Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 185: daughter-in-law

Chapter 185 Daughter-in-law

 Zhao Hongbing arrived not long ago and just finished listening to Hegu singing.

Zhao Hongbing has noticed the recent changes in the little girls and boys on the team. He is actually very happy to see such a scene.

Educated youths can do a "handy" thing, and girls and boys can also learn some skills.

 This man... still needs to know how to read.

 “Second uncle!”

 “Uncle Hong Bing.”


Little Luobotou saw Zhao Hongbing and greeted him one after another.

 Zhao Hongbing laughed "haha" twice, his face softened and he waved his hands, "You sing your song."

As he spoke, he sat down on the edge of the shade.

The children continued to do their own business.

There are only about ten lines in the lyrics of this song. After Hegu sang it several times, other little carrot heads gradually began to speak.

 The immature children's voices sing about their heroic ancestors, their own future, and the future of the country...

Compared with the generally illiterate commune members, Zhao Hongbing was at least a little more familiar with them. He understood the meaning of the children's songs clearly, and his chest immediately trembled, and the eyes on his dark face couldn't help but turn red.

 The old-fashioned rough man held back tears in his eyes...

 Zhao Hongbing felt both uncomfortable and relieved.

What makes me sad is thinking about the suffering of the soldiers, but what makes me happy is the high ambition in the childish voice.

Zhao Hongbing raised his arm, pretending to wipe away his sweat and wiped away his tears. He took two deep breaths and squatted in front of Hegu, "Chen Hegu."

"What's wrong, Uncle Hongbing?" Hegu's little face wrinkled. Although he had been trying to restrain a series of additional symptoms caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder, the smell of sweat on Zhao Hongbing's body was too strong, and Hegu leaned back, unable to restrain himself from running away.

How did Zhao Hongbing know about this? He directly grabbed Hegu's shoulders and said, "Who taught you the song you just sang?"

Zhao Hongbing actually had a guess in his mind that Si Ningning was the only one who usually worked at the threshing floor.

Hegu's face turned pale with discomfort, he twisted his neck and looked away, and said with a stumble, "Si Ningning, I was taught by Si Ningning."

“It’s outrageous. Instead of calling me sister, you should call me Si Zhiqing.” Zhao Hongbing patted Hegu on the head.

  After that, he revealed that he wanted to take the grain back and write down the lyrics.

On the side, Sanae saw that her second brother had a bad look on her face, so she handed over the paper with the lyrics in her hand, "Uncle Hongbing, I have some ready-made ones here, you can take this... Let go of my second brother, my second brother is feeling uncomfortable." !”

Only then did Zhao Hongbing see clearly that Hegu's little face was pale and there were heavy drops of sweat rolling on his forehead.

Zhao Hongbing sat down on Hegu and waved his palms to fan Hegu, "Are you still suffering from heatstroke?"

Sanae knew that her second brother did not suffer from heat stroke, but she didn’t know how to explain the specific cause.

Zhao Hongbing, who was small and could not squeeze the big block, simply walked around the side and dragged the valley to the side. "Uncle Hongbing, remember to return me after reading, we go home for dinner!"

Pushing the paper into Zhao Hongbing's hand, Sanmiao pulled Hegu and ran home.

Leaving the threshing floor, Hegu sat under the shade of a tree and took a few breaths, his complexion gradually recovering.

Sanae squatted in front of him, put her chin in her hands and asked, "Second brother, are you feeling better?"

He Gu nodded.

Sanae asked again: "Then shall we go home? Or go back to the threshing floor?"

 It’s still a while before work ends.

“Of course I’m going home!” Hegu stood up, raised his fist and walked in front, “Let’s go quickly, I’m already hungry.”


 The two little ones were full of excitement and eagerness, and ran home one after the other.

On the other side, at Zhao Hongbing's house, Chen Lianmi was busy making lunch. She came in and out several times and saw Zhao Hongbing sitting at the table, keeping the same posture and staring at a page. Finally, she couldn't help but stepped forward and pushed, "What are you looking at?" Are you so careful? Are there flowers or flowers on it? Why don’t you get in?”

Zhao Hongbing said with a straight face, "Did you see this? It was written by Si Zhiqing."

 Chen Lianmi became a little interested when she heard it was related to Si Ningning. Unfortunately, she couldn't read and could only wait for Zhao Hongbing to continue talking.

"What is written here is: Not afraid of wind and snow, the Chinese people bleed without shedding tears..." Zhao Hongbing held his rough fingers against the words one by one and said them to Chen Lianmi one by one. After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Do you think the writing is good?"

Before Chen Lianmi could speak, Zhao Hongbing slapped the table, "It's so good!"

