Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 195: Doze off with a pillow

Chapter 195 Taking a nap and giving him a pillow

 Also because of its high sugar content, it tastes very sweet. Golden cherry seeds are also called sugar jars in some places.

In addition to being eaten directly, golden cherry seeds also have other functions. For example, golden cherry seeds themselves are a type of Chinese herbal medicine and are rich in medicinal value. When used to make wine, they are also a great tonic tool. Men can nourish the kidneys and strengthen essence, and women can The effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood.

For example, it can be collected and boiled into a paste. The paste will be as viscous as honey. It can also be mixed with water and made into tea like honey. It is good for the spleen and stomach, and can also be used as an auxiliary treatment for symptoms such as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees.

The process of brewing wine is complicated, and Si Ningning boasts that he doesn’t have the energy, but making the golden cherry’s still possible.

Si Ningning crouched over, put her little hands through the cracks of the thorn vines, and picked two orange-red ones. She used her thumb nails to go over the small thorns on the fruits, brought them to her mouth, and gently bit them open in half.

After digging out the seeds and fluff inside, only a thin layer of pulp remained. Because it was not yet the season for golden cherry blossoms to ripen, Si Ningning only took a tentative bite, and a hint of sweetness came to her tongue. Then he stuffed the rest into his mouth.

It is said to be a wild fruit, but in fact the feeling of lignified fiber is very obvious when chewing, so Si Ningning just chewed it and vomited when the sweetness was gone.

Just as Si Ningning had scraped off the second golden cherry thorn, before he had time to bite out the opening, a cold voice suddenly came from the side: "What are you doing?"

Without any warning, Si Ningning was so shocked that she almost dropped the golden cherry blossoms in her hand to the ground.

Si Ningning turned her head and glanced at the visitor. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Didn't you go cut the drainage outlet? Why are you here?"

The Shanbao area is all mountainous, and they grow either sweet potatoes, corn, or sorghum. There are no ridges on any piece of land, and there is no water accumulation at all. If you were cleaning ditches, you wouldn't come here at all.

Mo Bei hesitated for a moment, then put the shovel aside as if he had made up his mind. Mo Bei knelt down beside Si Ningning, leaned back slightly and took out two pomegranates with yellow bottoms and hemp shells from his pocket.

Mo Bei had big hands and long fingers. He held two pomegranates in one hand and handed them to Si Ningning, but his eyes were fixed on the series of honeysuckles in front of him, "My uncle on the team gave them to me."

Si Ningning glanced at the pomegranate, but didn't take it. She lowered her head and picked off the seeds and velvet of the small fruit, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it with her cheeks. Seeing Mo Bei hand it over to her, she twisted her crescent eyebrows. The explanation asked: "Just take what your uncle gives you. Why are you giving it to me?"

"...Hmm." Mo Bei said softly, his Adam's apple sliding up and down, and he turned back to look at Si Ningning, "I want to ask you to help me cook tonight, and this is the reward."

As he spoke, he held the two pomegranates in his slender hands and walked them towards Si Ningning.

 The young master wants to ask for help from others, but he doesn’t want to owe him anything.

Si Ningning understood it as soon as she thought about it. She took the one with the cracked mouth from Mo Bei's hand and said, "Then I'll take one. This one is enough."

Mo Bei clicked his angular jaw, "Go back to the educated youth point?"

“I’ll come back later. I’ll pick some of this.” Si Ningning put the pomegranates into the basket on her waist and walked through the gaps in the thorn vines. She picked all the golden cherry blossoms she saw except the blue ones.

Mo Bei watched on one side for a while, then stretched out his hand to help pick them together. He could reach some things that Si Ningning couldn't reach, but his elbows were much thicker than Si Ningning's, and his arms were stabbed several times. Hook out several rows of small blood eyes.

"Stop it, I'll just pick those two off and it'll be over." Si Ningning scolded Mo Bei and wouldn't let him move again.

Mo Bei obediently took back his hand and squatted aside to wait.

At first I thought Si Ningning was folding honeysuckle, but it turned out not to be the case.

  Looking at the prickly little fruit, Mo Beiling opened and closed his lips and asked, "What is this?"

Perhaps because his attention was diverted, Mo Bei was not as nervous and cramped as before, "What's the use of picking this?"

"This is called Golden Yingzi." Si Ningning saw that he looked like a young man who was not very experienced in the world. His fingertips moved quickly and he had already removed the small thorns. He pinched the cracked fruit and cleaned the seeds and velvet inside, then handed it over. Go over and say, "Try it?"

