Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 196: The future is prosperous

Chapter 196 A prosperous future

 At that time, as long as the quantity handed over to the production team is not delayed, the educated youth spots can occasionally kill one to eat, and then use a small rabbit to replace the big rabbit.

 Just like some people in the team hatching chicks, the chicks will come out to eat the big chickens. Just make sure the number is six or less.

If you can really support yourself, you can greatly improve the food in the educated youth spots in the future...

Si Ningning carefully considered the pros and cons and nodded quickly, "Okay!"

Things were all said and done, and Si Ningning learned from Zhao Hongbing that Rabbit was now at Chen's house. Si Ningning said goodbye politely and went straight to Chen's house.

In Chen's courtyard, Huo Lang has cut down a lot of bamboo, and Huo Lang is sitting on a pony to chop bamboo strips. There is a basket not far from him, and Hegu and Sanmiao are lying on the edge of the basket looking in.

Si Ningning just walked to the door and saw this scene.

The rabbit is in that basket!

 “Cough, cough cough—” Si Ningning stomped her feet and deliberately coughed twice. When the three people in the courtyard heard the movement, they all turned around.

 “Si Ningning!”

 “Sister Ningning!”

When Hegu and Sanmiao saw it was Si Ningning, they suddenly jumped up and ran over. One of them took one of Si Ningning's hands and led Si Ningning to the basket in the yard, "Si Ningning! Big brother caught several. Rabbit, I’ll send it to you once I’ve made the cage!”

"Well, I know." Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang who was looking at her with sly eyes, her deer eyes slightly curved and she squatted on the edge of the basket, following Hegu and the others to look at the rabbit in the basket.

There were six little rabbits. Because they were wild, their fur was dark gray, with a light layer of black hair on their backs and the tips of their ears. Each one was about the same size. Si Ningning picked up one, and it happened to be the same size. She is as big as the palm of your hand.

Hegu and Sanao were attracted by the little rabbit in the basket, and did not notice Si Ningning holding the little rabbit and moving it to Huo Lang's side.

The hatchet held in Huo Lang's generous palm was stuck on the bamboo tube. With a force from the side, the round bamboo tube instantly cracked. He stuck the hatchet into the gap in the opening and pressed it all the way down. The long bamboo was completely divided. two.

Before Si Ningning could speak, Huo Lang was busy with his work and asked first, "Have the captain told you?"

"Hmm." Si Ningning raised her eyes and asked proudly and coquettishly, "Did you already have a plan in mind when I told you before?"

Huo Lang raised his eyes and glanced at her, but said nothing.

Si Ningning’s cheeks bulged with dissatisfaction, and she gently stroked the fur on the little rabbit’s back with her small hands, slightly raising the decibel level, “I’m talking to you!”

"No, it was just a coincidence." Huo Lang was afraid that she would be really annoyed, so he stopped and said seriously, "Didn't the captain tell you? The rabbit flooded the nest, so..."

“So I happened to be hit by you, and then the female rabbit was frightened and acted like a ‘waiting for the rabbit’?”

Si Ningning's tone was unkind. Huo Lang opened his mouth to explain, but when he raised his eyes to the smiling face, he swallowed his words again.

Horang understood.

How is this cunning girl really angry?

 This is a lie to him...

Huo Lang stopped moving, crossed his legs, and stared at Si Ningning with a pair of peach blossom eyes, which seemed to be dissatisfied with the strike.

Si Ningning's eyes widened, and she pretended to be sinister and said: "What? I just want you to hide it, but you don't want others to tease you?"

"I didn't say that, don't give me any work." Huo Lang was at a loss for words for a moment, and when he spoke again, the work at hand resumed progress.

Si Ningning squinted her eyes and laughed twice, roughly knowing the cause and effect.

Even though she knew it clearly, she still muttered two words: "Next time something like this happens, can you tell me in advance?"

"Why are you talking so much?" Huo Lang looked solemn, his hands were busy working in a measured manner, but his thin lips opened and closed twice, and he asked Si Ningning, "Just do it, and you must publicize it to the whole world? "

"How can this be propaganda... I mentioned it to you in advance this time, so I know it well. What if I don't know next time? I don't even know you can help me, so how can I thank you?" Si Ningning Wanyue His eyebrows were furrowed in conflict, and he disagreed with Huo Lang's statement.

But Huo Lang's next words made her frown relax, and her cool eyes widened.

“I’m not doing this just to get a ‘thank you’ from you.”


As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Holang realized something was wrong.

