Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 188: I won't tease you anymore!

Chapter 188 I won’t tease you anymore!

Who is it if it’s not Holang?

And what he was carrying now was the clay pot and pickle jar that Si Ningning mentioned before in the soybean field.


After rinsing the lunch box twice and placing it on the edge of the pool, Si Ningning stood up and walked quickly towards Huo Lang, "I only said this at noon, and you found it for me so soon?"

 This is so efficient!

“I finished work early and had nothing else to do, so I did some searching.”

 “Thank you in advance!”

Si Ningning shook her wet hands to take the jar.

Horang saw that her hands were small and her wrists and arms were slender. He was worried that she wouldn't be able to hold it, so he just let go and gave her one.


Si Ningning's pink lips slightly raised, her eyes twisted and she smiled at Huo Lang. She took the lead and returned to the well with the jar in her arms, followed by Huo Lang.


Sanae wanted to be like she usually is at home. After her elder brother came back, she circled around him affectionately. As a result, just when she was about to stand up, her arm was pulled by Hegu.

"Brother!" Hegu also called him "brother". Huo Lang nodded in response, then put down the jar and bowed to help Si Ningning fetch water.

At this time, Hegu quietly whispered into Sanae's ear: "Don't make trouble for big brother, let's play with us!"

Sanae's eyes flashed with confusion, but she still nodded obediently.

"I can do the rest myself." Si Ningning pressed Huo Lang's hand to draw water, took the bucket and put it aside, "This jar has not been used for a long time, and the ash on it needs to be soaked for a while before it can be brushed off. "

Seeing that Huo Lang had no intention of leaving, Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows flashed with confusion, "Are you going to ask Hegu and the others to go back with you?"



"You don't mean to set up a swing?" Huo Lang put his big hand into the basket on his waist and took out a roll of hemp rope. "You choose a place and leave the rest to me."

"…Ah good…"

Si Ningning didn't expect that Huo Lang came over because of this matter. Before, she thought that Huo Lang just mentioned it casually. She also thought about it on the way back. If she really considered riding on the swing, she would have to think of a way to ask Huo Lang. Come and help me see which trees are suitable.

 Lest it hurt the tree and cause trouble to the production team.

Si Ningning put her hands on her waist to form the shape of a pair of ear pots, and looked around. She didn't have any good ideas, so she asked Huo Lang directly, "I don't know what kind of tree can be used to build a swing... I just thought it's hot now. A cool place is fine, or else you can decide the location?”

"Okay." Huo Lang nodded, glanced around, and then lowered his head to look at Si Ningning for a while, "Do you have a **** or sickle?"

"I don't have a sickle, but I have a hoe... I have half of it. I'll get it for you."

Horang’s thick eyebrows were raised, can he still have half a hoe?

Si Ningning trotted to the door of the Educated Youth Point. She just came back and went straight to the well. She hadn't entered the house yet.

Twice he pulled off the hemp rope on the door, went into the house and took out the rotten **** that was only half-stretched behind the door.

Handed the **** to Huo Lang, Si Ningning scratched the left side of his forehead in embarrassment, "Is this okay? If not, I'll borrow one from the production team."

She didn’t know why a **** was needed to set up the swing. If it wasn’t of much use, it could be used for dealing with it. If a **** needed to be powerful, she could only borrow one from the team.

  Holang picked up the **** handle and weighed it, "This will do."

As he spoke, he took his long legs out and crossed the path to the bushes opposite the well.

 The private land is on the right side of the educated youth point, and the water well is diagonally on the right side of the educated youth point.

The place chosen by Huo Lang is adjacent to the well, but the general area corresponds to the door of the female educated youth's house, except that it is separated by a row of trees and a spacious and flat opening.

When Huo Lang came, he originally planned to choose one of the trees at the door, but he gave up the idea when Si Ningning asked for shelter from the sun.

There are either trees or bamboos around the Educated Youth Point. Except for the private plot, most places are not exposed to sunlight. Only in the afternoon and evening, the sun shines in.

By coincidence, the place where the sun shines happens to be under those trees.

As for the educated youth who usually work, they only have more time after work in the afternoon, so they can relax a bit. If it is in winter, they can catch the last trace of sunlight and warm themselves up.

 It’s so hot in summer, so forget it.

Hong Lang thought, already bowing and swinging the half-drawn **** to make a "swirling" sound.

This place looks like there are many trees, but in fact they are all lignified vines and some small saplings as thick as a finger. Because they grow too densely, even if they are not cleared, they will probably stay like this for a lifetime.

 Or there is another result, that is, the nutrients cannot be grabbed and they are directly eliminated.

