Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 179: She is gentle and treats everyone gently

Chapter 179 She is gentle and treats everyone gently

"I've written it down. This character is pronounced green!" A little bald man stretched out his hands, his black and dusty fingers trying to touch the notebook, but Hegu noticed it and slapped it away.

The little bald man bit his nails in grievance, "Hegu, you are too domineering! I am not convinced!"

"Your hands are so dirty, you will definitely stain the book. Si Ningning gave it to me for safekeeping. I have the right to refuse you to touch it." Hegu straightened his small chest and continued: "Si Ningning said, Wash your hands frequently, otherwise you will get sick easily, and if you have dirty hands and like to bite your nails, if someone else gets one worm in their stomach, you will get ten more!"

Hegu said, pouting and squinting at the little bald head seriously.

 When the little bald man heard this, how could he dare to bite his nails? He quickly retracted his hand, and the little black face wrinkled: "I, I will never bite my nails again!"

He Gu’s words completely frightened all the little bald heads and little braids.

The little carrots all pulled their hands behind their backs, subconsciously trying to hide their dirty hands.

He Gu snorted and deliberately frightened the others: "Stop hiding it, I know your hands are all dirty. Let me tell you, I didn't lie to you just now. What Si Ningning doesn't like the most is dirty children." You guys are so dirty, Si Ningning will definitely not teach you how to read in the future."

Originally he just wanted to play a prank and scare everyone, but Hegu underestimated the little carrot heads who wanted to learn to read and the love for Si Ningning. The group of little carrot heads immediately backed away, "Then I will go back and wash my hands now, and make sure they are clean." Clean!”

As he said that, Wuyangyang ran away in a hurry.

Si Ningning finished spreading a circle of grains and walked back, wiping her sweat. When she saw this scene, she frowned blankly and asked, "Why are they all running away? I just asked you to read aloud to everyone ten times. Have you read them all?"

Si Ningning had previously taught the little carrots rhymes and catchphrases. After a few days of teaching, the little carrots basically memorized them fluently. She wrote down what she had taught before in her notebook, and took advantage of her lunch break to start at the Educated Youth Point. He taught He Gu and Sanae and asked them to compare and read the words.

 At noon, He Gu and Sanae could recognize a few of the characters.

Hegu's mind was spinning so fast that he could even copy it and write it down. However, the order of his strokes was wrong and Si Ningning corrected him several times before correcting it.

When Si Ningning went to work later, Hegu held the notebook and led everyone to read it word by word.

  “Ah? This, that…”

Hearing Si Ningning ask, Hegu squeaked and lowered his head.

  It was agreed that he would lead us to read it ten times, but he only led us to read it seven times...

Really, if I had known earlier I wouldn’t have scared them!

Hegu pursed his lips in annoyance.

Sanmiao, Zhou Xiaocui and Sanya told the story together on one side. After hearing this, Si Ningning squatted in front of Hegu and wanted to reach out to rub Hegu's head. When he thought about it, his hands were stained with a lot of dust and sweat. She stopped continuing when she was mid-air and shrank back to take it back.

Hegu noticed her movements, like a newborn kitten, and took the initiative to put his head in her palm and rub it lovingly, "Si Ningning, I will never do any pranks again."

The little guy's pale brows were furrowed, his face was straightened, and he apologized very seriously.

 While I have the courage to admit my mistakes, I have also significantly overcome the psychological convenience of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

very nice.

Si Ningning gently rubbed He Gu's little head, curved his lips and smiled gently, and praised him without hesitation, "It's a good thing to popularize hygiene with everyone."

After the praise, Si Ningning did not forget to give correct guidance in time, "But we are a small class. We must abide by the rules when we say what we want to do within the specified time. As for other issues, you can choose a suitable time after class. Go ahead and tell me, are you right?"

Si Ningning glanced at the four little guys present.

 “Yes!” The four little guys nodded seriously.

Si Ningning smiled and said, "Okay, it's almost time to get off work. When everyone comes back to read the last few times, we will go back to the educated youth point."

This time, Hegu and Sanae nodded in unison and responded loudly: "Okay!"

The little bald heads came back one after another. He Gu led everyone to read the book for the last three times. Si Ningning was almost too busy, so she waved hello to her uncles and sisters-in-law, and prepared to take He Gu and the others back to the educated youth point.

