Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 203: Si Ningning’s abacus

Chapter 203 Si Ningning’s plan

Si Ningning followed him into the living room and looked around casually. He noticed that there was a small bamboo bed under the window diagonally opposite the table. A little girl of four or five years old had a pillow towel on her belly and was sleeping with her mouth pouted. It's sweet.

She should be Zhang Yuemei's granddaughter. Si Ningning vaguely remembered that someone mentioned her last time.

Si Ningning didn’t look at it much. She put the watermelon on the table and picked the basket before sitting down.

At this time, Zhang Yuemei brought an enamel jar from the kitchen and handed it over cheerfully: "In the past two days, my granddaughter has been complaining that she is too hot and doesn't want to eat, so I made some mung bean soup... Little comrade, you can drink some too, and you'll be doing well in the sun. Are you tired now that the sun is here?" Zhang Yuemei said cheerfully.

 “Thank you, auntie.”

Si Ningning thanked her, but the enamel jar was placed on the table without moving.

  How do you say something? Don't eat food given by strangers.

 One of them is vigilance, and the other is that he just had a full stomach in space. Si Ningning couldn't hold anything in his stomach at the moment.

If this was a glass of water, she could take a polite sip, but it contained mung bean soup. If she drank it and couldn't finish it, it would be a waste.

 If others are willing to give, maybe it is out of their own intentions, of course they can accept it.

But it doesn’t matter at that level. The choice to refuse is a discipline formed by Si Ningning’s excellent education since childhood.

"I was lying in the room just now, and I heard the voice below sounded familiar. I opened the window and took a look, but I didn't expect it was really you." Zhang Hongmei sat down opposite Si Ningning. While explaining, her eyes glanced at the table on the table from time to time. Watermelon, what did she think of? She swallowed her saliva and looked nervously and excitedly at the basket beside Si Ningning's legs. "Little comrade, what did you bring this time?"

"Ha..." Si Ningning smiled politely, uncovered the seal of the basket on his back, and let Zhang Yuemei look inside without hesitation, "Last time my aunt said she wanted meat, I paid special attention to it, and this time I got it first. I got one portion, but it wasn’t much, just three kilograms…the rest was just a little milk powder.”

 The three kilograms of meat that Si Ningning took out later were oily pork belly.

Zhang Yuemei's eyes widened when she saw it. She had an exaggerated smile on her face, and even the skin at the corners of her mouth twitched with joy, "Okay, okay, okay, little comrade, you, you are really capable!"

Last time, Zhang Yuemei just said it casually, but she didn't expect that Si Ningning could actually get meat for her.

 It had been a long time since she had eaten decent meat. Zhang Yuemei couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She tried her best to suppress her excitement and asked Si Ningning, "Little comrade, how do you sell this meat?"

Zhang Yuemei was cruel and made up her mind that as long as the price was not outrageous, she would take all the meat!

"Auntie, there are several grades of pork at the meat joints in the market, ranging from 70 cents to 80 cents. You should also know the price of meat on the black market. Last time we said we were doing long-term business, I didn't give it. If you tell me more, I'll give it the regular black market price of two yuan per catty, see if that works," Si Ningning said.

 “What?” Zhang Yuemei was stunned.

"Two yuan per pound." Si Ningning said calmly, and after a while he said: "This is already the lowest price. If Auntie wants it, just take it. If you still think it's expensive, then there's nothing I can do about it."

Si Ningning said, grabbing the black cloth to cover the basket.

Zhang Yuemei hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop it, "Hey, little comrade, please don't... Auntie doesn't think it's expensive. Can Auntie not tell the quality of the meat you sent?"

Si Ningning stopped and heard Zhang Yuemei breathe a sigh of relief and continued: "Auntie was shocked just now. This meat can be sold for two yuan or two fiver on the black market. It's convenient for you, Auntie." Know."

“The meat is all gone, please check the scale again. And the milk powder you mentioned, is it from the small bag next to it? How to sell the milk powder?”

“Milk powder is 2 cents per bag. They are all good products from big cities.” Si Ningning handed the bag to Zhang Yuemei and asked her to weigh it herself. Then she opened a bag of milk powder and handed it to Zhang Yuemei.

Zhang Yuemei took it and smelled the rich smell of milk before she even got it close to her nose. She immediately knew that what Si Ningning was getting was good stuff.

Zhang Yuemei said: "Give me two packs of milk powder too! No, three... oh five packs!"

 “That’s okay.”

Zhang Yuemei passed the scale smoothly, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she started counting the money in front of Si Ningning.

After all, we are a working-class family. Unlike the dime bills given by those on the black market, the money Zhang Yuemei gave Si Ningning included two full amounts of two yuan.

