Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 180: Two people sit side by side, one wants to ask, the other wishes

Chapter 180 Two people sit side by side, one loves to ask questions and the other is willing to answer. The atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

"I know."

 Jiang Yue understood what Si Ningning meant.

Si Ningning was telling her to take care of herself unless necessary and not to think about her brother all the time...

If she herself is not living well, and she has to overextend herself to support her brother, that may temporarily reassure herself and make her brother feel comfortable, but if it takes a little longer, it will be the two of them who will be brought down in the end.

Her eyes couldn't help but feel sour, Jiang Yue exhaled and quickly lowered her head.

When she looked up at Si Ningning again, tears welled up in Jiang Yue's eyes, with a heavy nasal sound in her voice, and she stared stubbornly and helplessly: "You are the only one who knows what to say every time, and you do it so gently. Well?"

Although it was very helpful to be comforted, in comparison, Si Ningning was so gentle and thoughtful, so she knew how to cry when she was sad, which always felt a bit strange and embarrassing.

Si Ningning deliberately opened her eyes wide, raised a slight smile and winked at Jiang Yue, "Yes, I won't be so gentle next time. I should have woken you up when I found out that you were emotionally negative."

Jiang Yue glared at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning waved her hand, "Go and take a nap, I'm still busy!"

“Do you have any extra pens? Let me copy them for you!” Jiang Yue suggested.

Of course I have pens, and there are many of them, but I can’t take them out.

Si Ningning is currently using a refill that was removed from a gel pen and slightly wrapped with paper to pretend that the refill is leaking.

If another one is taken out in Yongyang's way, what will Jiang Yue do if he finds out the clues?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning shook his head, "No more. I don't have much left here. It's almost done. You can go to sleep."

"Oh well!"

Jiang Yue had no choice but to give up. After Si Ningning enlightened her, she felt much better. After going back to her room and lying down, she quickly fell asleep.

Si Ningning picked up the military kettle and took a sip of ice water. The coolness made her stomach feel comfortable. She straightened her back and exhaled comfortably, then continued writing furiously.

 After writing more than a dozen jingles on how to grow vegetables, Si Ningning wrote down the lyrics of "Not afraid of wind and snow" that he had previously taught He Gu:

 Not afraid of wind and snow

I, the Chinese people, bleed but do not shed tears

Faith is as strong as iron

 Not afraid of hardship or tiredness

˜Remember the bravery and fearlessness of the revolutionary martyrs

Full of passion

  Praise to Chinese teenagers for being brave and not retreating

 Be wise and responsible, and thrive

ˆWork hard to learn culture

 Grow up and build Greater China

 Go forward courageously and confidently create tomorrow...

The first three fingers of her little hand grasped the paper and shook it. Si Ningning followed the lyrics with her eyes and hummed softly on both sides. As the last line of the lyrics settled, she clenched her fists and knocked on the table with a rather exciting charm, " The courses have been further improved and spiritual beliefs have also been established, which is great! ”

Si Ningning's eyes curled up and she smiled brightly. She took out her pocket watch and took a look. She saw that there was still nearly an hour and a half before work started, so she should relax for a while and rest her mind!

 Gathering the scattered papers across the table and pressing them under his arms, Si Ningning yawned lazily and lay down on the edge of the table.

The usual lunch break is one and a half hours, but because it has been too hot these days and he is worried about the members being exposed to the sun and getting into trouble, Zhao Hongbing has postponed the start of work at noon by an hour, and the end of work has been moved back accordingly.

  It gets dark late now anyway, so it doesn’t affect the overall work progress.

The two seasons in midsummer are really busy. They are busy harvesting the last batch of winter wheat planted years ago and harvesting the summer millet. After harvesting the millet, they have to plow out the paddy fields and plant the rice seedlings harvested in the autumn.

 In addition to these, there are also corn and soybeans harvested in autumn, and peanuts harvested in November.

  The members of the team are very busy, and the educated youths are not necessarily doing much better. The male educated youths carry millet, plow the fields, and occasionally have to take turns with the team members to go to the threshing floor to keep vigil at night.

 Female educated youths are responsible for transporting seedlings, transplanting rice seedlings, threshing millet, etc.

  The water delivery job, which Si Ningning had pushed away angrily at first, suddenly fell back to her.

And because of his good skills in making "summer tea", he once again took over the job of delivering water, but he was no longer responsible only for the water for the educated youths, but also for some members of the commune.

To this end, Chen Lianmi not only sent her own kettle, but also collected two idle kettles from the team.

There are four kettles in total. If He Gu and San Miao hadn't helped carry one or two of them when going out, Si Ningning would have spent a lot of time just delivering water every day.

