Chapter 183 Children

Zhao Hongfa walked out of the door and saw Si Ningning and Huo Lang coming together. He immediately laughed and said, "Oh, what a coincidence, isn't it? You two come together."

 “Well, uncle.”

Horang's heart was agitated by the grain, and he was extremely conflicted, so he responded without saying a word.

Looking at Si Ningning on the side, he always had a family smile on his face, and said openly: "Comrade Huo Lang and I were assigned to the same place, and we happened to meet him on the way... This is good, it saves me from looking for him again. ”

“This arrangement is good, the captain must have considered it.” Zhao Hongfa chuckled.

During this period, the kitten brought back a few days ago kept spinning around Zhao Hongfa's feet, almost tripping him several times.

Three cats are kept here in the warehouse. The one who usually stays in the warehouse the most is Zhao Hongfa. Naturally, these three cats are the closest to him.

Afraid of stepping on them, Zhao Hongfa simply bowed and picked them up and placed them on the desk where he was writing.

The table is about 80 centimeters high. The three cats were not very big yet. They stood beside the table and called Zhao Hong, "Mimi" and "Meow".

Si Ningning walked over and scratched the kitten's neck, and the kitten began to purr. "Uncle, have you named these three cats?"

"Haha, here they are, the captain gave them to them, rhubarb, big flowers, and big black. You can recognize them by looking at the colors on their backs." Zhao Hongfa first brought a **** to Huo Lang, and then went to get a scale for Si Ningning. Calling Beuzhong, "This boy is down-to-earth and easy to feed."

Si Ningning nodded. In this day and age, she didn’t expect the production captain to come up with any fancy names.

Zhao Hongfa concentrated on the work in hand and continued the topic at the same time, "The captain is well chosen. A Lang is reliable. If it were another boy, let alone the captain's arrangements, I wouldn't be able to give you this seed today." "

 Said and laughed again.

 “Haha, yes.” Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang awkwardly, laughed in agreement, and did not answer the question.

After receiving the two kilograms of bean seeds that Zhao Hongfa weighed, Si Ningning and Huo Lang stepped out of the yard one after another. Zhao Hongfa followed two steps behind and shouted at the top of his voice: "Si Zhiqing, the bag containing the bean seeds is the same as the rice bran bag. Repeat." Use it... remember to bring it back to me after you finish your work in the afternoon. "

 “I got it, uncle!”

Stepping out of the alley, Si Ningning handed the bag of bean seeds to Huo Lang, then turned sideways and put the basket behind him.

Originally, he wanted Huo Lang to help put it into the basket on his back, but in the end, Huo Lang put it directly into the basket on his waist.

Si Ningning didn't wait to see the weight on his back. He turned his head curiously and saw Huo Lang's movements in one go.

Si Ningning's cheeks puffed up, her crescent eyebrows slightly raised, and after just a moment, she followed Huo Lang's side happily.

Even though the two of them were walking side by side, they always kept a step away from each other. As a result, when Si Ningning spoke, he would always subconsciously turn to Huo Lang's side, "Should I also get a hoe?"

"No need." Huo Lang said in a dull voice, "Your task is to sow bean seeds."

"All right…"

Si Ningning said "Oh", and neither of them spoke after that.

  It has been quiet for more than ten minutes. After the production team came out, they walked to the forest path leading to the soybean field.

Black cloth shoes stepped on the broken astigmatism diaphragms scattered on the dead branches and leaves. Si Ningning finally couldn't help it. She turned her head and looked at Huo Lang, "Are you in a bad mood? Why haven't you spoken?"

Huo Lang slowed down for half a beat, and Si Ningning simply stopped and continued to ask: "Do you regret it? Are you not willing to bring me here?"

“…” Huo Lang lowered his eyes and looked at Si Ningning.

The little girl's crescent eyebrows were tangled and wrinkled, and her pair of dark and clear eyes were looking straight at him, straightforward and candid, just waiting for his answer.

Si Ningning is indeed young, but she is a **** after all and cannot treat Hegu and the others like she did.

It was nothing at first, but due to the commotion in Hegu in the morning, Huo Lang always felt a little uncomfortable getting along with Si Ningning. He felt that such a solitary occasion seemed a bit inappropriate.

 But the words were swirling on the tip of his tongue. Huo Lang turned his head and looked to the side, and spit out two words that were completely opposite to his thoughts, "No."

 “If not, then why don’t you look at me and answer?”

As soon as these words were spoken, a line suddenly popped into Si Ningning’s mind:

 You say that all four elements are empty, but you close your eyes tightly. If you open your eyes and look at me, I won't believe that your eyes are empty...