Before leaving, Si Ningning told the little bald heads who were leaning on their feet and craning their necks to stay away: "Don't go out to play in the water at noon when it's hot. Take a good lunch break and wait until the sun gets smaller in the afternoon before going out."

 “Oh! Got it, teacher!”

Si Ningning waved her hand, signaling everyone to go home.

After the others left, Si Ningning put a straw hat on Sanmiao's head, and Hegu held the military kettle. She bent down and rolled up her trousers, Mo Yue rolled them up into a pair of shorts, exposing her calves to feel a little cooler. Then he raised his hand and gave orders, "Okay, let's go back."

 “Oh! That’s great!”

“Si Ningning, I can already write my own name, will you teach me to write new characters today?”

“It’s a good thing to want to learn new things, but you have to remember what you have learned before. Today, write down what you learned in the past few days a few times, and I will teach you new things tomorrow.”

 “Ah~ okay then!”

Unlike He Gu’s drawn-out disappointment, Sanae raised her round little face under the straw hat and smiled quietly, “Okay~!”

 At noon, Si Ningning made tomato pimple soup to take care of the period when the grains are changing teeth.

Although there are no eggs in it, Si Ningning dropped sesame oil into it and picked a lot of young leaves from the radish tassels at the door and added it to it.

The three of them each ate a bowl of delicious food. By the time they finished eating, their backs were already covered in sweat. Si Ningning took the two little ones to the well to wash their hands and face to dissipate the heat. After that, they cleared a clean area in front of the door and let the grass grow. Tani and Sanae each held a branch and wrote and drew on it.

Si Ningning has a lot of notebooks in the space, but the materials of those notebooks are very different from the homework books of this era. They can be used for office work. But if they are used for writing and practicing calligraphy for two children, it is really eye-catching.

Si Ningning simply gave up the idea and let Hegu and the others write on the sand for the time being. Later, when he had time, he went to the town and bought some cheap notebooks from the supply and marketing cooperative.

The chickens that were brought back have been raised for more than a month. Now they can no longer be called chicks. Si Ningning wondered, can the pullets be called broilers?

As soon as the strange thought entered his mind, Si Ningning shook his head and threw it away.

 Because the flow of time outside is different from that in space, chickens do not grow as fast as in space. However, during this time, the three chickens have also grown some defensive hard-tubed feathers.

 As the old saying goes, if your wings are stiff, you will rebel against the sky.

The three chickens may feel that they are capable, so they will gradually do some annoying things in daily life. For example, they will jump into the vegetable patch with radishes at the door and roll around in it. More than a dozen radishes were broken, and many of their tassels were eaten horribly.

This situation was more serious every day than the day before. Si Ningning was worried that the radishes would be eaten clean by a few chickens before they were harvested, so he took advantage of He Gu and San Miao to practice calligraphy at the door. During the break, she put on her work gloves and went to the well and cut down some fir branches.

The leaves of the fir tree are very long. They are called leaves, but they look like thorns. The long leaves are densely covered with nearly a hundred long thorns. If you want to describe it, it looks like fish bone thorns.

Si Ningning planted the fir branches that Li had seen in a circle around the vegetable patch, thinking that it should be able to play a certain preventive role. After finishing their work, other educated youths came back one after another.

After chatting for half an hour, after everyone finished eating, they returned to their rooms and prepared to rest. Si Ningning took out a mat from the house and spread it in the main room. The two children lay down together. Si Ningning took a pen and notebook on the table. Sit down.

Hegu held the corner of Si Ningning's trouser leg with his little hands, and slumped on the mat like a lazy snake, "Si Ningning..."

“Huh?” Si Ningning tilted her head to the table and listened carefully to what he said.

I saw the little guy yawned and muttered in confusion: "When will you tell the story of the flower grower again?"

"Whatever you want to hear, I can tell you now." Si Ningning said, "Hmm" and said in an extremely soft voice: "Later, the rabbit had a big brother, the bear."

“During those special days, the mighty bear gave the rabbit a lot of help. The rise of the flower grower was inseparable from the help of the bear, and the bear affectionately called the rabbit ‘Davari’.”

"Well..." Hegu turned sideways, opened his eyes in confusion and quickly closed them again, and asked in a weak voice: "What is Davari?"

 “Davari…that’s the Russian word for “comrade”.”


 “Yes, Russian.” Si Ningning nodded, the weight on his trouser legs suddenly lightened, and he didn’t wait to hear any movement from the side of Hegu.

