Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 186: The blooming "flower"

Chapter 186 The blooming "flower"

 After walking along the trail for three to five minutes, the two of them stepped into the forest again.

 The surrounding trees are not as dense as when we were by the stream just now, scattered sunlight pours in, and the ground is dry.

Due to unfamiliarity with the terrain, Si Ningning could only rely on Huo Lang in front to lead the way.

  While following Huo Lang, her little hands never stopped. She picked a large handful of pink or white wild wheat flowers, removed the excess stems and leaves, and then adjusted and gathered them together to form a round ball, which was very delicate and beautiful.

Shaking the bouquet left and right to look at it, Si Ningning just nodded to express satisfaction. From the corner of his eye, he vaguely saw a patch of white in front of him. Looking up again, he saw a flower tree towering like an umbrella in the pattering shade.

The flowers and leaves are few and small, with thousands of branches and side branches, and on the top of each branch, there is a white flower ball condensed from several small flowers.

  It is a wood hydrangea with beautiful flower bulbs and large blooms.

Si Ningning stopped at the first sight.

Her idea may be rather vulgar, unlike some people who say "beautiful things" can just be looked at and everyone can enjoy them together. She liked the flowers on the branch and wanted to pick one off and take it away.

Ever since, his little hand subconsciously held the corner of Huo Lang's clothes.

Holang glanced at her and put down the **** and basket, "Just here."

Huo Lang knew that there were flowers and trees here, and from the first time he went up the mountain, he knew that Si Ningning liked flowers and plants.

Probably for this reason, every time before he travels, whenever he realizes that there are large flowers or special flowers near the destination, the first thing that comes to his mind is Si Ningning.

 As for today’s incident…

Honestly speaking, it can be regarded as his planning in advance.

 Although, at first I just wanted to say it as a thank you.

 As for now…

Who can refuse to witness a "flower" blooming?

Horang lowered his gaze and used a **** to simply clear away the fallen leaves around the area to create a small clean area.

Si Ningning jumped twice at the bottom of the tree, but couldn't reach the flower branches. She simply gave up temporarily and came back to grab the basket on her back. "I brought pancakes and eggs, and some cold salad with shredded green onions. I don't know if you are used to it." , always give it a try!”

 As he spoke, he took them out one by one.

  Pancakes and braised eggs wrapped in oil paper, and cold shredded green onions in a lunch box. Once the lid is opened, the bright red color inside is revealed.

 That's the color of paprika.

 Different from chili oil, chili powder is more eye-catching in color, but less greasy and less heavy in taste.

  If you like spicy food, you can choose it to mix with some relatively refreshing side dishes.

 “I brought it myself too.”

Huo Lang glanced at what Si Ningning took out, rubbed his hair and sat down cross-legged in front of Si Ningning. He took the backpack and pulled out a small cloth bag from inside.

Si Ningning watched Huo Lang's movements and saw him take out four dark brown lumps.

 It was the bran cabbage dumplings she saw at Chen's house at that time.

Comparing the two, the one in Holang's hand is simply not a matter of trembling by a degree or two.

However, Holang didn’t feel anything embarrassed. On the contrary, he was very frank:

 “As long as you can eat enough.”

  In the most difficult time in the past, I even gnawed the bark and roots of vegetables. It was so cold that I had nothing to eat, and a finger-long dried chili could last me a whole day.

 It makes no sense that when life gets better, he starts to stage a show, hating this and that.

Si Ningning really admired Huo Lang, especially after vaguely inferring his past experiences.

"I'm not saying bran cabbage dumplings are bad. After all, the situation now is different from what you used to do. Besides, you are a strong laborer and do so much work every day. How can you keep eating like this?"

Si Ningning was fully prepared, even bringing chopsticks this time.

Taking a pair of chopsticks and a piece of pancake, Si Ningning placed shredded green onions in the center of the pancake, then circled it and handed it to Huo Lang. Her pretty little face turned to one side, and she raised her chin slightly to signal Huo Lang to extend his hand, "Occasionally You should also take care of yourself and eat something good.”

Moreover, working in the county only earns ten or twenty yuan for a month. It’s not like the conditions don’t allow it, so why does it have to be so hard?

Holang stared at the white little hand that reached forward, raised his deep eyebrows and asked, "Like the rabbit last time?"

Si Ningning was embarrassed and stared:

 “Hurry up, my hands are sore!”

Huo Lang didn't answer it. Instead, he took out a wad of bills from his pocket and handed it to Si Ningning.

Without waiting for Si Ningning to ask, Holang explained: "You have to stay with the valley to eat. These are food tickets.


Si Ningning was a little speechless, could he still be so arrogant?

