Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 201: Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask

Chapter 201: Don’t ask questions you shouldn’t ask

The adjacent beds trembled slightly and made a rustling sound. Realizing that Xu Shuhua and the others had already stood up, Si Ningning straightened her legs and stretched herself, then climbed up behind them.

 After washing up quickly, it was still not bright yet, and the group set off through the dew.

They originally thought that they would not meet anyone else so early, but in fact, as soon as the group entered the production team, they bumped into Chen Lianmi who was carrying a basket load.



 Educated youths said hello.

 Chen Lianmi saw the educated youth, smiled and said: "It's so early, are you going to the town?"

"Yes, Auntie, haven't you been busy recently? We have two days off, and we plan to go to the town to buy some daily necessities."

"Haha." Chen Lianmi smiled again and followed the educated youth with a load, "That's just right. I can walk with you for a while and chat while walking. Time flies!"

Hearing that his fellow travelers were leaving, Li Lingyuan took a step forward and stretched out his hand to take the burden from Chen Lianmi's hand, "Auntie, let me help you pick a section of the road."

"No, no, no." Chen Lianmi waved her hand quickly, "There's nothing in it, just some soaked soybeans. It's light and not heavy. I can do it myself!"

Li Lingyuan chuckled and scratched his head without saying anything else.

Si Ningning was familiar with Chen Lianmi. Listening to Chen Lianmi's words, she slowed down and asked, "Auntie, what are you doing so early?"

“This year I planted some soybeans in every possible opportunity in my plot. There was still a lot left over from harvesting a few days ago for sowing. I thought about picking up a team to grind a plate of tofu.” Chen Lianmi explained with a smile.

 Make tofu?

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, Jiang Yue shouted from the side, "The side job of our team is to make tofu?"

"It's not really a side job. It's just some simple items. Several production teams under the brigade, such as grinding tofu, shelling millet, and pressing oil from rapeseed in spring and summer. These have to be done by the brigade. Generally, other things There are also brigades and communes.”

 “So that’s it!”

Chatting along the roadside, before parting, Chen Lianmi suggested that the educated youths should follow them so that they could recognize the way to the brigade.

 All the educated youths looked at Si Ningning, waiting for Si Ningning to speak.

Si Ningning squeezed her crescent eyebrows and said, "Then go!"

  They can recognize the way by following a group. If they need to go back and ask the captain if they have any questions, they can also come by themselves, saving them the trouble of having others lead the way.

 It was almost fifty minutes and an hour's journey from the third team to the brigade. When Si Ningning and others followed Chen Lianmi to the brigade's tofu shop, someone was already grinding tofu.

According to Chen Lianmi, people who grind tofu should be in the same situation as her. They are all afraid that the leftover soybeans will get worms if left for a long time, so they take them and grind them into tofu, then take them home and soak them in water. A plate of tofu can Eat for several days.

Chen Lianmi pointed out to a group of educated youths which house was the home of the brigade leader Luo Daqing. Then, while the educated youths were watching the old farmer grinding tofu, Chen Lianmi winked at Si Ningning and waved to recruit Si Ningning. backyard.

 “Aunt Lianmei, what’s wrong?”

"You came out early and didn't have time to have breakfast, right?" Chen Lianmi leaned on the door frame and stretched her neck to take a look. She closed the door and brought a bowl from the window sill in the courtyard. "Now it's my turn to grind tofu. An old sister, I asked her for a bowl of soy milk, please drink it quickly."

Chen Lianmi looked at Si Ningning with a smile.

  Although Si Ningning’s idea of ​​becoming her daughter-in-law fell through, Chen Lianmi’s love for Si Ningning did not diminish at all.

Si Ningning looked at the soy milk handed over, feeling a little emotional and a little embarrassed.

Looking at the door, Si Ningning hesitated and said, "Auntie, isn't this..."

"Auntie knows what you are thinking. It's not that Auntie is partial. If you grind your own tofu, other educated youths will have it. Now there is only one bowl, so Auntie will definitely come after you first." Chen Lian pulled over to Si Ning. Ning's hand pushed the bowl over, "Drink quickly, ah! You will save yourself from starvation for a while!"

 It is said that it is not biased, but in fact it is still biased.

 But it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

A group of seven educated youths came over, but only Si Ningning was fed... Chen Lianmi meant well, but if others knew about it, they would probably feel unfair.

Si Ning was not in the mood to do what Wu Yong did last time, but he had already talked about it, and if he continued to push it away, it would be unreasonable.

