Chapter 181 Preparation

 After much deliberation, I decided to make pancakes. I took some spare time in the afternoon to go into the space and make a ball of dough. I thought that the other educated youths would soon return to the educated youth spot, so I came out of the space to steam sweet potatoes and mix cold vegetables, and finished it in half an hour.

 Wash clothes, chat, sit around and enjoy the cool air. When it gets dark and the girls go to bed, Si Ningning enters the space again.

After taking care of the trivial matters in the space, Si Ningning took a handful of spring onions, then two green onions, and then entered the kitchen.

Cut the green onions into small pieces and prepare the scallion oil for a while.

For green onions, remove the outer skin and use a fork to cut into shreds. Put the green onions in a basin and put them under the faucet, add water and soak them temporarily.

Pour oil into the pot and heat it over low heat. Wait for the oil to come up and add the minced green onions. While the oil pan is sizzling, Si Ningning takes out the electric baking pan and rolling pin from the cupboard.

Originally I wanted to look around to see if there was any small brush that could be used to apply oil, but after searching for a long time and not finding it, Si Ningning gave up.

Smoke-like heat came out of the pot, and the aroma of green onions gradually wafted out. Si Ningning guessed that it was almost done, so he took out a bowl, poured all the oil in the pot into the bowl, and added the minced green onions that had been reserved earlier. Add to the bowl, add additional salt and chicken stock and mix well.

After finishing the work, Si Ningning kneaded the dough that had been made in advance into small balls, rolled it into a cake shape with a rolling pin, used both hands and chopsticks to mix the scallion oil in the bowl, and poured a small amount of it into the dough. On the cake, fold the cake into a ball and roll it out again with a rolling pin.

Repeating this four times, Si Ningning brushed a thin layer of oil on the electric baking pan, put the rolled out cake in, turned on the electric baking pan and listened to the "sizzling" sound inside, and waited quietly for a minute. , and when the electric pan was opened, the first scallion pancake came out of the pan!

Si Ningning picked out the cake, endured the burning, tore off a small piece and put it into his mouth. The dough had risen well, and with the repeated rolling times, the texture was crispy and the onion aroma was also great, but...

  It's just a bit bland.

Si Ningning promptly added half a spoonful of salt to the bowl to season, mixed it well and tried it by poking it with chopsticks. The taste was a little salty, but if it was a pancake, it should be just right.

Si Ningning finished off the first pancake, and then made more than a dozen scallion pancakes from the remaining dough.

The child has a small appetite, so I will leave four pieces for Sanae and Hegu for lunch tomorrow, and the rest will be divided between her and Huo Lang.

Of course, bread alone is not enough.

Si Ningning looked at the shredded green onions soaked in the basin for a long time, then took out a shredded green onion and put it into his mouth.

 A little spicy, but not as spicy as the first.


Si Ningning bit the tip of his tongue lightly and hissed to find the sea bowl.

Remove the shredded green onions and squeeze out excess water. Add two spoons of chili powder, one spoon of sugar, half a spoon of salt, one spoon of rice vinegar, and one spoon of light soy sauce. Mix well and sprinkle with a spoonful of white sesame seeds. A large portion of cold green onions. The silk is finished.

Before time travel, Si Ningning accidentally ate it at a barbecue restaurant with her classmates while skiing in Northeast China. She thought it was delicious and went home to search for various recipes. The taste of this recipe was the closest.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning couldn't help but take out her chopsticks and take a bite.

 Slightly spicy with a touch of sweetness, whether eaten as a salad or mixed with lettuce and eaten with barbecue, it is both refreshing and greasy, and the taste is very amazing.

 After one bite, he wanted to take a second bite, but when he thought that he was preparing for tomorrow, Si Ningning had no choice but to suppress his greed.

After cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, Si Ningning went to the backyard to pick up eggs.

 There was no special container for eggs before, so she used a stainless steel basin.

I haven’t picked up eggs in the backyard for two days. I picked up four eggs today.

Si Ningning put the eggs into the basin and counted them, there were sixteen in total.

He Gu and Sanmiao should like the scallion pancake, but the cold shredded scallions... Si Ningning suddenly felt a little unsure.

After thinking about it, Si Ningning walked to the pile of materials where seasonings were stored, and found cinnamon, grass fruits, cloves, bay leaves, etc. from the box where she got the ingredients last time.

Si Ningning took out a portion of each of these ingredients and returned to the kitchen. Si Ningning poured about 70% of the water into the deep pan, put it down and added salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, and counted ten eggs, washed them and put them in.

After covering the pot and cooking it over low heat, Si Ningning turned to the meat rack outside the villa and cut off a piece of meat skin **** wide.

She plans to braise some more eggs, and she learned this method from her grandpa.

