Chapter 206 Thoughts

Si Ningning felt slightly relieved, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, with a hint of sadness: "Mo Bei, thank you."

His eyebrows were obviously curved, just like his usual gentleness and tranquility, but for some reason, Mo Bei felt as if an unknown fire was lit in his chest, which made him both angry and depressed.

 What kind of past does this girl who is as warm as the sun and gentle as the moon carry with her?

 But unless Si Ningning took the initiative to say this, there would be no way to ask about it.

Mo Bei's eyebrows gradually raised, he nodded and walked in front without saying a word.

 The two returned to the scrap station. Jiang Yue and others had already picked out the items.

Before coming here, Si Ningning had said that there was an additional fee for bundling at the scrap station. In order to save money, Jiang Yue and others came with ropes and had already **** the corners of the wooden table and other items.

Seeing Si Ningning and Mo Bei coming around the corner, Jiang Yue jumped excitedly: "Why have you been there for so long? Si Ningning, look at what I picked, isn't it good?!"

Jiang Yue patted the wooden board beside her and glanced at Si Ningning's red eyes. She slowed down her movements and approached Si Ningning in two steps, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's okay, I just received a letter from home and I feel a little homesick." Si Ningning shook his head with a smile, glanced at Mo Bei, and then glanced at everyone, "Now that we have bought it, let's discuss how to take it home! "

It is not difficult to understand why a girl would cry and miss home when she receives a letter from home after being away from home for such a long time.

"Get used to it slowly, and you can still go back to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year." Jiang Yue comforted Si Ningning a few words, and then said: "We have already discussed it. The few of us will get melons and small items, and Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan will carry the table. "

Jiang Yue and Li Lingyuan each picked some wooden boards, and when they returned, they could form two small tables, one on each side.

The wooden board was heavy. The two male comrades, Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan, were embarrassed to see the female comrades in trouble, so they asked the female comrades to carry the small items while they carried the wooden board.

"Then let's go. If there is nothing else to buy, you can prepare to go home." Si Ningning nodded. Li Lingyuan and the others still took good care of the girl.

“I’ve bought everything I need to buy, and there’s nothing I can do if I want to buy more.” Li Lingyuan chuckled, picked up the board and moved out, “Let’s go! Go home!”

Jiang Yue and the others were carrying winter melons, watermelons, pumpkins, and other small items. Si Ningning was relatively free.

Mo Bei helped her get the snakeskin bag. Apart from the backpack, the only thing she carried was the thick stack of books in her hand.

Mo Bei told Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan that if they couldn't carry it on the road, they could change it, but they refused.

Mo Bei's burden may not be as heavy as theirs, but he has a lot of things to carry, with a lot of big and small bags. If he tosses back and forth, his return to the educated youth point will be delayed a little longer.

On the way home, Si Ningning deliberately slowed down because she was in a bad mood and didn't want to affect Xu Shuhua and the others during the conversation. Mo Bei, probably out of uneasiness, stayed by her side silently.

Walking into the mountains, he would occasionally see unknown little flowers on the hillside by the roadside. Mo Bei would try to pick one or two flowers and hand them to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning could feel Mo Bei's special care and companionship, but this feeling was not comfortable for her.

 It was as if Mo Bei had always remembered what happened before, reminding her of her embarrassment.

Si Ningning didn’t want to expose her vulnerable side.

 Whether others like her or not, it doesn't really matter whether they value her or not.

 She just...

 I don’t want to experience the feeling of being abandoned and pushed away again.

Si Ningning turned sideways and paused, her eyebrows slightly raised as she looked at the flowers handed to her.

"This is an exchange, given in advance..." Mo Bei tightened his grip on Hua's hand, and pushed it forward a little further, "I want to eat the same kind of boiled noodles as last time tonight, is that okay?"

 The unexpected situation at the post office made Mo Bei more certain about his feelings towards Si Ningning.

He wanted to be nice to Si Ningning, wanted to protect Si Ningning, and hoped to have more interactions with Si Ningning, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only use this clumsy method and excuse.

Si Ningning was hesitant, but when she heard Mo Bei say this, she knew that she was too sensitive, and she felt a little sorry.

Leaving aside what happened before, Mo Bei helped her pick up things along the way...

"Cooking is just a matter of helping hands, no need to worry about remuneration... Next time you just tell me what you want to eat, and I will cook it for you when I have time." Si Ningning took the flowers and put them casually in the basket on his waist, lowering his eyelids. Her eyelashes were drooped and as thick as curtains, "Actually, Xu Shuhua and the others also have special dishes. The pancakes she makes are delicious... If you ask them, they will help."

