Chapter 177 Documents

  But what is the current situation?

Even if she goes to the commune, she may not be able to meet the director of the commune, let alone ask for documents...

Shan Mantang's words were like a basin of cold water, instantly waking up Si Ningning and making him realize his own whims.

The bright girl blinked like a flower that was about to wither. Her smile disappeared visibly, and then she pursed her lips in frustration.

Horang's deep brow bones were wrinkled and then relaxed, and then wrinkled again, and he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Withdrawing his gaze, Huo Lang lazily leaned on the passenger seat and said casually, "Then let's try it."

 “How will you know if it works if you don’t try?”

I don’t know if he meant to comfort Si Ningning, but Huo Lang opened and closed his thin lips and uttered the words that Si Ningning repeatedly yelled at him in the state-owned hotel.

Shan Mantang originally laughed at Si Ningning's naivety. When he heard Huo Lang's words, he couldn't stop laughing. He turned his head and looked at Huo Lang in surprise: "Huo, Comrade Huo Lang, are you sure you want to go? Take Si Zhiqing with you. go together?"

 “Excuse me, Xiaodan, please step in a little more.” Huo Lang closed his eyes to rest, his voice was low and loose, as if he was about to fall asleep in the next second.

Although he did not answer directly, Shan Mantang knew very well what this sentence meant.

Shan Mantang immediately suppressed all the sounds that came out of his mouth, and couldn't help but glance at Si Ningning in the rearview mirror. He wisely and promptly discovered that the girl from the city in front of him had an important identity to the man beside him. And the status is absolutely extraordinary!

Aware of this, Shan Mantang quickly averted his eyes, tightened his abdomen and straightened his chest, and started to drive the car attentively.

 Suddenly, the ride became less bumpy.

Looking at Si Ningning, she was originally in a low mood. After hearing the encouragement in Huo Lang's words and the direct instruction for Shan Mantang to go to the commune, her eyes narrowed into small crescents, she nodded secretly and smiled as if she had fallen into rice. The mice in the tank are just as happy.

 The car swayed for nearly two hours before we arrived at the commune. By the time we left the commune with the papers and seals, it was already completely dark outside.

Si Ningning took out his pocket watch and took a look at it through the halo of light pouring from the door. It was five minutes past seven.

  Two beams of light suddenly lit up in the small square, and Shan Mantang stuck his head out of the car: "Si Zhiqing, are you done?"

"Yeah!" Si Ningning nodded, trotted over and stood beside the car. He couldn't stop smiling, and at the same time he was a little sorry, "I've wasted your time, Comrade Shan. I made you wait for so long. It's already late at night to get home... "

"Harm, it's all a trivial matter. Si Zhiqing, you are Comrade Huo Lang's... Well, my friend, that's me..."

The word "object" almost came out of his mouth. Shan Mantang stuttered for a moment. No matter how he explained it, he felt uncomfortable, so he simply changed his mouth and said, "We are all children of a big family. How can we be polite about this? Besides, I My duty is to be Comrade Huo Lang’s driver. He usually doesn’t let me follow him. Because of this, other comrades assigned to the same job in the party committee made a lot of fun of me!”

“It’s a good thing to be late today, let’s see what else they can say!” As he said that, Shan Mantang couldn’t help but laugh.

 The Iron Rice Bowl has the advantages of the Iron Rice Bowl, but it also has disadvantages that are difficult to express.

For example, Huo Lang can be regarded as Shan Mantang's boss, but he usually spends most of his time in the production team.

Due to the terrain, Shan Mantang's car could not drive into the production team and could not be on call in time, so Huo Lang simply asked him to stay in the county and listen to other leaders' orders, so he did not have to wait for him all the time.

But most of the leaders in the county have their own drivers, so how can they order a lot of people?

In this round and round, some people who were jealous of Shan Mantang's "easy" job began to say some unpleasant things, such as that Shan Mantang only took money and did not work.

 But if this is really a discussion, can Shan Mantang be blamed?

 Or, blame Holang?

Si Ningning didn't know about these things, but through Shan Mantang's words and expression, she could more or less guess something. But after all, she was not a party involved, so she couldn't say much.

Just as the atmosphere began to stalemate, Huo Lang walked out of the room, followed by commune director Li Dekun: "Comrade Huo Lang, just don't worry about this! After crossing the road with me, take the note back and announce it. If there is someone, If you dare to take risks and go against the grain, the commune will definitely punish you, there is no doubt about this!”

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Director Li. It's too late today, so we'll go back first... The county's small order is here, why don't I give you a ride?"

