Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 176: "gimmick"

Chapter 176 “Gimmick”

  Compared with those members in the countryside who kept their word, Liang Qinghong was more willing to believe in Si Ningning in front of her, and many situations now did not allow her to hesitate.

Liang Qinghong planned to give herself a chance and also give Si Ningning a chance, but it was not her, let alone Si Ningning, who really made the decision.

Hand waved Si Ningning to take half a step back, Liang Qinghong knelt down and pushed open the door of the wooden box, allowing Si Ningning to see clearly what was inside.

 There is an orange cat in the, there are four.

 One big cat and three kittens.

The big cat is missing a front leg and half of its head. The leg area has healed and new hair has grown. On the other hand, where half of the head is missing, there is still a faint trace of blood, which is obviously still in the recovery period.

At this moment, the big cat was lying down, and three skinny kittens were lying on its flat belly, trying hard to take another mouthful of milk...

 Because the kitten is extremely thin, its hair appears to be extremely sparse and long.

 She just glanced at it twice, but the discomfort in her heart prevented Si Ningning from continuing to look, so she turned her eyes away.

Liang Qinghong laughed hoarsely "haha" twice and said with some sadness, "This is the sixth one."

 “The sixth one?”

Si Ningning frowned slightly, not quite understanding.

Liang Qinghong’s next words indirectly told her the answer: “In the eyes of some people, these are just beasts, and killing them and eating them is a normal thing.”

“But there are different kinds of animals, and some people are worse than animals.”

“You want cats, I can give you a chance, but you don’t choose them, they have to choose you.”

Liang Qinghong rambled on and took out half of the stick bone from somewhere.

The stick bone was obtained from the family building of the slaughterhouse before, Si Ningning knew.

Liang Qinghong took a thin piece of stone from the fire, pressed the stick bone with one hand, and used the stone piece to shave the remaining shreds of meat on it with the other hand.

Si Ningning thought she was collecting it to eat, but then he saw her put the bit of meat into the mouth of the big cat in the box.

 The big cat’s tongue was white, as if opening its mouth would cause a wound. It just licked it and then lay back down.

Liang Qinghong sighed and backed away, gesturing to Si Ningning to give it a try.

Si Ningning squatted down on the side of the wooden box without hesitation. She had a cat-raising experience before and knew that cats have several sensitivity and will purr happily as long as they are touched.

Avoiding the big cat's wounds, Si Ningning scratched the big cat's neck and cheeks with her small hands. The big cat was alert for two seconds, and then began to adjust its posture to cooperate with Si Ningning. This continued for more than a minute. It made a deafening snoring sound.

Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Liang Qinghong. Liang Qinghong said she let the cat make the choice, but she didn’t know how the cat chose her.

Si Ningning was hesitant, but Liang Qinghong's expression was particularly wonderful under her messy hair. After a long silence, Liang Qinghong sighed: "It likes you very much."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Have you ever raised a cat before?"

 Looking at the stroking gesture, he is very skillful.

“No, but there was a cat in the alley where I used to live. It was very close to me and I often petted it.”

The reason Si Ningning didn’t say she had any experience raising cats was because she was afraid that Liang Qinghong would ask her what she had given her cats to eat before.

 What does she feed the cat?

Si Ningning roughly recalled in her mind that when she raised cats in the past, most of the daily care was taken care of by a housekeeper. They ate imported cat food, and the supplementary food was fresh foie gras and venison flown from abroad...

 After all, I didn’t have a cat in the 1970s. If I were really asked this question, it would be really hard to answer.

If there is any mistake in the answer, it will lead to more troubles.

Fortunately, Liang Qinghong didn't ask any more questions, and her tone was not as harsh and tough as before, "I'm not afraid to tell you, it's true that this cat has given birth to cubs and I can't raise them. This area is not a good place. Even if I can raise them, I won't be able to raise them for many." God must die."

Liang Qinghong squatted next to Si Ningning, and took out all three kittens inside with her dark hands, "If you can take them away, take them all away, but you have to say yes, you have to be good to them, I got it. I’ll go and have a look when I have free time.”

Si Ningning is a bit stupid, can she make the cat purr, or is the cat willing to let her touch it, so that means it chooses her?

Liang Qinghong seemed to be afraid that Si Ningning would worry about the cats eating too much, so she hesitated and began to explain: "This bone is because the big cat was beaten and had to be fed, so I thought of a way to get it and replenish it." …They usually don’t eat meat and don’t need to be fed. They can catch mice and eat them themselves.”

