Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 178: strange transformation

Chapter 178 A strange transformation

Zhao Hongbing cocked his head and looked around. Sanya saw Si Ningning at the table over there, and quickly jumped off the chair and came over, "Sister!"

“Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded and touched the top of her head again and again.

Huo Lang glanced sideways when he heard the movement, and saw that although Si Ningning had a peaceful smile on his face, the fatigue in his eyes was very obvious. He had been running from morning to night today without stopping for a while. The little girl must be really tired. .

Huo Lang withdrew his gaze, took out two stamped receipts from his pocket and handed them to Zhao Hongbing, and got straight to the point, "I have probably heard about borrowing cats from Academician Liang before. In order to avoid similar things from happening, the commune We have signed a document to protect these cats, and now these cats are members of the production team. If there are any human-related deaths or injuries, the commune will hold them accountable."

Zhao Hongbing frowned and pondered for a moment before speaking. Huo Lang continued: "The director of the commune said that we will benefit from bringing the cat, but there must be a guarantee from Academician Liang, otherwise don't borrow the cat in the future. I guess she won’t care if the animals are sick.”

Huo Lang was worried that Zhao Hongbing would blame Si Ningning for being troublesome, so when he explained, he did not say that it was Si Ningning's idea, but blamed it all on the commune.

Anyway, as long as the stamp on the document is authentic, it doesn't matter what the process is. Zhao Hongbing will not go to the commune to verify it seriously.

Even if he goes, Li Dekun will give a reasonable explanation and will not involve Si Ningning at all.

Zhao Hongbing believed Huo Lang's words. He clapped his thigh with his big hand and said, "Okay, I will call all the members to talk about this tomorrow. I will never be like those shriveled guys before who ate a cat." If you want to send the skin back to someone, isn’t that just going to hurt someone’s heart?”

 “That’s not a **** thing!”

Zhao Hongbing cursed several times, then opened the snakeskin bag and looked inside, "Although he is a beast, he is still a great hero for guarding the granary!"

Sanya heard the cat meowing and came over. Zhao Hongbing handed the sack into her hand and told her to watch it and don't let the cat escape.

Zhao Hongbing waved to Si Ningning and Huo Lang to sit down. Chen Lianmi had already put down the soles of her shoes and went to the kitchen to wash a bowl of tomatoes and spread them out for the two of them to eat.

Si Ningning quickly resisted, "Auntie, stop working so hard. To be honest, I'm a little tired after running around for a day. I'll go back as soon as I'm done."

Chen Lianmi let out an angry "tsk", then went to the kitchen to get a gourd gourd, put the tomatoes in the sea bowl into the gourd, and finally stuffed the heavy gourd gourd into Si Ningning's arms, "Then you take it back to eat, wait. Bring the ladle back to me when you get back to work tomorrow."

Si Ningning wanted to push it again, but when she saw Chen Lianmi's glaring expression, she swallowed the words as soon as they came to her lips and had no choice but to accept them.

During this gap, Zhao Hongbing had already read the content on the document and asked curiously: "Alang, did I read the word wrong? How do I understand that it says that this cat belongs to our production team and is not borrowed? ?”



Holang and Si Ningning fell silent at the same time.

Since Huo Lang had helped smooth things over before, Si Ningning didn't want to trouble him anymore, so she confessed directly: "Uncle, I got this cat from Academician Liang. I originally planned to get one, but it happened to Academician Liang gave birth to a litter there, and it was not convenient for her to raise it, so I thought about it and brought them all back.”

Slow down, Si Ningning straightened her back and continued: "Uncle, the rations for these cats are mine and I will pay for them. It will definitely not take up the resources and rations of our production team."

The hall was quiet for a while, and Si Ningning looked at Zhao Hongbing seriously.

Previously, I only said that I would borrow "one" cat, and the feeding would only be from now until the end of the year. Now, not only are there two more cats than expected, but the feeding will continue from now until the three cats die naturally. Hello.

Three cats may not be able to eat much, but they are afraid of being cared about.

Si Ningning simply took care of the cats’ food and was ready to be scolded.

Unexpectedly, instead of being scolded, Zhao Hongbing laughed.


Si Ningning said "hmm" and tilted her head blankly.

Zhao Hongbing laughed so hard that he almost lost his breath. He couldn't say anything at all. Finally, it was Chen Lianmi who was standing beside him who spoke up, "Si Zhiqing, you take this matter too seriously."

“These cats look small now. In fact, they can catch mice by themselves after only two days of feeding. Then they won’t need to be fed anymore. And...”

