Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 191: Self strategy

Chapter 191 Self-Strategy

As soon as Jiang Yue saw Si Ningning, she asked, "Si Ningning, did you do this? Usually it's you who gets off work early. I knew it was you as soon as I thought about it, and it couldn't be anyone else."

Knowing that Jiang Yue's words were not malicious, Si Ningning raised the corners of her lips slightly and explained half-truthfully, "It's not me either... Comrade Huo Lang came here today, and I told him that Hegu and the others usually have nothing to do here. Yes, I put it all together and built this swing.”

"Ah? It's for children?" Jiang Yue slid down from the swing, and finally held the rope of the swing and looked at it repeatedly, "This is for children. I've been swinging for a long time, so it won't be broken by me, right?" "

“Stop making a fuss. The rope is so thick, how can it be broken easily? Just relax and play.” Si Ningning said with a smile.

Her words were like a needle that calmed the sea. After the three girls felt at ease, Song Xiaoyun pushed Jiang Yue and said, "You can just play. After you finish playing, let me try it too!"

 The voices of the girls outside the door came intermittently. At first, when he heard the words that Si Ningning was being admired and welcomed by the other girls, Mo Bei couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Until he heard a certain two-character name, Mo Bei's smile faded, he pursed his lips and rolled his eyes in a gesture that was extremely inconsistent with his temperament. Then he held the lunch box and started eating seriously.

The fine grains, coupled with the soy sauce braised noodles made in the old alleys of Beijing, were made by Si Ningning himself. He was angry, and Mo Bei was inexplicably proud.

Mo Bei thought: It's a pity that Educated Youth Point is a one-family house. If Educated Youth Point was next door to Chen's house, he might really take it out for a walk. It would be better to eat it one bite at a time in front of that man.

 What’s so great about being able to send flowers? So what if Si Ningning takes it?

 This was made for him by Si Ningning.

The only one!

Mo Bei took a sip of noodles, and the stars in his cold and clear eyes flickered and flickered, bending at a speed visible to the naked eye. For a brief moment, it seemed as if a pool of gentle spring water had been poured into it.

 How do you say something?


 Brain supplements make people happy.

The wind started blowing in the evening, and by around 7 p.m., the sky was completely dark, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. It made the branches and bamboo trees in front of the house and behind the house "squeak", and occasionally accompanied by bursts of "wow". "The wind sounds like crying, which sounds a bit scary.

Xu Shuhua closed the door, while Si Ningning closed the sash that was shaking and beating randomly.

The windows were originally made of frosted glass and had been smashed long ago by the original owner.

The educated youths moved in when the weather was hot, and there was no renovation at all. It was as if it was closed now.

"I don't know how long the wind will blow. How can I sleep with such a big movement?" Song Xiaoyun sighed.

Jiang Yue followed up and said: "You are still worried about whether you can sleep. I am thinking now, is this house strong and will it collapse? Sigh... If the noise can't stop, I won't sleep anymore. What did you hear? Let’s run away at the first sign.”

As she was talking, Jiang Yue heard the movement of Si Ningning climbing onto the bed opposite her, and she immediately asked anxiously: "Why did you lie down just after I finished speaking?"

Si Ningning said helplessly: "Then what should we do? There is such a strong wind blowing into the house, and the kerosene lamp cannot be lit, so we can't just sit there stupidly, right?"

When Jiang Yue heard this, she couldn't find a point to refute. At this time, Si Ningning spoke again, but it was like a joke: "How about we all go to bed, so you can sit down and shout if there is any movement? Let’s run together then.”

"Pfft--" Xu Shuhua couldn't help but laughed at first. She stopped laughing for a while, pushed the washbasin under the bed, climbed onto the bed, and said: "I'm so tired during the day, so go to bed quickly... There are so many adobe houses in the team." Worry, we live in a brick house, what else do we have to worry about?”

Jiang Yue was still in a stalemate, and Song Xiaoyun pushed her, "Okay, go to sleep! There are not many opportunities to lie down so early."

 Everyone around him fell asleep one after another. Jiang Yue stamped her feet and climbed into bed together.

 Let’s talk about the other side, Zhao Hongbingjia:

After being interrupted by Zhao Zhuzhu at noon, Zhao Hongbing never had the chance to talk about Si Ningning because he was busy with work.

After taking a shower, Zhao Hongbing climbed into bed. He was wearing a white vest and lying on the bed with his hands on the back of his head. Listening to the howling wind outside, Zhao Hongbing looked at Chen Lianmi who was sitting by the bed soaking her feet and said, "What happened at noon?" I haven’t finished speaking yet, I’m telling you, don’t think about what you have or don’t have, do you hear me?”

