Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 187: who is his salvation

 Chapter 187 Who is his salvation

After a long pause, Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Huo Lang with her dark and cold eyes, "When will we have the chance to go up the mountain again?"

The underlying meaning is: not only mushrooms are needed, but fresh mushrooms are also required.

"It'll take a few days." Huo Lang muttered "Hmm" and raised his eyebrows. "If you're in a hurry, I can take some free time in the next two days to pick some for you."

Si Ningning felt embarrassed.

Although she came out in the name of working this time, the whole process was just like playing. And before the day was over, she was already thinking about the next time...

It would be fine if Huo Lang understood her thoughts, but if he didn't, how would he miss her?

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, but if you can get some, try to get some for me!" Si Ningning coughed lightly and threw a few bean seeds in his hand steadily into the pit, "Mushrooms are also very particular. During the growing season, if the weather gets cold later and the temperature and humidity change, it will not be conducive to planting experiments. "

Holang nodded and said "hmm" in agreement.

 Work afterwards. The two of them chatted for a while, and within two hours, the entire soybean field had been cooked.

Two kilograms of soybean seeds were originally sown in two points of land. Si Ningning remembered what Huo Lang said, three or five bean seeds in each pit is enough, so she controlled it very strictly when sowing, never less than three. , and never exceed five grains.

 In this way, there is still a small pocket left after two pounds of bean seeds.

Si Ningning is searching everywhere for bean seeds and wheat seeds. Although these are a type of ration, they are not easy to buy.

 Generally, you can find it on the black market, and they are all in a processed form. Of course, if you have connections, you can "book" it in advance with someone on the black market, but Si Ningning's status is restricted, so it's hard to say when he will go to town next.

  Opening the bag, he looked around and walked towards the field ridge. After hesitating again and again, Si Ningning used the time of looking to grab two small handfuls of space.

 Borrow first…

 She will return it from somewhere else.

Si Ningning thought silently in his heart.

 After packing up their belongings, the two of them stayed under the shade of a tree by the stream, intending to take a rest and catch their breath before going home.

During this period, Si Ningning washed away the sweat stains on his face, wiped his face hastily, spread his hands flat, stood on tiptoes and stepped on the stones and sat on the swing again.

The feeling of swinging on the swing was so good, and the nearby summer forest atmosphere was full, so I just went back. Si Ningning felt a little reluctant to leave, thinking that she had to play to the fullest.

The swing swayed back and forth, and Si Ningning, who was wearing a bright green gown, swayed along with it, like young leaves falling from the branches.

The gentle laughter is sometimes clear and crisp, sometimes as low as a whisper. The wind blows from under the sun, and there is a trace of gentleness in the heat that even the breeze itself is not aware of.

 Huo Lang silently watched the carefree scene in front of him, and naturally saw that Si Ningning liked the swing. His deep eyebrows couldn't help but stretch, and his voice was low and soothing, "If you like it, you can also get one at the Educated Youth Point."

"Huh?" Si Ningning was slightly startled and turned around, "Can the production team allow this?"

 “As long as you choose the right tree, you’ll be fine.”

 The small tree cannot bear the weight, so it is definitely not possible to set up a swing rashly.

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded, "Then I will see if there is a suitable place when I go back."

  If there is one, you can build one.

 When you have nothing to do, you can play for a while. Hegu and the others can also play in the past.

After almost resting, Si Ningning got off the swing, picked up the hydrangeas soaked in the stream, and put them back into the basket.

In the meantime, Huo Lang had already untied the rope, rolled it up and put it into the bamboo basket.

 The two people walked back along the stream holding hands just as they had come.

Back at the production team, Si Ningning and Huo Lang went to the warehouse together, one to report on the situation in the soybean field, and the other to return the **** and remaining bean seeds.

Zhao Hongfa was a little surprised when he saw that there were still soybean seeds left. He also thought about whether Si Ningning might go wrong in his first soybean field work. However, when he thought of Huo Lang accompanying him, he felt relieved. Went back.

“The work in the soybean field is all done, right?” Zhao Hong asked.

 Horang nodded.

“Okay.” Zhao Hongfa responded, took out the work points book and an old pen from the desk drawer, and wrote down the work points on the spot.

The soybean field was too far away for Zhao Hongfa to go and inspect, but Huo Lang was a reliable person and Zhao Hongfa could trust him better.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Si Ningning standing on tiptoes looking at the book. Zhao Hongfa thought she got the work points out of curiosity. He laughed heartily and said frankly: "The land is not big, but the work is plentiful and complicated. Alang gets eight work points and you get five, one of which is a reward for the surplus bean seeds.”

