Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 197: Click till then

Chapter 197 That’s it

A group of young girls may not have much ability, but they are better than having a sincere and sincere heart. They always understand and remember the sincerity and care that Si Ningning treated them with, and they are also willing to repay the same sincerity to Si Ningning. As for the care...

Perhaps just like what Huo Lang said, "what comes, goes", Jiang Yue and others cannot take care of Si Ningning like Si Ningning takes care of them, but they try hard to do their best to never leave. Leveling where this layer is missing.

This outstanding quality of behavior is exactly what Si Ningning wants to see.

Money is easy to come by, but sincerity is not easy to come by. The feedback he received from getting along with her made Si Ningning feel from the bottom of her heart that it is worthwhile to consider these people.

Knowing that Si Ningning loves to be clean, Jiang Yue swept every nook and cranny of the female educated youth’s room, hall, and kitchen.

Song Xiaoyun found a piece of rag and wiped the dust off the table and window coffins one by one.

Xu Shuhua was responsible for steaming everyone's rations, and then following Si Ningning's suggestion, she planted a few sweet potato seedlings that had been reserved in advance at the edge of the private plot on the side of the door.

According to Si Ningning, it doesn’t matter whether the sweet potatoes bear fruit or not. As long as they can survive, pruning the sweet potato vines is also a matter of course.

On Si Ningning's side, Mo Bei helped fetch the water and asked a few more questions if there was anyone else who needed help. When he found out there was no help, Mo Bei didn't stay long and just made an excuse and went back to the house.

Si Ningning put the rabbit leg in the pool to soak, turned around and dragged the washbasin to her side, and put the sweat towel stained with scattered blood in the basin to soak. During this period, she tried to rub it, and the color became lighter. No intention of dropping it.

Even though he had predicted that the sweat towel would be difficult to wash, Si Ningning did not give up.

Rubbing the soap back and forth on the sweat towel several times, until the blood-stained area was covered with a thick layer, Si Ningning stopped, turned around, poured out most of the water in the basin, put the towel into the basin, and let it go. Soak a shallow layer of water on the bottom of the basin first.

Holding the bucket and pouring some water to wash away the slippery soap on her hands, Si Ningning went back to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and carefully shaved off the meat from the rabbit's leg. She put the rabbit meat away separately and took the leg bones to the kitchen. After taking it out of the pot, I quickly blended half the pot of soup.

Covered the pot lid, Si Ningning chopped green onions and said to Xu Shuhua: "Let's all drink soup together later. Ask anyone who has any potatoes over there, and you can bring two over."

Xu Shuhua quickly stood up and said, "I have a few more over there. I'll get them."

It has rained in the past two days and the air is very humid. Her potatoes will sprout if she doesn't eat them.

Si Ningning nodded.

Knowing that Xu Shuhua was in a tight situation, Si Ningning picked out a slightly larger one from the potatoes she brought and left the others untouched.

Si Ningning scraped off the potato skin with the side of a spoon, rinsed it with water, cut the potato in half, and then cut it into pea-sized pieces.

The soup in the pot was boiling. Si Ningning used a kitchen knife to scoop up the potato pieces and poured them into the pot in two batches. Looking back, he saw Xu Shuhua picking up a dozen potatoes at the table, picking out some that were already turning green. potatoes, I plan to eat them tomorrow.

Every time I eat steamed potatoes, I am not only tired of eating them, but also choked.

Si Ningning thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you some shredded potatoes later tomorrow. You can steam less sorghum and eat it with it then."

 You can eat enough and consume potatoes. The most important thing is to change the taste, which is good for the body and stomach.

Xu Shuhua smiled and shook her head, "That's too troublesome. It's good to eat like this."

"If you think it's not good to bother me, just do it yourself." Si Ningning stirred the pot. Because the potatoes were cut into small pieces, they were quickly cooked by the soup and became soft, and the soup became thicker.

After scattering the chopped green onions in, Si Ningning covered the pot, then turned sideways with her hips against the stove, looking at Xu Shuhua who was lighting the fire, "The days are long, and only when you live comfortably can you look forward to it. Now I am not as busy as before. It would be nice if you could spare some time to take care of yourself.”

Xu Shuhua was stunned for a moment.

As soon as Si Ningning's words came to her ears, Xu Shuhua felt that Si Ningning was in a different situation than her, so she couldn't understand her difficulty. But after carefully considering it, Xu Shuhua suddenly felt a warmth rising in her heart.

  When I was busy before, I was so tired that I would lose a layer of skin. But these two days have not been so busy. Xu Shuhua is actually quite anxious.

  Normally, I can't keep up with the progress of the aunts in the team, so I don't get many work points. Now that I'm free, there are even fewer opportunities to get work points.

