Chapter 200 Pattern

 Occasionally eat some whole grains, the nutrition is more balanced, and the child's body will grow stronger.

 After eating the sweet potatoes, he washed his hands by the stream. Si Ningning took advantage of the situation and washed his face. For a long time, his face was covered with sparkling water drops. There was nothing to wipe it with, so he wiped it with his sleeve casually.

It was during these two moments that Si Ningning remembered something else:

“I washed the sweat towel yesterday and forgot to take it with me when I went out. Remember to take some this afternoon and I will bring it to you.”


With the baskets on their backs, the two set out again.

Horang is still leading the way.

 Probably sensing Si Ningning's eagerness to find mushrooms, Holang was more concerned when he went out.

Escaped from the trail and led Si Ningning into the narrow rose path in the mountain. Huo Lang reminded him in a deep voice: "Follow."

 “Will there be a snake?”

Sounding worry, Si Ningning took steps obediently.

There are many wild roses in the mountains, and they grow densely on both sides of the path in front of us.

  The rain has knocked down the petals all over the ground, but the branches on both sides are not wilted at all. Thousands of pink or white flowers are swaying in the sun and swaying in the wind. The fresh and beautiful colors create a visual feast. It is so beautiful...

Si Ningning followed Huo Lang honestly, but her eyes followed the swaying flower branches beside her and she tilted her head.

Although she was walking, her pace was obviously much slower than before. Huo Lang noticed something was wrong and glanced sideways, and saw Si Ningning looking up at the flower branches hanging above the tree.

In the sunlight, her face is fairer than a white rose, and her lips are redder than camellia in winter. Her originally dark eyes also reflect a light brown halo in the sunlight, and her focused look makes her look like she is dazzled by the flowers. appearance.

After staring at the flower branch for a long time, Si Ningning realized that something was wrong. Huo Lang didn't know when he stopped.

Turning his little face back, Si Ningning accidentally met Huo Lang's deep gaze and asked, "Isn't it beautiful?"

The little girl's lips are raised, her eyes are curved into small crescents under her long and curled eyelashes, and her smile is bright and charming.

The mountain breeze seems to have understood and understood everything. It takes light steps to pick up scattered petals and an unknown "thumping" sound, and sways away together.


Huo Lang responded with a low voice and looked away, silently muttering in his heart: Mountain spirits are naturally beautiful.

Si Ningning had been thinking about the patches of wild roses. Seeing that she couldn't move her eyes away, Huo Lang took out the hatchet and cut off a few flower branches with a few blows, and then used the blunt blade of the hatchet to scrape back and forth against the flower branches. After removing the small thorns, he casually pulled off a thin vine and twisted it twice. The next second, Si Ningning's arms were filled with large bunches of wild roses.

  "Okay." Huo Lang put away the hatchet, "Let's go."

Si Ningning stayed on the spot for three seconds, then suddenly smiled and trotted behind Huo Lang with the bouquet in his arms, "Actually, I just want to see it, and you picked it for me?"

 “Don’t behave yourself even if you get an advantage.”

"...Oh!" Si Ningning pursed her lips, but she was actually in a good mood. She stumbled and followed Huo Lang, her little mouth chirping like a little sparrow, "Your house is also next to a bamboo forest, and mosquitoes are everywhere when you sleep at night. not many?"

 “Fortunately, I am fumigated with mugwort every day.”

“That’s a lot of trouble! I have mosquito coils there. I’ll get some for you this afternoon.”

 “Mosquito incense?”

“Hmm!’s just for repelling mosquitoes, don’t look at me like that! I made it myself, not bought it, don’t worry!”

Going into the mountains after ten o'clock, there was no harvest at first. Later, under the leadership of Huo Lang, Si Ningning successfully picked half a basket of mushrooms. Si Ningning even counted six varieties.

The joy was joyful, but we walked too much along the mountain road and made constant jokes. When we walked back down the mountain, Si Ningning was really tired, and she stopped chirping all the way.

Holang was used to hearing her making noises, but he felt a little uncomfortable when she stopped.

 “Let’s take a rest before leaving?”

Si Ningning shook her head, straightened her chest and stretched her arms, "It's better to go down the mountain first! Rest when you get back!"

 Now just sitting down and resting is no longer enough for her, she wants to lie down!

You can lie down when you get back. Thinking of this, Si Ningning gained two more energy, "Let's go, hurry up, hurry up~"

Si Ningning insisted that of course Huo Lang would have no objection, and after half an hour of detours, he finally returned to the door of Chen's house.

Si Ningning stood at the door waiting. Huo Lang went into the house and put the rabbit into a cage. After a while, he took it out and closed the courtyard door, and went to the educated youth center with Si Ningning.