Mo Bei Jian frowned slightly, but without hesitation, he took it and put it in his mouth and started chewing. The slight wrinkles did not relax, "Sweet?"

"Yes." Si Ningning nodded, with a bright and clear smile on her palm-sized face, "This is only found in the countryside or near the mountains. Children in the countryside have nothing to eat. When the season comes, these are their snacks. "

 “How do you know this?”

"Huh?" Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and then said with a crooked look, "I grew up in my grandma's house when I was a child. It was a suburb of the city, and there were all these."

Mo Bei nodded lightly and did not ask further questions. He suddenly stood up as if he thought of something, picked up the shovel inserted into the soil on one side, and pressed the thorn vine with the shovel so that Si Ningning could pick the ones further inside.

At first, I thought I could just forget about it, but now I can, of course Si Ningning will not let it go.

Seeing her serious and careful look, Mo Bei was silent and said, "Next time if I see it somewhere else, I will pick it back for you."

Si Ningning responded casually, "Okay, if you have more, I will make it into a paste for you, and make a cup to drink when you have free time. Oh, it's moist and comfortable."

Mo Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and the comfortable scene described by Si Ningning seemed to be right in front of him. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he nodded with a slight "hmm".

 While Si Ningning finished picking the last few golden cherry blossoms, the two of them walked back one behind the other.

 “What do you want to eat tonight?”

 “It’s all good. Well...I have rice and noodles.”

“I just ate noodles, let’s eat something else this time… Well, there seems to be no more vegetables, there are only two cucumbers left, so let’s eat some small cucumbers tonight!”


The two of them chatted and chatted all the way. As soon as they reached the hillside behind the pig pen, they bumped into Sanya, who was trotting over from the alley.

As soon as she saw Si Ningning, Sanya's eyes lit up, "Sister!"

"Sanya," Si Ningning tilted her head from behind Mo Bei and saw that Sanya's little face was flushed. She obviously wanted to see her for something, so she quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? "

Sanya walked around Mo Bei and stood next to Si Ningning, holding Si Ningning's hand with her little hand and walking back, "My father asked me to find you. He said there was something wrong, but I don't know what it was specifically. "

 “Okay.” Si Ningning nodded and thought about it in his mind.

The production team has been peaceful recently, and the work has been almost completed after the busy farming season. Zhao Hongbing must have asked her for something else. "Well, Mo Bei, you go back first. I'll go to the captain's house."


Mo Bei nodded and saw Si Ningning being dragged out of the alley by Sanya. He paused for a moment before picking up his steps again.

On the other side, Si Ningning returned to the door of Zhao's house with Sanya. Si Ningning stamped her feet to shake off the excess mud on her shoes before entering the courtyard, "Captain, look for me."

Zhao Hongbing had been waiting at home. When he heard the voice, he stood up quickly and said, "Oh, Si Zhiqing is coming. Sit down first. Sit down and say."

Zhao Hongbing waved as he spoke. When Si Ningning approached the room, he helped pull open the long bench beside the table for Si Ningning to sit down. Then he turned around and picked up the wicker-covered hot water bottle to pour water for Si Ningning.

“Captain, I heard from Sanya that you came to see me for something, what exactly is it?”

Zhao Hongbing had serious moments and also amiable moments, but this was the first time he was so amiable now. Si Ningning couldn't figure out what was going on, and couldn't help but feel uneasy for a moment.

“It’s not a big deal, Si Zhiqing, don’t be afraid, uncle, I don’t eat people!” Zhao Hongbing’s dark face wrinkled and he laughed dryly.

Waving to Sanya to go out to play, Zhao Hongbing sat down at the table opposite Si Ningning and then got down to the topic: "When I was busy some time ago, you taught the girls and boys in the team how to read. The parents of those children talked to me in private. I have said that most of the children can recognize a dozen words, and some can remember two... You are really amazing at being able to teach them in such a short time, Si Zhiqing! "

 Zhao Hongbing gave a thumbs up.

"This..." Si Zhiqing scratched his head in embarrassment, "Captain, it's not as serious as you said. I just used some stupid methods, and I didn't expect it to have any big effect. In fact, the more important ones here are the children. own efforts.”

Si Ningning told the truth.

Although the little carrot heads have varying qualifications, they are all working hard.

