Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 207: Outside this yard, no one will know

Chapter 207: After leaving this courtyard, no one will know

 There was movement at the door, and the educated youth in the room took a clear look.

Everyone in the educated youth knew about Si Ningning's character: smart, kind, and not too concerned about the gains and losses in trivial matters; but sometimes they saw that Si Ningning was too concerned about the Chen brothers and sisters, and they were always worried that Si Ningning would Suffer.

Now that they saw Hegu and the others bringing in rations, most of the worries in everyone's hearts disappeared instantly.

Thinking about it carefully, after bringing such a big piece of meat last time, Huo Lang, as the eldest brother and a big man, would definitely not allow his younger siblings to waste Si Ningning's rations.

 It’s because they think too badly of people…

The more everyone thought about it, the more embarrassed they became.

  Why did you say that they had several bites of the meat last time?

“Well, Comrade Hegu, we have a swing set up in front of the Educated Youth Point, do you know? Come on, I will take you over to play on the swing!” Li Lingyuan scratched his head and took the initiative to try to walk out.

Hegu tilted his head to avoid Li Lingyuan's hand that wanted to touch his head. He raised his mouth and raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction: "I have known for a long time that there is a swing in the educated youth spot. That swing was built by my elder brother!"

 After saying that, he raised his chin and looked at Li Lingyuan with a proud expression of "I can't believe it."

 Li Lingyuan has a naive personality and could not grasp the details for a while. He continued to tease Hegu cheerfully: "You know it, then you know it. Have you played it? If you haven't played it, I will take you there."

Song Xiaoyun, sensing something amiss, turned her head and met Xu Shuhua's eyes from a distance. Both of them saw some disapproval in each other's eyes.

"I'll come back to play when I have time later." He Gu shook his head in response to Li Lingyuan's words.

Li Lingyuan continued to joke with a silly smile: "What the hell, little guy, are you still busy?"

Hegu ignored Li Lingyuan, turned to look at Si Ningning and said seriously: "The elder brother said that we should go back as soon as we finish delivering the things. He also said that he would take us to the county tomorrow, so we can't come over tomorrow."

"Okay, I understand." Si Ningning nodded, "You go back first, and I will come find you later."

Holang is going to the county tomorrow, and she has to write a letter to Academician Liang quickly.

He Gu was originally unhappy because he was ordered to go home, but when he heard that Si Ningning was going to find them later, he immediately became happy, holding Sanae's hand and running back, not forgetting to turn around and say, "Then I'm waiting for you, Si Ningning, you must come! Don't lie!"

Si Ningning waved his hand.

Si Ningning didn’t have any letter paper, so she borrowed one from Jiang Yue. When she returned to her room, she was about to fill up the pen with ink. She sat down at the small table and put something on the table and was about to start writing when her eyes suddenly darkened.

Si Ningning raised her eyes and saw Song Xiaoyun with her chin on the table and squatting at the other end of the small table, looking at her with big watery eyes, "Ning Ning!"

“…” Si Ningning slowly closed the pen cap, “What’s wrong?”

Song Xiaoyun pouted, quickly stood up and sat next to Si Ningning, "That's it, Hegu and the others were here just now..."

 “So?” Si Ningning raised her eyebrows lightly, a little confused.

 Originally, she thought that Song Xiaoyun wanted to ask her for help, but then Hegu was mentioned.

Song Xiaoyun and Hegu had basically no interaction at ordinary times, but Si Ningning suddenly felt at a loss.

Song Xiaoyun sat on the edge of the bed, one foot pointed to the ground, and the other foot placed horizontally on the edge of the bed. She hesitated several times, and finally turned sideways and looked at Si Ningning as if she had made up her mind, "Ningning, I I think it’s not good for you to do this.”

“Huh?” Si Ningning frowned slightly, even more confused than before.

 Which one is this? What do you mean?

Song Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "You like children, so it's okay to be nice to the children in the team. As long as you are happy, that's fine, but I don't think so about the security captain."

 Security captain, I’m talking about Huo Lang...

Si Ningning asked smoothly: "What's wrong with him?"

 “He looks good!” Song Xiaoyun responded quickly, but after saying those few words, not to mention Si Ningning, she herself was stunned for a moment.

After just a moment, Song Xiaoyun shook her head and said: "Anyway, Ning Ning, don't get too close to him... Think about it, his surname is Huo, but he is from the Chen family. I accidentally heard the team go up before My aunt mentioned that he was not adopted by the Chen family at all, so he must be a child-in-law..."

 “If you are a married woman, what will others think if you get close to him?”

Song Xiaoyun seemed to be afraid that Si Ningning would not take her seriously, so she continued to add insult to injury: "This kind of good-looking man is useless, either he is fierce, or he is full of bad ideas, and he specially deceives your kindness. Simply, Ning Ning, you must listen to what I say!"