After delivering the water that day, Si Ningning returned to the pig pen. It was rare that Little Carrot Head didn't follow her, so she could catch her breath.

Si Ningning mixed the pig food neatly and fed it to the pigs. While the pigs were eating, Si Ningning climbed into the pig pen and swept around. Then he went into the space to fetch water and came out, washing the ground in one go.

 After washing my hands and face at the end, I still had time to sit down and nibble on two jelly **** that had been frozen into balls.

With the jelly ball in his mouth, the extreme coldness instantly made the hairs on his back stand up.

Si Ningning smoothly put the plastic case into the space. Before he could raise his head, his vision suddenly dimmed.

A pair of legs wearing Jiefang shoes, overalls and tied with gray cloth appeared on the ground in front of them.

 There is no one else but Huo Lang who can dress like this.

Si Ningning dropped two drops of jelly and swallowed it. The light in the sky was dazzling. She could only squint her eyes and look up at Huo Lang, "Have you traveled far?"

 Hong Kong always dresses casually in the team, just like ordinary members.

Going to the county will be more formal, but today, although Huo Lang was dressed plainly, he had cloth strips tied to his legs. He obviously went to a place that the car could not reach, and the distance was not close.

"It's not very far. The Seventh Brigade of Hongqi Commune is only seven or eight miles away from here." Huo Lang responded hoarsely.

 It's only seven or eight miles, isn't it more than ten miles for a round trip?

“…” Si Ningning was speechless for a while.

Seeing Huo Lang bowing slightly, her broad hands groping for something in the pockets on the outside of her thighs, Si Ningning took a few more curious glances, and then noticed that the pockets on both sides of her legs were bulging, and she didn't know what was stuffed in them.

Just as he was looking at it, two lotus pods as big as the mouth of a bowl were stuffed into his arms.

Si Ningning was stunned, "Where did it come from?"

He paused for a moment, then asked tentatively: "Where is the Hongqi Commune?"

"The reservoir channel passes by there. There are several small lakes in that area. The production team does side jobs of raising ducks and growing lotus roots." Huo Lang nodded, turned sideways and looked into the pig pen, thinking that if there was no cleanup, he would go in to help. After cleaning it up, it turned out that the inside was already cleaned up. "Lotus pods just came out this season, so I picked a few."

Si Ningning picked off a lotus seed, peeled it open and stuffed it into his mouth. The lotus pod was very tender, and even if the green lotus seed heart in the middle was not removed, it still tasted sweet.

After eating several in a row, Si Ningning stopped talking and asked belatedly: "Give them all to me? Didn't you leave any grain for them?"

Huo Lang shook his head, "I left it, there is one more." "…"

Si Ningning looked at the lotus pods in her hands. She had picked out half of the two lotus pods, and now only one and a half were left.

Thinking about Hegu and Sanae sharing the same lotus pod, it was so pitiful that Si Ningning scratched his head in embarrassment and handed the intact lotus pod back to Huo Lang, "I'm not a child. Just try one of them. You can take this one back." , let He Gu and Sanae take one."

Huo Lang leaned against the fence and looked down at Si Ningning without moving.

Si Ningning didn’t know why at first, but when she saw the look in Huo Lang’s peach blossom eyes, she instantly became angry.

That clear look in his eyes means again: You are just a child.

He stuffed the lotus pod into Huo Lang's arms along with another half-plucked lotus pod. Si Ningning stood up and left.

Huo Lang stretched out his hand to stop her and blocked her back, "Okay, how can you say you are angry when you are angry?"

“Why do you mean it?” Si Ningning stared at him with wide eyes, and then returned to her normal expression for a moment, “Don’t you know? Children are inherently moody.”

Si Ningning had a bright and gentle look on her face, but her voice had a hint of yin and yang, and Huo Lang knew as soon as he heard it that she was angry.

The little girl raised her eyebrows and snorted, and her face quickly became cold. Huo Lang didn't want to get angry with a little girl, so he thought and offered an olive branch, "Do you still want to go to the mountains to play? Tomorrow."

Si Ningning felt a "ding" in her mind. She couldn't hold herself any longer. She tilted her head and asked, "Tomorrow?"

 Horang nodded.

Si Ningning thought for a moment.

Horang would say this, and she should have a plan in mind and be able to arrange things properly, but she still asked: "What's the reason this time?"

"The double grab is coming to an end, and the team's work will slowly slow down. There is half an acre of soybean land in the mountain nest over there, and we need one more person tomorrow." Huo Lang pointed in the direction of the road to the town, "If If you want to go, we can go to the warehouse to pick up the bean seeds tomorrow."

 Changing places to work can indirectly change your mood.

 After the complicated farm work was over, Si Ningning also wanted to relax for a while.