"..." Chen Lianmi felt that it was strange. She turned around and wanted to go back to the kitchen to continue her work, but her arm was grabbed by Zhao Hongbing: "You said this about yourself, and others said this! Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Zhao Hongbing swept away the depression and discomfort before, and started a ten-minute one-man show with a shiny face:

“I think this educated youth is really good and a good role model, what do you think?”

“Have you seen the changes in the girls and boys on the team recently? Zhao Guangzhu stopped me this morning. What do you think he said?”

“I told you that the educated youth I met was so good at teaching his grandson, who was as dumb as a pig’s head, that he can now write two characters!”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this Si Zhiqing is really amazing!" Zhao Hongbing praised him, then pursed his lips and shook his head deeply, "You said that there were seven other educated youths who were thrown away by our team, how come it was Si Zhiqing? What about top-notch students? You can also teach them how to read while working, so there’s no delay!”

 “I have an idea, do you want to hear it?”

 Chen Lianmi glanced at the **** hand holding her arm and said in her heart: I don’t want to listen, is it okay? Do you want to?

Zhao Hongbing didn't really ask Chen Lianmi what he meant, he just wanted someone to listen to what he was saying.

“As we get older, whether we know how to read or not will be the same for the rest of our lives. But the younger generation is different. They still have to study and learn to read. As long as they are educated, they will be energetic in whatever they do, and they will be twice as successful.”

As he said that, Zhao Hongbing mentioned Si Ningning again, "Let's just say Si educated youth. They are educated. They also feed rice bran. They are all well-known in the production team, so they can feed the pigs until they are white and fat. "

“Just tell me, is this your ability?” Zhao Hongbing curled up his big hands, raised his arms and waved them in the air, asking impassionedly, no...

 In other words, it is more appropriate to seek Chen Lianmi’s approval.

Chen Lianmi has always been attracted to Si Ningning, just look at how she treats Si Ningning.

Chen Lianmi felt quite relieved when Zhao Hongbing praised him, "Okay, I understand what you mean, and I think so too. We want to go together, right?"

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it and keep it safe.” Chen Lianmi smiled and stroked Zhao Hongbing’s hand away, then turned to the kitchen.

"Can you do it? How can you do it? Do you have an idea?" Zhao Hongbing's dark face wrinkled into chrysanthemums in confusion, and he followed him to the kitchen, "Can you tell me?" "Isn't this something easy to handle? I'll do it early tomorrow morning Go to the town to call the boss back, go make breakfast, and see if you can grab some meat then. At noon or afternoon, find an excuse to call Si Zhiqing over for a meal, and let the two of them..."

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you talking about?!" Zhao Hongbing waved his hands repeatedly, and the curious look on his face was instantly replaced by speechlessness, "What does this have to do with the boss? If you don't know, don't get involved! It's like being on a blind date. …”

“What?” This time it was Chen Lianmi’s turn to be surprised, “You praised Si Zhiqing as if he were like a flower, didn’t you want Si Zhiqing to be your daughter-in-law?”

"Son, daughter-in-law? What the **** are you talking about?" Zhao Hongbing suddenly exploded when he realized what Chen Lianmi was thinking, "When the **** did I say that?!"

"I'm telling you, you bitch, you're not allowed to have that idea!" Zhao Hongbing stood at the door of the kitchen and slapped the door panel with a big slap, "How can I say that she is also a girl from the city? If word gets out and people in this village meet each other every day, what will they think of me?"

Educated youths all come from various cities, but Si Ningning is different. She comes from the capital. She is beautiful, well-educated, capable of work, and excels in everything.

If word of this gets out, even if Si Ningning doesn't say anything, people from the whole village will poke Zhao Hongbing in the back.

 Zhao Hongbing had already made a prediction about what it meant to be premeditated, to pick the best, and to strike first.

 Chen Lianmi originally thought that Zhao Hongbing had the same idea as her, but now after listening to Zhao Hongbing's words, she realized that she might have misunderstood.

 But even so, Chen Lianmi couldn't hear Zhao Hongbing's words.

Nailing the kitchen knife on the chopping board, Chen Lianmi said angrily: "Yes, Si Zhiqing is good at everything, but our family Baokang is not bad either! Not to mention our brigade, look at how many other brigade members there are How many people like Baokang can enter the rubber factory? "

“Who in the ten villages and eight villages doesn’t envy you, Zhao Hongbing? Who doesn’t praise your son’s ability?”

"With an iron rice bowl and a salary of more than ten yuan a month, if Si Zhiqing follows Baokang, he won't have to endure hardship...Why is he not worthy of Si Zhiqing? Do you want to be slandered like this?!"

“I didn’t even ask the educated youth whether it was okay or not, but you already disliked me. Are there any fathers like you?”

