Chapter 193 Making trouble

The educated youths were divided into three teams. Except for the time when he sent them there, Luo Daqing had not met them several times.

However, Luo Daqing still had some impressions of Si Ningning, but they were all one-sided impressions. For example, Wen Wen was a pretty young girl, but Wen Wen looked weak and didn't look like someone who knew how to work.

For this reason, Luo Daqing had previously asked Zhao Hongbing to take more care of female educated youths...

As for what kind of person Si Ningning is, Luo Daqing really doesn't know.

Looking at the magnificent words on the paper, if Zhao Hongbing hadn't said it, Luo Daqing really wouldn't have thought that it would have been written by Si Ningning.

Seeing that Luo Daqing's mind had changed slightly, Zhao Hongbing continued: "We have known each other for half our lives. We know each other's personalities and personalities. I won't hide it from you... I didn't like it when you pushed him into my hand at the beginning. But after getting along with them during this time, I really felt it.”

"It is said that people from the countryside are not as good as people from the city, but people in the city are also divided into good and bad. Did you see that Wu Zhiqing from before? He is just a bitch, but except for him, all the children are It’s fine.”

“You are like Mo Zhiqing, he doesn’t talk much but he can do things quickly. Then there is Li Zhiqing, he is also a good and honest boy.”

"Of course, the most important thing to talk about is Si's educated youth. They have a high level of education and are able to work. They also raise fat pigs, so that they can do anything neatly and beautifully. Yes...and One, she’s pretty.”

Zhao Hongbing counted Si Ningning's merits with Luo Daqing with his fingers. Finally, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Luo Daqing and said: "A girl's good looks are her advantages. You can't deny her strength just because she has a good upbringing, right? Besides, Why is she a girl? If she looks like you, will she get married?"


 Luo Daqing: I suspect you are thinking about me.

Seeing that Luo Daqing was still frowning and silent, Zhao Hongbing couldn't hold back his anger. He poked the table with his index finger and said seriously: "That's what it is anyway. I'm just a small production team." Captain, that’s all I can say, but you are different, Lao Luo, you are a party member.”

“The little kid is the hope of the future. If you don’t stand up now, who will?”

"Oh, go, go, don't blame me." Luo Daqing spat at Zhao Hongbing, frowned and remained silent for a long time, then suddenly put away the piece of paper and stood up, "If you are not busy today, come to the commune with me. "

This matter is indeed difficult to handle.

 But Zhao Hongbing had a saying that Luo Daqing agreed with from the bottom of his heart.

 Hopes for the future…

Even though he knew there was little hope, Luo Daqing decided to go to the commune. He immediately put his big hands into the coat that had been draped over his shoulders and went out first.

Zhao Hongbing's rough face showed a little joy, and he quickly followed behind, "I'm not busy today, I'm not busy today! There's still some work left and I have to wait until the sun comes out tomorrow to finish it..."

The two men walked on the muddy road for more than an hour and finally arrived at the commune compound, but they met another group of people at the gate of the compound.

Zhao Hongbing and Luo Daqing had come to the commune for meetings in the past, so they all recognized their familiar faces from the other nearby brigade captains. Naturally, they also recognized the leader of the Zhougang brigade, Hu Qiang, who was walking opposite.

Hu Qiang was accompanied by a production team captain from the brigade. In addition, he was followed by several young people.

 Zhao Hongbing and Luo Daqing glanced at each other and could tell that the young students were educated youths.

Looking at Hu Qiang's face, it was obvious that he had come here for no good reason, so Luo Daqing just greeted him politely, "Comrade Hu Qiang, you are also here to do something!"

Hu Qiang smiled reluctantly and patted Luo Daqing deeply on the shoulder, "Old man, I shouldn't have laughed at you before the assignment. Now..."

When Luo Daqing took over the educated youth, due to the private rivalry between Jiang Yue and Si Ningning, the captains next to him felt that the girl Luo Daqing took over was either a cute girl or a girl with a prickly head, and they teased her for a long time either openly or secretly, jokingly or mockingly. .

Thinking of this, Hu Qiang felt ashamed.

 When they were joking, what was Luo Daqing talking about?

At that time, Luo Daqing said: "You are laughing at me now. I don't know who will have the most headaches in the future!"

Look at what you said, it’s so **** effective!

"Oh! Come on!" Hu Qiang shook his head and waved his hand as he had a headache: "Let's chat later when we have time. I'll lead people in first."

Hu Qiang led the people through the commune compound and entered the director's office.

