was a "thumping" sound coming from the hay shed, like something being cut with a dull knife, or like the sound of a few small stones being put into a closed iron box and then being shaken.

Si Ningning stood at the door and called tentatively through the snakeskin bag curtain: "Academician Liang, are you at home?"

No one responded, and the "thumping" sound inside suddenly stopped. Judging from the situation, there should be someone there.

Si Ningning licked her lips nervously, and after thinking about the words in her mind, she began to tell her the reason for her visit: "Academician Liang, I am an educated youth from Bahe Commune. I have something to ask you when I come here. If possible, I can talk to you face to face. Say?"


 There was still no movement in the house.

Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Huo Lang, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. Just for a moment, she looked at the door and shouted tentatively: "Liang Yuan..."

Before he could shout this time, there was a sudden loud bang behind him. Si Ningning was so focused that she was completely unprepared for what was behind her. Suddenly, she was startled by the loud noise.

Huo Lang turned around before her, and a strong arm was already in front of Si Ningning, protecting her behind him in a protective posture.

Si Ningning turned around and saw a pile of rotten wood and dry firewood piled at his feet behind him, as well as some bags with various dirt hanging on them. Because he was thrown heavily to the ground, some wet dirt was bounced back. It splashed on the clothes of Si Ningning and Huo Lang.

Standing in different directions, most of the dirt was blocked by Huo Lang. Si Ningning could see the situation clearly and frowned slightly. But when she saw the person standing outside the eaves, her eyebrows relaxed, and her deer eyes gradually widened in surprise. : "You...are you Academician Liang?"

The person standing in the sun outside the hay shed was the woman Si Ningning met in the family building of the slaughterhouse before, wasn't she?

The woman with obvious scars on her face.

 She is Academician Liang?

Si Ningning was a little unbelievable, but if the other party was not the one, then he wouldn't leave his things at the door and stand here to confront them as if facing a formidable enemy, right?

 In the context of this era, women's status is still lower than men, whether at home or in society. Few women can successfully complete college, let alone be rated as "academicians" with the highest academic qualifications.

So when she first heard the word "Academician", Si Ningning subconsciously regarded Academician Liang as a man, but standing in front of her at this moment was not only a woman, but also such a down-and-out woman...

Si Ningning felt that her cognition had been impacted, and she had an indescribably complicated feeling in her heart.

She originally thought that the academician just lived in a bad place, and she never expected that the situation would be so bad...

“Academician Liang, you...”

As soon as Si Ningning spoke, Academician Liang, who seemed more nervous than them, had already calmed down. He bowed and gathered firewood and stacked it aside. His voice was hoarse and distant: "If you want to treat animals, please leave your address and we will get it out in two days." I’ll go and take a look when the time comes.”

“If you’re here to ask for a cat...hum.” Academician Liang pushed the firewood down hard and grunted at the same time.

Her hair was so messy that it was hard to see her face, let alone her expression. But judging from her voice, her tone became noticeably colder from the moment she mentioned "cat".

The thing that Huo Lang heard before is probably true, and he can't run away...

 Aware of this, Si Ningning suddenly felt that the matter was even more difficult.

Just thinking of something, Si Ningning changed the subject in an instant, "'s a bit messy here, let's help you clean it up before leaving."

 Speaking, before Academician Liang could refuse, Si Ningning winked at Huo Lang.

The latter understood immediately, rolled up the sleeves of his coat and stretched out his hand towards the crooked load-bearing wooden pile.

The wooden pile is no more than a wrist thick, and there are signs of decay at the top and bottom where it touches the ground. It is basically unusable. If it is forcibly adjusted and left, the shed will not last two days.

Hourang finished looking at it and then turned to look at the other wooden pile. The situation on both sides was similar.

"I'll go look around and see if there's anything that can replace these two piles." Huo Lang leaned closer to Si Ningning and spoke in a low voice. After a while, he slowly asked: "You are here alone. , can it be done?”

Si Ningning nodded heavily, "Go!"

It was true that he was a little constrained when he first came in, but after understanding the situation here, Si Ningning felt that it was okay, and there was Academician Liang beside him.

Although the other party is not close to them, if someone comes to cause trouble, they can't kidnap her in front of Academician Liang, right?

After urging Huo Lang away, Si Ningning also rolled up her sleeves and moved her shoulder behind her waist. She bent down to pick up the scattered firewood on the ground and stacked it on the pile of firewood.

 In this way, Academician Liang, who was originally sorting the pile of firewood, was pushed aside by her.

Liang Qinghong stood aside and looked at the busy girl through her messy hair. The young girl had a very handsome appearance, and the clothes she wore were also made of soft materials. She was squatting on the ground to collect the firewood scraps and dust. Since she didn't have a broom and dustpan, she directly stretched out her hand to collect the scraps. Together.

Such white hands are even thinner and fairer than hers before.

Liang Qinghong’s turbid eyes continued to observe Si Ningning’s movements. When she noticed the dirt on the clothes on Si Ningning’s waist, Liang Qinghong paused.

 She knew that it had gotten on it when she dropped something just now.

She dug out those broken snakeskin bags from the trash. There was not only dirt on them, but also a lot of rotten fruit peels, and maybe even human spit...