Song Xiaoyun thought to herself: Mo Bei is the one.

 Looks like a human, and usually looks at people as if they want to eat them.

Si Ningning didn’t know Song Xiaoyun’s psychological activities at all, but it was undeniable that Song Xiaoyun’s words made her feel uncomfortable.

 But the other person looked like he was doing her best, so she really didn’t know how to refute.

“I have my own sense of humor, don’t worry, Xiaoyun.” Si Ningning sat upright at the table again, lifted the cap of his pen and said he wanted to write a letter, not wanting to continue on this topic.

Song Xiaoyun simply warned her a few more times, remembering what she said, and went out, without continuing to pester Si Ningning.

The tip of the pen in Si Ningning's hand tapped lightly on the paper.

Are you marrying into your wife?

 Probably not.

But this kind of thing is just her inference. Whether it is true or false depends on what the person involved says.

 Just ask when you go there soon and you’ll find out!

Having made up her mind, Si Ningning straightened her back and continued to think about the words to write the letter. When she looked down, she found that the letter paper had already been lit into briquettes with her pen.


Si Ningning was speechless for a while, then she tilted her head and walked through the door to look into the main room, "Jiang Yue, I damaged the letter paper. I'll take another one from you and pay it back to you later!"

 “You can take it yourself, we are nailing the table!”

"Okay." Si Ningning responded, pulled out another piece of letter paper from under Jiang Yue's bed sheet, sat back at the table and thought seriously.

 How should I write a letter in this era?


The tip of his nose was tangled and wrinkled. Si Ningning straightened her crescent eyebrows and buried her head in writing the first line:

Dear Academician Liang, hello...


Si Ningning finished writing the letter and headed towards Chen's house with the basket on her back. On the way, she passed the corner of the old house with overgrown vegetation. She walked into the space and cut half of the watermelon into the basket.

Originally I wanted to cut it into half, but the watermelons in the space grew too big, and the half-cut watermelon weighed a lot. When I got it to the Chen family, Huo Lang asked for another ink.

Si Ningning simply took another stab at the half-pull.

After Hegu and the others returned home, they told their elder brother the news that Si Ningning was coming over.

Horang originally planned to take some time to tidy up the private plot, but after hearing the news, he gave up the idea of ​​going out and sat in the yard to finish knitting the half-weaved basket.

Si Ningning was busy with his fingers when he arrived.

"Go, get the knife, cut the watermelon and eat it!" Si Ningning opened the far door and waved to Sanmiao and Hegu.

The sound of Si Ningning's footsteps was easy to recognize. Huo Lang had already noticed her coming, but his face didn't show it. When he heard Si Ningning talk about cutting watermelon, he couldn't help but raised his head, "You bought it, you can eat it yourself." , and what to use it for them to do.”

 There is no watermelon grower in the third team. Thinking that the educated youths had a rest today and visited the county again in the morning, they knew where the watermelons came from without having to guess.

"I thought you couldn't see me." Si Ningning rolled her eyes, deliberately irritating Huo Lang, "Of course the watermelon is for eating. If you don't want to eat it, why don't you allow them to eat it?"

Si Ningning tilted her head and smiled at the two little ones, "Your eldest brother doesn't want to eat. Let's go ahead and let the three of us eat."

Holang stared at the three people, one large and two small, entering the house. He quickly finished the work in his hands and followed them into the house.

In the room, Si Ningning had already cut the watermelon, and Sanmiao and Hegu were each holding a piece and eating it. Huo Lang walked over and patted the two of them on the head, "Go out to eat."

"Oh!" Sanae nodded obediently and said to Hegu: "Second brother, let's go to the door to eat. After a while, we'll finish the melon pulp and throw the melon rind to the hens!"

The two little ones walked out of the door one after another. Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and took a small piece of watermelon to eat. The largest piece was handed to Huo Lang, "Here."

Horang took the watermelon, but didn’t eat it.

 He put the watermelon back on the table and looked straight at Si Ningning with a pair of deep peach blossom eyes, "Have you cried?"

The eyes are red, which means they are either happy or happy.

Si Ningning was shaken up by the low and hoarse voice, and the fragility that had faded seemed to be brought up again for a short time.

Si Ningning suddenly felt that the watermelon in his mouth was not as sweet as before. He lowered his eyes and swallowed the watermelon. But for some reason, without the watermelon in his mouth, sour water appeared again, and his nose and eyes began to become dry. sour.

It's like a person who has always been strong has been wronged and ignored. Suddenly one day a person appears, takes this wronged person into his arms, warms her up, asks her if it hurts, and cares if she is uncomfortable. generally…

I didn’t think it was anything at first, but it’s just strange. All the strength and pretense, inexplicably, turned into grievances at this moment, and those who were fighting to be the first were about to jump out.

Si Ningning really felt like her grievance mother was opening the door for grievance at this moment, and she felt that grievance was at home.