 "Okay." Mo Bei raised his eyebrows slightly and responded lightly.

It was easy to say "go home" on the return trip, but when they returned to the educated youth point, it was already after four o'clock in the afternoon. Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan were so tired that they went into the house and put down their things and sat at the table and didn't want to move.

Even though there are not many wooden planks, they are actually made of good quality materials. It is really not easy to carry them all the way back.

The educated youth ordered some water that had been boiled the night before. Jiang Yue poured the water for the two great heroes first, then turned to everyone with a kettle: "Do you want to drink? Go get a cup quickly!"

Mo Bei handed over the military kettle, took some water and took a few sips, then turned and walked out: "You guys have a rest, I'll go to the captain's house to borrow a planing knife."

Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan were lying on the table, one nodded reluctantly, and the other waved feebly in agreement.

After Mo Bei left, Si Ningning took a basin to the well, fetched water, washed her face well, and wiped all the sweat off her neck. Only then did she feel much better.

 After taking a short rest and waiting for the heat to subside, Si Ningning started a new round of busy work.

I went out too early this morning and didn't have time to feed the rabbits. Si Ningning just came in and took a look at the rabbits. The rabbits were in good spirits, but there were a lot of wet stains and black feces eggs under the cage. It needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible, otherwise the house will smell easily in hot weather.

Si Ningning carried the rabbit cage and walked out. Seeing this, Jiang Yue pushed the washbasin under the bed and followed, "Do you want to feed the rabbit? I remember that I haven't fed it since I went out today."

"Yeah. It's hot now, so let's take them out when we're at home, so that the smell can be dispersed in the house." Si Ningning nodded in agreement, and then said: "You go pick the radish leaves to feed the rabbits, first from the ridge on the left , pick the old leaves in the outer circle and pinch them, and when the young leaves are gone, we will eat them ourselves. "

Jiang Yue nodded, but did not walk away, "I will clean it up with you first and learn from it... we will pick leaves together later."

Si Ningning laughed and shook his head: "What's there to learn from this? Just sweep the house, pour some water and wipe it clean."

"You work carefully, I see how you do it, and I will do it your way from now on." Jiang Yue stubbornly expressed her opinion, already treating Si Ningning as a role model.

Si Ningning simply let her go.

The two of them cleaned up the main room and went to pick radish tassels in the private plot in front of the door. Si Ningning had previously surrounded his private plot with some thorn fir trees. At that time, the chickens were not fully grown and could still be used as a precaution.

Now several chickens have begun to lay eggs one after another, and their "making" ability is stronger than before. They can flap their wings and fly into the vegetable field to peck at the vegetable leaves when no one is paying attention.

Si Ningning glanced around and took Jiang Yue to pick off the leaves that the chickens had pecked first. "In a while, you can pull out the radishes and eat them. Then you will have to plant other vegetables. It's definitely not possible to let the chickens peck like this." , we have to take the time to surround it.”

As he spoke, Si Ningning pointed at the edge of the vegetable field and scratched it back and forth, "It's best to build a fence, and it needs to be waist high."

"Then tomorrow! I have a rest tomorrow anyway." Jiang Yue rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Let the male educated youth come. Let them rest today. I will tell them later!"

Si Ningning smiled slightly and nodded.

 That’s what she actually meant.

Female educated youths are not as strong as male educated youths. They can still help by placing branches and thorns around them.

 To build a fence, you need to drive the bamboo into the soil. If you are not strong enough, the stability and service life will not be guaranteed.

"Why can we pinch a ridge of land here?" The private land opened by the educated youths was not large and was divided into three small ridges. Si Ningning only allowed to pinch a ridge of land on the left side. Jiang Yue was a little puzzled, "Over there Are they different types of radishes? Or is there something special about them?”

“What’s the point?” Si Ningning shook his head.

The rabbit hadn't eaten much yet, so it was estimated that the leaves were almost pinched. Si Ningning got up and walked back: "Shuhua said to leave some for when the radishes are mature and make pickles together. It will last for a while... I still need to leave some." Flowering and inoculation, ready for planting next year.”

"Why are you all thinking so carefully?" Jiang Yue followed Si Ningning. She held a lot of leaves in her arms. When she stood up, she dropped a few leaves. She hurriedly knelt down to pick them up before following back. " seems I have learned something."

“If you want to learn, just learn it slowly, and no one asks you to learn it right away.” Si Ningning said.