Chen Lianmi sighed and looked at Si Ningning amusedly, "It would be better if the cat belongs to us. It will save us having to ask grandpa to sue grandma next year."

The implication is that they cannot feed a few grains of food at all, and compared with the few grains of food they feed out, if they can save the food in the entire granary, that will still be their benefit.

 “Ah, so that’s it...then I’ll be relieved!”

Si Ningning couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Chen Lianmi said made sense.

Probably because he had been running all day today, he was really tired. Si Ningning felt like his brain could hardly move.

Chen Lianmi also noticed her tiredness, so she explained the matter in a short story. Zhao Hongbing promised to make the matter clear to the members, and handed one of the documents to Si Ningning, "Si Zhiqing, this cat is You also get a copy of the receipt you brought back.”

Si Ningning nodded and did not refuse.

 In fact, there were three copies of the same document stamped with the same seal. Apart from the ones in her and Zhao Hongbing's hands, the commune also had one kept.

Si Ningning didn't let Zhao Hongbing and his wife send her off. Si Ningning winked at Huo Lang, who didn't say anything. After leaving the Zhao family, he honestly sent her back to the educated youth point.

On the way Si Ningning handed the folded receipt to Huo Lang, "I'll give this receipt to you. When you go to the county, take it to Academician Liang. She will feel more at ease after seeing it."

Si Ningning was led by Huo Lang and crossed the small ditch. He paused for a while and then said: "When you go to the county, can you tell me in advance? I have something to bring to Academician Liang."

When Huo Lang thought about Academician Liang's current situation, he knew what Si Ningning was planning, "You want to help Academician Liang?"

Si Ningning nodded slightly, realizing that Huo Lang couldn't see her movements in the darkness. She said slowly, "Yeah", "My current situation is also somewhat limited, and I can't give you much help, but you see... There’s a big harvest of radishes and cucumbers. I’ll make a jar of pickles and bring them over. Isn’t it a little bit of a treat?”

This is reasonable and reasonable. If Da Lala gave rice, grain, or money or tickets, according to Academician Liang's temperament, I'm afraid it would be regarded as an insult.

"Yeah." After thinking clearly, Huo Lang responded in a low voice and nodded in agreement, "I know."

Unknowingly, he had reached the side of the educated youth point house. Overall, he had done a lot of things today. Si Ningning was a little tired, but now he was standing in the wind, listening to the swaying and rubbing of bamboo leaves and the "squeaking" of small reptiles. The sounds of "squeaking" and "sizzling" were heard, and the cool breeze with a hint of earthy breath was felt on the face. The tired and confused consciousness suddenly became more awake.

Si Ningning moved her fingertips, and the little hand held by Huo Lang scratched Huo Lang's palm like a naughty or naughty one.

Her voice was slow and obviously unnaturally low, "Why don't you let go?"

It was as if Huo Lang realized something and loosened the little hand that was so hot that he had grasped it.

“Go back!” Si Ningning said, walking towards the door of the Educated Youth Point. In the darkness, one could only vaguely see the silhouette of a tall man standing there, and Huo Lang couldn't be seen clearly, but Si Ningning heard his voice clearly, "I'll watch you go in."

 Soundy and hoarse…

  It is very magnetic, pleasant to listen to, and very persuasive, making people feel very at ease.

During this trip to Xixian County, something seemed to have changed, making Si Ningning feel embarrassed whenever she thought of Huo Lang standing behind him, watching her leave with burning eyes. .

Si Ningning didn't dare to look back, so she speeded up her pace with this thought.

Skipping across the doorstep, Si Ningning banged on the door of the Educated Youth Point in the dark: "Shuhua, Shuhua? Are you asleep?"

"Hurry! Open the door quickly, Ning Ning is back!"

There were vague conversations in the house, and soon there was the sound of the door bolt being pulled open. With a creaking sound, the door was opened from the inside, and Si Ningning glanced towards the side of the house.

A kerosene lamp was lit in the room. She stood face to face in the gap where the halo of light poured out. Huo Lang could see her clearly, but she could not see Huo Lang clearly.

Without Si Ningning looking at her, Xu Shuhua directly pulled her into the house, "Why are you back so late?"

The door of the Educated Youth Point closed with a "snap". Huo Lang listened to the girls' suddenly lowered conversation, turned around and left in the shadow of the moon and stars.

On the other side, Si Ningning took off his kettle and bag, sat on the bed and took a breath, "Is there still water in the pot? I'm exhausted."