Luo Daqing saw Hu Qiang's furious look, so he didn't say anything. He took Zhao Hongbing and waited outside the door, planning to wait until Hu Qiang and the others had finished dealing with it before they went in.

However, while waiting, two rough men sat side by side on the steps, squinting their eyes at each other as if they understood:

 Zhao Hongbing asked quietly: "Did you see it just now? Wu Yong is inside."

Luo Daqing had one more contact with Wu Yong than with other educated youths, and that was the time he sent Wu Yong away when he was transferred away.

Luo Daqing wasn't staring at Wu Yong at that time. Besides being busy with other things, he had long forgotten what Wu Yong looked like, so he shook his head, tilted his head toward Zhao Hongbing, and lowered his voice in a gloating manner. He made a comment: "When I came to the commune to take over educated youths, Hu Qiang was the proudest one. He laughed at me for taking over all the thorny ones. Did you look at his virtue just now? Hey!"

Luo Daqing laughed with unknown meaning.

Just as he was talking, Li Dekun's scolding suddenly came from the room: "Who is taking the lead this time?"

"Director, it's the one who was transferred some time ago... Tsk," Hu Qiang in the room was helpless. After explaining, he suddenly said: "Wu Zhiqing, since you feel that you can't explain it to me clearly in the brigade, then you can do it yourself. Tell the director, see if what I told you before is true? "

Hu Qiang’s words were full of helplessness and indignation. Listening to these words again, it felt like someone had thrown dirty water at him before he came here.

Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing looked at each other with dark faces, and a thought came to their minds at the same time: they were not listening to the corner.

Hu Qiang knew they were outside the door, and the tiled house was not soundproof, not to mention the door was wide open...

The two people's eyes met, and Wu Yong's strong voice soon came from the room: "Director Li, we are not deliberately causing trouble this time. We are all from the city, and we haven't done much work since we were little. The production captain asked us to work, and it was really difficult for us.”

“Yes, my hand holds the penholder, how can I hold the hoe?”

"that is!"

 The few educated youths brought along actively cooperated with Wu Yong's remarks. Li Dekun sat back on the chair in front of the long table and looked at Wu Yong with a smile, "Then tell me, if you don't want to go to the fields, what do you want to do? Return to the city?"

The word "return to the city" made Wu Yong's heart skip a beat. Almost instantly, Wu Yong took an excited step forward and said, "That's right!"

“Director Li, we came to the countryside to do construction, not to farm. Besides, our majors must match each other. What’s the point of detaining us students here?”

Perhaps realizing that he was too excited, Wu Yong calmed down and continued: "We can't do the farming work, and letting us go to the fields will cause trouble for everyone. In short, in order to make everyone better, please ask the director to do it for us Take the trouble to get a place to return to the city.”

Li Dekun's face darkened uncertainly, and he turned his gaze to the other educated youths behind Wu Yong: "As far as I know, before Wu Educated Qing was transferred to Zhougang Brigade, you have been working steadily, and now you and him are the same Thoughts, huh?"

"Yes, yes." The other three male educated youths nodded hesitantly and looked at each other and said: "Director Li, we think Wu Educated Youth is right. The majors must be matched. Even if we can work, so what? The speed and efficiency can't be matched. We were born as farmers. We have studied for so many years and have great ambitions in order to serve the motherland, not to farm!”

Seeing that these educated youths still don't know how to restrain themselves in the commune, Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin, the production team leader under the brigade, were a little panicked. They were afraid that Li Dekun would escalate the matter to them and feel that they would not be able to handle any small matter.

And Li Dekun, listening to these male educated youths talking about "scholars" and "farmers", even though he knew it was Wu Yong's secret affair, he still felt unhappy, and immediately slapped him in the face. On the table, everyone trembled.

"Scholars! Are you also called scholars? I read this book and read it into the dog's belly!" Li Dekun stood up suddenly and scolded sternly, "Even great men are praising farmers. Why, you are the only ones who think you are special." ? Farmers are not as good as you? If you don’t have the millions of farmers below, what will you eat? What will you drink? What food, clothing, and supplies are not provided by these farmers below?

Li Dekun slapped his hands on the table. Not to mention the group of people in the room who were frightened by him, the two people on the steps outside were also startled.

"This is so angry..." Luo Daqing sighed, and asked Zhao Hongbing in a low voice, "Wu Yong was in the third team before. Was he as useless as he is now?"

Zhao Hongbing thought about it for a moment and replied in a low voice: "It's not that exaggerated. This should be someone who looks around. If everyone is a good comrade, even that prickly head would be too embarrassed to turn into flowers."