On the way, I saw that Si Ningning had been looking at the rabbit cage frequently. Huo Lang asked her to look more carefully. At the same time, he explained: "The rabbit is still small now, so the cage is made densely. I will make a bigger one in two days when I have free time. When the rabbit gets bigger, just replace it.”

Si Ningning nodded understandingly and told Huo Lang roughly what he had agreed with Zhao Hongbing before about raising rabbits.

After speaking for a moment, Si Ningning asked uncertainly: "Do you think I can take care of myself?"

"I also told other educated youths about this. If they can't support themselves by then, wouldn't it be a shame?"

 I have raised cats before, but I really have no experience raising rabbits.

Originally, he wanted to raise the rabbit in a space, but now that it has come around in such a big circle and everyone knows it, Si Ningning is suddenly really worried that the rabbit will not survive.

If she really can't make a living, not only will she be disappointed, but everyone in the educated youth spot will be disappointed.

 Rabbit is a rabbit, it is also meat, and it is also a hope for a better life.

The more he thought about it, the crescent eyebrows of Si Ningning furrowed and his mood worsened.

"Why are you panicking?" Huo Lang dropped his hand holding the cage and stared at the road ahead. "Don't you want to send something to Academician Liang? You write a letter and I will send it over with you."

Si Ningning's eyes lit up and she suddenly became energetic, "Academician Liang! Why didn't I think of that?!"

"Good for you!"

In a good mood, Si Ningning reached out and pushed Huo Lang on the arm, and then trotted forward.

She was only thinking about how to write a letter to Academician Liang saying that this was appropriate, but she didn't notice that the man behind her stopped briefly and looked at her intensely. All the way back to the educated youth point, Huo Lang was waiting at the door. Si Ningning opened the door string and moved the two jars out first when entering the house. She remembered the sweat towel and mosquito coils and put them away without Huo Lang's reminder. Take it out.

The sweat towels were folded into neat blocks, and the mosquito coils were torn out of a page and wrapped in paper.

Huo Lang held the jar in each hand, and Si Ningning stuffed the things into the side pockets of his coat, "Mosquito incense and incense have the same principle. You can light them under the bed before going to bed at night and let them smell. As for Academician Liang, About writing letters..."

Si Ningning paused for a moment, shrugged the tip of his nose and said playfully: "I'll think about it tonight, and I'll write it down for you tomorrow!"


Horang nodded in agreement, took the things and left without staying long.

And not long after he left, seeing that he was the only one in the educated youth spot, and others had to wait for a while after work, Si Ningning planned to enter the space, but before he could make a move, there was a "click-click" of footsteps outside the door. Quickly approaching, at the same time, the young man's cheerful voice came:

"very nice!"

“What’s going on? What are your plans?”

“What other arrangements can I make? I definitely have to go to the town! I also want to go to the vegetable market to see if I can pick up the missing items!”

The group of people talked excitedly, and then walked to the side of the house and saw Si Ningning walking out of it. Jiang Yue stepped forward excitedly, "Ning Ning, there is something good, do you want to listen?"

 “Hey, Si Zhiqing!” Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan came back with a bunch of cucumbers in their arms.

Si Ningning nodded as a greeting, glanced at Jiang Yue with a smile, turned around and sat down at the table, "It's about the holiday, I guess."

Jiang Yue's smiling face fell instantly. She rolled her eyes and sat next to Si Ningning. She pushed Si Ningning and asked, "Tell me, did the aunt on the team tell you in advance? Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Tell us? I’m looking forward to the holiday and it’s almost blinding me!”

Si Ningning raised a smile on his lips and shook his head. Before he could speak, Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan put the cucumbers on the table, pushed up their glasses and joked: "Do I need to say this in advance? You were so loud all the way back. Si Zhiqing must have heard it a long time ago."

As he spoke, Song Shuhan glanced at Si Ningning, and when their eyes met, Song Shuhan smiled shyly.

Si Ningning said yes with a smile, and Jiang Yue became even more annoyed.

Li Lingyuan usually couldn't talk to Jiang Yue, but now he took the opportunity to tease him. Jiang Yue refused to accept him, went up and held down his arm and started hammering him. The room suddenly became full of laughter and commotion.

Si Ningning smiled peacefully, sitting at the table and watching their commotion.

"The captain said he would give us two days off. He also said that in the future, as long as it is not a busy farming period, he would give us a day off every half month." Xu Shuhua sat over and explained the holiday, then raised her chin and talked about the table. Serve piles of cucumbers, "These were given to me by Uncle Hongfa who just came back to take care of the score. He even pulled out the cucumber vines, saying he wanted carrots in season."

Si Ningning nodded and suggested smoothly: "There are so many cucumbers that I can't finish in a while, so why not pickle them and eat them as side dishes later?"

