Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 204: Older gingers are more spicy

Chapter 204: Ginger is still spicier with age

Si Ningning nodded, "I only care about supplying goods, I don't care about the rest."

“That’s right.” Si Ningning looked up at the monkey head, “Can you read?”

 She supplies the goods, and Hericium and the others are responsible for selling them, so the payment can only be obtained when the goods are supplied for the second time. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, an account must be recorded.

Hou Tou scratched his head and hesitated: "Well... Well, I, I can't read, but Brother Yang and the others seem to be able to."

"I'll come here once every ten days and a half. I can't say the specific time... If you plan to do this, you have to keep an account and list everything clearly to avoid quarrels." Si Ningning nodded lightly and continued after considering it. : "There is still time before I come here next time. You can discuss it with them. I will try my best to come over for a trip in the next few days."

Houtou nodded in agreement, "I come to the county frequently. If I can't come, I will tell my uncle the news in advance. When you come here, he will tell you the situation."

 “That’s okay.”

 After finishing the matter, the two opened the door of the compartment.

Si Ningning's dress is very iconic. When they came in to talk about things just now, the old man from the scrap yard lay on the rocking chair and thought about it for a long time, remembering that Si Ningning was the one who came back to pan for gold.

At this moment, Si Ningning came out of the cubicle. The old man from the scrap yard took one look at the smiling face of the monkey head and knew that the matter between them was settled, so he couldn't help but treat Si Ningning more kindly.

The old man at the scrap yard took the initiative and asked: "Comrade, you came here to pan for gold last time and didn't find anything good. This time I got something. I wonder if you are interested in taking a look?"

It was getting late, and Si Ningning was already ready to leave. When she heard this, she paused and said, "Oh?"

The old man from the scrap yard entered the small compartment and groped around, and when he came out, he already had an old pocket like a tool bag in his hand.

Si Ningning listened to the clanging sounds inside and guessed they were copper coins and coins.

The old man at the scrap yard pulled off the elastic cord and poured out the contents. It was coins, but not copper coins, but Yuan Datou...

 Yuan Datou was not worth much in later generations. It was in good condition and the price of one piece was about 300-500 yuan. Moreover, because of the large number of copies issued, Si Ningning felt that there was no significance in collecting it.

Just as he was about to shake his head, Si Ningning had sharp eyes and saw a relatively unique coin among the seven or eight Yuan Datou in the old man's hand.

Surrounded by a pattern of a coiled dragon swallowing the sun, with the word "One Jiao" printed in the middle, Si Ningning took the small coin and turned it over to check. There were a dozen words printed on the other side, "Hu Nankai in the first year of Hongxian's reign" National commemorative one-cent silver coin."

Si Ningning's heart skipped a beat and she said calmly: "This looks a bit special, how can I sell it?"

"Usually we keep this kind of old money ourselves. Privately, the price of takeout is the same as copper coins, which is 20 cents each." The old man at the scrap station laughed twice, waved his hand and continued: "You and me, this boy We’re about the same age and we’re good friends. If you like this, I’ll give it to you.”

These words sound very open to the ears, but there are too many details to elaborate on.

This is because Heitou is worried that Heitou is not cautious enough and is afraid of being tricked by Si Ningning, so he comes out to test and sell.

If Si Ningning accepts it, it means that he is willing to join the same boat with them. If he does not accept it...

Si Ningning understood these truths and sighed inwardly, "Ginger is still hotter than old." Then he calmly accepted the coins, lowered his eyebrows and asked proactively: "What's your surname?"

 The old man at the scrap station had a look of admiration in his eyes, and he smiled kindly and said, "My surname is Cheng."

"Mr. Cheng." Si Ningning nodded lightly, "It's getting late today. I have to hand over things when I get back, so I'll leave first. I'll make time to come back in the next few days."

The two parties agreed. Before Si Ningning left, he glanced at the scrap station and said to Old Man Cheng: "If there are similar coins in the future, you can pay attention. I will charge three times the market price."

Three times the price is enough to show interest in this "coin". Of course Si Ningning would be willing to pay a higher price, but that would be too eye-catching and could easily arouse suspicion.

"Don't worry, little comrade. It's hard to hide big things, but these small things are still fine." Old Man Cheng assured.

Si Ningning nodded and left through the back door.

After finding a corner and entering the space, Si Ningning took off all his clothes. He took a shower, washed his hair and removed makeup within ten minutes. He spent another ten minutes blow-drying and braiding his hair. After changing into the clothes he had gone out with, Si Ningning walked out. space.