 From the 87 edition of Journey to the West, from the mouth of the king of the daughter country.

It was just a normal conversation at first, but Si Ningning forgot that something had changed subtly the night he came back from the county.

 When she realized it, she suddenly stopped speaking.

 The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

At this moment, Huo Lang turned his head, stared at her with his deep peach blossom eyes, and repeated his previous answer: "I said, no."

The two of them were actually a little awkward and awkward, but after all, Huo Lang was a man and would not wait for Si Ningning to take the initiative to resolve the embarrassment when she was embarrassed, so he quickly looked away and raised his chin forward to indicate that he should continue. Walk.

After a while, he took the initiative to introduce the situation near the soybean field to Si Ningning:

“To get there, we need to pass through a small stream. The wide part is more than ten meters, and the narrow part is five to six meters. The water level is about the calf... I will take off my shoes after a while.”


Si Ningning nodded. After her eyes were diverted, her whole body returned to her usual appearance. She listened carefully to what Huo Lang said and nodded in response from time to time.

"The terrain is pretty good. There are trees and streams next to it. It's very cool. There's also an Albizia julibrissin tree between the stream and the fields. If you calculate the time, it's the flowering period... It's almost the same as when I went to the mountains before. There are also other trees around. Lots of shrubs and flowers.”

It was rare for Huo Lang to say a lot in one breath. Finally, he stopped to catch his breath. He glanced at Si Ningning's smooth side face calmly. His Adam's apple rolled and he looked away. He added in a contradictory yet calm manner: "You can pick some if you like."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, noticing a slight change in Huo Lang from before. She put her fist to her lips and smiled softly, "Okay."

Moyo walked forward for another half hour, and the creek that Huo Lang mentioned finally appeared in front of him.

Si Ningning originally thought that he would cross the river horizontally like the river he crossed before going to the countryside, but it was not the case.

 According to Holang, they had to walk upstream about two hundred meters against the current.

“Is this the only piece of land nearby? The scorer only gave me a few bean seeds. The land shouldn’t be big, right?” Si Ningning took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his trouser legs.

It’s only two points of land at most, and the geographical location is so remote. Even if we give up and open a new land near the production team, it will be more suitable than this, right?

"In the past, there was land all the way from the production team. This area is close to the hillside. There were heavy rains for several days in the past two years, and the top collapsed, and only this small area is left." Huo Lang took the lead. He lifted up his trousers and stepped into the water, "This land is next to the forest, and the dead branches and leaves are fertile. In addition, there is a water source next to it. Apart from the occasional need to come over to weed, there is basically no need to take care of it... so this land has been kept until now."

 "So that's it..." Si Ningning nodded in understanding.

 The water in the creek is very clear, and groups of small fish are clearly visible in it. From this, it can be inferred that the water quality is also excellent. But because almost no one came here, many rocks at the bottom were covered with slippery aquatic plants or moss. Si Ningning stepped in with bare feet. At first, she felt the cold water was very comfortable, and then she slipped several times.

Twice he stepped on moss, once he stepped over a stone, and once he tripped over a stone. Each time, Huo Lang reached out in time to catch Si Ningning who was about to fall into the water.

Ever since, holding hands seems to have become a matter of course.

“When you walk, curl your toes up a little to avoid slipping.” Huo Lang reminded in a deep voice.

Si Ningning curled up her toes as she was told. Not to mention, she had to walk more steadily.

Holang held Si Ningning with one hand and held the **** with the other.

As the two walked along the stream, the trees on both sides gradually became taller and thicker, and the tree crowns seemed to reach straight into the sky.

The mottled light and shadow seemed to be solid, and countless light golden light pillars slanted down from the green branches and leaves, or were scattered on the stones emerging from the water in the stream, or fell directly into the stream covered with white flowers.

It is a very ordinary scene, but it is as beautiful as a painting, making people feel peaceful.

The last time Si Ningning had this feeling was when she was sixteen years old.

I was on a birthday vacation in Australia. I was diving one evening and accidentally witnessed the waves rolling up under the sunset from the bottom of the sea. At one time, Si Ningning thought that it was the most beautiful scenery she had seen in the past sixteen years. …

  In the evening, the pale blue water shows a clear blue color under the light of the setting sun.

The orange warm light overlapped with the blue waves, and the small bubbles stirred up by the waves were like scattered starlight. For a brief moment, it truly healed Si Ningning's heart that was neglected by her father.