 But even so, even with all these dirty things splashed on her body, this girl who looked pampered at first sight did not even change her expression.

If she had encountered such a thing, there is a high probability that she would not be as calm as this girl at this moment.

Things that happened intermittently in the past ten years made Liang Qinghong not want to have too much contact with others, but...

 Considering some circumstances, Liang Qinghong chose to compromise.

 She chose to give Si Ningning a chance.

 “Are you an educated youth?”

A dry and hoarse female voice suddenly sounded. Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and nodded: "Yes, I'm from Beijing..."

Liang Qinghong only listened to the first half of Si Ningning's words, but had no patience to listen to the rest. She opened the snakeskin bag at the door and entered the hay shed.

Si Ningning originally wanted to stay a little longer in the name of "working" so as to find an opportunity to talk. Now that the other party took the initiative to speak, Si Ningning felt that the probability of success was even greater.

Si Ningning thought about it for a moment and then entered the hay shed.

The space inside the thatched shed is not large, but there are a lot of things piled up, most of which are covered with gray and black dirt. It seems that the whole space is not very clean, but everything is placed very neatly.

The space is limited, and unlike other residential buildings or educated youth spots, the hut has a stove for cooking. There is only a circle made of stones in the center, and there are traces of burning firewood in it. It is obviously on this place that it is usually used. Cooking.

The space is so crowded, and the fire takes up one-fifth of the open space. If you want to talk about the benefits, it probably can play a role in heating in winter, but now it is summer...

Moreover, the fire was too close to the bed or other scattered furnishings, and it might cause a fire if you were not careful.

“Academician Liang, it’s hot now and it’s inconvenient to cook in the house. How about I help you move all this out?” After looking at it, Si Ningning turned back to Liang Qinghong.

The other person had his back to Si Ningning and was combing his hair.

Almost the moment Si Ningning finished asking, Liang Qinghong turned around. Her hair was gathered up and tied behind her head with a hemp rope, revealing a ferocious scarred face and gray eyes.

As if to scare Si Ningning on purpose, Liang Qinghong walked towards Si Ningning with wide eyes. At first glance, her gray-white eyes looked like they were bulging out.

If she had never seen this face before, Si Ningning would definitely be shocked, but she had seen it before and felt sorry for her impolite actions at the time.

With the previous foreshadowing, Si Ningning was of course no longer afraid. Not only was she not afraid, as Liang Qinghong got closer and closer, she frowned with crescent eyebrows and tilted her head blankly, with a black question mark emoticon.

Over there, Liang Qinghong was actually testing Si Ningning. She stretched her neck and got closer to Si Ningning, and her face was almost touching Si Ningning's.

Si Ningning just drew his neck back slightly to avoid it, and his expression did not change at all.

How to say? Both sides are a little embarrassed...

Liang Qinghong took a few steps back and let her hair down to cover up the embarrassment that flashed through her eyes. It was at this time that she finally couldn't help but ask her second question: "Aren't you afraid?"

Si Ningning shook his head and said frankly: "If you are in a specific situation, you may be frightened suddenly, but appearance does not represent everything."

The hut was quiet for a moment. Suddenly, the "thumping" sound sounded again. Si Ningning turned her head and followed the movement, and found that it was coming from an old wooden box on the left side of the fire.

The wooden box was very broken, but it had a sliding door. At first glance, it looked a bit like a pigeon cage, but the things inside were definitely not pigeons, because Si Ningning could already see the fur leaking out of the gaps around the edges.

It's dusty and a little dirty, and I can't tell what kind of animal it is.

Si Ningning leaned forward and wanted to take a closer look. Before she could take a step forward, Liang Qinghong, who was silent, spoke again, "You are the child who was in the family building of the slaughterhouse just now."

Si Ningning shivered, and the hairs on his back and tailbone stood up.

She squatted in front of the wooden box, poking at the small wooden door with her dusty white fingers, pretending not to hear what she just said, and asked: "Academician Liang, is there a cat in here? Can I open it and have a look?"

 You can smell something through the wooden board, it must be a cat.

Liang Qinghong was silent and did not answer. She continued to expose Si Ningning's disguise: "You don't have to pretend. You have a scent that is the same as what I smelled at the family building."

 The taste is a little lighter than before, but it's definitely the same.

Coupled with Si Ningning’s seemingly nonsensical answer just now, Liang Qinghong confirmed this.

Si Ningning couldn’t pretend anymore with these repeated words.

She sighed softly, stood up and smiled helplessly at Liang Qinghong: "Academician Liang discovered my secret, so can you trust me and let me take away a cat?"

This "secret" is like a metaphor for a handle. Anyone who has a handle caught by others will not act rashly.

 So, if she takes the cat away, Liang Qinghong doesn’t have to worry that she will regret it easily.

However, Liang Qinghong shook her head, but her tone was slightly softer than before, "I don't know how you did it, but taking such a big risk is always forced by life."

 Just like her...

"Although I know your secret, I swear with my dignity that I will never use it as a threat, and others will not get a word of information from my mouth."

Whether Si Ningning is honest or thoughtful, it is undeniable that Liang Qinghong did find something special and outstanding in her.

 (End of this chapter)

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