After collecting the money, Si Ningning glanced at the little **** the small bed by the window and said: "There is no sugar this time, so let's give the watermelon as a bonus for my sister."

After finishing speaking, Si Ningning had already lifted the back of the basket.

At first, he would carry the watermelon over in a big way, just as a pretense. Now it is difficult to explain when carrying it away, and Si Ningning feels it is not enough to carry it in a basket.

In this era, all the fields are used to grow food, and a few brigades will plant fruits and vegetables in the mountains as a side business to meet the expenses of other projects of the production team.

Economic crops such as watermelons and peanuts are relatively rare because ordinary people are not willing to buy them.

Si Ningning had a rough understanding of it, but since Zhang Yuemei was a straightforward person in dealings, she didn't want to be too rigid.

In addition, there are many watermelons grown in space and the yields are high. Subconsciously, Si Ningning feels that watermelons have devalued and are not worth anything.

 “How is this good?”

As a person who knows how to get by, she always tries to save some money from anywhere, but Zhang Yuemei feels that she always benefits from the chance transaction with Si Ningning, and she always takes advantage of other places.

Zhang Yuemei suddenly felt embarrassed, but she did not refuse anymore. Instead, she asked Si Ningning to sit down and wait, and then entered the room. When she came out, Zhang Yuemei had a package in her hand.

"One code, one code, you are an honest child. It is not easy to do this business, and my aunt will not take advantage of you." Zhang Yuemei stuffed the oil-paper package into Si Ningning's basket, and took advantage of the situation to help Si Ningning. He carefully covered the cloth at the mouth of the basket on his back, "My family usually works in the factory, and I am the only one with my granddaughter at home. I am at home basically every day... If you accept the door, if you have anything next time, just come directly to the door." "

This time, Si Ningning didn’t refuse. She thanked him and left with the basket.

As soon as Si Ningning left, Zhang Yuemei used her own scale to weigh the meat. Not surprisingly, it weighed three kilograms and two taels...

Zhang Yuemei was overjoyed, but after she was over, she felt a little complicated. She thought that when Si Ningning came back next time, she would have to find something from other places to subsidize Si Ningning.

 To achieve long-term interests, both parties need to safeguard it, and it is not necessary to take advantage of one side.

Si Ningning came out of the family building and headed to the rubber factory.

 Houtou is here, and Gu Yang and the others’ main reselling channel is the rubber factory, so they are naturally there.

Si Ningning’s purpose this time was not to resell. She just wanted to sell a few kilograms of meat, so she left first with a basket on her back.

However, a group of people at the back door of the rubber factory had almost finished reselling, so Gu Yang and others climbed over the wall and left. The monkey was short and not very capable. They packed up the empty baskets and backpacks and collected the money, planning to return the same way. Just after turning the corner of the alley, the monkey head paused suddenly, "Dongdong?"

Si Ningning put her arms around her shoulders and leaned her back against the wall. She had just finished chewing a chocolate bean in her mouth. When she saw a figure in her peripheral vision, she lazily turned her head and said, "Yeah."

Si Ningning was too hot to get excited, so she relied on the wall to gain strength. Little did she know that her appearance was reflected in the monkey's eyes, turning her into a cool person. The monkey scratched his head and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Si Ningning put away his laziness and said, "Speak somewhere else."

Houtou took a breath and became serious. He looked around the alley, nodded to Si Ningning and said, "Follow me."

Si Ningning followed Heitou, originally thinking that Heitou would take her to some hidden corner, but she didn't expect that after twisting and turning in the alley, the two of them appeared at the back door of the scrap station.

Si Ningning frowned suspiciously, but he saw the monkey head curling up his fist and knocking on the door three times, two short and three times, knocking regularly. When there was a gap to open the door, the monkey head turned around and warned in a pretentious manner: "I will only bring you the door if I can trust you." When you come here, don’t turn around and sell me out. If you sell me out, Brother Yang and the others won’t let you go!”

Si Ningning nodded hesitantly. The small wooden door opened at this moment, and the old man in charge of the scrapyard stuck his head out, "You little brat, how dare you run here at this time..."

The old man saw Si Ningning, and suddenly stopped mid-sentence, and glanced at the monkey head in surprise and hesitation.

The monkey smiled mischievously: "Uncle, this is my brother, you can definitely trust him! I will bring him over to say something, and then leave as soon as I finish!"

  【Uncle: Yitong uncle. 】

The old man at the scrap yard glared at Heitou, and secretly scolded Heitou for being a stupid boy for not being vigilant, and letting everyone know about their relationship the first time he brought someone here.

But after all, there was an outsider like Si Ningning present. The old man at the scrap yard didn't say anything. He opened the door a crack and turned sideways to let them in. During the process, he warned: "Just say it in the cubicle. After that, leave quickly. It's broad daylight." There are so many people coming and going, you are really..."

