Chapter 190 Shyness and awkwardness

"If you are not active in eating meat, do you still have any potential?" Jiang Yue rolled her eyes and smiled at Si Ningning, "Si Ningning, you eat what I eat, and leave them alone."

“You are not the same as others?” Li Lingyuan argued, then put the meat into Si Ningning’s bowl, “Si Zhiqing, you eat mine!”

 “And I, and I…”

Two pieces of meat were put into the bowl one after another. Si Ningning was speechless. Before anyone else could put the meat into the bowl, she quickly stood up, held the bowl with one hand in front of it, and left the table. "What are you doing?" What?"

Seeing that everyone was about to defend themselves, Si Ningning hurriedly added: "I want to eat it myself, but don't force me to eat the saliva on your chopsticks!"

Everyone at the table was stunned, with sneers on their faces.

Xu Shuhua laughed and said: "Okay, okay, you can do it yourself. Sit back quickly! The food is getting cold!"

Si Ningning then sat back down at the table.

After experiencing the little episode just now, the table was noisy and everyone laughed, but there was one exception.

 That’s Mo Bei.

 He was the only one besides Si Ningning who didn’t extend his chopsticks to the plate.

Mo Bei had already heard about the ins and outs of this meat from Li Lingyuan when he came here just now.

  How do you say something? Love rivals are extremely jealous when they meet.

Horang sent it, will he eat it?

 Definitely not.

 Just looking at the plate of meat, Mo Bei felt the blood and blood rising in his chest. Coupled with the commotion around him, his emotions were rising. He couldn't control it for a moment. Mo Bei closed his lunch box and stood up quickly.

 The noise at the whole table completely stopped because of this.

 “What’s going on? Boss Mo?”

Mo Bei's breathing became constricted, not adapting to his abnormality, let alone the sudden change in atmosphere.

  After silence, Mo Bei's Adam's apple slid up and down, and he stepped over the bench and walked out, "You guys can eat, I'm feeling angry today."

  Yes, getting angry.

  It’s not that the body is angry, but the temper is angry.

Li Lingyuan scratched his head and said, "Get angry? It's hard to eat meat for once. Can't you get angry again after eating it?"

 The sound of chopsticks hitting the edge of the bowl was heard on the table, but no one spoke.

"You have been working hard all afternoon, and you are so big, how can you not be hungry..." Song Shuhan glanced at Si Ningning with a vague look, and said with a shy and meaningful smile: "I'm leaving now, It must be really uncomfortable.”

Xu Shuhua and the others paused for a moment, looked at each other and said: "Then let's leave some for Mo Zhiqing. There is still a lot on the plate. Each person will eat less than one chopstick and leave five or six yuan..."

Si Ningning ate two mouthfuls of rice in silence, and finally sighed and said, "You guys can eat yours. I'll cook it for him alone later... I can't even eat the meat. I guess it's because of the heat."

As he said that, Si Ningning turned to Li Lingyuan and said, "I remember that Mo Bei has some fine grains. You can ask him later and bring him what he wants to eat. I'll cook it for him."

At this moment, Si Ningning suddenly felt that Mo Bei was not the wronged person at all, she was the wronged person!

Knowing that people don’t want to see her, she still wants to get in touch with her...

 But I really don’t care, and I’m not very reassured.

 It’s all because of the hot weather!

After this time, you can basically get used to it, right?

"Don't force yourself to work in the future. Drink more water. If you feel uncomfortable, go to a cool place to rest for a while." Si Ningning unintentionally pierced the rice a few times with the chopsticks in her hand. She slightly twisted her crescent eyebrows and looked around the crowd and warned, "Although Everyone helps each other, but when it gets really busy, it’s hard to find time. Besides, everyone also needs to earn work points to fill their stomachs.”

 It is true that we should pay attention to helping each other, but everyone's situation is different.

We all live under the same roof. If someone else has something to do, it would be unreasonable not to help. If you help, it would delay yourself. Rather than making people embarrassed and in trouble, you should pay more attention to what you can do.

The educated youth also understood this truth, so they all said: "Well... we all remember it, Si Educated Youth."

"Boss Mo, Si Zhiqing asked me to ask you what you want to eat. You can bring it over and she will cook it for you." Li Lingyuan went back to the room after dinner to tell Mo Bei the news. At that time, Mo Bei's lunch box was placed on the side of the bed, and he was sitting on it. He frowned and read a book beside the bed.

Mo Bei's hand that turned the pages of the book paused slightly. He twisted it into the Chinese character Sichuan and relaxed for a moment. After a moment, it wrinkled slightly again. He looked up at Li Lingyuan and asked, "She really said that?"

"Is there still a lie? Song Shuhan is also listening. If you don't believe me, ask Song Shuhan!" Although Mo Bei was asked to ask, after the words fell, Li Lingyuan took the lead and looked at Song Shuhan, "Song Shuhan, do you think so? Si Zhiqing Did Jie Mo say that?”

Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and sighed with a smile: "Yes, Si Zhiqing did say that."

Mo Bei rubbed the book cover with his long fingers. After a long silence, he closed the book and pressed it on the lunch box. He stood up and slowly groped for the rice bag.

As if that wasn't enough, he took out a long cylindrical oil paper package from his bag, which contained the noodles he had bought on the black market.

Mo Bei put the rice bag back to its original place and handed the oil paper package to Li Lingyuan. When Li Lingyuan reached out to pick it up, he quickly took the package back.

 “What’s the matter? Boss Mo?”

 “I’d better go on my own.”

Mo Bei lowered his eyelids, his long eyelashes suppressed the hesitant halo in his eyes, his hands with clear bones and slender bamboos tightened slightly, and he was already walking towards the door.

 Li Lingyuan was a little confused, but when he thought of something, he followed two steps behind and lowered his voice to remind: "Boss Mo, please pay attention! Be polite and don't make Si Zhiqing angry again!"

"Okay, stop nagging like an old lady." Song Shuhan hooked Li Lingyuan's neck and led him into the house, "We can't interfere in this matter, let him go."

 Li Lingyuan opened Song Shuhan's hand and was confused, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Song Shuhan chuckled "hum hum", narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said, "I said you are nagging like this, and you will be slapped with a single fan for the rest of your life."

 “Get out of here, mother!” When he heard that he would be a monk for the rest of his life, Li Lingyuan immediately forgot all about what had just happened, and started to make a fuss again while pushing and shoving Song Shuhan.

On the other side, Xu Shuhua and the others had taken over the kitchen and cleaned it up. Si Ningning washed the lunch box and put it back in the room. He originally wanted to take out his notebook and think about the clothes structure diagram he had drawn before to see if he could come up with any new ideas. But outside the door His vision suddenly darkened.

When I went out and took a look, I saw that the sky was dark green and tinged with yellow, and a large dark cloud had accumulated in the sky.

 The weather showed signs of rain several times before, but it didn't rain. It should rain this time.

 And it has been accumulated for so long. Looking at the formation, the rain may not be too light.

While he was looking at it, Si Ningning suddenly felt someone standing next to him. He looked back and looked around. It was not a big injustice... no.

Who is it if it’s not Mo Bei?

Si Ningning glanced down and saw that Mo Bei still had something in his hand. Wrapped in oil paper, it was long and cylindrical. Si Ningning could tell what was inside at a glance.

 The egg noodles were the ones she sold to Mo Bei before. Could she not recognize them?

As soon as Si Ningning stretched out his hand, Mo Bei handed the thing to her.

Then Si Ningning turned around and walked into the house, while Mo Bei silently followed her into the house.

 “Just sit down and wait, it will be fine in a while.”

 “I’ll light a fire for you.”

Si Ningning knew that Mo Bei was following as soon as she saw the shadows under her feet. She originally wanted to send Mo Bei to wait in the main room. When she heard Mo Bei's answer, she turned her head quickly, her eyes widened in disbelief, " What did you say?"

Mo Bei only looked at Si Ningning for a second, then turned his head to the side, pursed his thin lips and repeated awkwardly, "I'll help you light the fire."

"Hmm... make a fire." Si Ningning's eyebrows were knitted, wondering what Mo Bei was doing.

Scratching his forehead in confusion, Si Ningning nodded in agreement: "Okay, you can light the fire."

There were still sparks in the stove. Mo Bei sat on the wooden pillar at the entrance of the stove, gathered a handful of dry leaves and stuffed them in. Thick smoke came out, and soon small flames flickered.

Si Ningning unpacked the package on the stove. Under the dim light pouring in from the window, the whiteness of the egg noodles could still be seen. "The next handful should be enough, right?"


Mo Bei nodded, and Si Ningning knew it in her heart.

Since Mo Bei's inability to eat was inferred to be related to heatstroke, Si Ningning figured that he was too oily to eat, so he planned to cook something lighter.

The clear noodle soup was too bland, so after thinking about it for a while, Si Ningning came up with an idea.

Filling the pot with water and letting Mo Bei burn it, Si Ningning went out and pinched a small handful of shallots, and pinched a handful of young leaves from the radish tassels, washed them by the well, went back to the house and chopped the scallions into small pieces, leaving the radish tassels as he pleased. Cut it into small pieces with a few knives. At this time, the water in the pot happened to boil.

Si Ningning put the noodles into the pot, and when she saw that they were almost cooked through, Si Ningning was about to take them out and put them in a bowl. She touched the side of the stove and found that it was empty. She was stunned for a moment and turned to look at where she was sitting. Mo Bei was at the entrance of the stove, "Where's your lunch box? Didn't you bring it over?"