The three kittens looked small, but in fact they were almost one month old and ready to be weaned. However, Liang Qinghong really didn’t have anything to feed them, and she was afraid of being taken away, skinned, and eaten when they were let out, so she was kept with the big cats. With.

Liang Qinghong has no choice.

  Her best years were spent in ups and downs, and she encountered many injuries that others could not imagine, so that she was unwilling to trust others, but the "cat" accompanied her like a family member, giving her weak faith and warmth.

When she gradually opened her heart and was willing to accept others again, those people gave her a heavy blow again...

Later, Liang Qinghong finally felt tired, no longer had hope in others, and wanted to take the lead alone, but the final result was not satisfactory.

 In this densely populated place, no matter how hard she tried, she could not protect those poor little ones, and the economy was also a big problem.

Time is also fate... Facing Si Ningning in front of him, relying on his first impression, Liang Qinghong only had 60% trust in her heart at most, but there was no way, the countryside was vast, if Si Ningning took away these few Little guys, maybe they have a better chance of survival.

"I will treat them well and ensure their safety. But..." Si Ningning nodded to express her understanding. She stroked the skinny kitten with her white hands, looked at Liang Qinghong, and asked hesitantly: "I don't need to leave it for you." One?"

Such a skinny kitten that can't even walk steadily. In the eyes of some people, it is a beast, but in the eyes of some people, it is salvation.

The big cat won't live long. If Liang Qinghong doesn't leave one by her side, Si Ningning is worried that she will have no spiritual support and will be unable to think about it, and something will happen to her when the time comes.

However, Liang Qinghong did not appreciate Si Ningning's worries.

"No need." Liang Qinghong shook her head decisively, and had already stood up to find Si Ningning's stuff to pretend to be a cat. "You leave the address. I miss them later and will go take a look."

Si Ningning had no choice but to nod and told Liang Qinghong the address of the third team several times. She didn't stop until Liang Qinghong nodded and said she remembered it.

Holang also came back at this time, bringing back two new and strong wooden stakes and half a bundle of straw. He put down the straw and explained to Si Ningning's appraising eyes, "I exchanged it with the residents over there. They said it was specially brought from the village to make beds."

Si Ningning nodded in understanding, and Huo Lang bent down to replace the load-bearing wooden stakes. Liang Qinghong had already come out of the house and packed the three kittens in a snakeskin bag with a big hole in the mouth.

The kittens in the bag could not stand, and were stacked one on top of the other. They meowed so miserably that the big cat in the room was anxiously pulling at the door of the wooden box.

Liang Hongyu handed the bag to Si Ningning, "I've written down the location. You can go, and I can pack the rest myself."

Si Ningning was hesitant. Liang Qinghong tried to grab the bag in her hand if she didn't leave. With no other choice, Si Ningning had no choice but to compromise. She held Huo Lang's hand with her little hand and backed away while promising, "Liang Qinghong Academician, don't worry, I will take good care of them... If I get a chance in the future, I will send someone to tell you the current situation!"

Si Ningning and Huo Lang turned the corner and went into the alley as Liang Qinghong sent them off half-heartedly.

Holang took the snakeskin bag from Si Ningning's hand, lowered his head and looked inside, "How did you do it?"

He went out to look for something. In less than half an hour, Si Ningning not only borrowed cats, but also borrowed three cats at once.

“Actually, it doesn’t take much effort. Maybe it’s because of Academician Heliang’s eye.” Si Ningning said quietly.

 She really didn’t do anything, it was probably more Liang Qinghong’s self-persuasion.

However, Si Ningning can generally understand Liang Qinghong's difficulties and intentions, "These three cats will belong to our third team from now on... We are the third production team, and we even have three cats. Do you think it is a coincidence or not?"

Holang was very surprised: "I thought you borrowed it. Academician Liang is willing to give it to you?"

"That's right. What difference can I make if I take action?" Si Ningning puffed up her chest pretending to be proud.

Just for a moment, thinking of Liang Qinghong's living situation, she frowned again and stopped, "You, you go to the alley and wait for me!"

Facing Huo Lang's doubtful gaze, Si Ningning took small steps back, "I forgot to tell Academician Liang something! I'll go back and be right back!"

 Speaking, he turned around and ran towards the corner he just turned.

Huo Lang was stunned and stood there without moving, waiting for Si Ningning.

Liang Qinghong had already entered the thatched shed. After Si Ningning rounded the corner, she was the only one in the entire alley.