 “Oops!” Chen Lianmi spat impatiently, “I understand, I understand!”

Chen Lianmi was not happy to hear what Zhao Hongbing said.

 Firstly, he felt that Zhao Hongbing was belittling his son, and secondly, because he had lost his interest in Si Ningning as his daughter-in-law, he always felt a pity in his heart.

Such a good girl couldn't marry into their family and was given to someone else in vain. Thinking about it, Chen Lianmi felt so nervous that her teeth throbbed in pain.


“Why are you sighing? Why am I talking to you?”

 Chen Lianmi turned her face to one side, rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "I just thought my son was gone and I didn't hear him. What did you say? Say it again."

Zhao Hongbing had no choice but to repeat what he just said: "I said that this is how our older generations will live in this life. The younger generations still have to study! I think Si Zhiqing is good, educated, good character, and can take care of children. I plan to The team set up a classroom in Tengjianwu and hired Si Zhiqing as a teacher to teach the young boys in the team how to read."

Zhao Hongbing said a lot, but Chen Lianmi remained silent. He was stunned and lightly kicked Chen Lianmi in the back, "Why don't you say anything? Do you think this can be done?"

Chen Lianmi was not very educated, but she would never slack off when it came to business. After thinking for a long time with a "tsk", she dried her feet and kicked the basin to the bottom of the bed. She turned around to face Zhao Hongbing, "The intention is good, but Schools are suspended everywhere, can the commune be willing to do it secretly? What if someone leaks the news and people find out? Then the whole family will have to pay for it, not to mention how they will live. "

Zhao Hongbing frowned seriously, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Rules are dead, people are alive, how can we delay a whole generation because of a trivial matter?"

The more he spoke, the more impassioned he became. Zhao Hongbing stood up, sat cross-legged, and patted his knees with his big hands, "Someone has to take the first step in this matter. Others don't dare because they don't have the guts. I, Zhao Hongbing, have no other abilities. The courage!”

“Die Xing Xing Xing Xing, after breakfast tomorrow morning, I will go to the brigade to find the brigade leader.”

  【Note: sleepy wake up: the dialect means sleeping. Under certain circumstances, the word "sleep" alone means sleeping. 】

 Chen Lianmi knew that he was getting tougher and more stubborn the more he tried to persuade him, so he changed his tone and said, "Then you can discuss it with the team leader tomorrow. If you are going to do this, you must have a charter."

"I understand, please blow out the lamp, I am too lazy to go down..."

 Chen Lianmi got out of bed and turned on the lamp, and the room instantly became dark.

They groped their way onto the bed, and the couple couldn't help but mumble a few more words before going to bed:

"Let's get some inside!" There was a rustle, and Zhao Hongbing moved inside. "This time, God opened his eyes. It didn't rain during threshing, so we had to sow corn and bean seeds before planting them, so we didn't have to carry water." Now that we have watered the ground, tell me, how much time has this saved?"


 The rain didn’t fall until around eight o’clock in the evening. As Si Ningning had guessed at the beginning, it was indeed very heavy.

When it fell on the roof tiles, it was like pebbles hitting it, with a "clang, clatter, clatter, clatter". Si Ningning was half asleep and squinted, but was immediately awakened by the movement.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" After Si Ningning woke up, Jiang Yue also woke up, but she was not awakened by the sound, but by the small raindrops floating in. "It collapsed. Did the house collapse?" "

With a confused cry, Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun also woke up. They both got up from the bed and squinted their eyes in the darkness, "What's wrong?"

The fine droplets of water were carried by the wind and poured into the house, along with a thick earthy smell.

You should know that two pillars were erected in front of the gates on both sides of the Educated Youth Point to bear the weight, and the eaves extended outward by at least 80 centimeters, so that small water droplets could be blown in. This shows how strong the wind is blowing outside.

"It's not a big deal, it's just the rain coming in." Si Ningning explained, got out of bed and pulled out the washbasin from under the bed, taking out the dirty clothes that hadn't been washed yet, "Does any of you have a rope?"

 “I am the one who has bundles.”

Xu Shuhua dug out the rope in the dark and worked with Si Ningning to fasten the clothes to the window.

The window was too big, and Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun's clothes were put on behind them, barely covering it.

The rain stopped coming in, but the wind still leaked in, but the effect was not big, and the kerosene lamp could be lit.

The sound of falling raindrops dispersed the drowsiness of several girls. Si Ningning lit the kerosene lamp, and the room lit up. The warm lights flickered, and several people sat on the bed and chatted. Si Ningning felt a little bored, so she pulled out the roll of linen she had brought back from the county. "I went to the county some time ago to catch up with the county department store for a cloth disposal activity. This roll of linen cost ninety-eight cents. It should cost two cents." Fifteen or six feet, I bought a roll when it looked suitable..."