"My lunch box..." Mo Bei paused and stood up hesitantly, "I'll get it."

Si Ningning nodded. After Mo Bei left, she looked into the pot again. The noodles were softer and would not taste good if they were cooked any longer. Thinking about this, Si Ningning took a thick porcelain bowl to dry the noodles and put them in it.

Take the soup out of the pot, rinse it a little, and wait for the remaining water to dry and evaporate. Si Ningning pours a little oil into it and throws in a few peppercorns. When the oil temperature rises slightly, he adds the chopped green onion and pours in Add about three tablespoons of soy sauce, half a tablespoon of water, and a small amount of salt. Then cover the pot and wait for it to boil.

During the gap, Si Ningning cut half of a cucumber, and the afterimage of the kitchen knife "dudu" was swung. She quickly cut the half of the cucumber into thin strips. As soon as she dropped the cucumber stem, Mo Bei came back with the lunch box. .

Si Ningning took the lunch box from his hand. As soon as he weighed it, he felt something was wrong. When he opened it, Si Ningning took a deep breath and looked up at Mo Bei.

She didn't say anything, just looked at Mo Bei quietly.

The air was quiet for a moment, and a flash of embarrassment and shame appeared on Mo Beiqing's cold and handsome face. His eyes turned to the side unnaturally, and then quickly turned back to look at Si Ningning. His sharp jawline trembled slightly, and he uttered three words: " Um...didn’t eat.”

"Why didn't you tell me earlier if you didn't eat? If you had known earlier, you would have eaten less noodles. Wouldn't it be a waste?" Si Ningning said helplessly.

The lunch box was placed on the table. She grabbed the shredded cucumber and walked to the stove. She put it into the coarse porcelain bowl that contained the noodles. "Let's make do with this bowl for now."

"...Hmm." Mo Bei moved behind Si Ningning, but always kept one step away. After a long silence, he suddenly said, "I can eat it."

Afraid that Si Ningning might not understand the meaning, Mo Bei explained it again deliberately, "If noodles can be used, so can rice."

“Then I’ll serve you some sauce and you can eat with it?” Si Ningning asked tentatively.

●Besides the plate of fried pork with green pepper, I didn’t cook any other dishes today. Now that I want to cook it, I don’t have any ingredients.

 Fortunately, Mo Bei was not picky and nodded in agreement.

Si Ningning thought he was tall and felt oppressive standing behind her, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she asked him to sit outside and wait. Mo Bei probably knew that something was going to happen soon, so there was no controversy. He would be obedient. out.

Just as the pot was boiling, Si Ningning opened the lid, poured two spoonfuls of the ingredients into the bowl of noodles, and sighed unconsciously.

 She didn't know why, but she always felt that Mo Bei was weird.

 Sometimes it feels very cold and serious, but sometimes it feels weird... to say?

Like, like, like a rebellious teenager in adolescence?

Si Ningning shook his head to get rid of the strange thoughts, mixed the noodles neatly, picked up the lunch box, opened it, poured two spoons of soup into it, and brought it to the main room together.

 “Soy sauce boiled noodles, let’s eat.”

With two "ta da" sounds, Si Ningning put the bowl on the table, waved her hand and was about to leave. Mo Bei suddenly called her out: "Si Ningning."


Si Ningning turned around and their eyes met unexpectedly.

Mo Bei was calm at first, but when he looked at her like this, he felt inexplicably nervous. After a long pause, he asked, "Do you like flowers?"

What is the problem?

Si Ningning was at a loss for a moment, but when she thought of the scene of the three people fighting an hour ago, she felt she understood something.

 Mo Bei would ask this, should he be referring to those hydrangeas, right?

Si Ningning considered it for a moment, her peach lips slightly curved upwards, she tilted her head and smiled brightly like a flower, "I don't really like it, but I feel better after seeing it... maybe, um..."

Si Ningning scratched his forehead uncertainly, "Maybe it's because people yearn for beautiful things, right?"

  "So that's it." Mo Bei nodded lightly, but thought in his heart: I still like it.

But wanting to think about it, Mo Bei sorted out his thoughts and returned to his usual cold and indifferent appearance, and said "thank you" to Si Ningning in a polite manner.

Si Ningning waved her hands and was attracted to the door by the sound.

From the other side of the well came Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue's surprised discussion: "Why are there so many branches in front of the door? Who has cleaned this place so cleanly? And even set up a swing?!"

 “Let’s go! Go over and take a look!”

“Hey! Let me sit down, Xiaoyun, push me!”

Si Ningning followed the sound and found Jiang Yue sitting on the swing. Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun, one on each side, were pushing her to swing.

Si Ningning: It’s another day when I become the favorite of the group based on my strength. It’s really distressing┐(-`)┌



 (End of this chapter)

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