Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 192: The most handsome one

Chapter 192 The most handsome one

  After all, a coat should be worn in spring, summer and autumn. When it is cold, it is worn outside the clothes. When it is hot, it is worn as a separate garment. The size should be much looser...

Si Ningning was lying at the table arranging the fabrics. Occasionally, he would glance sideways and compare the diagrams in the notebook to figure out how to cut the fabrics.

Jiang Yue, who was on the opposite side, had just folded and wrapped the cloth. When he saw this scene, he sighed and said: "I said before that your table has no other use except for placing kerosene lamps. Now look at it... Damn, I wonder what I will do in the future." You have to be regarded as a benchmark. Whatever you do, we will do it, and we will not suffer any losses. "

If there was a table next to her bed, she could now use the light to start using the menstrual belt.

Si Ningning glanced at Jiang Yue and smiled: "Even if you don't cut clothes, it's good to have a table to put things on. And our house is big or small, but there are so many people living in it. , everything is tidied up, and it feels comfortable to look at. ”

 If you are staying for a short time, it doesn’t matter if you make do with it.

 But they are obviously staying here for a long time, so they must give priority to comfort.

The room was quiet for a while. Jiang Yue lay back on the bed, put her hands behind her head, and said seriously: "What you said makes sense."

I don't know what came to mind, Jiang Yue said again: "Then next time I go to town, you can show me the way, and I will go find a table and come back."

  "Okay." Si Ningning rolled her eyes and agreed.

Song Xiaoyun stood up and patted Jiang Yue's bedside to show her support: "Then we will share the table equally, and the table will be set up just like Ningning and Shuhua, and we will use it together."


Si Ningning never thought about returning home to Beijing.

 Jiang Yue is in trouble at home and has no so-called home.

 Where is Xu Shuhua?

She has many sisters in her family, and she plans to work in the fields to earn work points to support her family. Of course, she doesn’t want to go home.

As for Song Xiaoyun, she did want to return to the city at first because she was tired from work, but in the past two months, she has basically adapted to this place.

Moreover, I can eat seven to eight percent full every day, and it’s quite pleasant to get along with everyone. Thinking about it carefully, I am indeed much more comfortable than at home.

In addition, if he could return to the city, there would usually be some news from the production captain or group leader, but now there is no news. Doesn’t that mean that the chance of returning to the city is slim?

Gradually, Song Xiaoyun’s heart settled down and she felt that it would be good to stay.

Several girls came here either actively or passively, but now they all have the idea of ​​settling here temporarily.

Xu Shuhua sat on the edge of the bed and propped up her chin on the table. While watching Si Ningning busy and listening to everyone chatting, she sighed softly for a while:

"Actually, I think it's quite good here. If you work hard, you can have food. And when we go to the countryside to do construction, isn't it just to serve the motherland? We work for the production team now, and the public grains we turn in will be sent to the whole country. How many people in various places can enjoy the fruits of our labor? I feel that it is quite a sense of achievement.”

 Of course we have lofty ambitions, but having a full stomach is more important.

Xu Shuhua has thought clearly that only by taking care of yourself first can you take care of others.

After a while to encourage herself, and as if to encourage everyone, Xu Shuhua clapped her hands on the table and said excitedly: "Is it hard, think about the 25,000 Long March; is it tired, think about the revolutionary veterans! How is the farming going? ? Maybe we can become famous! We can still be honored if we can contribute to the country's solution to the people's food problem!"

To be honest, Si Ningning was shocked by Xu Shuhua's sudden attack. Before she could react, Song Xiaoyun suddenly stood up and clenched her hands excitedly: "A single spark can start a prairie fire! It can definitely be done!"

 Jiang Yue lazily raised her arms and legs with her feet in the air, "I support you."

Si Ningning’s mouth twitched and he echoed, “Well… I support you too.”

The starting point is good, but the way of expression is a bit awkward... Maybe this is the simple thinking of contemporary young people!

Si Ningning comforted herself silently in her heart, and then she felt calm.

This is also good.

 With spiritual yearning and spiritual sustenance, life in the future will not be boring and difficult.


Si Ningning closed the book and pressed it on the cloth, loosened the braids and inserted her fingers into her hair. While massaging her scalp, she turned to look at Xu Shuhua and the others: "I'm going to sleep, what are you doing? Do you still need to leave the light on?"

Everyone else was also sleepy. Jiang Yue yawned and waved her hands lazily, "Blow it, I'm sleepy too..."

The kerosene lamp went out, and the room fell into darkness. The vision was blocked, but the hearing became more sensitive. The "tick-tick" of the raindrops on the roof, which had become smaller, actually sounded a bit pleasant to me.