Luo Daqing said "hmm" and sat upright again, listening intently to what was going on in the room.

Li Dekun didn't give everyone in the room a chance to explain. Wu Yong would provoke, and Li Dekun imitated his provocation. After a fierce lecture, Li Dekun softened his expression and said, "You want to return to the city, right? I can understand it. I am really here now." There is a quota for returning to the city.”

“Really, Director Li!” Even Wu Yong and the four male educated youths became excited.

"Of course." Li Dekun smiled kindly, with an unclear look in his eyes. He hesitated for a while: "But I only have one quota here. Now four of you want to return to the city. I really can't make a conclusion on who to allocate this quota to. , Otherwise, the relationship between the two of you in the commune seems to be good, so you can discuss it yourself. "

 The four of them were stunned for a moment, and then said almost at the same time: "Give it to me!"




The four of them were stunned again. After looking at each other, the small group that had seemed indestructible instantly collapsed into an army.

“I am the only one in my family. I have to support my parents when I go back! Liu Qi, you are a good worker. I think you should stay here and do construction!”

"Don't talk nonsense! Don't think I don't know. There are six sisters in your family! I saw your household registration page when it popped out last time!"



One farce extended into another farce. Li Dekun was too lazy to elaborate any further. He slapped the table and scolded: "You all came here with a mission on your shoulders. What is this now? Playing house? Just cross the threshold. Go home? Come when you want, leave when you want!”

In the middle of the morning, just because of this matter, Li Dekun was delayed for an hour, and his temper got worse. "Get the **** back! If you do something like this next time, I won't remember your fault! Go back to the city, go back to this place." Egg! Come into the office and have church dinner!”

 “You are a group of big men who can’t bear the hardship and fatigue! I feel ashamed for you!”

Wu Yong, Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin were scolded by Li Dekun and then coaxed out of the commune office.

Wu Yong and others returned in vain, while Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin were scolded for these bad things and were kicked out of the commune office. You can imagine how ugly their faces were.

With Li Dekun's warning just now, several educated youths were unconvinced at this time, but they did not dare to say a word, so they could only follow Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin back to the brigade in despair.

Luo Daqing stood up upon seeing this, patted his **** which was cold due to the cold steps, "Let's go, it's our turn."

Zhao Hongbing scratched his head like a rough man, with a wrinkled black face full of hesitation: "Why don't you wait a little longer? When I come in, Director Li is very angry, and he is destined to be scolded."

Luo Daqing smiled strangely and looked at him coldly, "What? Are you afraid of being scolded now? What were you doing on the way here?"

Zhao Hongbing rolled his eyes angrily and stopped talking.

The two of them walked into the house. Luo Daqing smiled and shouted the slogan: "The east is not bright and the west is bright. When it is dark, there is north in the south! Director Li."

Li Dekun just suppressed his temper, dug out the file records of Wu Yong and others, and sat at the table to check. He raised his head when he heard the movement, and saw that it was Luo Daqing and others. Li Dekun's expression softened slightly, he put the file pages back into the drawer, stood up and said: "Captain Luo, Comrade Zhao Hongbing, are you coming here this time?”

"It's about the educated youth..." Luo Daqing just said a word, and when he saw Li Dekun's mouth tightened, he quickly waved his hand and explained: "Director Li, we are different from Captain Hu. We are in charge of something else."

Li Dekun's face softened slightly, and he stretched out his hand to lead the two of them to sit down on the chairs next to the window, and then started talking about business.

Luo Daqing explained his purpose of coming, not forgetting to hand over the note he got from Zhao Hongbing.

In order to increase the chance of success, Zhao Hongbing mentioned Si Ningning's usual behavior.

After chatting for half an hour, Li Dekun finally understood the whole story.

To be honest, this matter is really difficult to handle in the current situation, but looking at the words written on the paper, Li Dekun frowned and fell into silence.


Ayao thought:

 When writing, Ah Yao will refer to the general background of the era, but everyone knows that in that era, some things are not allowed to be written, so some places will be "blurred". When A Yao was writing, I always paid close attention to "logical" issues and tried hard to make the characters three-dimensional. But a novel is a novel. Please don't bring it into "official history" and tell me what people in that era were like.

People are individuals and have complex sensibilities. Not everyone is what you see, and what you see may not be the same as what others see.

A Yao has never experienced that era. Everything mentioned is based on the narrations of grandparents, uncles and aunts. It may not be possible for everyone to like it, but everyone respects each other and doesn’t like the next book. Please don’t hate it. True to my words, thank you everyone, okay~

 (End of this chapter)

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