Seeing that Si Ningning kept looking up at the tree crown ahead, thinking that Si Ningning was looking for the Albizia Julibrissin tree, Huo Lang reminded: "You can see it if you walk further ahead."


Si Ningning nodded, thinking that what Huo Lang said was that if you go a little further, you can see the soybean field.

After walking up the stream for more than fifty meters, the cool light gradually became clearer. A tree with its neck crooked near the water on the right bank attracted Si Ningning's attention.

  It is the acacia tree mentioned by Holang.

The Albizia Julibrissin tree has a thick trunk and cracked bark that appears black and gray. The leaves are lush and green under the sun, and on the tips of the green leaves are clusters of pink fluffy small brush-like Albizia Julibrissin flowers.

The acacia tree is not really a crooked-necked tree, but has a branch as thick as an arm extending horizontally toward the water. The first impression you get when you see it is that its center of gravity is tilted toward the water.

 “We’re here.” Holang whispered.

Si Ningning said "hmm", took his hand, and was brought ashore by him.

 After landing, Si Ningning began to look at the soybean fields again.

The stream is on the left side of the soybean field, surrounded by trees. The soybean field is like the rope bridge that we walked through before. It is the only place covered by the sun in this moist and shady forest.

  Something else must have been planted before. You can vaguely see the shallow pits left by pulling out the crop plants on the ground. In addition, there are some scattered weeds with pink or white flowers.

Si Ningning put down the basket on his back.

There was food in the basket, which she had wrapped in oil paper in advance. Worried about attracting ants, she walked a few steps on tiptoes and hung the basket on a small tree on one side.

 Afterwards, he sat down on the grassy edge of the field. Si Ningning wiped the dust off his feet and put on his shoes and socks. "Do we need to pull out the grass first?"

The land in the ground is the kind of weeds with a dozen centimeters of long.

"There isn't much grass here, I just need to go through it a little bit." Holang unloaded the load and took a small bundle of rope from his backpack before starting work. "I don't need you now. I'll dig a hole later and need to plant beans." Call you again."

Si Ningning nodded and stared blankly at the rope in his hand, "But aren't we growing soybeans? Why are you bringing the rope?"

 “I’ll give you some fun, or else you’ll just stand here while I work?”

Si Ningning stared.

 Why are you standing there stupidly?

 She is not stupid, can’t she find something to do?

Huo Lang sighed with a smile and shook his head, one after another searching around for dead tree trunks as thick as a baby's forearm.

Upon seeing this, Si Ningning followed Huo Lang to look for him.

"That's enough." Holang quickly shouted to stop. He squatted in front of the piled tree trunks and pressed them one by one to test whether they were strong. After picking out some rotten wood that was about to rot, Holang put the rope on his arm and climbed up. Albizia tree.

 “Be careful!” Si Ningning warned worriedly under the tree.

Although the trunk is thick enough to support Holang's weight, the humidity in this area is very high, and there are traces of moss crawling on the surrounding trees and stones. If you don't pay attention, you will slip.

 If you fall from a tree, no matter how high or low you are, it will be uncomfortable.

“Got it.” Huo Lang stepped on the fork of the tree trunk and moved forward, and made a strong buckle on the trunk of the Albizia Julibrissin tree extending to the river.

 Estimated the length of the rope, Holang wrapped it around the tree trunk a few more times, and then jumped down from the tree as nimbly as a cheetah.

  Gathering the tree trunk just picked up, the two ends of the rope were **** respectively. Gradually, the outline of a swing near the water emerged.

As soon as Huo Lang let go, the tree trunk seat that was wrapped with ropes swung toward the water.

 “Try?” Huo Lang raised a sharp eyebrow and looked back at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning's head shook inaudibly, her crescent eyebrows furrowed, and she took a deep look at Huo Lang with her deer eyes. Even though she was uncertain, she still walked over obediently.

Huo Lang stepped into the water, took out the swing rope and handed it to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning tried holding the rope twice, but each time when she was about to put her weight on the swing, she hesitated and took it back.

The swing seat is suspended above the water, about sixty or seventy centimeters away from the water, and nearly two meters away from the shore.

If something goes wrong, the whole person will fall into the water. Si Ningning is a little afraid.

Holang realized that it was impossible for Si Ningning to climb onto the swing, whether from the shore or into the water. He frowned briefly and said, "Wait a moment."

While talking, he did not go ashore, but waded directly to the other side. He pushed over the large rocks that emerged from the water around him, and forcibly built a stone path from the shore to the bottom of the swing.

 (End of this chapter)

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