 It’s quite strange.

Things she would subconsciously want to hide in front of others, she actually felt aggrieved in front of Huo Lang.

"I'm not crying!" Si Ningning denied it. From the corner of her eye, she saw Huo Lang staring at her, as if she was worried about something. She stood on her tiptoes slightly, supported the table with one hand, and blocked Huo Lang's eyes with the palm of her other hand. " Don't look at me."

 Her tone of voice was vibrating with anger. What else didn't Huo Lang understand?

It’s just that Huo Lang didn’t know why Si Ningning was crying.

 It was obvious that Si Ningning didn't want others to know, so Huo Lang didn't ask any more questions.

He stretched out his strong fingers and pressed down the little hand in front of his eyes. Huo Lang quickly picked up the knife and cut the watermelon "昘昘" on the table into several small pieces. He pushed them all to Si Ningning and said, "Eat the melon." Come and take a look when you're done eating. The little basket you asked for is ready."

Si Ningning nodded silently, finished the watermelon in his hand and followed Huo Lang out the door.

Horang not only woven the bamboo basket, but also woven an additional small goldfish.

There is a thin bamboo stick attached to the back of the little goldfish. When you hold the bamboo stick, the little goldfish naturally hangs in the air, swaying as if swimming in the water.

 “This is for me too?” Si Ningning asked.

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded, "Sanae and the others have long been tired of this."

 It was said as if Sanae and the others didn't want Sanae, so they gave it to Si Ningning.

 It might not be strange to anyone else, but Si Ningning understands the character of Huo Lang, a tough-talking veteran cadre.

This is obviously for her!

He held the thin bamboo stick and shook it back and forth. The little goldfish shook its head and tail in mid-air, as if it came to life.

Si Ningning's mood was as heavy and depressing as a dark cloud. She found a moment of comfort. She squatted next to Huo Lang. Si Ningning lowered her eyes and looked at the dangling little goldfish, "Hey, Huo Lang."


Si Ningning asked gently and casually: "You are very kind to me, but am I worth it?"

 “Am I worthy of being treated well and loved?”

Si Ningning murmured to himself, as if asking Huo Lang or himself.

 Are you worthy of being treated well and loved?

What is the problem?

Huo Lang was stunned for a moment, and slowly looked sideways at the girl beside him.

The little girl hugged her knees with one hand and held a slender bamboo stick with the other. Her chin rested on her knees, and there seemed to be a faint glimmer of water under her long and curled eyelashes.

The scene that I felt peaceful and comfortable just now suddenly felt a little lonely and depressing.

"Everyone deserves to be treated well, and the same goes for love." A trace of worry flashed through Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes, and his heart was heavy. After a while, he continued: "You can question others, but you must believe in yourself."

"Some people like the moon, and some people love the stars, but which one of them is better? There will always be people who disagree with you." Huo Lang didn't know what happened specifically, so he could only rely on his feelings and heart to comfort him: "Don't Because someone else’s words affect you.”

"Be happy, I like your smile." Huo Lang turned his head to look at Si Ningning. Less than a second after he finished speaking, he suddenly changed his tone and said, "Forget it, just cry if you want to."

“There’s nothing wrong with crying once in a while. No one will know if you leave this yard.”


Si Ningning felt panicked and wanted to talk, but Huo Lang kept talking for a long time, and she couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

With that sound, after laughing, the previous feeling of sorrow for spring and autumn suddenly disappeared.

Si Ningning was a little embarrassed, held it in, and finally raised her lips and laughed. Her eyes widened and she glared at Huo Lang pretending to be angry, "First you make me laugh, then you make me cry. Do you think this is Sichuan Opera?" What? Just change your face?"

 “You are much more exciting than Sichuan Opera, but Facebook doesn’t change as fast as you do.”

 “Are you laughing at me?!”

Huo Lang shook his head, pretending to be sad and deliberately teasing Si Ningning. As expected, Si Ningning pinched his shoulder several times in anger.

His skin was rough and fleshy, but it didn't hurt. Instead, he was worried that Si Ningning might pinch his hand and hurt it, so he took the initiative and said softly, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Si Ningning pouted and stopped making trouble.

 She was in a much better mood after all the fuss.

After calming down his noisy and wild heartbeat for a while, Si Ningning remembered the business of coming here. He took out the letter written to Academician Liang and handed it to Huo Lang. Then he asked: "You can make things up, can you carve them?"


Ah Yao muttered:

  I don’t know what everyone’s definition of “love triangle” is? Recently I received a comment saying this, which was different from A Yao's idea. Afterwards, A Yao also asked friends about their knowledge and opinions on the "love triangle", but everyone said different things.

Want to ask the readers for their specific views?

Finally, I’m going to take a day off tomorrow. Someone in Ayao Community has been infected and has been blocked. I have to think of ways to get food tomorrow! !

 (End of this chapter)

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