Si Ningning was very moved.

Moving a step back to sit on the stone pier, Si Ningning patted his side and motioned for Huo Lang to sit down.

When the others sat down, she put her elbows on her knees and held her chin up, looking at Huo Lang, and asked curiously: "Then why did you go to Hongqi Commune today?"

Noticing that Huo Lang was sweating profusely, he hesitated for a moment, then Si Ningning took off the military water bottle and handed it over.

Without thinking much, Huo Lang took it and unscrewed the cap of the bottle. He raised his neck and drank two drinks from the air. The cold liquid rolled into his stomach. Huo Lang took a breath of comfort, screwed the cap and returned it to Si Ning. rather:

"There are some production teams over there that are also close to the mountain. Recently, for some unknown reason, wild boars have been coming down the mountain. The sweet potato fields that will be harvested in two months have been trampled into a state of disrepair. Someone from the commune asked me to come over and take a look. "

Si Ningning’s eyes widened, “Then, then you killed the wild boar?”

As he spoke, he turned his eyes to the side and looked at Huo Lang's palms in front of his knees, "With fists?"

"What are you thinking about..." Huo Lang rarely lost his previous rigorousness, and stared at Si Ningning with his peach blossom eyes. For just a moment, his expression quickly returned to normal, "It was shot with a blunderbuss, three rounds. "

 While speaking, he also made some gestures with his fingers.

Si Ningning had only seen wild boars in the animal world. He had never seen a live wild boar. This was the first time he had heard of a wild boar hunting incident happening around him. He was curious and asked a few more questions:

 “Is that wild boar big?”

 “Do you have two hundred catties?”

 “The teeth are very long, right?”

Si Ningning was curious, and Huo Lang didn’t hide it, and told them all:

 “It’s not that big, only five or six months.”

“The pattern on its body is very similar to that of a deer, except for its tusks.”

Holang pinched the first knuckle of his index finger with his thumb, "You wouldn't even notice it unless you looked closer."

Si Ningning nodded understandingly, "I heard that there are two breeding periods for wild boars, one is January and February, and the other is July and August. It seems that the ones you shot should be the ones in the spring."

 Huo Lang nodded, and Si Ningning asked another spiritual question: "Is a gun less powerful than a gun? It takes three bullets to kill a pig?"

"It's two ends. When I shot the first one, I alarmed the second one, and when I chased it, I missed one of the shots." Huo Lang pondered for a moment, and then said: "As for the issue of 'power', it also depends on what kind of gun it is compared with." "

Two people were sitting side by side on the big stone pillar next to the pig pen. One liked to ask questions and the other was willing to answer. The atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

“But compared to most guns, the accuracy of the blunderbuss is indeed worse.”

Hourang was a soldier, and Si Ningning didn't know if it was because of her fondness for Brother Bing. She felt that when Huo Lang mentioned these things, his eyes were particularly clear, and his whole body exuded a special charm.

 “Were you good with a gun before?”

"It's okay. Compared to guns, I'm better at fighting... uh -" Huo Lang paused, turned his head to look at Si Ningning and immediately changed his tone, "Little girl, don't always open your mouth and shut up about guns and shells, what are they like?" talk?"

After finishing his words, Huo Lang put the lotus pod that Si Ningning had just given him back to him on the stone pillar, stood up, patted his sleeves and prepared to leave, "We will set off tomorrow after you finish your work in the morning. We won't be back at noon, so be prepared. "

 Be prepared not to come back for dinner…

These words are a disguised way of telling Si Ningning that tomorrow will be the same as going up the mountain before!

Si Ningning was originally a little unhappy because of Huo Lang's reprimanding tone. As soon as she heard this, her attention was immediately diverted. She nodded and said, "I know."

After leaving Huo Lang, Si Ningning cleaned up the outside of the pig pen and went back to the educated youth point.

On the way back, Si Ningning kept thinking about what Huo Lang said but didn't continue in the middle of his sentence.

 Better at starting a war than shooting a gun...What to fight for?

 Battle tank?


However, in the past few years, this kind of big thing has been a relatively rare combat equipment. Generally, only seniors with more qualifications should be qualified to get it, right?

 After thinking about it all the way to the point of being an educated youth, Si Ningning shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it.

 It doesn’t matter whether he drives a plane or a tank!

That is all in the past.

  Why do you still think so much after everything has passed?

 Look at the present moment...!

Si Ningning patted his face, took off the kettle and entered the house.

 The next day she went out and didn't come back for lunch, so not only did she and Huo Lang have to prepare what they wanted to eat, but they also had to make Hegu and Sanae's lunch in advance.

Si Ningning has been thinking about what to do early in the morning.

 (End of this chapter)

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