Grandpa said that when stewing eggs, add a piece of meat skin and wait for the water in the pot to boil. The fat will detach from the meat skin and be slowly absorbed by the eggs. In this way, the eggs will be more fragrant and delicious.

Grandpa also said that if you want braised eggs to be more delicious, in addition to the meat skin, there is another important point, which is the indispensable thirteen spices.

Pour one-third of the sachet of thirteen incense into the pot, Si Ningning closed the lid of the pot, stood to one side with his arms crossed, staring at the clock on the kitchen wall and waiting.

It took about seven or eight minutes. It was estimated that the eggs were cooked. Si Ningning opened the lid of the pot, and the rich and slightly thick aroma of braised pork wafted in the air with the heat.

Si Ningning slapped her hand in front of her nose and used the back of a kitchen knife to crack the eggs in the pot. Then she closed the pot lid again and kept the stove on low heat.

During this interval, she picked up the vegetable basin she usually used to wash vegetables, intending to pick some cucumbers and wash them, so that she could eat them directly tomorrow.

Both trees and vegetables are growing very well in the space. The vegetables are green and green. Although cucumbers are constantly looking for excuses to take them out, they are consumed very slowly.

Many of the rows of climbing trellises erected before have been crushed and deformed. With the fertile land, cucumber production has more than doubled, and many melon vines have been broken by the weight and fell to the ground, causing the seeds to collapse. The patch of cucumbers looked messy.

This is nothing, the most important thing is that the melon vines on the shelf are still blooming and ready to bear new fruits...

At first, it was because I accidentally scattered too many seeds. I couldn’t bear to waste the strong melon seedlings, so I spent a lot of effort to chop bamboo and build structures. I didn’t expect that it would end up like this. .

Now I have to give it up even if I can’t bear it!

Si Ningning gritted his teeth, put the pot on the ground casually, put on his gloves and pulled out eight ridges of melon vines in one go, leaving only one ridge for daily consumption.

The cucumbers were picked and piled aside, rolled up in the vines, and some were thrown directly into the pig pen, while the rest waited to be fed to the pigs in batches later.

Although only one ridge of land is left, the yield is high and it grows quickly. Even if the entire educated youth has seven or eight mouths and eats every day, it can still be provided.

But having said that, with so much land suddenly freed up, the field of vision seems to be broadened a lot.

Si Ningning sat on the ground wiping sweat and panting. He didn't care whether the cucumbers were washed or not. He picked one up and started chewing it.

After eating a cucumber, Si Ningning almost recovered. She returned to the kitchen and took a look at the pot. The oily marinade kept bubbling up and threatened to overflow the pot. Si Ningning turned off the heat immediately.

 The eggs are already cooked, just put them in to soak in the flavor. It doesn’t have to be cooked over a fire.

Of course, it would be better if it was cooked over a fire, but that would require someone to keep an eye on it, and Si Ningning did not have that condition for the time being.

  Having been busy in the vegetable field in front for a while, Si Ningning was not sleepy now, so she simply dug out a few more bags of vegetables and started planting them. It doesn’t matter whether you eat it or not. Let’s plant it. What if it will be useful in the future?

However, rather than growing a variety of vegetables, Si Ningning actually wants to grow some grains and beans.

 On the one hand, these are grains; on the other hand, livestock such as pigs and horses can only gain weight by eating cereals and beans.

 No matter how much melons, vines and vegetable leaves are fed, it will only fill you up with water, which has no nutrition at all. Sometimes, because of the high water content, it indirectly increases the number of pigs' excretion, and can even make the pigs become thinner and thinner.

Due to space conditions, rice may not be able to be grown, but wheat and beans should be possible. Currently, there are no such seeds on hand. Si Ningning plans to wait and see if space is available to see if he can get some from the production team.

After patting off the dirt on his gloves, Si Ningning found a basin set aside, filled half of the basin with cucumbers, returned to the kitchen, rinsed them, and then quickly took a shower and dried his hair to make room.

When her back touched the bed board, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of comfort.

"Really... since when has sleeping become a pleasure?" Si Ningning muttered softly, took out his pocket watch and squinted at the hazy moonlight through the window.

 One twenty-one minutes…

 “Sleep, sleep!” Si Ningning turned over and sat on the quilt.

In the dead of night, with the sound of "chirp", a black grasshopper emerged from the gap between the bricks and tiles. It wanted to jump into the grass and seize the opportunity to taste the first drop of morning dew before dawn. However, it just jumped out of the gap. When it came out, a long tongue appeared across the sky and rolled it into its belly.

The toad's mandibles bulged against his back, and he was soon attracted by other small insects. He slowly changed his direction and jumped into the grass, disappearing.