Since the previous negotiation had taken place, Si Ningning did not refuse. After accepting the ticket, he handed the cake forward again, "So, can you eat it now?"

Horang nodded and took the opportunity.

Si Ningning exhaled with satisfaction. Seeing Huo Lang biting off half of the burrito and chewing the sweetness with his strong jawline, her lips curved and she felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Putting away the stack of tickets, Si Ningning continued to organize, "There are more here, the chopsticks are can eat the green onions alone or rolled up. If you don't like it, just eat the pancakes, ah...and there are eggs."

The little girl has a bright smile on her smooth cheeks. I don’t know what she is having fun with? Pass the things to him one after another.

After finishing a piece of cake, Huo Lang couldn't help but grabbed Si Ningning's hand and handed him the eggs. "I can do it myself, and you can eat it too."


It was a leisurely and comfortable lunch. When he was half full, out of curiosity about the glutinous rice dumplings, Si Ningning broke off half of it from Huo Lang and tasted it. He regretted it after taking the first bite.

  It is very hard and dry. After chewing it, it feels like eating sand...and it seems that there is no salt or any seasoning, and the taste is bland and difficult to swallow.

 Three words: it tastes terrible!

Si Ningning’s pretty little face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

  Seeing her expression, Huo Lang knew that she couldn't accept the taste of bran cabbage dumplings. He reached out to pick it up, but Si Ningning dodged it sideways.

 “What for? This is mine.”

Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang, lowered her head and took half of the bran rice dumpling into her mouth in two mouthfuls. Finally, she put her hands on her chin and chewed and swallowed hard.

Little Xiaoning, wearing a military green bottom and a red five-pointed star hat, clenched his hands to cheer:

 Well done, Si Ningning! Pay tribute to the revolutionary veterans!

 After finally swallowing it, Si Ningning felt the roughness in her throat and gasped.

Holang handed the kettle to her, his deep peach blossom eyes slightly lowered and wrinkled, "You know you can't eat, but you still insist on eating?"

Si Ningning shook her head, picked up her water bottle and raised it to show that she had brought water.

After drinking two mouthfuls of water to relieve the rawness in his throat, Si Ningning licked his watery lips and said seriously: "We should balance it out. I usually eat fine grains, and occasionally eat some coarse grains to balance it out. What about you, eat There are a lot of coarse grains, so I have to eat some fine grains occasionally.”

After finishing speaking, Si Ningning rolled her eyes and added something as she thought of something, "Eating dry food all the time will hurt your stomach and intestines. The most obvious point is that it takes a lot of effort to go to the toilet. I didn't lie to you."

Xu Shuhua and the others in the educated youth camp spent at least half an hour each time going to the toilet, and they were almost exhausted when they returned home.

Huo Lang frowned deeply, and suddenly felt that the rice bran dumplings on his hands no longer smelled good.

 But he still didn't waste it and ate a few bran cabbage dumplings cleanly.

Si Ningning has never had a big appetite. After eating three pancakes and an egg, she was already full.

 Pushing the scallion pancakes and lunch box lined with oil paper in front of Huo Lang, Si Ningning pretended to be serious and warned:

“I’m full. These are all yours. Don’t waste them! It’s going to go rancid if you keep them covered all afternoon on such a hot day.”

 Then, right under Huo Lang's eyes, he leaned back like a lazy snake, leaning against the hydrangea tree, stretching and yawning.

 It is the season when it is easy to feel sleepy, and as soon as you are full and the cool breeze blows, your sleepiness becomes more and more obvious.

Si Ningning wiped away physiological tears from the corner of her eyes, "It would be nice if I could sleep for a while."

 “If you are sleepy, just sleep.”

Looking at Si Ningning's half-closed eyes, Huo Lang's thin lips opened and closed slightly, and he subconsciously lowered his voice:

 “I’ll call you when it’s one o’clock.”


Under the strong ancient flower tree, the girl with delicate face is like a spirit transformed from flowers. At this moment, she is sleeping peacefully, nestling quietly under the tree. The wind drives the flower branches, and the white flowers rain down. The picture is as beautiful as Just like in a dream.

That kind of "thumping", "thumping", strange and familiar sound resounded through the ears again.

 The man frowned deeply and lowered his head slowly.

 At some point a bright petal fell into my generous palm.

 The man stared at the petals in trance. For only a brief moment, he slowly tightened his palms and held the petals tightly in his hands.

 The profound question of "whether the wind moves or the flower branches move", you don't know, I don't know, and probably only the person involved knows it.


Si Ningning woke up an hour after falling asleep. When she woke up, there were only four hydrangeas in the basket beside her. From the outside, the entire basket was filled.