Si Ningning was very thoughtful and was afraid that Xu Shuhua and the others would come to find her if it was delayed. Everyone would be embarrassed by that time, so she said nothing, raised her eyebrows and smiled obediently, and said her sincere thanks.

Then he held the bowl and drank "huhu".

Soy milk is freshly ground and boiled, and has been filtered. It tastes quite delicate, but there is no sugar in it, so the taste is not very good, and the beany smell is a bit strong.

In this era, rations are expensive, even if it is just a bowl of soy milk, this is also what Chen Lianmi feels.

Knowing this, Si Ningning took four breaths and drank the bowl of soy milk with great effort. After a while, he raised his face and returned the bowl to Chen Lianmi. He burped in the middle and said, "Hiccup, thank you Lianmi." Auntie, I’m full!”

"I just drank a lot of water and the soy milk won't fill my stomach, but it can support people!" Chen Lianmi smiled and glanced at Si Ningning's little face that was red from drinking the soy milk, waved her hand and said: "Okay, go ahead. Don’t keep Xu Zhiqing and the others waiting.”

Si Ningning smiled and thanked her again, then opened the back door and walked into the house, heading towards the front.

However, before taking two steps into the house, Si Ningning bumped into Xu Shuhua head-on. Xu Shuhua seemed not to expect it and was startled, "Ning Ning, so you are here, everyone is looking for you."

As he spoke, he patted his chest and stepped forward to hold Si Ningning's hand. Xu Shuhua said, "I'm leaving."

Si Ningning nodded and quickened his pace.

Outside the door, Xu Shuhua shouted "Found it", and the others returned to the team one after another. Everyone headed towards the town in the direction Chen Lianmi pointed when they came.

The brigade was not far from the main road to the town. They walked on the main road for a few minutes and walked for more than half an hour. They successfully arrived at Bahe Town. At 8:20 in the morning, the post office in the town had already opened.

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua both had letters and large packages to send, so they made a plan to go to the post office first.

Si Ningning listened for a long time and said, "You go ahead, I won't go yet."

 The night before, I said that I had sent a letter home before. Si Ningning was not going to send a letter now, so of course there was no need to follow him.

Moreover, if you think about it from another perspective, if there is a package sent from home at the post office, and she goes to sign for it now, won’t she have to take it all the way back?

 “That’s okay.”

Jiang Yue and the others also realized this and did not force Si Ningning to follow them. They only told Si Ningning when they parted: "We are going to go to the vegetable market with the male educated youths soon. If we can't meet each other during the period, then we can go to the state-owned supermarket at noon." Let’s meet at the hotel.”

Si Ningning nodded in agreement, waved to everyone, and the group separated.

Si Ningning came to town for one purpose, and that was to buy things.

And today I will definitely stay in the town for most of the day. I can buy things in a few minutes, so I have to find something to do to pass the time.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Ningning made up his mind to go to the black market!

He found a dead end in the alley and entered the space. When he came out of the space, Si Ningning was already dressed like a tall and lanky young man.

Picking up the empty basket, Si Ningning walked towards the ferry lighthouse.

When he heard people's voices near the lighthouse, Si Ningning confirmed that the black market was open today, so he moved the things in the space behind the sand pile into the basket on his back, then reversely carried the basket half on his back and half in his arms and entered the black market. .

Similar to the last time I came here, there were a lot of people on the black market, and Houtou and others specialized in reselling. Si Ningning met him again at almost the same position as last time.

Houtou had just made a successful order and was busy counting the tickets with his head down. He didn't notice Si Ningning at all. Si Ningning put the basket on the side of his booth. He even stretched out his legs and kicked the basket, "Oh, go, go, Who is this? Can’t you see this is someone else’s booth?”

However, after kicking the basket, it didn't move at all, and the owner of the basket had no intention of taking it away. The monkey's face wrinkled in displeasure, and he raised his head and was about to curse, but when he saw the person standing in front of him clearly, he His eyes suddenly lit up: "His grandma's! It's you! Quick, quick, come in and talk!"

Himou pulled the sack on the ground to make room. Like last time, Si Ningning borrowed a snakeskin bag from him to lay on it, and then started to take things out.

The monkey kept nagging: "I've been looking for you for a long time, but I haven't seen you yet. I'm still wondering if you were raped by someone or if you were caught."

Si Ningning let out a "tsk" sound, and glanced at the monkey head sideways with the strong face modified by the eyebrow pencil profile, and asked displeasedly: "Can you speak?"

"Yes, yes, it's my crow's mouth." The monkey smiled and slapped his mouth. He had been sitting on the pony just now. Now he suddenly moved a step and squatted next to Si Ningning, stretching his neck to reach towards the basket. Inside, he asked, "What did you bring this time? Do you still have the rice and noodles from last time? I want them all!"

