Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 182: Education "En"

Chapter 182 Education “En”

 There are eggs, thin flour pancakes, and side dishes. This is so happy!

Horang is a good big brother and never deprives his younger brothers and sisters of their food rations. However, although the eggs laid by the chickens raised in the family are kept for the family to eat, in most cases, one egg is beaten into a large bowl of soup.

It is not often the case that one egg is given to each person as it is now, and it is still eaten with refined grains.

Sanae looked at the cake with a light golden skin, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart: Si Zhiqing is really amazing. Not only is he good-looking, but he also cooks delicious food. Even the cakes he bakes are so good-looking, comparable to her elder brother's black cakes. Not the same at all!

"You don't eat like this every day, so what are you afraid of? If he wants to say it, let him tell me." Si Ningning bowed slightly and pinched Sanae's chubby little face, "You guys are growing taller now. When the time comes, you should adjust your diet appropriately, otherwise you won’t be able to grow taller in the future.”

Sanae smiled shyly but said nothing.

Si Ningning didn't know whether she agreed with what she said, or simply didn't dare to refute it.

Putting the empty plates and bowls into the basket, using his height to cover up the space, Si Ningning put the basket on his back, looked for things with Sanae, and covered the food on the table.

Si Ningning reminded: "The cake can be eaten directly at noon. If you want to heat it up, you must pay attention when lighting the fire."

“I enjoyed this salad with shredded green onions, but I didn’t know if you and Hegu were used to it, so I cooked two extra braised eggs.”

 “What are braised eggs?” Sanae raised her head with curiosity.


Si Ningning was directly asked by her.

 There were no braised eggs in the 1970s?


Si Ningning thinks that the members thought that braised eggs were too troublesome or there were not enough materials, so they simply stopped doing it.

Since there are fewer people doing it and the children are young, it is normal that they have never seen it.

So after thinking about it, Si Ningning explained: "Well... do you know about braised pork? It's a marinade similar to that. Put eggs in it and boil it. After it's cooked, crack it open and continue cooking it until it changes color and tastes delicious. "

Sanae nodded as if she understood, "So that's it. Aunt Renmi used to raise a black-bone chicken at home. The eggs were black. I thought they were eggs laid by the black-bone chicken?"

“This is not a black egg.” Si Ningning explained in a funny and helpless way: “Although the black chicken is completely black, the eggs it lays are similar in color to eggs laid by ordinary chickens.”

Sanae nodded, and the two of them walked out while talking. Before they reached the main room, they heard Hegu in the front yard spit out mouthwash, and exclaimed with joy: "Brother, you are back!"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, not expecting Huo Lang to come back at this time.

At this time, Hegu's voice was heard again, "Brother, you came back just in time, Si Ningning is here! You, hurry up..."

 Speaking of the latter part, Hegu's voice was obviously lowered in a sneaky way.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows were so furrowed that they were almost knotted, and she didn’t know where this was coming from.

Thinking about it, he arrived at the main room in a flash and was face to face with Huo Lang, who had his long legs buried in the room.

Huo Lang has a strong sense of personal responsibility, and he is a solid laborer. Generally, the tasks assigned to him during busy farming periods are not as heavy as usual. Even so, after finishing his share, he will still think of finding ways to exploit every opportunity. Make time to help others.

For example, today, if he confirmed early in the morning that he was going to work in the soybean field, the production team would not assign him any other work, but what?

Just two hours before departure, Huo Lang went out early, took the production team's cattle out to feed them, and even went around to the threshing floor to thresh grain.

Huo Lang picked up the sweat towel on his neck and wiped the sweat. It was still cool in the morning, but his coat was already soaked with sweat. He unbuttoned four buttons before entering the yard. He originally planned to wash his shirt with some well water, but he heard that Hearing Hegu's words, he buttoned it back up again.

"Why do you want to come here? Didn't you tell me to wait until you finish your work in the morning before going out?" Perhaps it was because he hadn't spoken a word so early in the morning, Huo Lang's voice was particularly low and hoarse.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and replied truthfully: "I thought I wouldn't be back at noon, so I made the lunch meals for Hegu and the others in advance."

After finishing his words, Hegu poked his head out of the door and asked, "Si Ningning, what delicious food did you make today?"

Horang held his head with his backhand and pushed him back again. "I've already passed it. You can take it back. They can't eat that much."

It's okay that he didn't mention it. When he mentioned it, Si Ningning asked: "What did you make for them? Kangcai dumplings?"