Si Ningning pulled the basket over and looked at it, and found a small green package placed on one side of the basket.

 The small package was made of green leaves, wrapped in layers and finally wrapped with a thin vine. It was probably Huo Lang who made it while she was sleeping.

Si Ningning was a little curious and pulled away the thin vines, and the layers of green leaves unfolded like lotus petals, revealing what was wrapped and protected inside.


 It’s the kind of thorny bubbles I ate on the mountain last time.

Si Ningning didn’t expect there to be one nearby.

She picked one up and put it in her mouth. It was so sweet that her eyes turned into crescents.

Just as I was about to eat the second one, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Let's go when you wake up."

Horang walked out of the shadow of a tree a few meters away.

Si Ningning nodded and stood up. He wanted to wrap the thorn bubbles again, but he didn't understand the leaf wrapping technique. The more he wrapped, the more messy he became, and he even sprinkled a lot of thorn bubbles.

Si Ningning let out a "tsk" sound, her crescent eyebrows furrowed and she felt so distressed that she knelt down to pick it up.

Huo Lang stretched out his hand to stop it, "If it falls, it falls. This thing is not valuable. You can eat it wherever you want."

After speaking, he took the messy green mess in Si Ningning's hand, sorted it out a few times, and wrapped it into a tight little package before throwing it back to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning pouted and said, "You said they are everywhere, so why didn't I see them?"

  Holang did not answer and asked instead: "Do you want me to carry your flowers, or do you?"

 “I’ll carry it myself!”

The wild wheat flowers picked at noon were already wilting, so Si Ningning simply gave up and followed Huo Lang with a light basket on her back, humming a little tune back to the soybean field.

Si Ningning fixed a few hydrangeas in the stream and soaked them, then clapped her hands and walked to the ridges.

 The soybean field has been mostly treated, and now all that remains is to dig holes and sow the soybean seeds.

Horang is tall and heavy, with a strong body. He can't exert all his strength. He hoeed a few times, and there was already a row of small pits in the ground that were 5 meters wide and 8 meters deep.

Si Ningning picked up the bag of bean seeds from the field and followed him. She bowed and before scattering the bean seeds in her hand, she heard Huo Lang's voice commanding: "Just three or five bean seeds per pit will be enough."


Two people, one digging the bean pit and the other sowing the bean seeds, had a reasonable division of labor. It only took about ten minutes to sow a ridge of land, and the efficiency was very impressive.

It is too boring to just work tediously.

It would be fine if he was working alone, but with two people together, Si Ningning couldn't stand the boring energy.

Hence, she didn't stay quiet for two minutes before her little mouth started to chatter again: "You said yesterday that the Hongqi Commune has side businesses, doesn't our commune have side businesses?"

Horang replied after careful consideration: "The geographical location is different, and the positioning of each commune is different. For example, there used to be a school in Jiling Commune. It was closed in the first two years due to some factors. After that, it was not opened again."

Si Ningning nodded, and then asked: "I think the geographical conditions of our production team are also good. There are many moist places around Yin and Yang. A lot of bacteria can grow without artificial cultivation. If artificial cultivation is done, the effect will be greater." Significant?"

Holang paused, seemed to be thinking about it, and replied after a while: "The members on the team all make a living by farming. It's okay if you ask them to farm, but it may not be feasible to grow mushrooms."

“You can’t learn from it! Don’t be so serious. Besides, according to your statement, aren’t they just trying to figure out how to plant lotus roots in Hongqi Commune?”

 This matter may be a big deal or a small matter, but if we really want to do it, it will definitely not be that easy.

 Involving the interests of the entire production team, if there is no one who really knows the business, then the progress will be hindered at every turn.

Huo Lang didn't understand this, but seeing how enthusiastic Si Ningning was, he deduced that Si Ningning might know something, so he changed his tone and said in a low and hoarse voice with a trace of imperceptible indulgence: "If you understand, then try it, as long as it works, I’ll talk to the captain.”

“Then I’ll do some research and I’ll tell you if there’s anything I can do!” Si Ningning said excitedly.

Si Ningning certainly doesn’t know how to grow mushrooms, but she knows some of the habits and cultivation principles of mushrooms, so she might be able to give it a try.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning suddenly felt that she had a goal, and her unchanging and comfortable life was now filled with difficulties, waiting for her to overcome them.

 To cultivate mushrooms, you definitely need “seeds”.

Si Ningning thought about it and turned her head to look at Huo Lang. Under the brim of the wide straw hat, a small face was red and sweaty, "I need mushrooms for experiment..."

 (End of this chapter)

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