He is keen on asking questions when he doesn’t know something, and he remembers those who know him well when he meets them. He is also keen on helping others around him. Not only is he willing to learn, but the atmosphere when he is learning is also very good.

Zhao Hongbing saw that Si Ningning was very optimistic about the children on the team, so he thought a little more calmly. He rubbed half an inch of hair on the back of his head and mentioned what happened in the commune in the morning, "I went to the commune today." , I got some news from the commune, saying that targets will be issued soon, and the brigades and production teams under the commune will organize and establish literacy classes. "

"This literacy class is not only for children, but also for young and old men and female comrades on the team... But, there are also some skills in the literacy class. This time I was thinking that Si Zhiqing, you are very good at raising children, so I wanted to ask I want to ask you, when it starts to start, will you be willing to take the position of teacher?"

The secret that Zhao Hongbing mentioned is actually that in the past few years, the production team also had the experience of holding literacy classes, but at that time it was aimed at adults, and some of these adults felt ashamed, and some thought that they were already very old. There was no use in learning it. He made jokes during class, and the results were not good. In the end, the literacy class also came to nothing.

This time, after careful consideration, Zhao Hongbing decided not to put too much thought into the adults and focused on the children.

 Children are young, willing to learn, and easy to discipline, and will have a greater chance of getting out of the mountains in the future.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then realized Zhao Hongbing's good intentions, and felt warm in his heart for no reason.

 She had seen too many people who were seeking their own interests before traveling through time. There were too few people like Zhao Hongbing who truly considered others...

 After thinking for a moment, Si Ningning curved her lips and nodded in agreement: "If the captain doesn't have a better candidate at the moment, I am willing to temporarily assume the position of teacher."

Si Ningning lowered her eyelids, her meaning was obvious.

 If she is a qualified teacher, she will do her best to set the right banner for the children and guide them forward and upward.

If there is a more suitable candidate to be a teacher in the future, she will give up her position without hesitation.

 She is not a real "teacher" after all.

But Si Ningning's worries are completely unnecessary. In Zhao Hongbing's eyes, she is the most suitable person.

Once he heard that Si Ningning was willing, Zhao Hongbing laughed heartily "haha" a few times, as if he was happy, "Okay, Si Zhiqing, as long as you can accept this! I was worried that you wouldn't be happy."

"Now we have received this news. The exact arrangement and distribution method should be implemented in the next two days. At that time, whether to repair the old house or choose a place to rebuild one. In short, I will contact you for further communication and listen to your opinions. The opinions are being arranged.”

“Okay.” Si Ningning nodded and said, “Captain, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first?”

"Hey, okay, okay." Zhao Hongbing nodded first, then thought of something and stopped Si Ningning, "Wait a minute, Si Zhiqing, there is one more thing."

Si Ningning had just stood up. When she heard this, she turned her head and looked over, waiting for Zhao Hongbing's next words.

Zhao Hongbing scratched his forehead horizontally and thought twice before mentioning the rabbits he told Huo Lang before, "Those beasts are still young. If you know this knowledge, you can take them back and raise them as domestic animals."

"Eh..." Zhao Hongbing thought for a while and continued: "After all, you are not a serious livestock, and the team will not be able to assign you work points. Let's just do it. If you can really support yourself, half of it will be yours, and the other half will be handed over to the team at the end of the year. Do you think this will work?”

  Okay, of course!

  Si Ningning’s eyes widened just now when he heard about the little rabbit.

But Si Ningning is not stupid. Zhao Hongbing mentioned Huo Lang just now, and Si Ningning knew that this matter was probably related to Huo Lang.

That man... said nothing, but took care of everything in private.

Si Ningning's rosy lips curved, she looked at Zhao Hongbing and said, "Okay, captain, I can try. But there is one more thing I want to ask clearly, that is, what will happen if these rabbits grow up and give birth to baby rabbits?" Count it? It’s also half of the educated youth camp and half of the team.”

Zhao Hongbing was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about these issues.

But now that Si Ningning mentioned it, Zhao Hongbing thought about it carefully and said after a while: "If we count it in terms of poultry, each household can have up to three chickens and ducks. As for rabbits, it's the same as chickens and ducks. It depends on your personal preference. The standard is that one household can only raise three animals. If it is based on the standards of educated youth points, it can be counted as two households and the number of animals raised is six. The rest must be handed over to the production team. "

There are currently six little rabbits, and three of them are destined to be returned to the production team. However, rabbits reproduce very quickly, and each litter can give birth to many babies...

 (End of this chapter)

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