The little girl's eyes widened and she looked straight at him without any concealment, obviously waiting for his answer, and there was also a very disapproving tone.

Horang's throat rolled up. He didn't know what was going on, but suddenly he felt like he had done something inappropriate and was caught.

He rubbed his hair back uncomfortably, walked to the table while avoiding Si Ningning's eyes, and poured half a tank of water into the enamel jar. "Gudong, gudong." That's two big mouthfuls. "Eat it once in a while, but not often." eat."

Huo Lang could see that Si Ningning really liked children and was very popular among them, but what he didn't make clear was that he ate the vegetable dumplings in the pot, and the sweet potatoes were the ones to eat. of Hegu and Sanae.

Si Ningning was not clear about the twists and turns, and to be honest, Huo Lang was the one in charge of the Chen family. She had no right to interfere with what he wanted to feed his younger siblings.

But of course there is no reason to take back what was sent.

Si Ningning stepped out of the threshold and said, "If they can't eat, then I'll save it for you to eat when they come back in the afternoon. It's not for nothing. You gave me so many food stamps..."

“I’m going to the pig pen, and I’ll go pick up the bean seeds when I’m done. We can go out early and come back early in the afternoon.”

 After saying that, Si Ningning had already walked out of the yard.

Horang watched her leave, and went to the kitchen with the Hegu limited edition "pendant" hanging on his leg, and Sanae followed all the way.

The things Si Ningning sent included two bowls and a plate, tied with a bamboo basket and a wooden basin. They were placed on the table to be conspicuous.

Horang walked over and opened the thing directly. The white and golden scallion pancakes were the first to come into view. The sunlight coming in from the morning window reflected on them, and obvious oil flowers could be seen on them.

Horang pursed his thin lips and opened another one, revealing the attractive-colored shredded cold onions and eggs inside. This time, he also frowned.

Huo Lang turned around and glanced at his siblings, "Is this what you usually eat at the educated youth spot?"

He Gu nodded, then shook his head again after a while, "There are no eggs."

 “But there is meat.” Sanae raised her hand to add.

Horang’s deep brows furrowed even more tightly and asked again: “Do you only eat fine grains?”

He Gu nodded, "Yes, there are rice, noodles, and pimple soup... Brother, Si Ningning is very good at cooking, and the food she cooks is delicious."

Sanae kept nodding next to her "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah", fully supporting what her second brother said.

 “You two sticks.”

Hourang suddenly felt a slight pain in his head. He stretched out his hand and patted each of the two little heads lightly and hard, then sat crookedly on the wooden pillar in front of the stove.

  No wonder when I come back from the educated youth spot every day, I always talk about how delicious my lunch is. Could it not be delicious?

They are all made from fine grains, including meat and eggs, and they are willing to use oil...

 How is this helping to cook?

 Raising a son is nothing more than that.

Horang took a deep breath and glanced at Sanae and Hegu with a frown.

The two of them seemed to have realized something, and they both stopped playing around and stood in front of Huo Lang.

Horang didn't say anything, and the kitchen was quiet for a while. For a while, even the sound of hens clucking in the front yard could be clearly heard.

Seeing Sanae's increasingly rounder face and the obvious turn of color on Hegu's face, Huo Lang sighed deeply.

He did not reprimand the two of them sharply, but said sincerely and sincerely: "Do you think that if you give people food stamps, you can eat openly?"

The two little ones looked at him, Hegu said nothing, and Sanae was a little scared, "Brother..."

Huo Lang didn't give Sanae a chance to speak, and continued: "There are several uncles in the team, and they work in the fields non-stop throughout the year. After a year, they only get a small amount of grain based on their work points. If they change to coarse grains, the amount will be several times. I can barely survive starvation."

“Educated youths come from the city, and their work is not as good as that of farmers. How many work points can they get? Si Ning… Si Educated Youth is also a lesbian.”

 Huo Lang stopped when he said this. He Gu has always liked Si Ningning the most. Hearing this, he already understood what he meant and immediately apologized and repented, "Brother, I was wrong..."

Hegu realized that they were wrong, but he was too young to tell what was wrong.

Horang's deep brows furrowed, and his chest was heavily depressed, but he still pulled his younger brothers and sisters closer to him and patiently guided him: "Those money tickets are limited, so I don't need to tell you the price of fine grains. You guys know more or less."