 “Hey...thank you, uncle.”

Si Ningning rubbed the tip of her nose with her fingers, feeling embarrassed because she was caught peeking.

However, Si Ningning is still convinced by this scoring situation.

Even if the work points are a little less, I can accept it. After all, Huo Lang does most of the work.

  But this is a matter between the two of them, and it’s not easy to say more to Zhao Hongfa.

Si Ningning thought about it and glanced at Huo Lang with twinkling eyes.

 After saying hello to Zhao Hongfa, she took away the bag of rice bran that had been stored here in the morning. She waved and left first, "Uncle, Comrade Huo Lang, I'm going to the pig pen first."

 “Hey, okay, let’s go!”

After Si Ningning left, Huo Lang was about to go home, but Zhao Hongfa suddenly asked with a smile: "How about A Lang? Can you still cope with working with an intellectual like Si Zhiqing?" "

Horang paused.

Looking back at the experience of getting along, Si Ningning’s two peach-colored lips that chattered inexplicably came to mind...

  After a long moment of silence, Huo Lang rubbed his hair back on his forehead with his big hand, "The educated youth in Si are very talkative and easy to get along with."

"Haha, that's good." Zhao Hongfa patted Huo Lang on the shoulder, smiled and said in a serious tone, "Alang, you are not young too! I'm watching you compete with Si Zhiqing, now you have this opportunity, You have to take care of it!”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Hongfa winked at Huo Lang.

Due to guarding the warehouse every day, Zhao Hongfa's skin color is slightly lighter than that of the men of the same age in the team. The wrinkles on his face do not look so deep, and he looks much kinder when he smiles.

However, after hearing what he said clearly, Huo Lang was still a little helpless, and immediately wanted to retort and explain: "...Uncle."

"Okay, I don't want to listen to you say so much." Zhao Hongfa seemed to have expected it, waving his hands to deny Huo Lang a chance to speak, "Your Aunt Lianmi introduced you to someone, but you refused to accept it, and you were not willing to accept it before. It’s hard to get close to a girl, now it’s hard to find someone who is willing to get close to her, why don’t you grab her now, what are you waiting for?”

 “Why is this iron-clad man so stained with ink like Qiu Ba?”

"Those two are young now. When they get older, they will know how to deal with the world and know that your whole life has been delayed because of their affairs..." Zhao Hongfa frowned and looked at Huo Lang as if he were a junior, "Do you think they feel sorry for themselves? Gotta go?”

“Listen to my uncle’s advice and consider yourself when appropriate.”

"Uncle, I have some thoughts on this matter." Huo Lang lowered his eyebrows and after speaking, he took a long step and walked straight out of the warehouse door. My child is a good, down-to-earth and responsible child, but I don’t know when he will be able to enlighten himself and let himself go?

Responsibility hinders a heroic man. I just hope that Si Zhiqing is really a transparent person and can help a bunch of those kids...

Looking at Huo Lang's tall back walking away, Zhao Hongfa shook his head and sighed softly.

 On the other side, Horang returns home.

The house is quiet except for the sound of hens in the yard and the swaying of the bamboo forest in the front and backyard.

Horang pushed open the courtyard door and stepped into the courtyard. He had already peeled off his half-sleeved coat like a T-shirt, revealing his muscular upper body.

 He threw his coat on the bamboo bed in the main room and walked straight to the backyard.

His body felt inexplicably tired. Even though he was very hot, he did not go straight to the wellhead to clean up as usual. Instead, he leaned over and sat on the rocking chair under the eaves of the kitchen.

Horang closed his eyes, his whole body was like a deflated rubber ball, and he took a deep breath.

Hand put his arms in front of his forehead, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his vision was blocked. Huo Lang felt that his head was in a state of confusion. In the confusion, countless distant voices sounded at the edge of his ears:

“Ah, Ah Lang…this is the last, last battle, I…our mission is over, done…”

"Holang, Holang! Don't, don't leave me here alone... Take me back! I, my home is in Jiangsu, in Jiang..."

"My mother is blind...and she has a pair of younger siblings. I, I can't go back...I, I...don't worry. Alang,, help me..."


The last heartbreaking "Alang" woke up Huo Lang directly from his dream.

The man's muscular figure almost jumped up from the rocking chair. Hot sweat mixed with hot tears rolled down his face, and his whole body felt as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Holang made a fist with his left hand, the tendons of his arm bulged, he covered his face with his right hand and bent over, panting.