Looking around to make sure there was no high-lying place nearby that could hide people, Si Ningning grabbed it in the air, and the bone that the bald man from the slaughterhouse had installed for her appeared in her hand instantly.

Si Ningning ran towards the hay shed. The closer she got, the lighter her movements became. Until she was almost in front of the door, she put the woven bag on the pile of firewood, took out a firewood stick and knocked on the outside of the shed.

Hearing footsteps coming from inside, Si Ningning dropped the firewood stick in his hand, turned around and ran away.

Liang Qinghong came out and saw Si Ningning running away. She felt a little strange in her heart. It wasn't until she saw the things on the firewood pile that she understood what was going on, and her mood became complicated.

 She is probably a really kind-hearted girl...

 If there is a chance in the future, she should ask her what her name is?

 After a long time, Liang Qinghong sighed, picked up the woven bag and entered the hay shed.

On the other side, because the snakeskin bag is breathable, Huo Lang casually picked up a piece of weed or some vine on the side of the road, avoided the holes in the mouth of the bag, and tied the snakeskin bag tightly around his waist.

Shan Mantang seemed to have never gone far and arrived quickly.

The two of them got into the car. Huo Lang glanced at the sky and then looked at Si Ningning through the rearview mirror. "It's still early. It's rare to get out. Why don't you go to the department store?"

Department store...

The department store in the county is three stories high, and the items inside are definitely much better than those in the town. At that time, Si Ningning bought a scale from the department store and left without looking at it carefully.

Now that Huo Lang mentioned it, Si Ningning felt a little moved. However, something in the snakeskin bag at her feet bumped into her, and the weak voice of "Mimi Mi" came, which suddenly brought Si Ningning back from her distant thoughts.

The weather was so hot, and the temperature inside the car was also very high. Although the snakeskin bag was breathable, it was still covered with a layer of stuff. Si Ningning was worried that the kittens would not be able to bear it, so she shook her head and declined Huo Lang. His suggestion: "Forget it. If I get a chance to come to the county next time, it won't be too late."

  Seeing her insistence, Huo Lang said no more. He raised his chin and signaled to Shan Mantang that he could send them back.

On the way back, the car trip once again jolted Si Ningning out of her drowsiness. But just as a chicken was dozing off while pecking at rice, an idea flashed through his mind, as if in a dream. Perhaps he felt that it was very feasible. Ning woke up with a jolt, "Huo Lang!"

Si Ningning leaned forward and grabbed the back of the passenger's chair from the gap between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat.

"Huh?" Huo Lang looked back at her, "What's wrong?"

He must have been squinting for a while just now. Now his peach blossom eyes were slightly narrowed, his eyes looked blurred, and his whole state seemed a bit tired.

Si Ningning had no time to pay attention to details. She spoke her thoughts with wide eyes and a lively expression: "Do you think it would be useful to ask the commune for help?"

“That is, we go to the commune, discuss with the director of the commune, tell the story about the cats and Academician Liang, and ask the commune to help establish a protection agreement or document about these cats. Do you think it is feasible?”

Si Ningning's thoughts were active and fast, while Huo Lang raised his tailbone and shook his head slightly, as if he was considering possible possibilities.

But at this moment, Shan Mantang, who was driving beside him, said: "Haha, oh my, Si Zhiqing, your idea is really clever!"

“Comrade Shan, you also think it’s feasible!” Si Ningning thought it was praise and support, and a bright smile appeared on her face. However, Shan Mantang’s next words instantly made her mood fall to the bottom.

Shan Mantang shook his head and sighed with a smile: "Si Zhiqing, although your idea is very clever, this matter is still far from the level of requiring the commune to intervene! Even if you go, the commune will not care..."

"I don't really want the commune to support me..." Si Ningning muttered to himself, lowering his eyelids in a slightly disappointed tone.

Thinking about it, there is no animal protection association at all in this era. Even if there is, it is to protect rare species such as peacocks and tigers.

This matter is not a small matter, but it is definitely not a big one. Even if the commune really puts down a written pledge, it will never be possible to intervene if anything happens in the future.

But Si Ningning’s original plan was not to get the commune to support her. She just wanted to get a piece of paper and a seal that could represent the commune in the hearts of ordinary people.

It doesn't matter whether the commune will not intervene, but once there is evidence, it is equivalent to a "gimmick" to be protected. No matter how vicious it is, ordinary people must avoid it.

 (End of this chapter)

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