His **** Adam's apple rolled, his deep eyebrows slightly raised, hesitantly raised his eyes to look at Si Ningning, and sure enough, he saw a look of astonishment on that face as beautiful as a peach blossom in spring.

"Stop it."

 “Who made the fuss?”

The hatchet in Huo Lang's hand was chopping bamboo strips, and when he saw Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows furrowed again in displeasure, he remained silent, his thin lips gently opening and closing: "It rained last night. , there are fungi popping up in the mountains, you..."

The little rabbit in Si Ningning's hand suddenly jumped, and the rabbit jumped out of her hand without catching it. She was anxious, but Huo Lang grabbed the rabbit's ears in time and put the rabbit back into her hand, "Do you want to go?" "

Si Ningning was not really annoyed to begin with, but he was immediately diverted by the rabbit's jumping. The chicken nodded and said: "Go, of course!"

She wanted to grow mushrooms, but she had to experiment a few times before she knew whether it would work.

 The experiment requires fresh mushrooms.

 Dried mushrooms should also work, but Si Ningning has only seen the method of extracting spores from fresh mushrooms online. Knowing a little bit is better than trying to figure it out from scratch, so this opportunity must not be missed.

“Then when are we going?” Si Ningning asked.

 The humidity in the mountains is high two days after the rain, and that time is the best time to collect fungi.

It’s hot in summer. When the sun comes out later, the water will evaporate quickly and the fungi will age and rot quickly.

After careful consideration, Huo Lang said: "If you can spare time, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow is fine."

“Then let’s do it tomorrow!” Si Ningning’s eyes flashed and she thought about it in her mind, “Same as last time, I’ll leave when I finish working on the pig pen and come back before four o’clock in the afternoon, okay?”

Before Huo Lang had time to answer, Si Ningning's rosy lips opened and closed, "Well... I'll prepare the food for lunch in advance, so you don't need to cook it alone. They don't like to eat the grain you made." "

“…” Huo Lang’s handsome face wrinkled slightly as he cut it with a knife, feeling that he had been hurt again.

However, after giving Si Ningning a money ticket two days ago, Huo Lang's psychological pressure was not as great as before, so he nodded and acquiesced to Si Ningning's statement.

After saying good to Huo Lang, Si Ningning moved back to the edge of the basket and played with the little rabbit for a while with He Gu and San Miao. Then he stood up and said, "It's not early today. I have something to do at the Educated Youth Center. I'll go back first." "

As he moved towards the door of the courtyard, Si Ningning turned around and said, "Huo Lang, don't forget what I said!"

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded, and when he thought of something, he called Si Ningning to stop again, "Si Ning... wait a minute, I have something for you."

Si Ningning felt awkward when he called her half-completed name, but she still stopped and waited.

Horang went into the house, and when he came out again, he had something **** in his hand. Si Ningning took a small step back, "What is this?"

"Rabbit legs." Huo Lang said, already walking to Si Ningning's side.

Originally, he wanted to put it into the backpack on Si Ningning's waist, but it was obvious that there was something inside, so Huo Lang gave up the idea.

If Dala was carrying a rabbit leg and walking back to the educated youth center through alleys, the older aunts on the team would probably be upset if they saw it.

After thinking about it for a while, he simply took off the sweat towel hanging around his neck, wrapped the rabbit leg twice before putting it into Si Ningning's bamboo basket, "Wash it when you go back, it won't look good on the road."

Si Ningning put her hand on the seal of the bamboo basket and opened and closed her peach lips. Just as she was about to say something, Huo Lang's deep and deep voice spoke first: "What comes and goes, don't push back."

All right.

Si Ningning accepted this statement.

  "Remember what I said, I will cook lunch for tomorrow."

After telling again, he nodded by Holang's nod, and Sining Ning's peach -colored lips were satisfied and raised his hand to run away.

Si Ningning jumped all the way to avoid the earthworms that came out of the soil to breathe. When she returned to the educated youth point and walked to the side of the house, she heard a commotion coming from the house.

I thought something had happened, so I ran in the door, only to see everyone with smiles on their faces and talking about something with bright eyes.

Si Ningning pursed her lips, but before she had time to ask, Xu Shuhua had already leaned over and led her toward the door, "Ning Ning, you're back! I want to tell you something happy!"

Si Ningning asked blankly: "What happy event?"

"that is…"

 “Our chickens laid eggs! I discovered it!”

Xu Shuhua grinned, and as soon as she uttered two words, Song Xiaoyun beat her to it, "On the wooden board of the chicken pen behind the door, two fell!"

"Really or not? I thought I had to wait for a while...Where is it? Show me?"