Through the gap between his palms, his eyes noticed the swaying pendant hanging on his chest. Huo Lang's Adam's apple rolled up and down twice, and he slowly lowered the hand covering his face to hold up the red gold pendant.

 The cartridge case of the speed machine…

 In the past, it was a high honor to get a matching gun.

Now, this shell is always reminding Holang of his responsibility and his promise.

 If he is their salvation, then who is his salvation?

 Si Ningning?

Perhaps everyone who lives in darkness can long to grasp the beautiful and bright light scattered around him.

Horang didn’t dare to think too much, but if he must give an explanation.

Then his explanation is that he is willing to protect the girl with a healing and bright smile.

A heart has been suppressed for too long. At this moment, Huo Lang's body, mind and senses are clamoring for him to meet the girl who will temporarily distract him and make him forget his depression.

Hands of the bullet casings were held tightly in his big hands. Huo Lang stood up and flushed several buckets of water from beginning to end at the well. Until the boiling emotions were suppressed along with the heat, he went back to the room and changed into clean clothes.

Lifting the bamboo basket that had been left on the bamboo bed with the clothes in advance, and rummaging around the house again, Huo Lang opened the courtyard door and headed towards the educated youth spot.

 Different from Huo Lang's complicated mood, Si Ningning was in a particularly good mood at this moment.

   Today I got off work very early, and there were nearly two hours before dinner. Si Ningning was originally going to go back to the educated youth point to do some tidying up, so he went into the space to plant the two handfuls of beans, but unexpectedly he met He Gu and Sanmiao on the way.

 The two little ones waited there in advance, as if they had predicted where Si Ningning would pass.

As soon as Si Ningning appeared, he jumped up and down and followed him back to the educated youth spot.

“Sister Ningning, what kind of flower is this? It’s so beautiful, and the edges are still green!”

Hydrangea can be seen occasionally in the mountains, but not near the production team.

Sanae was immediately attracted to the white spherical hydrangeas with green edges when she saw them.

"This is called wood hydrangea... There is also a kind of hydrangea that is a dwarf plant with more colors, including pink, white, blue and purple. If it grows in patches, during the flowering period every year, the picture will look like It will be as beautiful as a fairyland.”

“Wow, how beautiful is that? Can I see it?”

“Read well, read well, and when you walk out of Province H from the third team, you will find countless beautiful and strange things outside. Well, wash your hands first!”


Si Ningning fetched water and filled the pool at the well. After taking out the hydrangea flowers from the basket on his back, he ordered the two little ones to wash their hands. Then he took out an empty lunch box and a green leaf package from the bottom of the basket.

 “There are thorns inside.”

Si Ningning was washing the lunch box nearby, and handed the leaf parcels to the two little ones.

Hegu's eyes lit up when he saw the small package made of leaves.

Sanae was not as calm as Hegu. She tilted her head and said in a confused way: "Sister Ningning, my elder brother can also pierce this package, and it is exactly the same as this one."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to speak, Hegu raised his fist and hit Sanae on the head.

 “Ouch!” Sanae cried out in pain.

He Gu said loudly: "Forget it, you are so stupid. Si Ningning went out with the elder brother. This package must have been made up by the elder brother."

  After saying that, He Gu turned his eyes to Si Ningning. He Gu asked with eyes full of expectation and praise: "Right, right? Si Ningning!"

“Yes, you are right.” Si Ningning glanced at He Gu angrily, pinched his cheek and shook it lightly.

She put no effort on her hands at all, and the grain was even more enjoyable, puffing up her cheeks and letting her pinch it.

Si Ningning sighed, funny and angry, "But boys must behave like gentlemen and are not allowed to bully girls, you know? And you are a brother, so you have to protect your sister."

Hegu pouted and expressed a different opinion, "I don't bully others, and I don't bully Sanae either. She is my sister, I am playing tricks with her, and only I can do this to her, no one else is allowed."

 Hand said, shaking his little head, "How about I let them know how powerful I am!"

  嚯! Quite a domineering boy.

Si Ningning was about to say something when Sanae suddenly stood up and said, "Brother!"

The words "big brother" successfully made Si Ningning turn her head and look over.

The man on the side of the room is tall and strong, with the cuffs of his arms rolled up, a bamboo basket hanging on his waist, and two pots with round mouths and fat bellies in his hands, and he is walking towards this side.

 (End of this chapter)

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