Left out of the alley and went to the state-owned hotel. After looking around upstairs and downstairs, Xu Shuhua and the others were nowhere to be seen. Si Ningning turned around and went downstairs to the supply and marketing cooperative diagonally across from the state-owned hotel.

“Serve the people! Comrade, what do you want?”

Standing at the counter is the same young saleswoman named Xiao He from last time.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment and then said smoothly: "Study hard and make progress every day."

 Then he explained his purpose of coming and wanted to buy notebooks, pencils and kerosene lamps.

Comrade Xiao He bowed and took out two pencils from the green glass cabinet at the bottom and introduced them to Si Ningning, "A kerosene lamp costs 8 cents a bottle, and a bottle of kerosene costs 2 cents. Next time you return the bottle, you can get 5 cents back... There are two types of pencils. Yes, the one with rubber is one cent, and the one without rubber is one cent."

As he spoke, he knelt down and rummaged around again, "There are grid notebooks and striped notebooks, both cost two cents each. Which one do you want, comrade?"

“Show them all to me,” Si Ningning said.

One kind of pencil is orange all over, the other has red and black vertical stripes, and a rose-pink eraser on the top.

Si Ningning held a pencil with black and red vertical stripes and pressed his hand on the eraser. The eraser was very hard, as if the surface was coated with a layer of glue.

Comrade Xiaohe brought the book up, and Si Ningning opened the cover and looked at it.

The paper of the notebook is yellow, the paper is very thin, and the eraser is so hard that the typos can be easily torn even if they are not erased.

Si Ningning made a choice and clicked on the notebook and the orange pencil. "Twenty notebooks each, and twenty pencils without erasers."

"Okay." Comrade Xiao He squatted down and took out a stack of notebooks, and then brought out a bag of bundled pencils. He looked at Si Ningning before taking a look and said with a smile, "I remember you, you are an educated youth."

“You bought these for the literacy class, right? Our brigade also heard some rumors, but we don’t know how to arrange them specifically.”

"I don't know the specific situation. This was brought back by the production team." Si Ningning nodded and chatted casually, "By the way, are there pens and separate erasers for sale here?"

“The supply and marketing cooperative has ink, but you have to go to the department store to buy pens and erasers.”

 “Then get me another bottle of ink.”

"There are two colors, red and black. Comrade educated youth, you should want the black one, right?" "Hmm..." Si Ningning paused, "Let's have a bottle of the same."


Ink costs 12 cents a bottle, and you can get a two cent refund if you bring the bottle over when you use it up.

 After all the shopping, I only spent one yuan and eighty-four cents.

Si Ningning paid the bill neatly and spent an extra penny to ask Comrade Xiao He to wrap the notebook in a large piece of oil paper. Comrade Xiao He agreed and wrapped it twice with fine hemp rope to make it easier for Si Ningning to carry it.

"Thank you." After saying something, Si Ningning carried it and walked out. As soon as he left the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, he bumped into a group of educated youth walking at the intersection on the other side of the roundabout.

 “Jiang Yue, Xu Shuhua!” Si Ningning walked two steps faster.

  The two sides met and each gained something, but they both asked in unison: "What did you buy?"

Everyone was stunned at the same time, smiled and said: "Go to the state-owned hotel first, sit down and talk!"

Si Ningning was not too hungry, so she ordered a porridge for two cents. The state-owned restaurant gave a small plate of pickles as a gift. She took it upstairs and found a place to sit by the window.

When he went out in the morning, he carried a bamboo basket on his back. While waiting for Xu Shuhua and the others to take a break, Si Ningning clicked on the things and put all the ink and pencils into the basket. There was a big pile of notebooks that couldn't be stuffed in, so he temporarily pushed them to the corner of the table and placed them against the wall. , pick it up after leaving.

Xu Shuhua and the others soon came upstairs. Just like last time, if the conditions are good, eat well. If the conditions are poor, just order cheap food as long as it can fill your stomach.

“We bought winter melons, pumpkins, and a watermelon. We all pooled our money together to buy them. Ningning, what did you buy?”

"I bought some pencils and notebooks, and two bottles of ink...Did you pool your money to buy the watermelon? How much did you spend? Count me in." Si Ningning said proactively.

Jiang Yue waved her hand and said, "You don't need to pay, everyone has settled the matter when buying it."

Taking a big bite of the pancake, Jiang Yue said vaguely: "You always bring us with you when you have good things, so don't talk to us about it this time."

Si Ningning's eyes joked: "Okay, I'll shamelessly rub it this time. If I eat too much later, you can't blame me."

“I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you!” Li Lingyuan happily agreed.