How can she take care of the family if she can't even take care of herself if her work points are too small?

Xu Shuhua was very anxious, but Si Ningning's words woke her up.

  No matter how bad things are at home, her parents are there to support her, but here she is alone.

If she doesn't even care about herself and doesn't love herself, who will take her seriously?

Xu Shuhua leaned back and leaned against the dark wall. Her tired voice revealed gratitude, "Thank you, Ning Ning... I've been so busy right now."

“It doesn’t matter if you get dizzy once in a while, as long as you wake up in time.” Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled, and she would not say more no matter whether Xu Shuhua listened or not.

 It was obvious that Xu Shuhua had heard it.

Lifting the lid of the pot, Si Ningning changed the subject and said, "The soup is ready, let's call everyone to eat."

 Originally I planned to make some cucumbers to eat quickly, but now that there is soup, the cucumbers can only be postponed.

Most educated youths eat whole grains. Some people eat steamed potatoes, while others steam sorghum rice. Those who eat potatoes eat soup alone, and those who eat rice eat soup mixed with rice.

It was rich in oil, water, and meat. Even if there was no actual meat, the meal was very satisfying for a group of people. They couldn't help but praise Si Ningning again.

Si Ningning felt tired after hearing similar words so many times that she shook her head and took her lunch box to the well to wash it.

The color of the sweat towel that was soaked by the well has faded a lot, not just the color of the blood stains, but the overall color.

Si Ningning washed the lunch box and rubbed it. The blood stains were quickly washed away, and the originally light yellow sweat towel turned two shades white.

Thinking that it was stained with sweat and that Huo Lang's big head wasn't cleaned so carefully, Si Ningning couldn't help but muttered "rough man" in her heart.

It happened that the tip of his nose was close to the sweat towel and he smelled it. Although he didn't smell any strange smell, Si Ningning was still worried. She soaped up the towel and rubbed it twice before taking it to the clothes drying pole on the inside of the doorstep to dry it. With.

 Xu Shuhua and the others have finished cleaning the stove and are boiling water to wash their faces.

Si Ningning took out the pomegranate given by Mo Bei, cut it into four pieces and gave them some to share. Finally, he squatted aside and ate the pomegranate seeds while saying, "After you finish, leave the skin for me."

“What’s the use of this skin?” Jiang Yue asked.

"Hmm..." Si Ningning hesitated for a moment before replying: "The color of the cloth I cut yesterday was too plain. I have been looking for something to dye it today, and now I have pomegranate peel, which is just right." "The pomegranate peel is still there Can you dye?" Jiang Yuedeng was surprised, shook his head for a while and said: "No, you, you can dye cloth?"

"I can't talk about it, I just read a lot of books. I glanced at the relevant knowledge before, but I haven't actually practiced it... To put it bluntly, I was just groping blindly."

Si Ningning told the truth, but what she read was not a book, but a short video.

In those short videos she watched before, any plant could be dyed, but the videos were all edited artificially. She really didn’t know whether it was true or false.

But what is confirmed is that pomegranate peel can be dyed.

 This has been recorded in history.

As long as the auxiliary mordant dyeing materials are properly prepared, pomegranate peels can be used to dye four colors including yellow, green, black and gray. The worst result is that it will not be colored, and the cloth will not be damaged anyway. Si Ningning plans to try it. try.

Si Ningning said clearly that he had no experience in dyeing cloth, but that was not the case in the eyes of others.

 Especially in Jiang Yue’s eyes.

Given Si Ningning’s previous witty and outstanding performances, Jiang Yue had no doubts about Si Ningning’s abilities.

Hearing that Si Ningning wanted to try dyeing cloth, Jiang Yue squeezed to Si Ningning's side. Her eyes widened and she wished she could raise her hands and feet to agree, "Call me when you are dyeing. Bring me one, and I will dye it too!"

 “Then I’ll dye it too!”

 “Count me in, too!”

 The idea is roughly the same as that of Si Ningning. They believe that the worst result of dyeing the cloth is that it will not be colored, and the cloth will not be damaged. Of course, there is nothing to worry about, so Xu Shuhua and the others actively participated.

“Okay, let’s keep the pomegranate peel first. I’ll call you when I’m free one day.”

Since the time came to boil a large pot of water, it wouldn’t take much to dye them together, so Si Ningning agreed.

After the water was boiled, Si Ningning filled half a basin of hot water, mixed it with cold water and took a hasty bath, then went to bed and lay down.

It was still cold last night, and I felt chilly when I lay down today. But after rolling up the quilt for a while, Si Ningning felt too hot again, so she kicked her legs and kicked the quilt aside to feel better.

Si Ningning was planning her trip tomorrow and was not sleepy at all. After waiting for half an hour and Xu Shuhua and the others fell asleep, she quietly left the house and walked into the space.