“No, no, no, you can just go. I rode a bicycle here in the morning. My home is not far from here. You can get there in the blink of an eye.”

Si Ningning got into the car first and leaned on the edge of the window to look at Huo Lang and Li Dekun.

Li Dekun's attitude towards Huo Lang was very polite, even a little too much, as if Huo Lang was his superior.

 Thinking of some details, Si Ningning became more and more curious about Huo Lang's identity.

She looked at the back of Shan Mantang's head and asked after careful consideration: "Comrade Shan, how much do you know about Comrade Huo Lang?"

Looking at the way Dan Mantang and Huo Lang get along, the two of them should have known each other for a long time, so he should know something about Huo Lang.

"Ah?" Shan Mantang was stunned by Si Ningning's question. After a long pause, he stretched out his hand and lifted a finger after saying a word. "Understanding doesn't count, but I know that Comrade Huo Lang is a hero. No matter what he says, Not much, but he has always been considerate of everyone, whether they are older or younger than him, he takes good care of them. ”

 This is indeed true...

Si Ningning nodded, pursed her peach lips, and continued to ask with twinkling eyes: "Then is he from Province H?"

“Of course not! Well... it wasn’t before, but it is now.”

Shan Mantang answered neatly at first, but in the next second, as if he thought of something, he quickly changed his words.

Si Ningning was confused after hearing this and wanted to ask again. The passenger door was suddenly opened and Huo Lang got in.

Shan Mantang started the engine and slowly turned around. During this period, Li Dekun followed him by the passenger window and kept telling him: "The mountain road is not easy to drive at night. Comrade Xiao Dan, please drive with caution!"

“Comrade Huo Lang, let’s go slowly. Come to the commune for tea when you have time, and let’s have a good chat...”

  "Okay, Director Li. Don't give it away. Just pack it up and go home!"

 “Hey, okay!”

 At first, Li Dekun's attitude made people think that Huo Lang was his boss, but now from these instructions, Li Dekun's attitude seemed to treat Huo Lang as his junior who was about to leave home...

Si Ningning let out a breath, feeling that this matter and relationship were really complicated and strange.

 The car slowly drove out of the commune compound, and Si Ningning looked away from the window.

At the same time, Holang turned his head and asked, "What were you talking about before I got in the car just now?"

"It was Si Zhiqing who asked..."

“It’s nothing, we’re just talking about the cat’s future, right? Comrade Shan.” Si Ningning interrupted Shan Mantang, and the last word “Comrade Shan” was pronounced a little harder.

Shan Mantang felt sorry for himself and nodded quickly, "Ah, right!"

  Then he exaggerated and said, "I really didn't expect that Si Zhiqing could really accomplish this!"

“It’s mainly because of Comrade Holang!” The two of them chanted dryly, and after finishing speaking, no one spoke again, and there was a silence in the car.

Huo Lang felt a little strange, but seeing that Si Ningning was trying to avoid it, he knew better and didn't ask any more questions.

Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief and looked aimlessly at the darkness outside the window.

 She was somewhat curious about Huo Lang, but she didn't want him to know about it.

Perhaps he was afraid of embarrassment, or perhaps he was worried that this incident would break the natural relationship between the two people... Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows wrinkled in conflict, and in the darkness, her upper teeth bit her lower lip unconsciously. .

 She doesn't want that.

 I don’t want this natural, warm and warm relationship to be damaged.

Her thoughts were racing along the way. Si Ningning didn't know when the car stopped. She didn't come back to her senses until someone opened the car door beside her.

 “Ah? Have you arrived already?”

Huo Lang outside the door was also stunned for a moment, and said "Hmm" in a low voice, "I thought you were asleep."

 “Give me the cat.”


"The road is so dark, Comrade Huo Lang, why don't I give you a ride for a while!" Shan Mantang followed him and got out of the car.

 The car will definitely not be able to drive, and if you want to deliver it, you can only deliver it on your legs.

"I'm familiar with this section of the road. It won't be a problem." Huo Lang shook his head, "You should go back quickly. It will be troublesome if you turn back and leave it in the mountains."

Shan Mantang scratched his head in embarrassment, "Then, then I'm leaving?"

 “Let’s go!”

 The car left quickly. Without the car's lights, the surroundings suddenly became dark.

There is endless darkness in all directions, and even the moonlight cannot penetrate into this mountain forest. It feels eerie and weird no matter how you look at it.

Si Ningning rolled her throat and followed the kitten's "Mimi" cry as she approached Huo Lang.

Huo Lang, on the other hand, got a branch from nowhere. He held one end and stuffed the other end towards Si Ningning. After leading Si Ningning to hold on tight, it was just like when he went to the mountain to relax. The two walked in tandem.

