Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 189: Why do you believe him and not me?

Chapter 189 Why do you believe him and not me?

  After working for so long, the sky has darkened, and it is estimated that it is almost time to finish work. Si Ningning plans to move the pots and other things from the well into the house, and then start making dinner.

Huo Lang looked at the sky and was about to take Hegu and the others home. It was obvious that Si Ningning was having a hard time moving back and forth by herself. He was hunched over, thinking of lending a hand and finishing before leaving.

 The real busy farming period in mid-summer has passed, so the educated youths leave work slightly earlier than usual.

Mo Bei came back from the production team. As soon as he walked to the side of the educated youth point house, he bumped into Si Ningning and Huo Lang walking back from the well.

Si Ningning's sleeves were rolled up, and her slender white arms were tremblingly propped up. She was holding a black and gray clay pot that was still dripping.

Horang followed behind her, a tall and strong man holding a basket in his hands. Unknown flower branches filled the entire basket. The pure white with tender green color was very bright and fresh, but also very eye-catching.

Mo Bei paused in his steps and fixed his gaze on the basket. The words Li Lingyuan once said suddenly rang through his ears:

Si Zhiqing likes flowers. If you send flowers, you are sure to please Si Zhiqing.

Mo Bei unconsciously tightened his hands and shifted his gaze from the flowers to Huo Lang, his expression cold and inexplicable.

 He kept saying that he was not interested in Si Ningning and said that he would keep a distance from Si Ningning. Is this how to keep a distance?

Mo Bei felt a sigh of relief in his heart. His unkind gaze shifted from Huo Lang to Si Ningning, but when he faced those clear and bright eyes, Mo Bei felt depressed and inexplicably aggrieved.

He wanted to question Si Ningning:

 Why do you believe in Holang and not in him?

That man’s purpose is so obvious, can’t you see it?

Where has your intelligence and cleverness gone?

 Silly woman.

"You're back? Let's take a rest first. Dinner will be cooked soon." Si Ningning looked at Mo Bei and saw that his eyebrows were slightly twisted, looking impatient, so she said hello politely, and then turned her head to look at Huo Bei. Lang, "Just put it at the door for me. It's getting late. You can take Sanae and Hegu back and let them go to bed early at night."


Huo Lang nodded in agreement and followed Si Ningning towards the gate. However, when passing by Mo Bei, Huo Lang nodded in a friendly manner.

  Men know their thoughts best. Huo Lang knew clearly what Mo Bei said before, including what the look in his eyes at Si Ningning meant now.

Hence, whether Mo Bei ignores or is hostile, Huo Lang can understand.

 He will not despise it, but he will not attach importance to it either.

 Being "jealous" is not something he would do at this age. Compared with these, he is more willing to respect Si Ningning's ideas.

After Huo Lang left with his younger brothers and sisters, Si Ningning went into the house to cook, and Mo Bei also returned to the male educated youth's house during the break.

Mo Bei, a tall, slender figure, stood by the window with a gloomy look on his face. He clenched and unclenched his fists several times, and finally, as if giving in and giving up the struggle, he picked up the kettle from his waist, unscrewed the lid, and tilted it toward his palm twice.

A few small yellow flowers with translucent water droplets slipped into the palm of my hand...

  It is a dandelion.

 When it is still in the flower state, its flower language is "cheerful".

 After it grows into a fluffy flower ball, its flower language has another meaning...

Just like the changeable thoughts of young people, even if you clearly told yourself not to like something, your heart will still be moved when you see it, and your eyes will still follow it...

He despised Huo Lang for his dishonest words and despicable behavior. He kept his distance while sending flowers to please him, but how could he get away with it?

With his eyebrows struggling and furrowed, Mo Bei finally sighed lightly and pinned the few flowers that he had no chance of giving away to a mint pot in a bamboo tube on the window sill.

Among his peers, Mo Bei may be a little mature, but in front of Huo Lang, it is easy to see the advantages and disadvantages of a young man.

Maybe he is high-spirited, but he is also immature and impatient.

Just like today, Huo Lang's words and deeds were obviously inconsistent with the previous negotiations. Mo Bei believed that Huo Lang's motives were impure, but because of the feeling in his heart, he chose to ignore it and watch.

He even felt that if Si Ningning didn't want to listen to what he said, he would have to wait until Si Ningning really suffered and reflect on it to improve his memory.

 Is what Mo Bei did wrong?


But Mo Bei would not have thought that there was a misunderstanding involved.

There were suddenly a few flowers in the usually bright green potted plants, not to mention they were eye-catching. Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan came back later and saw them as soon as they entered the house, "Boss Mo, where did the flowers come from?"