"Why do I dislike Baokang? Oh, I don't support this because I dislike it?" Zhao Hongbing walked a few steps towards the table angrily with his hands behind his back, as if he insisted on explaining everything clearly. "You **** bitch, are you still being reasonable?"

 Be reasonable?

 Let alone being reasonable, Chen Lianmi didn't even want to talk.

  Take off your apron, throw it on the table, turn around and leave the kitchen.

Zhao Hongbing let out a "tsk", followed behind and grabbed her arm, "You bitch, I'm just going to tell you a few words, why are you running away? Where can you go if you don't cook after this?"

"Still cooking?" Chen Lianmi shook off Zhao Hongbing's hand and rolled her eyes with a sullen face, "I'll be your mother's dog basket, so go ahead and eat shit!"

 “Alas you!”

 Zhao Hongbing also got up, and seeing the two of them quarreling more and more fiercely, there was a sudden creaking sound at the door of the hall. The couple looked over and saw Zhao Guangzhu, who was in the team, standing with his back to the door.

Zhao Guangzhu’s mouth twitched, “Captain, I, I came at a bad time, I, I’ll come back later...”

“Zhao Guangzhu, what’s the matter with you? Come in and tell me something.”

“That’s right! Why, it’s not the time. Come on in and sit down! It’s so hot outside... If you have something to say, I’ll get you some water!”

The couple who were still pulling each other a second ago let go of each other for a brief moment. They both calmed down their emotions at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

They were quarreling at home, and in front of outsiders, both Zhao Hongbing and his wife wanted to make each other look decent.

"Hey, hey! Okay!" Zhao Guangzhu scratched his head in embarrassment and walked into the house.

There was humming chatter from Zhao Hongbing's house, while on the other side, in the soybean field two miles away from the production team, Si Ningning and Huo Lang were preparing for lunch.

It was not too early to come out. By the time Huo Lang finished hoeing the grass and cleaning the gutters, the sun had already turned overhead. The scorching heat wave hit his face, and the scenery in front of him was slightly distorted.

Holang took off his straw hat and walked towards the shade of the stream, while rolling up the brim to fan himself.

When he arrived at the stream, he stepped directly into the stream with his long legs. He scooped up water twice to wash his face and stretch his arms. Without any intention of resting for a while, he straightened up and rushed into Si Ningning's arms, "Let's go." Bar."

"where to?"

 “Find a place to eat.”


Si Ningning glanced at the damp environment by the stream. Without hesitation, she carefully got off the swing and took Huo Lang's hand to get ashore.

Horang threaded the rope of the basket and the basket on the handle of the hoe, put the handle of the **** on one shoulder, and waited with the basket and bamboo basket.

 After Si Ningning put on her shoes, Huo Lang turned around and walked ahead.

"Have you often worked here before?" Si Ningning swung her ponytail and trotted behind her, "It seems like you are very familiar with this place."

“I’ve been here a few times.” Huo Lang responded in a deep voice, “There used to be a lot of wild boars in the mountainous area, so I often patrolled the mountain, and I got a rough idea of ​​the terrain during my visits.”

 “So that’s how it is.”

 There are many grasses and trees in the mountains, as well as cicadas and birds. In addition, there are many bees and butterflies.

 Under the bright sun, the bees and butterflies were not afraid of the heat and circled around the wild flowers on both sides of the trail.

Si Ningning followed Huo Lang through it, and from time to time he would stretch out his hands to try to catch the butterflies that were disturbed and flying in the air.

“There are so many bees here, can we find honey in the mountains?”

 “You can come across it occasionally, but you may not be able to find it if you look for it deliberately.”

Bees are also very particular about building their nests, and they have wings. Sometimes they build a nest on a cliff, and even if you see the bright honey, you may not be able to pick it off.

Si Ningning pursed her pink lips and said "Oh", then she thought of something and asked: "Then can you catch the rabbit? Uh... not the one with a blunderbuss like last time, I mean a live one, a small one "

“Or tell me how I can catch it?”

Holang glanced sideways at her, "Want to eat it, or keep it for fun?"

 “I want to keep it and watch it.”

 The little rabbit is so cute and has almost no meat. It is definitely not caught and eaten.

Si Ningning wanted to take her into the space and raise her, but she couldn't say it directly in front of Huo Lang, so she could only ask politely: "Does the production team allow it?"

“Rabbits eating grass are generally the same as raising chickens, with a limited number.”

 That means you can raise it! ?

Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows had just raised when she heard Huo Lang say again: "But we can't find domesticated rabbits now, and we can't hunt them at will in the mountains. Do you understand?"

 After all the talk, it still doesn’t work.

“...I know.” Si Ningning sighed.

Huo Lang's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the halo of his peach blossom eyes was swaying. He didn't say much on his face but kept the matter in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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