Si Ningning also became a little more interested. The two chickens in her space had already started laying eggs. Apart from what they usually consumed, they still had half a pot of eggs saved at this time.

Jiang Yue had been holding the two eggs in her hand. When Si Ningning said she wanted to see them, Jiang Yue stretched out her hands.

Si Ningning took it and took it. The two eggs were only about the size of ping pong balls, smaller than the eggs laid by the hen in the space. Moreover, because Jiang Yue had been holding them just now, they were still warm at the moment. .

Si Ningning took one look at it and handed it back to Jiang Yue, "Two chickens have already started laying eggs, and the other four should be about the same."

 “We feel the same way!”

"What's the matter? How about eating these two eggs today! I haven't eaten eggs for a long time... These eggs are from our own chickens, so they are more delicious!"

“Two eggs can make a big pot of soup!”

A group of boys and girls said this, swallowing their saliva and turning their eyes to Si Ningning.

Cold sweat ran down Si Ningning's forehead. He tilted his head and lifted up the bamboo basket at his waist. He pulled out the rabbit legs that Huo Lang had wrapped before. "Why don't you save the eggs first? Are you going to eat this first?"

Xu Shuhua, Li Lingyuan and others may not know about the Statue of Liberty in Country M, but after Si Ningning held up the rabbit leg, they felt that Si Ningning in front of them was so dazzling, or maybe it was the piece of meat in Si Ningning's hand that was so dazzling. sharp.

Li Lingyuan blinked several times in shock, swallowed his saliva and said, "Si Zhiqing, what kind of meat are you talking about? Where does it come from?"

 “It’s rabbit meat.”

Si Ningning briefly talked about raising rabbits in the future. As for the rabbit legs, she didn’t say who gave them to her. Everyone just assumed that it was Zhao Hongbing who gave them to Si Ningning.

Although they were greedy, they ate some wild boar meat yesterday, and everyone was able to control themselves a little bit. Moreover, Si Ningning explained to them clearly the pros and cons in the future, and they were even more embarrassed, so they resisted and said: "This meat You better eat it! Don’t always share it with us..."

Xu Shuhua frowned seriously, "Yes, Ning Ning, you could have raised this rabbit by yourself, but now that you are willing to take us with you, there is a high chance that you can improve everyone's current situation in the future. In the end, we have always taken advantage of you... Eat this meat yourself!”

“Okay, then I won’t share the meat with you this time. After the rabbits are raised, we will all eat meat together.”


Si Ningning nodded and smiled and said nothing more.

Si Ningning is not greedy for meat and fish.

This rabbit leg was nothing in her eyes. She just felt that whether she was eating it secretly in the space alone or eating it alone in front of everyone, it felt a little weird to her, so she mentioned it.

However, the character of Xu Shuhua and the others did not disappoint her.

 Greetings are greedy, but everyone is very polite and sensible.

 Let those who are reasonable take advantage of others, and those who are unreasonable and take advantage of others will never be greedy.

Si Ningning took out the bamboo basket that had not been used, poured out the golden cherry blossoms she had just picked on the hillside, scattered them, and put them on the steps to dry. Afterwards, she went into the room, picked up a washbasin and soap, and went to the well.

Everyone else was sitting in the main room chatting away. Mo Bei glanced at what Si Ningning was holding, paused and followed, "Si Ningning... I'll get you some water." "

 “No, I can fetch water myself.”


"Oh well."

The two of them walked towards the well. In the room, Li Lingyuan transformed into a giraffe. He stretched his neck and looked at it for a long time. He scratched his head and muttered in surprise: "Hey... Jie, Jie, have you made peace?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Lingyuan received a moderate slap on the back of his head. Song Shuhan smiled and cursed: "You idiot, don't get involved if you don't understand."

 Li Lingyuan covered the back of his head in anger and turned around unconvinced, "Yes, you are the only one who is smart. Why don't you analyze if you are smart?"

The two of them were pushing and shoving again, and the female educated youths nearby laughed and joked: "You want to go back to your side to make trouble, we are busy here!"

 “What are you busy with! Do you want to eat soon?” Li Lingyuan asked curiously, frowning.

“Busy with the cleaning!” Jiang Yue picked up the broom, “It’s time to take a break in two days, so you male educated youths shouldn’t be idle either. There isn’t much firewood for the educated youths to light.”

 “Yeah, got it!”

Si Ningning has a bright mind and always looks after everyone. Jiang Yue feels that their minds are not that fast and they cannot help with big things, but they can pay more attention to some small things to avoid trivial matters in daily life. Let Si Ningning worry about the details.

 (End of this chapter)

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