"..." Mo Bei frowned slightly and walked to the other side to pick up the messy books on the bed, "I grew it myself."

 “Huh? Oh…”

Li Lingyuan didn't know much about mint either. If Si Ningning hadn't popularized it before, he wouldn't have known about mint, so he believed what Mo Bei said.

“I came back today and heard the news that after these two days of busy work, we can be given two days off. What are your plans?” Song Shuhan said.

"Really or not?" Li Lingyuan looked excited. He put one hand on his hips and the other holding the hemp rope for drying towels. He thought about it and said happily: "Then I must go back to the county. I want to send a letter to my mother and report to her. heroic deeds!”

Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and laughed at him, "Come on, you can still be dragged by cows and roll in the mud when you plow a field, how can you still do heroic deeds?"

"Go, go, go! How do you introduce people? You only find faults in people and don't want to talk to you." Li Lingyuan glared at Song Shuhan several times unhappily, then turned to look at Mo Bei, who had been silent for a while, "Boss Mo "What are your arrangements?"

Mo Bei pondered for a while and replied, "Let's see and then talk."

“If I really have a holiday, I will definitely go to the town.”

 He also needs to send a letter to the capital city and also has some things to buy.

The male educated youths were chattering in low voices in the room, and the female educated youths next door suddenly burst into joy and frolic:

 “Where did it come from?”

"so much!"

 “Oh my God, this is too lavish!”

 Li Lingyuan’s thick eyebrows were twisted into caterpillar shapes, and he lay on the window sill and poked his head out through the gap, “What’s going on? How lively are we doing?”

"Would you know if you go over and take a look?" Song Shuhan said, already standing up and walking out, "Anyway, it will be time to eat in a while. I'll go first, you two follow me!"

Li Lingyuan waved his hand and turned to ask Mo Bei what he meant, "Boss Mo?" "You go first, I will come later."

 “That’s okay.”

Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan first went to the main room where the female educated youths were. As soon as they entered the room, they saw the uncontrollable smiles on the faces of the female educated youths.

Li Lingyuan stepped forward to join in the fun, "What's going on? What's going on? Why do you want to introduce the excitement? Tell me about it too!"

Jiang Yue quickly pushed the wooden basin on the corner of the table to the center, "Look, what is this?"

"My mother-in-law? Jie, where did you get the meat from?" Li Lingyuan's eyes widened.

 There was a large piece of meat in the tub, weighing at least three or four kilograms!

Xu Shuhua explained with a smile, "On the way back, I caught up with Comrade Huo Lang who was walking this way. He said it was given by others... He sent some to us, and part of it was given to Hegu and the others to make food, and the remaining part was given to us..."

"It's... I'm sorry to say it. It's always been Ning Ning who takes care of Hegu and the others. We've really benefited from Ning Ning!" Xu Shuhua said, holding her face in shame, "This meat, I Just leave it to Ning Ning to distribute it!”

Si Ningning didn't say anything. After Song Xiaoyun and the two male educated youths later agreed, she Zhang He explained a few words by the way: "I heard that Comrade Huo Lang hunted wild boars for other communes. This meat should be from others." Sent specially as a thank you.”

This situation is also an extension of Si Ningning's speculation from the wild boar hunting incident mentioned by Huo Lang last time. Si Ningning is not sure whether this is the case specifically.

But the meat has been collected, and didn’t you listen to Huo Lang’s words?

Part of it is food for Sanao and Hegu, and part is given to the educated youth. There is probably also concern that Hegu and the others will disturb the educated youth.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning said: "Although I usually take care of Hegu and Sanmiao, I should disturb everyone. Since I have accepted this meat, let's distribute it reasonably."

"But meat is expensive, and everyone knows it. Let's cut off some scraps, or cut a small piece and dip it in meat. Don't be too shabby... People have good intentions. Don't look back and make people think that we have never seen the world. "

 “I think it works, it’s a good idea, I support Si Zhiqing!”

 “I support it too!”

This flesh appeared suddenly, and everyone in the educated youth group was actually embarrassed. Normally, they were not of much help when Si Ningning was raising the baby, but after receiving the benefit, everyone was able to calm down...

 I'm sorry, I'm really embarrassed. I wanted to say not to eat it, but just let Si Ningning, a person who really did the work, eat it by herself, but that's meat!

Hunting meat is so rare. Some educated youths are in good condition. Occasionally, they can go to the town to have a toothpaste. But the problem is that they have been busy with farming some time ago and have no chance to go to the town at all.

Now with such a big piece of meat in front of me, saliva comes out of my mouth just looking at it, and I can't even say no to it!