"Even if I am helping, I am not obligated to give you good food and drink every time. In addition to these, I also have to take you to play and wait for you to sleep... She could not do this at all, but she did it."

 “People should know how to be grateful, you know?”

"You must repay this friendship a thousand times a hundred times. Anything less will be a disgrace."

 Because this has exceeded the initial expectations, it is no longer just "helping", let alone simple cooking.

Si Ningning’s actions went beyond the care of ordinary neighbors, but came from a woman’s inner love and upbringing for her children.

  Holang's heart could not be calm for a long time.

Hegu and Sanao are special. They have neither father nor mother. In the past few years, Huo Lang has raised them up by acting as both father and mother. He gives them the best, both in terms of internal and external conditions.

Looking around, no one in the entire production team, big or old or small, can compare with Hegu and Sanmiao.

 But when a child is growing up, these alone are not enough.

 The warmth that only women can give and bring in life, no matter how hard Huo Lang tries, he cannot bring it to them.

 But now, Si Ningning gave them...

 This is a kind of "favor". It is a kind of upbringing to Hegu and Sanae, and it is a great help to Huo Lang.

Horang will remember Si Ningning’s help to him in his heart, and he will also let He Gu and Sanae remember this love.

 “Do you remember?”


 “Remember, brother.”

 The two little ones responded in unison.

Horang nodded and said "Yeah", waving his hands to let the two little ones go and do what they were supposed to do.

Sanae returned to the front yard and continued to feed the chickens, while Hegu saw that his eldest brother's expression had softened, and then he stuck it on Huo Lang's thigh like a plaster and raised his head to act as a pendant, "Brother, do you like Si Ningning?" ?"

"You must like Si Ningning, otherwise you wouldn't have given her lotus pods yesterday. Unexpected, right? I've seen it all." He Gu looked proud.

The next second, Huo Lang picked him up and pushed him down in front of his knees. He slapped his **** twice, "You have learned to listen to the corner at a young age, right?"

Holang pretended to be angry, "You are a boy, and you are not an inquisitive little wife, so why are you so shameless?"

"I didn't eavesdrop. You didn't find a secluded place to find Si Ningning. I went to find Si Ningning and I saw you at a glance." He Gu kicked his legs to resist, "And what's the use of having a face? Brother, you are better than Si Ningning is so much older and is already an old man, so why should you be embarrassed? If you want shame, you won’t be able to get Si Ningning as your wife!”

 What are you doing in a secluded place?

 He just gave Si Ningning a lotus pod on the way, and it wasn't really a tryst...

Hearing Hegu's words become more and more out of tune, Huo Lang slapped his **** twice again, "Damn boy, where did you learn these words? I'll talk to you next time, I hope I won't slap you?" !”

He Gu honestly rested, and after he broke free from Huo Lang's lap and ran out of the kitchen, he straightened his back and said loudly: "You always said that Sanmiao and I should listen to Si Ningning, then why don't you marry her back?" ? If she is my sister-in-law, I will not only listen to her, but also honor her, and I will honor her with Sanae! "

When Hegu saw his eldest brother shaking his head from side to side and grabbing the firewood stick in his hand, Hegu quickly covered his **** and jumped away.

 “Smelly boy.”

Holang cursed, then sighed softly, got up and went back to the room to dig out a tin box from under the broken wardrobe.

Horang sat by the bed and opened the lid of the tin box. In addition to a few one-inch photos that were yellowed and corroded by mildew, there was also a small notebook and several bundles of money notes.

Horang never thought about marrying and having children.

 The burden on his shoulders made it impossible for him to accept, let alone drag another woman to accompany him to endure hardships and bear the psychological burden together.

not to mention…

That girl is only sixteen or seventeen, not even a woman.

Horang frowned deeply, took out a bunch of money bills and put it into his pocket. Then he picked up the group photo inside and looked at it for a long time. Finally, he closed the lid and put it back in its place.

After leaving the room, he found a hatchet and put it into his backpack. Huo Lang packed up some other things. After giving Hegu and Sanmiao a few words, he took the backpack and water bottle and set off to the team.

On the other side, Si Ningning had finished her work at the pig pen and was heading to the warehouse. On the way, she unexpectedly met Huo Lang, who was coming to pick up farm tools.

The two looked at each other for a second, nodded tacitly, and walked into the warehouse yard together:

 “Uncle Hongfa, I’m here to get the hoe.”

 “Uncle, I’m here to get the bean seeds.”

 (End of this chapter)

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