"Yes, I saw you didn't come back when I was having dinner. I thought you would be late, so I cooked a big pot for preparation..." Song Xiaoyun said and stood up, "I didn't expect you to come back so late, the water must have been cold. I'll burn another straw."

As he spoke, Song Xiaoyun knelt down and pulled out the basin that Si Ningning usually used for washing.

"No need, Xiaoyun, I can do it myself." Si Ningning hurriedly stopped her, but Song Xiaoyun didn't listen to her and ran away with the basin.

Si Ningning was a little confused.

Song Xiaoyun has a somewhat contradictory personality. She is sometimes close to her and sometimes distant from her. It is the first time that she is so enthusiastic like this.

Si Ningning was confused, one corner of Jiang Yue's mouth twitched, and asked her a few words: "On the afternoon before, you mentioned something about your family, and she was like this."

“Hello, Xiaoyun’s considerations may be a little different from ours, but she’s not a disgusting person.” Xu Shuhua also explained helplessly.

Si Ningning went through the words of the two people in his mind and roughly deduced the prototype of the evolution of the event.

 Perhaps it was the things she mentioned about "stepmother" and "stepsister" that resonated with Song Xiaoyun in a sense, and therefore re-evaluated the relationship with her.

And now Song Xiaoyun's actions are completely taking care of similar people who have experienced bad experiences?

However, Song Xiaoyun seems to have deliberately ignored one thing, that is, Si Ningning usually has a nourishing life that surpasses everyone...

After all, it was just a guess, and Si Ningning did not dare to arbitrarily conclude that this was the case. Anyway, she should get along with each other as she should, and she would treat others as others treated her. Good and bad relations were all mutual.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning yawned, got up and went to the kitchen in the dark, "Xiaoyun, it's hot now. There's no need to boil the water. Just warm it up a little."

 “Ah, okay! Is this water enough?”

Si Ningning touched a handful in the pot and said, "That's enough. It's enough for two baths."

Then he said: "It's so late. You should go back to your room and sleep first. I can do it myself."

 “It’s so dark, I’d better wait for you!”

Si Ningning didn't say anything more. After fetching water, she followed Song Xiaoyun back to the room.

Since he was not used to stripping off and washing up in front of so many people, Si Ningning put out the kerosene lamp, took a quick shower behind the door, changed into sleeping clothes and climbed into bed.

The water and basin are still placed behind the door, waiting to be poured out tomorrow.

“Ning Ning, what are you going to do in the county today?”

Si Ningning was so tired that she vaguely heard someone asking. She muttered in response: "Go to Academician Liang... and borrow a cat."


Answered intermittently, hearing that the other girls were confused and wanted to ask again. Si Ningning's breathing over there had become heavy, and it was obviously much heavier than usual.

Si Ningning looked the best among the girls when sleeping, and she also made the least noises during her sleep. Xu Shuhua was on the bed next to hers. When she heard the noise, she couldn't help but sigh: "I'm so tired." Not light."

"It's probably because the captain arranged some grueling work. It's definitely not a good thing anyway... She will definitely not be able to get up tomorrow morning." Jiang Yue stood up and looked around. Under the moonlight, she could vaguely see Si Ningning on the bed next to the window. Lying silhouette.

Song Xiaoyun then suggested, "Shall we make breakfast? Ning Ning is not here today, Xu Shuhua is in charge, so I will do it tomorrow!"

 “That’s okay, I’ll come the day after tomorrow.”

Getting up early every day to cook is not easy, so it would be better to let Si Ningning take it easy instead.

The girls reached a consensus with each other and soon fell asleep under the sound of frogs and insects.

 Because Xu Shuhua and the others took turns cooking, Si Ningning was indeed relaxed for a few days.

 In the past few days, in addition to the normal routine of work, Si Ningning would carry a notebook with him every time he went out. When working in the pig pen or threshing floor, He Gu would hold this notebook.

 At the same time, Hegu would often be surrounded by more than a dozen little guys.

Just like this, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and Si Ningning had just wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, when she heard the young sister-in-law on one side calling her, and she walked to the other side of the threshing floor without stopping, tightening her sleeves. Help spread the grain.

On the other side, under the shadow of the trees on the edge of the threshing floor, Hegu sat on the idle stone roller with a book in his hand.

Sanya and Sanya stood on his left and right respectively, while Zhou Xiaocui and others stood behind him with their heads raised, and more than ten pairs of eyes stared at the notebook in his hand.


 Don’t think casually: Take a day off on the 5th and go home to worship your ancestors! Breaking update on the 11th!

 (End of this chapter)

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