Horang knew this, so his men moved as fast as lightning, without any delay, and quickly cleared a clean area.

Even so, he looked around and still felt dissatisfied, so he bowed down and continued to expand around.

The purpose is not only to be able to swing, but also to ensure safety around you.

There are a lot of weeds and trees, which can easily hide dirt, snakes, insects, rats, ants and the like.

Si Ningning saw that his back was soaked with sweat, so she went back to the kitchen to get a sea bowl, two bottles of ice mineral water from the space, and quickly picked out a bowl of ice lemon tea.

 “Would you like to take a break and have a drink of water?” Si Ningning brought the bowl to Huo Lang.

Huo Lang turned around and glanced at the bowl, then raised his eyes to look at Si Ningning. Finally, he took the bowl and took a big gulp. "Ice?"

“I poured water in the kitchen when I went out in the morning, and there is still drink it first, and if it’s not enough, I’ll pour it for you.”

"That's enough." Huo Lang responded lightly, raised his neck and took a few more "gu dong" mouths. The mouth of the bowl was wide, and scattered water droplets on both sides spilled from the corners of his lips.

Si Ningning was waiting for the bowl in Huo Lang's hand. Huo Lang raised his neck, and her eyes subconsciously followed the bowl. With this casual glance, somehow, the focus of her eyes suddenly fell on Huo Lang's rolling Adam's apple.

The water droplets slide over the angular bulge on the neck, which is inexplicably sexy, and the bulge can also move...

 What will happen if you poke it?

 The Adam's apple is like abdominal muscles and mermaid lines. If you love someone truly, you will feel lustful and aroused no matter what.

Si Ningning couldn't help but scratch his index finger with the rounded nails of his thumb. The index finger was a little hot and itchy, which was a sign that he wanted to do something bad.

She licked her pink lips and stared at the small bulge that was still sliding up and down due to swallowing. She unconsciously took a small step forward. At the same time, she stretched out her index finger, raised her arm tremblingly, and slowly approached.

 It’s close…

 Even closer, a little further up, we will meet...


The hand that was trying to cause trouble was grabbed by the wrist, and Si Ningning came to his senses in a second.

The man clasped her wrist, his handsome face was mostly covered by the bowl, only one side of his eyebrows and thin lips were slightly exposed, and he was looking at her from a high position, "What do you want to do?"

The voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of questioning, making Si Ningning feel a long-lost sense of oppression and aggression.

Horang is gentle, but at the same time, he is also wild and domineering...

Like a cheetah with an agile and strong body. When he is intimate, he is like a big cat. When he is indifferent, he is like a "beast" standing on a branch in the dark night, looking down at everything, and reaching out his claws at any time.     Powerful, dangerous, and frightening, and at the same time, it can easily arouse the desire for conquest at the bottom of people's hearts.

Si Ningning’s throat rolled up unnaturally, and her peach-colored lips slightly raised in a sweet arc, “There is a leaf there.”

As soon as the words came out, the index finger that was clasped by Huo Lang's wrist and a little weak due to fright was raised again, tilted to one side, and pointed at Huo Lang's right shoulder.

Horang looked sideways slightly, and there was indeed a broken dead leaf stuck to the right button.

Huo Lang slowly let go of Si Ningning's wrist. Seeing the bright fingerprints on the white wrist made by him, he frowned deeply and couldn't help but sigh "coquettish" in his heart, but he put on a look on his face. The posture of a serious veteran cadre:

“You are a lesbian, so forget it and don’t take more precautions against **** men. Don’t always do this kind of behavior that is easily misunderstood.”

Horang said, his Adam's apple rolled and he swallowed.

Si Ningning caught his little move, and she was so playful that she tilted her head and blinked her eyes in an innocent manner, "I just want to help you pick off the leaves. What did you misunderstand?"

 “Nothing.” Huo Lang tilted his head unnaturally.

His senses are keen and he noticed Si Ningning's movements from the beginning.

As the hand got closer and closer, Huo Lang knew of course that Si Ningning's original purpose was not as simple as helping him "pick" leaves.

 But when he realized a certain possibility, his hand had already made a move and grabbed Si Ningning's wrist.

 His heart was confused for a moment, just at that moment.

 This is non-committal.

 “Okay, I won’t tease you anymore!”

 Having seen many of Huo Lang's gentle or serious looks, this was the first time she had seen this kind of serious shyness.

 The contrast is too great, it’s strange.

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and smiled, her eyebrows creasing, "Have you finished drinking?"


Huo Lang returned the bowl to Si Ningning. During the handover, the two people's fingertips accidentally brushed against each other, and they met the bright peach blossom-like face. Huo Lang turned sideways and pretended to be busy to cover up his slightly stiff expression. back.