"I know, I know!" The monkey waved his hands and was not willing to listen to his chatter. He pulled Si Ningning across the scattered pieces of rotten wood and entered the small cubicle, closing the door with a "snap".

"How do you grow so tall?" The monkey head turned around and glanced up and down at Si Ningning, who was half a head taller than him. "How do you grow so tall and have such thin wrists?"

As he spoke, the monkey head stretched out his hand and pinched his index finger and thumb together to form a circle.

Si Ningning's heart swelled and she said displeasedly: "I have something serious to tell you, why are you talking about all these crooked things?"

Himou reacted quickly, shaking his head from side to side and scanning, "I, don't I just have a chat?"

The cubicle is very small. Apart from the small door, there is only a long air vent that is 40 meters long and 20 meters high. The entire space is airtight and dark.

After looking around the monkey head, he bowed and tore out a few old newspapers and spread them on the ground, motioning for Si Ningning to sit down. "I usually put things here occasionally. The conditions are poor, so don't dislike it!"

Si Ningning came over, and Houtou actually had some guesses in his mind.

After Si Ningning sat down, Monkey Tou sat cross-legged across from Si Ningning, folding his rough hands together and rubbing them nervously and excitedly, "Say it!"

The insiders are quick-thinking and can guess the clues with their monkey heads. Si Ningning is not surprised at all.

It is not convenient for her to show up. Since she has decided to find someone to do things for her, she has nothing to hide now.

Si Ningning went straight to the topic: "I have the goods in hand, but I don't have much time to go out and do activities. I would like to ask if your pocket is big and how much can you eat?"

 “Ah this…” The monkey pursed his slightly thick lips and scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed." Si Ningning observed the expression on the monkey head and continued: "If you are worried that the goods will be in your hands, we can talk in another way."

 Houtou took back his hand and asked: "In what way?"

“I am responsible for supplying the goods, and you are responsible for selling. I will tell you my price. As for the final transaction price, you can add whatever amount you want. As long as you sell it, it will all be yours.”

Si Ningning had calculated in her mind that Hericium would make a profit by collecting rice from her at 50 cents per catty, and there would naturally be profits in other areas as well.

Moreover, these transactions are carried out against the wind, and they are said to only take "gross profits". Is it really only the "gross profits" that end up in the pocket?

As expected, the monkey head perked up as soon as he heard this, "Is it real or fake? What do you have in your hand? How do you calculate the price?"

“I have all the channels for rice, noodles, Fuqiang flour and refined wheat flour.”

 You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Si Ningning left a way out in his heart and did not say that these things were his own, only that they were channels.

If the monkey head is still smart, or there are bigger figures behind her, for the sake of long-term interests, they will not touch her easily.

Not only will he not touch her, he may even choose to protect her secretly.

"Meat and cloth are also available, but these two channels are not stable yet. If you can stabilize it, I can fight for it in the future. As for the price, it will be based on what I usually sell on the black market." Si Ningning said calmly. .

The monkey head wrinkled its caterpillar-like eyebrows and made rapid calculations in his mind.

The things Si Ningning brought were of good quality. Once he resold them, they could be sold at prices exceeding the black market price. But the problem was...

 “Can you guarantee the quality of the goods?” Monkeyhead asked seriously.

Si Ningning nodded, "Yes."

After a long silence, Si Ningning deliberately lowered her voice and added: "They are all goods from big cities..."

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows and said in a rather unfathomable way, "You know."

 The word "big city" came to my ears, and the monkey's eyes towards Si Ningning changed.

Just a few words completely confirmed Houtou's suspicion that Si Ningning indeed had a big backer behind him.

If not, how can goods from big cities be transported to such a small place through layers of checks?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Heitou became, and he immediately made a decision, "Okay, I'll do this!"

"But my ability is limited on my own, can I get Brother Yang and the others to join the gang?" Hou Tou said, looking at Si Ningning cautiously, "Those three brothers may not look easy to mess with, but in fact their life is very miserable... otherwise it would be impossible. I will work hard to do this.”

 Handou reselling was to make money to support the family, but the Gu Yang brothers were in this business because they had no choice but to survive. Their situation was different.

But because the three brothers were bold enough to unite, the reselling business started quickly. Heitou had been taken care of by them when he first entered the business. Now that there is a way to make money, Heitou immediately wanted to help them.


Ah Yao muttered:

 Can Ah Yao have five little stars? (pityful wink)

  Click on the five-star rating in the comment area and interact with Ah Yao in the comments, okay? If you don’t know what to say, just brag blindly! (akimbo hehehehe)

 (End of this chapter)

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