The clumps of bamboo shadows swayed in the wind, and the dark leaves covered the bright halo. It seemed that tens of thousands of years had passed, and it seemed that it was just a blink of an eye. The silver full moon faded in the sky and was replaced by a bright red disk.

A light mist enveloped the mountains in the early morning. Between the fields and paths, dewdrops pressed down on the slender waists of the weeds, and fell down layer by layer. A long-legged green mantis accidentally twisted its waist as it passed by, and quickly followed the grass before being discovered. A section jumps to the other end.

There was a lot of noise in the Educated Youth Point. Someone resisted the burning of his hands and grabbed a sweet potato from the pot, turned around and ran out:

 “Hurry, hurry, hurry up! I had a dream this morning and got up too late!”

 “Where are you working today?”

 “Liudaotian, where are you?”

 “We are behind the production team…”

Si Ningning came back from washing up, heard everyone talking, and said casually, "I'm going to the soybean field on the other side of the mountain today. The journey is too far and I won't be back at noon. If you need hot food at noon, let us know in advance and see who can go first." Come back for a while."

“Is it far from the production team? Are you safe alone?” Xu Shuhua asked.

Si Ningning smiled lightly and replied: "I'm not the only one, there are others."

Xu Shuhua nodded and said no more.

After the meal, the seven or eight boys and girls dispersed. Si Ningning hastily tidied up the house where the female educated youth lived, and then went out with a basket on her back.

It was still early to go to the pig pen, so Si Ningning did not go to the production team, but went to Chen's house along the path between the fields.

 When we first came here, the educated youths would go out around eight o'clock. The members of the third team would always be one step ahead of the educated youths.

 Recently, due to the hot weather and rush to harvest, although the starting time in the afternoon has been postponed by one hour, in order to avoid the harsh sun, the starting time in the morning has also been advanced.

The educated youths went out at about seven or seven-thirty. As a local member of the Third Production Team and a strong laborer, Huo Lang was of course earlier than the educated youths. Therefore, when Si Ningning arrived at the Chen family, the Chen family only had grain and saplings.

Sanae has already combed her hair and is using a large guillotine to press grass to feed the chickens in the yard.

Looking at Hegu, he was squatting under the eaves, holding an enamel jar in one hand and a toothbrush in the other, still dozing off with his eyes narrowed.

Si Ningning patted the door of the courtyard and said, "Sanmiao, Hegu."

 “Sister Ningning!”

 “Si Ningning!”

Hegu woke up instantly and got up almost at the same time as Sanae.

Si Ningning nodded with a smile and directly explained the purpose of his visit, "Has your elder brother mentioned it to you? We are going to the soybean field today and we won't be back at noon."

“Brother has already said that he has prepared lunch for us in advance.” Sanae turned sideways and pointed her little finger in the direction of the main room.

 Entering the main room, go straight and cross two doorways to reach the kitchen.

Si Ningning looked over and could vaguely see smoke floating in the kitchen.

 “What did he do for you?”

He Gu walked up to Si Ningning in two steps and answered first, "It's steamed sweet potatoes and bran vegetable dumplings!"

"Sweet potatoes are whole grains, so it's okay to eat them. What nutrition does bran dumplings have?" Si Ningning pressed Hegu's head and pushed it aside, "Brush your teeth!"

After saying this, his eyes turned to Sanae. Si Ningning took off the basket on her shoulders and raised her pale lips, "I've prepared some too. Come on, let's go into the house and find two bowls to put them in."

Sanae was very polite and had the experience of eating at the Educated Youth Spot. She thought that her elder brother had given instructions to bring the things that Si Ningning brought this time, so she nodded and led Si Ningning to the kitchen.

  Houses in rural areas are slightly more spacious than those in cities. Some commune members may feel that their houses are crowded, but in fact, that is because several generations of a family are crowded together.

 There are only three people in the Chen family, so it looks extra spacious inside and out.

Si Ningning looked along the road and entered the kitchen. There was an open flame in the stove and hot smoke coming from the pot.

 She curiously opened the lid and took a look. There was a bamboo steaming tray in the pot, with sweet potatoes on it and a few fist-sized, gray-brown dumplings. They should be the Kangcai dumplings that Hegu mentioned just now.

 Ask Sanae to bring bowls and plates, while Si Ningning took out the things prepared early in the morning.

The scallion pancakes were placed on the plate, the mixed shredded green onions and two braised eggs were put into bowls respectively, and then a few green cucumbers were taken out of the basket.

“Sister Ningning, isn’t this too rich? If my elder brother sees it, he will definitely say it is too extravagant.”

 Looking at the eggs and pancakes, Sanae could hardly keep up her saliva.


Ayao thought: I have fallen into a small misunderstanding recently, and I am working hard to adjust it. Q^Q, can you please vote for encouragement?

 (End of this chapter)

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