Si Ningning could feel the changes in Jiang Yue. She was extreme and contentious before, but now she is energetic and positive. These are all changes that came after she came back from town today.

 Maybe it was because I received the letter from my younger brother that I felt a big stone fall in my heart.

 Perhaps it was because she finally sent out the things she had saved for two or three months, and the burden accumulated in her heart was slightly loosened, giving her a little chance to breathe.

 What it is specifically, Si Ningning doesn’t know.

  But she knew that such a change was not a bad thing for Jiang Yue.

Probably people are all mutually beneficial. Si Ningning's gentleness and long-term perspective on things have always affected everyone in the educated youth spot. At this moment, Jiang Yue's unintentional honesty and brightness also affected Si Ningning. , dispelling all the depression she had brought back from the town.

Si Ningning felt sad for a while. Seeing Jiang Yue's concern about rabbits, she curled her lips and squatted beside Jiang Yue. While feeding the little rabbits, she told Jiang Yue what she knew about rabbits, "There are some differences between domesticated rabbits and wild rabbits." The difference is that domesticated rabbits do not have that much activity. When feeding them, you should pay attention to some vegetables and radishes with high water content, including melons. Do not feed them too much, otherwise the rabbits will become thinner. "

"Grass cut early in the morning should also be dried. Don't feed it directly if it has dewdrops. It's similar to the water-rich vegetables mentioned above. Eating it will affect the rabbit's gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea will be a minor problem, but in severe cases, it will die. "

“It’s so serious!” Jiang Yue’s hand holding the radish leaves suddenly retracted, wondering whether he should continue feeding it.

Si Ningning shook his head and signaled her not to be nervous, "Don't scare them all the time. Stress reactions can also cause injuries to rabbits... Well, that's about it."

Seeing that Jiang Yue still looked like she was facing a formidable enemy, Si Ningning comforted her softly: "Don't be nervous. It's not that serious. Just pay a little more attention."

“We have pinched a lot of radish leaves now, and the rabbit is still young and can’t eat that many in one breath. The rest can be spread out on the steps to dry and thrown in later or tomorrow. The rabbit will be fine after eating them.”

Jiang Yue nodded solemnly and said that she had memorized everything. As if this was not enough, she stood up suddenly and rushed into the house. She took out the old notebook she brought when she went to the countryside and lay down at the table to memorize it carefully.

 Li Lingyuan and Xu Shuhua had rested for so long and had basically recovered. Seeing this, they all propped up the table and stretched their necks to look at Jiang Yue, "What are you writing?"

Jiang Yue held her chest high, even though she knew little about it, yet she twisted her neck and told everyone sonorously: "On the correct breeding techniques for rabbits!"

"How do you know it?"

 “Si Ningning told me!” Jiang Yue raised her chin, feeling even more proud.

“Ah, come on, remember it quickly! Let’s take a look after you finish memorizing it!”

 The heads of several people in the room were crowded together, making it very lively.

Si Ningning stood outside the door watching this scene and chuckled unconsciously.

At this moment, there was a dense sound of "ta-da-da" footsteps coming from the side of the house.

Si Ningning turned around and looked around, and saw He Gu and San Miao running towards them with flushed faces, each holding a bulging cloth bag in their hands.

As soon as they saw Si Ningning, the two little ones jumped up and down. Not only did they run faster, they also screamed excitedly:

 “Sister Ningning!”

 “Si Ningning!”

"What's wrong? You're running so fast and you're not afraid of falling." Si Ningning pressed her palms down to tell them not to yell. When they came closer, she stretched out her hands to pinch the two little faces. , "If you knock out the newly grown teeth, they won't grow back."

“Well—” Hegu frowned and covered his mouth with his little hand, “I won’t knock it off, you’re lying!”

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and smiled, "If you can't knock it off, then why are you covering your mouth?"

Hegu immediately retracted his hand and looked at Si Ningning with his cheeks puffed up rather complainingly.

Sanae tilted her head to one side and handed the bag to Si Ningning, "Sister, this is the red potato, and the second brother's bag is also the same! The eldest brother asked us to bring it, saying it was rations."


Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. After realizing that the red potato was a sweet potato, he understood what was going on.

Last time, Huo Lang mentioned that winter potatoes were sweeter than autumn potatoes and wanted to bring her some snacks for educated youth to eat. At that time, she was only thinking about the rabbit and took a lot of things, so she forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, Huo Lang asked Sanae and Hegu to send them over at this moment...

 (End of this chapter)

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