Knowing that Hegu was asleep, Si Ningning raised her crescent eyebrows and a bright smile appeared on her face, "Cute little rabbit, I hope you can grow up healthily and happily, and contribute your little strength to this country in the future." "

Si Ningning sighed in a low voice, but did not notice that the eyelids of the sleeping little guy twitched slightly.

Hegu was half asleep but not fully asleep. Si Ningning's sigh was heard in his ears, hazy and trance-like, and was engraved in his heart.

After Hegu and Sanmiao fell asleep, Si Ningning sat at the table, pressed the corners of the book with his hands and tore out more than a dozen pages in a row. Then he copied and wrote down the vegetable planting rhymes he taught before on the torn pages.

 After that, these papers will be distributed to the children. They should find the corresponding words according to the memorized rhyme. They should be able to memorize them after two days. If there is an opportunity, they can be taught to write in the future.

This method may leave people speechless, but it is still an effective method when time and space are not available.

Even if we can’t teach the children on the team to write in the future, we can still recognize a few just by reading on the paper, which is better than being blind.

“Why are you tearing up such a good book?”

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Si Ningning turned around and it was Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue slept with her plaited quilt loose, and there were marks on her face separated by the quilt.

Si Ningning roughly explained his intention. Jiang Yue yawned and sat down opposite her. She lay on the table and looked at Si Ningning writing furiously, "Everyone said they are willing to teach those little bald heads how to read, but you are the only one." I keep it in my heart...are you too serious?"

 “There’s nothing to do anyway.” Si Ningning replied with a smile.

Jiang Yue let out a "hum", "You do so much work every day, how can you say you have nothing to do?"

 “That’s physical work.”

“People also need to be mentally released and consumed.”

Jiang Yue may not be able to understand that it is so profound. Si Ningning tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said: "What do you say? The more you use your brain, the more flexible it becomes. And these things are actually very meaningful. You may be a little tired when you are busy, but life Once you have enough, you won’t think about those messy things.”

 She was joking and asked with a smile: "Isn't this great?"

Si Ningning has an iconic appearance and speaks in an orderly manner, which makes it hard not to be convinced.

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed as Si Ningning stared at her with a smile, and waved her hand to stop Si Ningning from looking at her, "What you said makes sense, but it may not be easy to really divert attention."

Jiang Yue went to bed after lunch. After working all morning, her bones were exhausted, but she couldn't fall asleep after lying down.

 Jiang Yue is very worried...

Team 3 has been very busy during this period, and Jiang Yue is worried whether the northwest side will be as busy as here.

 Her brother had basically no work at home before. Can he take up the post now?

What should I do if I can’t do a good job, don’t get work points, and don’t have enough food to eat?

How can you work if you don’t have enough food? Can people still do it?

 Wandering around, Jiang Yue became even more worried.


 Jiang Yue lay on the table bored.

Si Ningning’s eyes swayed and she asked, “Are you worried about your brother?”


Si Ningning tapped the pen tip twice on the paper, and then pushed the pen and paper to Jiang Yue, "My hands are a little sore, please help me copy some."

Jiang Yue hesitated for a while. She hadn't written for a long time, and under Si Ningning's handwriting, her handwriting was like chicken chop.

 But when she thought of what Si Ningning said about "diverting attention", Jiang Yue still took it:

"Your handwriting is so beautiful... Your father is a railway engineer and must be very educated. Is he very strict with you?"

"well enough."

The two chatted for a while. Si Ningning raised her chin and looked at Jiang Yue. Seeing that she kept frowning, she knew that her method of diverting her attention did not work.

After careful consideration, Si Ningning put her small hand on the back of Jiang Yue's hand holding the paper, "I wonder if you know there is a truth? Only when you are well off can you have the energy to help others."

 This “other people” represents many, including relatives, friends, and strangers.

Jiang Yue's pen tip paused slightly, and Si Ningning knew that she was listening, so she continued to speak softly, "Friends are here, don't feel embarrassed to speak up if you have difficulties, seek help appropriately. Sometimes it doesn't matter even if you are a little selfish, there are special circumstances Next time, everyone will choose to focus on themselves first..."

 “This is not something unspeakable or disgraceful.”

As he spoke, Si Ningning patted the back of Jiang Yue's hand gently.

 (End of this chapter)

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