Si Ningning looked around casually and took out the cloth to cross the open road.

The process of making clothes does not have to be stated clearly, but there must be a process of appearance of the things. People cannot think that her things appear out of thin air every time. Over time, people will definitely become suspicious.

 After all, the number of times I usually go to town is limited, and the packages are only so big. Whether I go to town to buy something, or I make an excuse to say it was sent from home, the package cannot hold much, so I can only take some out when I have the opportunity.

Si Ningning pulled out a lavender rope about the thickness of her little finger and half a meter long from the rattan box. Upon closer inspection, it was actually not a rope, but made up of more than a dozen sweater threads of similar lengths, with two knots tied in the middle. , the distance between the two knots is exactly one foot.

In the 1970s, most tailors used wooden rulers. Si Ningning was not sure if such a tape measure existed at present. Worried about causing trouble if he took it out hastily, he made a temporary measuring tool in the space using woolen rope and a soft ruler. .

"I can't use that much by myself, do any of you want it? I'll calculate it for you, three-thirds, eighty-one feet." The moment Si Ningning took out the cloth, he successfully attracted the attention of several other girls in the room.

Hearing Si Ningning’s explanation again, the three girls immediately gathered around him, “Is it really 80/30?”

 Disposal of cloth is cheap and does not require a ticket, but it is not available every day. Occasionally, a batch is delivered to the supply and marketing cooperative, and it is basically sold out instantly.

Educated youths have limited access and it is difficult to catch up. Xu Shuhua and the others are certainly excited when they have the opportunity to buy, but considering some issues, the three of them are still hesitant.

Jiang Yue shook the cloth out a little and gently stroked it with her hand, "The supply and marketing cooperative's processing price is four cents. Why don't you give us three cents and eighty cents?"

"Yes, Ning Ning, in fact, four cents per foot is enough. You brought it back from outside, which saves us from walking such a long way to buy it." Xu Shuhua agreed.

Although Song Xiaoyun didn't speak, she stood opposite the small table beside Si Ningning's bed and kept nodding along.

"I bought this by the roll, not by the foot... Calculated in detail, it's almost three-quarters and eight-one feet." Si Ningning's lips curved, and she waved her hands pretending to be impatient for a long time, "Oh, please hurry up. , If you want it, hurry up, I’ll cut it for you now, I’ll stuff it in the box later, I won’t take it out easily!”

Jiang Yuemo calculated it and determined that Si Ningning had not suffered a loss. He had nothing to be embarrassed about at the moment. He raised his hand and said positively: "Then, then I, I want it! I want three feet, no, four feet!"

"I want some too! I don't have much money, so I just want two feet."

 “Then I also want two feet!”

 Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue followed closely behind.

 “Okay, come one by one!”

 Jiang Yue said it first, and Si Ningning started with Jiang Yue.

Shake out the fabric, hold the sweater rope and align it with the corner of the fabric, press the fabric and push it down four feet, it is four feet. Thinking that the linen is easy to remove, Si Ningning relaxed it by half an inch before letting Jiang Yue pinch the fabric. mark.

She took out the sewing kit from the rattan box and took out the small scissors. She asked Xu Shuhua to help straighten the fabric, and then she cut off the piece of fabric next to Jiang Yue.

After Jiang Yue took the cloth, Si Ningning took the roll of cloth and turned it around, cutting cloth for Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun in turn.

 After that, he measured two feet according to his needs, asked Xu Shuhua to help straighten the fabric and cut it out. Finally, he locked the remaining fabric into the box together with the money given by several girls to buy cloth.

 The fabric width, that is, the width, is usually 110cm, and there are 150cm, but it is rare. Supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores sell fabrics, regardless of door width, and charges are calculated based on the foot.

 The roll of cloth in Si Ningning's hand has a width of 110cm. The size of the cloth in one foot is 110x34cm. Cut it and piece it together to make a half-sleeved shirt according to a girl's body size. There is still some leftover.

The linen cloth is thin and breathable, which are advantages, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, the overall fabric is somewhat see-through.

Si Ningning cut two feet of fabric and planned it in advance. After finishing two sets of half-sleeved shirts, there would be some scraps left over to tie some ruffles on special parts to cover up and look good.

It turns out that I have two half-sleeved shirts. Because I am tall, the shoulders and elbows are a bit tight, making it very uncomfortable to move. Moreover, when I was cleaning the pig pen, one of the shirts broke when I climbed over the fence.

 After coming back and cleaning up, Si Ningning packed the suitcase and put it aside. Recently, she has been wearing a coat.

 (End of this chapter)

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