Si Ningning saw them all staring at the meat in the basin like hungry wolves. The corners of his mouth twitched twice, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and he tentatively suggested: "There are still a few peppers left in the educated youth spot, so I'll cut them today." Next piece of meat, stir-fry it?”

The people who were gathered around the table staring at the meat just now all looked at Si Ningning and nodded in unison like obedient babies: "Okay!"

 “Strong, strong support!!”

Si Ningning sighed with a drooping smile, shook her head helplessly, picked up the wooden basin and walked out the door, "Help me get the kitchen knife."


Si Ningning cut off a two-finger-wide piece of meat from a large piece of meat, filled the pool with water and soaked it. The remaining meat was tied with a hemp rope and hung on a hook on the kitchen beam.

Of course, during this period, Si Ningning was only responsible for the piece of meat in the pool, and other things were done by others.

Perhaps it was because of the meat that was almost free, or maybe they were really embarrassed and wanted to express themselves in other ways, so everyone was very active.

Si Ningning was funny and helpless, but when she thought about the chain of problems reflected in this scene, she couldn't laugh anymore, so she simply lowered her head and concentrated on handling the pork.

The smell of wild boar meat is very fishy, ​​not only that, but also has a strong smell of mutton.

Si Ningning washed it with water and scrubbed it twice with salt, and then carried it to the kitchen. Because Xu Shuhua and others were beside her, Si Ningning couldn't get the bottles and bags of seasonings from the space, so she grabbed them out of nowhere. Take out a small handful of Sichuan peppercorns and mash them with the handle of a knife. Add soy sauce and salt and apply it on the meat. Knead repeatedly.

After about three to five minutes, Si Ningning brought the sea bowl, put the meat in, and let it sit for marinating.

In the meantime, she picked up a few green peppers from the floor under the table, washed them and cut them into small pieces. The kitchen knife was "trembling", and she raised and lowered the knife quickly and neatly.

Jiang Yue stood at the table and sighed, "No wonder you cook delicious food. When I was at home, my mother would cook the meat and start cutting it, then put it in the pot and fry it... Now look at you? Just cooking a piece of meat. So many ways.”

Si Ningning raised his head and winked at her, "Domestic pigs definitely don't need this trouble, but this is a wild boar. You haven't smelled it before? How can you eat such a strong fishy smell?"

"The white meat, not to mention the fishy smell, even if there is pig food on it, I can still eat it after washing it." Jiang Yue said seriously, and then added after a while, "But it must be cooked, not raw. I can't."

“This is so disgusting!” Si Ningning was left speechless by Jiang Yue’s words. She pushed Jiang Yue away with her elbow, “Get up and drive away, cover up all my light!”

Jiang Yue leaned towards the mouth of the stove and started laughing next to Xu Shuhua, "Now that I'm not as busy as before, the cooking and cleaning arrangements should return to the same as before? What if I get something delicious again, such as meat? Like, Ning Ning can help me do it again?”

Si Ningning nodded, "Okay, I can do it."

Si Ningning does not find cooking to be an embarrassing task, and Xu Shuhua and the others do have a much heavier workload than her. If she always shows a "leisure" side, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, it is very likely that over time she will Causing internal coordination problems.

 One more thing is worse than one less thing, and if there is any situation in daily life, just say hello to Xu Shuhua and the others can coordinate it, and it does not affect anyone personally, so Si Ningning feels that it doesn't matter even more.

After all, life is like that, isn’t it?

 It’s a big loss, but there’s nothing to worry about about trivial matters.

Who is not busy yet?

You do what’s convenient for me, and I do what’s convenient for you. It’s just a matter of helping each other.

Half an hour later, a steaming plate of fried pork with green peppers was served. Due to the addition of soy sauce, the overall dish had a darker color. It was paired with lard boiled from the edges of the pork skin, making it shiny and oily. The brighter one looks more appetizing.

 After that, Si Ningning went to the kitchen to carry his share of sorghum rice, and then came out of the kitchen. Xu Shuhua and the others waved their hands like flowers, "Here, Ningning, sit here!"

“You can sit anywhere, hurry up and eat!” Si Ningning smiled and sat on the edge of the bench next to Jiang Yue.

As she finished speaking, there were seven pairs of chopsticks on the dinner table, five of which were reaching for the plate of meat so fast that Si Ningning secretly smacked her tongue.

 What was surprising was that instead of eating it themselves, everyone handed the first piece of meat to Si Ningning.

 Five pairs of chopsticks collided in mid-air, and it was not only Si Ningning who was stunned, but also each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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