 It is the sound of nature that helps you sleep…

Si Ningning smiled with emotion.

Even though it’s midsummer, the temperature has dropped seven to eight degrees due to the rain, and it’s a bit chilly just covered with a small blanket.

  The silk that had been folded and folded at the end of the bed was pulled open and covered below the lower abdomen. Si Ningning adjusted her sleeping position and quickly closed her eyes.

  It’s not known when it will rain heavily in the middle of the night. Xu Shuhua and the others may wake up at any time. Si Ningning is not going to enter the space tonight. She will be lazy and get an early night's sleep.

In the early morning, the rooster crows, and the small village surrounded by mountains is hazy and surrounded by rain and fog. A pair of trousers with high-rolled legs wearing straw sandals steps out of the old courtyard door. "Hey, damn, it only rained for a short time last night. I didn't expect it to be quite heavy." of!"

"The water must have risen over the ditch. You should walk a few more steps toward the bridge. Come back as soon as you're done. There's a lot of things to do in the team."

"got it!"

Zhao Hongbing tightened his ragged coir raincoat, put on his bamboo hat and plunged into the rain and fog.

The heavy rains in summer come and go quickly. Even though it didn’t last long last night, the water level in the riverbed and ditches rose by more than half a meter. The water levels in the paddy fields everywhere were basically at the same level as the field ridges.

Male educated youths were notified early in the morning and went to various fields to clean blocked ditches or cut drainage outlets for paddy fields.

 Female educated youths were told to go to the fields with their aunts to harvest sweet potato vines.

 Sweet potatoes are divided into different regions. In the north, they are grown once a year and are mostly spring potatoes.

 There are two seasons a year in the south, and the planting time is also different in different places. For example, here in Sanqiu, cuttings are planted from March to April and July to September every year. The harvest seasons are autumn harvest and winter respectively, also called autumn potatoes and winter potatoes. In some places, the sweet potatoes left over from the previous year will be used to cultivate seedlings. The autumn potatoes here in Team 3 have not yet reached the harvest season. The ground is green and there is no shortage of sweet potato vines.

Si Ningning was in charge of the pig pen work, so there was no need to follow her. When she came back from feeding the pigs in the morning, she happened to catch up with Xu Shuhua and the others returning with a large bundle of sweet potato vines.

Xu Shuhua placed the sweet potato vines on the steps and explained cheerfully: "Aunt Lianmi told me to cut them into small pieces. In the past two days, the soil in the ground was still wet and they were planted quickly so as not to have to go back and ask people to carry water to water the ground. "

Si Ningning nodded. Maybe it was because it rained and there was mud everywhere, so Hegu and the others didn't come here today.

Si Ningning wiped off the mud cakes from the soles of her shoes at the door. After thinking about it for a while, she thought that she had no plans, and then said: "Then I will boil some hot water. It will be delicious in a while. Come over and help later."

"Okay!" Xu Shuhua nodded with a smile, licked her lips that were swollen from the cold, turned to Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun and muttered: "The weather here is really unpredictable... It was so hot a few days ago that people were dizzy, and it rained again and again. It was so cold that when I stepped into the mud in the morning, it was like stepping into an ice hole.”

"Isn't that true?" Jiang Yue took off her soaked shoes, tiptoed back to the room to get the washbasin and walked to the well, "I woke up from the cold several times last night, and finally curled up under the sheets and slept soundly. a little."

“That’s right, your and Ningning’s beds are facing the window. The window is drafty, so it must be cold.”

“Should the windows need to be repaired? Let’s see how we can do it. It’s better now that the weather is hot. It will be autumn and winter in a while. Isn’t it freezing to death?”

"Let's take a look at it later. It's the same as taking a shower. It's not shameful to block it with clothes all the time."

The three girls went to the well, washed the mud off their calves, and filled a basin of water with Jiang Yue's basin. Then they returned barefoot to the door and rinsed their feet with the water in the basin before entering the house.

When Si Ningning boiled water, he cut some **** slices and threw them in to cook. Finally, he took Xu Shuhua's bamboo cups, filled them one by one, and brought them to the table in the main room.

Song Xiaoyun took a sip and asked, "Ning Ning, did you put **** in the water?"

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, went back to the room and took out the small scissors in her sewing bag. She took the lead and sat at the door with a small bench and started cutting the sweet potato vines. "The temperature has suddenly dropped sharply. Come back after wiping off the rain and drinking warm water." Refresh your stomach to avoid catching a cold."

"I smelled **** just now, but I didn't feel the smell of **** when I drank it. I thought it was an illusion." Jiang Yue endured the burning of her mouth and took a sip, "But let's not say it, I feel warm in my stomach after drinking it. "

With Jiang Yue's approval, Song Xiaoyun's watery eyes curled up happily, and she praised without hesitation: "Ning Ning, you are so considerate every time."