Si Ningning kept her word, and she would do it if she didn't tease Huo Lang. She took the bowl and walked back. After a while, she raised her voice and asked the two little ones at the well, "Are you thirsty? Do you want me to pour you some water?" ?”

Soon, Sanae’s sweet voice and He Gu’s voice asking for credit came:

 “Okay! Thank you, Sister Ningning!”

“Si Ningning, I am so awesome and obedient today! I shared the songs you taught me with Zhou Xiaocui and the others. They wanted to learn, but I didn’t hide any of them, I taught them all!”

 “Wow, have they learned it?”

“I have learned most of it, but Tiedan is too stupid. I have taught him more than ten times alone, but he still can only sing the first two lines.”

“Everyone has different congenital conditions, so you need to be more patient~ But you are already great, keep up the good work!” Si Ningning touched Hegu’s head and gave encouragement and praise without hesitation.

"Yeah!" The latter raised his little head and nodded seriously, "Si Ningning, I can! I will definitely become your role model!"

 “Haha, good~”

  The older one and the younger one entered the house one after another. In the bushes in front of the door, Huo Lang cursed secretly, "Damn boy."

However, looking back carefully, Si Ningning’s way of educating children is indeed unique.

This may be the difference between intellectual women and rough men...

Horang shook his head.

Nearly finished cleaning up, Huo Lang took out a cane, tied the messy small trees and grass vines into bundles, dragged them to the open space in front of the door and spread them out, leaving them to dry for two days to remove the moisture and then burn them as firewood.

After finishing all this, Huo Lang asked Si Ningning if he had a saw. Si Ningning was about to say no, but then she remembered something and asked, "I don't have a saw. Can I use a saw blade?"

 “That’s okay.”

Si Ningning quickly pulled out the saw blade.

Holang took the small thin saw blade to the bamboo forest behind the house. After a while, he came out of the bamboo forest with a wrist-thick bamboo in his hand.

Picked up a random stone and removed the branches in reverse. Huo Lang pressed the bare bamboo on the steps and gathered it into a bamboo tube with seven or eight lengths and a length of 40 centimeters.

After roughly making a list, I gathered the bamboos together when I thought they were wide enough and went to the well to clean them and proceed to the next step of tying them.

Si Ningning poured water for Sanae and the others, then walked to the well to watch Huo Lang operate.

Seeing that the cut parts of the bamboo were very neat, Si Ningning suddenly had another idea, "Can thicker bamboo be sawed? Cat bamboo?"

 Huo Lang glanced at her, and with a "swish" sound, his arms suddenly exerted force, and several bamboo sections were pulled together in an instant, like the prototype of a small bamboo raft, "Yes."

"what do you want to do?"

Si Ningning blinked, "The cups ordered by the educated youth are too few. Usually He Gu and the others don't even have enough."

Huo Lang lowered his eyebrows and calmly adjusted the individual protruding bamboo tubes on the "small bamboo raft". His voice was low and hoarse: "I know, I'll go in a moment."

 “Hehe.” Si Ningning’s eyes curled up and she smiled slyly, “Thank you~”

 Free labor makes arousal really exciting.

Si Ningning rolled up her sleeves and moved a step to one side, humming a little tune while scrubbing the jar that had been soaked for a while. Her eyes smiled and curled up, and the moles under her eyes trembled slightly. She was smart and cute, and she was in such a good mood. No need for extra words at all...

With just a few glances, Huo Lang suddenly made a hiss and quickly pulled away the hand holding the bamboo tube.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning asked, tilting her head.

  Holang shook his head, "It's okay."

As he spoke, Huo Lang turned his body to one side. In a place that avoided Si Ningning's sight, he calmly pulled out the bamboo thorn and inserted it into the pulp of his finger. Dark red blood beads emerged, and he quickly rubbed it away with his thumb. .

 You can't get anything done by half-heartedness.

 The ancients never deceived me.

Horang **** the swing, used a **** to collect the surrounding dead branches and leaves and piled them in the corners. He threw the stones aside and filled in the potholes. It can be said that he was really careful to the extreme.

After finishing working on the swing, he went to the bamboo forest and dragged out a thick cat bamboo.

It was impossible to saw off only two bamboo tubes from a whole bamboo, and the rest was not needed, so in front of Si Ningning, Huo Lang sawed off enough bamboo tubes for her to pile up a small mountain.

"Enough, enough! There are too many... You can take a few back later!"

Si Ningning washed the newly sawn bamboo tubes at the well, and moved them into the house in batches, leaving some for her and Hegu and the others, and waiting for Xu Shuhua and the others to see if they wanted the others later.

 (End of this chapter)

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