The atmosphere at the table was chatting and laughing. While eating, the girls planned where to go next, and finally made a decision to go to the department store.

The male educated youths actually followed suit, "Then let's go too. We've been to the town a few times and haven't been to the department store here. Are there anything we want to buy?"

Si Ningning kept remembering what the salesperson from the supply and marketing cooperative said just now, that pens and erasers had to be bought at the department store, so of course she had no objection, and followed everyone to the department store after dinner.

The department store in the town only has two floors, each floor is about 120 square meters. There are simple partitions on the corners, and the central part is separated by green glass counters. There are more supplies and marketing cooperatives, and the quality is also slightly higher. higher.

 Facts have proven that, no matter what age they are, most women are very keen on visiting "shopping malls".

Although Xu Shuhua and others didn't have much money, their shopping did not affect their interest at all. Occasionally they would see beautiful floral fabrics or ready-made skirts in the corner stalls, and they would stop and lower their voices in unison, making excited noises. Screams.

Those clothes are actually very simple in style, very conservative and old-fashioned. Xu Shuhua and the others like them very much, but Si Ningning can't get the good-looking features at all.

Because he wanted to buy something, Si Ningning said hello to Xu Shuhua and the others after a short walk, and then left the small group to wander around on his own.

Si Ningning bought pens and erasers along the way and weighed two kilograms of fruit bark. On the way to look for Xu Shuhua and the others, Si Ningning noticed that there were mosquito nets in the department store and couldn't help but go up and ask, "Hello comrade, how do you sell mosquito nets?"

The lady at the counter was sitting on a chair, lying lazily on the edge of the counter. When she heard the question, she lazily raised her head and glanced at Si Ningning, "There are two kinds of mosquito nets, the white ones cost five yuan, and the pink ones are wedding tents, which cost eight yuan." "

 Five or eight yuan is not a small amount of money to others, but to Si Ningning, it is just a small amount of money.

 “Can you bring it over and show it to me? What’s the difference?”

Mosquito nets are not cheap, and there is usually little work to do, so the lady at the counter has always been quite lazy.

However, he was lazy, and his service attitude was quite satisfactory. Si Ningning said she wanted to see it, and she turned around and brought out two large bundles tied up. It was hard to fault it.

“Except for the color, these two are of the same quality. The wedding tent comes with an extra pair of mosquito net hooks.” As he spoke, everyone at the counter squatted down and pulled out a pair of mosquito net hooks wrapped in a hard plastic bag.

Si Ningning immersed herself in touching the corners of the two packages, feeling the difference in quality. The lady at the counter glanced at her and said, "Girl, are you going to use it for a wedding or something? This is usually bought by men."

Si Ningning paused slightly and explained awkwardly: "No, I just use it for myself."

The quality of the two mosquito nets is indeed the same, but the pink texture is more transparent and the white one is not so transparent. Considering the actual situation, Si Ningning prefers the white mosquito net: "Sister, I want this, but do I still have to pay for the mosquito net?" Want a coupon?"

 “Yes, I want an industrial coupon.”

 Industrial coupons…

Si Ningning put his things on the counter, turned sideways and pretended to look for coupons in the basket on his back, but in fact he took out a large bundle of coupons from the space.

Si Ningning broke up the sweater rope that bundled the tickets and pulled out a paper ticket with "Industrial Product Purchase Coupon" printed on it for a long time.

Si Ningning put the messed up tickets into the space and handed the money and tickets to the lady at the counter.

Two pieces were two yuan, two pieces were fifty cents, both in whole money, plus a semi-new industrial coupon. After the lady at the counter took it, she couldn't help but give Si Ningning a few more glances.

At first, I was mumbling about the background of Si Ningning and being so generous, but when I saw Si Ningning's little face that was as white and tender as a peeled egg, my heart suddenly became clearer.

This is designated to be the girl from the leader's family, who came here for inspection in the name of shopping!

Thinking of this, the lady at the counter couldn't help but become more serious and enthusiastic, "Well, then, I'll find something to put it in for you. Can you take it?"

Si Ningning didn't think much about it. She glanced at the mosquito net tied into tofu blocks. It was neat and tidy, but it was really hard to get hold of. So she nodded, "Okay, thank you, sister."

"You're welcome! We are all good comrades, and we should serve the people!" The lady at the counter laughed "haha", quickly found a snakeskin bag, put the mosquito net in it quickly, and finally held the mouth of the bag and handed it over actively. To Si Ningning, "Come on, comrade, get it!"

Si Ningning tilted her head and frowned briefly. She didn't quite understand the reason for the change in the other person's attitude.

 (End of this chapter)

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