"I just thought of it, so I added two slices." Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Apply what you learn in books into reality. You may not know what I know, and I may not know what you know. Anyway, we are mutually beneficial. Let’s get along and learn from each other.”

Si Ningning’s words were unanimously recognized by the other three girls in the room.

Xu Shuhua and the others drank the **** water, and the chill gradually faded away from their bodies. They got down from the table one by one, squatted or sat next to Si Ningning, and worked together on the sweet potato vines. During this period, they kept chatting:

“Sweet potato seedlings are said to need to be picked on one side, two sides and three. When pinching, you need to be sharp and make the cuts as neat as possible. It is said that it is easy to work this way.”

 “Remember it all.”

“How many seedlings do we have to plant to get such a big bundle of sweet potato vines? Does our production team have that much land?”

"I heard that after the members paid the public rations, the rest of the rations were a bit tight. I was worried that we would not have enough rations this year after autumn. The team leader led people to open two more wastelands behind the production team village two days ago. "

 “So that’s it…”

Educated Youth Point was busy in an orderly manner. Zhao Hongbing walked for almost an hour, and finally arrived at the door of the brigade captain Luo Daqing's house. "Hey, I'm still eating!"

"It rained last night and everything was flooded. Didn't you just come back from clearing the ditch in the field?" Luo Daqing sat at the table with two radish heads and ate them with the porridge. When Zhao Hongbing came to the door, Luo Daqing stood up. He patted his hand on the table and motioned for Zhao Hongbing to sit down, "Why do you need to come here? The ground is flooded? Do you need seeds to replenish the seedlings?"

During the questioning, the two sat down together. Luo Daqing reacted and asked: "Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, sit down and eat together, and talk while eating."

Luo Daqing said, waving his hand to call his mother-in-law.

"Eat, eat, I ate." Zhao Hongbing hurriedly pressed his hand, "It's not about the fields, it's about the educated youth comrades."

Luo Daqing felt relieved when he heard that it was not a matter in the field. After finishing the porridge, Luo Daqing poured a vat of hot water for Zhao Hongbing and handed it over, "Who is causing trouble?"

"Harm, why are you making trouble? The educated youth in our team are doing fine." Zhao Hongbing made a strange "tsk" sound.

“That’s strange. It’s not something happening in the fields or caused by educated youths. Tell me, what are you doing here so early in the morning?”

 I went to the commune two days ago and happened to catch up with the director of the commune dealing with the fight between educated youths. Luo Daqing was still glad that he was not from his brigade.

Now Zhao Hongbing came all the way and said "educated youth" as soon as he entered the door.

Having seen what he saw in the commune and what happened to Wu Yong first, Luo Daqing subconsciously felt that it was the educated youth causing trouble, but Zhao Hongbing refused to say otherwise, and instead he became curious.

Zhao Hongbing had so many things on his mind that he didn't even bother to drink water, let alone spend more time doing Tai Chi.

After speaking out all the things and thoughts at once, Zhao Hongbing took out a piece of yellowed paper from his arms, spread it out along the table and handed it to Luo Daqing, "Don't rush to reject it, let's take a look first."

 Looking at Luo Daqing's dark face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, Zhao Hongbing knew what he was thinking.

Interrupting Luo Daqing's retreat, Zhao Hongbing pressed his dark, rough fingers on the paper and poked at it, "You know me, I have no other ideas, I just hope everyone is well. I won't say anything about sensitive things. , but look at the words written here.”

 “If this wasn’t a good comrade with a good reputation, how could he write such words?”

What Zhao Hongbing showed Luo Daqing were the lyrics of the song that Si Ningning taught Hegu and the others to sing before. However, instead of Si Ningningjuan's neat handwriting on the paper, it was crooked and earthworm-like handwriting.

  It was Zhao Hongbing who “copied” the piece of paper Sanae gave him.

In the current situation, who dares to mention the school?

Luo Daqing's words of rejection were in his throat, but when he saw what was written on the paper handed over by Zhao Hongbing, he hesitated again.

Taking out the paper and holding it in his hand, Luo Daqing frowned and asked, "Is this written by an educated youth? Which educated youth?"

"Si Zhiqing, his name is Si Ningning." Afraid that Luo Daqing might not be right, Zhao Hongbing described her in a few words, "She is a girl, the most beautiful one."

“Oh, oh, then I know who it is.” Luo Daqing nodded, staring at the paper in his hand and unable to move his eyes away. He sighed for a while and said, “I didn’t expect this. Who could have imagined this...”

 (End of this chapter)

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