I dug out the soybean seeds that had been stored in the space before and planted them. I only caught two small handfuls at that time, which turned out to be about a hundred. If I planted them all, they only occupied half a ridge of land, which is several ridges of land compared to the other seeds next to it. Vegetables are totally incomparable.

Si Ningning secretly poked at the seeds he brought. Of course, he would not mind that there were too few of them. He just hoped that they would take root and germinate quickly so that they could produce a good harvest and plant the next batch.

 After going back and forth a few times, you can produce and sell your own products in the space.

 After walking around and feeding the chickens and pigs, Si Ningning walked to the place where the cucumbers were piled before and carried them to the kitchen twice in a row until the sink was full.

The jars that Huo Lang brought over had been washed beforehand. Si Ningning had put them in the space early in the morning. He planned to pickle two jars of cucumbers tonight, give one jar to Huo Lang and ask Huo Lang when he would go to the county. Here, I will give it to Academician Liang when the time comes.

 Educated Youth Point actually has a jar, which was used to plant wild lilies, but the wild lilies have been eaten up long ago, and now Si Ningning uses it to plant hydrangeas.

Originally, she planned to put them into the space together, but when she thought about taking them out, others would definitely ask her when she would do it.

Afraid that it would be difficult to do, Si Ningning had no choice but to give up the idea and prepare to look for another opportunity to do it alone at the educated youth spot.

 Turn on the faucet, wash the cucumbers one by one, put them into pots, and move them to the table behind you. Put the cucumbers on the cutting board and cut them into long strips, remove the flesh, add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, and white vinegar, mix well, and marinate.

In the meantime, Si Ningning dug out dried chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns and fresh **** and garlic, and went to the field to pick a handful of green and red chili peppers.

 After that, wash and slice the **** and garlic, and use a knife to remove the seeds from the fresh peppers. Removing the seeds can reduce some of the spiciness, in order to prevent Academician Liang from eating too spicy food.

 As for the dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns, add oil to the pot and fry until the aroma dissipates, then turn off the heat.

At this time, the water in the cucumbers that had been pickled in advance had been removed. Si Ningning washed them in water, used kitchen absorbent paper to absorb the water on the surface of the cucumbers, and added ginger, garlic slices, and fresh chili peppers in sequence.

In addition, there are two tablespoons of light soy sauce, one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, one teaspoon of sugar, one tablespoon of pepper oil, and the fried oil and mix well. In this way, a large pot of cold cucumbers is ready. finished.

Si Ningning reached out and pinched one and tasted it. It was sour and spicy, and the texture was very crunchy.

After eating two sticks in a row, Si Ningning went to the faucet to wash his hands, put on disposable plastic gloves and started filling the jar.

This is considered cold cucumber, not pickled. In fact, it is more suitable to be kept in the refrigerator. Occasionally, it is a good choice whether it is paired with rice or wine.

 The most important thing is that its taste and texture will be better than pickled cucumbers.

It tastes good, but because it is not pickled in the sense of the word, it is also very particular about how to seal it in jars.

Si Ningning finished filling the two jars, poured the sauce into the basin, and added a spoonful of oil on the surface to seal it off from the air to ensure that it could be stored at room temperature for a longer period of time.

After finishing two jars of cucumbers, Si Ningning dug out the mung bean starch.

The busy work just now was not considered tiring, but at this time, Si Ningning had not taken a shower yet. Si Ningning felt that her whole body was not strong, so she stopped to study the idea of ​​going out to eat tomorrow, took a bowl of starch and put it into the sea bowl. The preparations were simple. Make a jelly.

Put a bowl of water into the bowl of the starch scooping bowl and pour it into the sea bowl. Mix the flour and water evenly until no lumps of starch can be felt.

It was the same bowl that scooped out the starch just now. Si Ningning used it to add seven to eight bowls of water to the deep pan. He heated it until it bubbled slightly and slowly added the starch water that he had just prepared.

 This process must be slow, and stir continuously while controlling the speed to prevent lumps from forming. Wait until the starch water is completely poured into the pot, and keep the heat on medium throughout the process.

To prevent the paste from sticking to the bottom of the pot, Si Ningning took the spoon he usually used to hold rice and stirred clockwise against the bottom of the pot. This continued for about one to two minutes. The starch water in the pot gradually became thicker and the color gradually changed from white at the beginning. becomes transparent.

Si Ningning paid attention to the changes in the pot and kept stirring in his hands until small bubbles popped up around the edge of the pot, and then burst again.

She thought about it in her mind, and waited for another minute or so. She estimated that the starch inside should have been completely matured, and put out the fire with a "doh" sound.

 (End of this chapter)

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