"I brought some..." Putting some rice and egg noodles on the snakeskin bag, Si Ningning covered the top of the basket with cloth. She pushed the monkey head back and continued: "Ten pounds of rice. Can you eat fifteen bundles of noodles?”

 “Ten pounds!?” The monkey head quickly made a calculation in his mind, gritted his teeth and asked, “Is it still the last price?”

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded lightly, and the monkey head immediately made a decision, "Yes!"

Si Ningning's eyes flashed with surprise, but she didn't say much. It would be nice to sell it in one go, so she wouldn't have to wait here.

There was a scale at the Hericium stall, but Si Ningning didn't use his own space. He took out all the remaining rice and noodles in the basket and waited for the Hericium to be weighed.

 Confirming that there was no problem, the monkey head counted out a thick stack of bills and handed them to Si Ningning.

Even though the pile of bills was thick enough, they were actually 1 cents and a dime, which totaled exactly eight yuan.

Si Ningning collected the money. Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, the monkey head glanced at the basket on his back again, "Your bamboo basket is so big, did you bring other good things?"

Si Ningning glanced at him sideways, raised her eyebrows and said nothing. The monkey knew that he had guessed right when he saw the formation.

Before I could urge him, I saw Si Ningning taking out three strips of meat from the basket.

 That big fat piece of white flesh! Three! !

The monkey head's eyes were straight. The meat was so many times better than the meat they had gotten when they begged grandpa and grandma for help!

 “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you had meat?”

The monkey head stomped his feet very annoyed. When he thought of something, he stretched out his hand to grab the meat, but it was already too late. In the blink of an eye, all the merchants and passers-by who were passing by came over and surrounded the small stall. :

 “How much does this meat cost? How to sell it? I want it!”

 “I want it too, I want it too!”

 Someone noticed that the monkey head wanted to hide it secretly, and stretched out his hand to push the monkey head aside. The monkey head was so angry that he stamped his feet, "Everything is first come, first served! You are unreasonable! Shameless, right?"

Everyone was only focused on grabbing the meat, and no one listened to what he said.

The monkey head was so angry that his face turned green. He clenched his hands into fists and continued to stamp his feet and roar: "That's my brother! My brother brought me the meat. You guys hurry up and take it away!"

As he spoke, he pushed forward.

However, the monkey is not tall and the people are still lean and lean. How can they squeeze through those people? He was soon pushed aside again by someone who didn't know who it was, and hit him in the face.

When Si Ningning finished selling the meat and was counting the bills in his hand, he saw the monkey head with a livid face and a nosebleed from the corner of his eye. He was really shocked and asked, "What's wrong with you? Who beat you?"

 “Hmph.” The monkey said angrily, and turned his head away. He didn’t hesitate for a second before turning his face back again.

The wrinkled face was filled with anger and a hint of frustration, "I treat you as a brother, so I take care of your business. You see, even if you have meat, I won't tell you..."

 Forget it if you don’t tell him, at least leave some for him!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t stay, then don’t let him see it! Such good meat!

The monkey's head and intestines were turning green. He shouldn't have said anything just now. He just grabbed the meat and weighed it. Now it's better. He didn't grab the meat. He didn't know how to give it back to his grandmother, but some shriveled calf bit him. .

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. This was her first time selling meat on the black market. She really didn't expect it to be so popular.

But it’s not that Si Ningning didn’t know how to be grateful. The monkey head helped her, and she was naturally willing to perform the monkey head’s convenience.

"No, I have one more in the basket, just give it to you." Si Ningning said, already reaching into the basket on his back to hook up the rope and lift the meat out.

People around her saw that she still had meat and were ready to move forward. It was obvious that Si Ningning hung the meat on the scale hook and stopped halfway when she knew that the meat had been weighed down and did not come forward again.

Houtou had a surprised look on his face. He didn’t wipe away the nosebleed. He happily squatted in front of Si Ningning and said, “Okay, you’re so loyal!”

“Same as them, two yuan and a pound, this one is exactly one pound.” Si Ningning said calmly.

It’s convenient to travel and return, but money still needs to be collected seriously.

Houtou took out the money neatly and asked casually, "This meat is so fresh and so fat. How come you have a big background?"

The reason why I was able to obtain such good resources was not because I was brave enough to raise them secretly, but because someone above me had a way.

 After several contacts, Judging from Si Ningning’s clothing and behavior, Houtou’s guess is more towards the latter.

Si Ningning replied with a smile: "Each profession has its own rules. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

 (End of this chapter)

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