There was a lot of darkness all around, and no matter how wide you opened your eyes, you still couldn't see anything.

The sight was blocked, and the cable bridge that had seemed stable before walking on it now swayed slightly with the steps, and the iron cables made a crisp "click" sound in the wind.

Although he knew that the width of the rope bridge was nearly two meters, Si Ningning walked on it as if he were walking on a single-plank bridge. He had to stop every two steps for fear of falling into the river below if he was not careful. .

Even so, she staggered several times during this period and almost fell down every time. The latest time, Huo Lang almost failed to catch her.

In the darkness, Huo Lang's eyes were like stars and he was silent for a long time. Then he suddenly took the branch from Si Ningning's hand. When Si Ningning let out a low cry, he firmly held Si Ningning's hand with his broad palm.

 In just a short moment, the breathing of both people jumped wildly.

Walking in the mountains at night, the breeze brought an ambiguous heat to his face. Si Ningning stumbled and let Huo Lang lead him as he walked forward.

After a long time, Si Ningning came back to her senses and convinced herself that it was just because the mountain road was dark and difficult to walk, and Huo Lang held her hand to prevent her from falling.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning calmed down his racing heart, and then asked about what happened in the commune just now: "Director Li of the commune seems to be very afraid of you?"

"Afraid?" In the darkness, Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, "Where did you see the fear?"

“As soon as you opened your mouth, he agreed without asking. Isn’t this because you have a special status?”

Originally thought that this matter would take a lot of effort, so before entering Li Dekun's office, Si Ningning had already made a mental draft, but what?

 After entering, Li Dekun didn't even look at her, let alone give her a chance to speak.

Li Dekun's attention was always on Huo Lang. When he heard Huo Lang mention his purpose, Li Dekun probably went through the process and listened to the process. Talking about homely things one by one.

Si Ningning lamented the success of the matter, but felt a little unhappy at the same time, "You knew it in your heart, and you always knew it could happen, but you didn't tell me, and you kept me in the dark."

 “So you’re angry?” Holang asked back.

Si Ningning fell silent.

  Not really angry, but this incident made her feel like a "back door" relationship with Toholang from beginning to end, which made her feel an inexplicable burden in her heart.

If it were someone else, Si Ningning could try to return the favor from somewhere else, but Huo Lang was different. He would not accept what she gave easily.

As if he knew what Si Ningning was struggling with, Huo Lang squeezed Si Ningning's hand tightly, recalled her tangled mind, and comforted her in a mute voice, "This is our common goal. In the end, the production team will benefit, not you."

 “What are you struggling with?”

Si Ningning heard a "ding" in his mind, and suddenly felt something made sense.

At this moment, in the darkness, I heard Huo Lang’s deep voice again: “Concentrate on walking.”


The worries that were pressing in her heart were temporarily relieved, and Si Ningning's mood returned to normal. As expected, she started walking seriously as she was told. This seriousness was even ignored by Huo Lang's tightened hand.

Hand in hand, we walked in the dark for more than 40 minutes before we gradually entered the territory of the production team.

I could see the lights of the members of the production team's members in front of them. Holang measured his hand and loosened Sining's hand. "Send you back to know the youth point, or go to the captain's house first?"

"Well... let's go to the captain's house first, tell us what happened, and see how we can make arrangements for tomorrow."


After walking around for a few minutes, we arrived at Zhao Hongbing's house. It was already past eight o'clock at night. Every household in the team had finished eating or taking a bath. Now they were either lying on the bed getting ready to sleep, or sitting in front of their homes to enjoy the cool air.

Zhao Hongbing’s family is no exception. Chen Lianmi is sitting under the kerosene lamp in the main room, squinting her eyes and picking up the soles of her shoes.

Sanya was sitting on one side, playing with a pockmarked pole on the big table, and where was Zhao Hongbing? He was sitting on the threshold with his legs spread apart, smoking a pipe.

As soon as he saw the people walking in at the door, Zhao Hongbing knocked on the cigarette pole, stood up and hung the cigarette pole on the nail on the side of the door frame, then took two steps towards the courtyard, "Alang, Si Zhiqing, are you back? What's going on? Like? Is it done?"

Before Si Ningning and Huo Lang opened their mouths, a kitten's cry came from the snakeskin bag. Zhao Hongbing heard the sound and took the snakeskin bag directly, took a few steps into the house and unwrapped the hemp rope, "Hi yo , there are three children!”


Ah Yao muttered: Why don’t you leave me a message? !

 Have I fallen out of favor? !

 (End of this chapter)

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