The first time I wanted to enter the space, I just planned to bring some cucumbers out. Now, Xu Shuhua and the others just brought back a bunch of cucumbers, saving her any trouble.

Si Ningning’s suggestions or suggestions were never refuted, so Xu Shuhua nodded quickly, “I think it will work.”

Xu Shuhua can’t make Si Ningning’s cold-style pickled cucumbers, but she can pickle vegetables.

When Si Ningning mentioned pickled cucumbers, Xu Shuhua felt that pickled cucumbers were similar to pickled vegetables. She immediately got up and went to the kitchen to get a basin, and took the cucumbers to the well to wash them.

Si Ningning went back to the room and took out the hydrangea flowers from the jar, then followed the jar towards the well.

Jiang Yue saw her motive, let go of Li Lingyuan who was yelling "ouch ouch" after being beaten, and stepped forward to take the jar, "I'll wash it, you go to the swing!"

Before Si Ningning could react, Song Xiaoyun ran past her, "Yes, Ningning, you make the decision on big things, and we will take care of small things!"

 “Okay then.” Si Ningning reacted and shook his head with a smile.

It was probably because all the female educated youths had come out, and the male educated youths were too embarrassed to stay in the house. They each went back to the house to get washbasins and clothes, and then fetched water from the well one by one. Those who washed their clothes washed their clothes, and those who washed their hair. Washing my hair, during this time I kept chatting, explaining my plans for tomorrow.

  In the end, everyone agreed and agreed to get up a little earlier than usual to start work tomorrow morning, and try to get to the town before the sun came up.

 Everyone supports it, and Si Ningning certainly has no objections.

In the evening, while Jiang Yue and the others were packing the packages sent to their families, Si Ningning was holding a pen and sitting at the table under the kerosene lamp, listing the things to buy tomorrow.

He Gu and San Miao's study progress has been very stable. The wad of money given by Huo Lang last time was more than six yuan. After excluding the rations, there was still a lot left. Si Ningning never thought of taking it for himself and planned to keep it for himself tomorrow. Come back and buy some pens and notebooks for the two little ones.

 In two days' time, we will almost be able to guide the two little ones to write in the notebook.

There is also a kerosene lamp, and I need to buy another one...

In the future, Jiang Yue and the others will be equipped with a small table or something. This kerosene lamp must not be kept by her side all the time. Just buy one for yourself. You can use your own things however you want, and you don’t have to worry about other people’s opinions...

Si Ningning wrote the words "kerosene lamp" in his notebook, and couldn't help but think: Hegu and Sanae's stationery is solved, what about the other little carrot heads in the team?

This will benefit not only those little carrot heads, but also the countries in the future...

The situation was laid out, and pencils and notebooks only cost a few cents. Si Ningning thought about paying for them himself, but was afraid that these few cents would cause some trouble in the team.

 After all, the times were tough, and what she regarded as a few cents may not be small money in the eyes of others.

After much thought, Si Ningning still decided to take it one step at a time and wait until the literacy class is established to determine the specific situation, and then act according to the direction of the wind.

Just as she was thinking about it, Jiang Yue suddenly lay down across the small table, "Ning Ning."

"Huh?" Si Ningning was suddenly brought back to reality, "What's wrong?"

"Can you lend me your pen for a while? I want to write a letter... I don't have a pen."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded knowingly, his eyes fell on the notebook, and he didn't know what he thought of. He wrote the words "pen" and "ink" on it, and then retracted his legs that were hanging from the edge of the bed and tilted them to the side. Giving up the position to Jiang Yue, "Come on."

Gel pens are easy to use, but they are not safe. In order to prevent others from asking questions in the future, I will go to town tomorrow and buy a fountain pen...

Xu Shuhua and the others brought letter paper but no pen, so after Jiang Yueshua wrote a few pages of letter paper, they also borrowed a pen from Si Ningning.

Of course Si Ningning would not refuse. It was already half an hour after everyone had finished writing the letter. Si Ningning cleared the table and prepared to go to bed. Song Xiaoyun asked, "Ningning, don't you write a letter to your family?"

"Ah..." Si Ningning paused and smiled, "Didn't I go to the county some time ago? I sent a letter along the way."

 “Oh!” Song Xiaoyun nodded clearly and said nothing more.

The kerosene lamp in the room was dimmed. The other three girls were either lying on their sides facing the wall or lying flat on their backs looking directly at the dark beams. They were all looking forward to the joy of sending letters tomorrow and receiving letters at home a few days later. Only Si Ningning was there. , she was lying with her head facing the window, her eyes slightly raised, staring at the moon in the gap between the treetops outside the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

A naughty green-tailed firefly quietly swayed into the room. Si Ningning glanced at it from the corner of his eye, hugged the quilt and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, it was already the early morning of the next day, when the sky was dark.

 (End of this chapter)

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