Chapter 208 Filling the Space

“I can’t say that my craftsmanship is good, so I just want something simple.” Huo Lang answered truthfully.

Si Ningning's eyes lit up, she pursed her red lips, considered it for a moment, and said, "Then can you carve a small thing for me?"

Seeing that Si Ningning's mood improved, Huo Lang's heavy feeling also dissipated. He nodded and asked casually: "What do you want?"

"I, um...I want it," Si Ningning hesitated and looked around the yard, then suddenly leaned into Huo Lang's ear and uttered a word.

Horang's head tilted to one side, and his whole ear and neck were itchy due to the light breath.

But when he heard what Si Ningning said, he turned his head almost instantly and stared at Si Ningning with thick eyebrows. Before he could ask the question, he saw that Si Ningning had clasped his hands together and made a begging gesture: "Okay? ?OK?"

Aggrieved and delicate, delicate and soft, who can refuse?

 How to say something?

As long as you fall in love, the moon is the star, and the star is the moon, and it will never care whether you are or not.

Huo Lang confirmed his intention, but naturally he couldn't withstand Si Ningning's coquettish attack, so he sighed and said, "Okay."

Si Ningning was happy, her crescent eyebrows were raised high, her little mouth returned to normal and she kept talking: "How long will it take to get better?"

"I have to go to the county tomorrow. It will take three to five days."


Three to five days, which is not too long.

Si Ningning's pupils swayed, and she remembered something, and then said: "I also want a wooden box, um, almost like a drawer... If the rabbit cage is placed in the house, it will definitely smell if it is excreted in the same place for a long time. , I was thinking that if I put a big drawer box underneath, it would be easier to clean and dry out the smell... Can you help me do this? "

 “Yes.” Huo Lang nodded.

Si Ningning asked again: "Do you know the size? If you don't know, I'll go back and measure it. I'll tell you when you come back tomorrow."

 “I know the size.”

Si Ningning thought the same thing. The cage was made by Huo Lang. How could Huo Lang not know?

“Well, I’ll come over and get it when the time comes. If you’ve prepared it first, ask Sanae and the others to bring it to me, or ask them to go over and call me.”


Horang responded in a low voice, and then he was silent.

Si Ningning raised her chin and looked at him, groaned, and asked, "Do you have anything you want? You always help me, and I can't always treat you like a tool."

Huo Lang wanted to say that these were all trivial matters, but when he thought of Si Ningning's clear temperament, he changed his mind and said, "Didn't I pick a lot of mushrooms yesterday? Last time, that smelly...that bamboo fungus was eaten by Sanae and the others, but I haven't tasted it yet. "

 “If you have time, can you make another one for me?”

 “Okay!” Si Ningning slammed her fist into her palm and agreed without thinking.

 It’s not just a bamboo fungus, it’s not that simple!

The business was almost done, and Si Ningning didn't wait long. He picked up the empty basket and walked away while telling him: "There is some watermelon on the table. You can eat it too. Don't leave it all to the two little ones. Eating too much at one time will easily spoil your stomach." "

"I know, let's go." Huo Lang nodded in agreement and watched Si Ningning leave.

As soon as Si Ningning left the Chen family yard, she thought that there was something else she didn't want to ask, but she thought it would be too strange to go back and ask now. She didn't know what Huo Lang would think.

After careful consideration, she walked back to the educated youth point. As for the thing she forgot to ask, she would choose a time next time.

 After dinner at night, the educated youths of both sexes returned to their respective rooms to wash up and rest.

Mo Bei sat in front of the kerosene lamp, spreading out the letter paper and preparing to write a letter.

Seeing that he was sitting calmly and calmly, Li Lingyuan couldn't help but mention the news he heard in the afternoon: "The Chen family brothers and sisters usually surround Si Zhiqing. Si Zhiqing must have interacted with the security captain in private... Boss Mo, Did you see that swing? It was built by the security captain!"

Mo Beiben was motionless. When he heard that General Li Lingyuan said that the swing was built by Huo Lang, the tip of his pen paused on the word "investigation", "Who said that?"

"Who else could it be? It's the security captain's younger brother, He Gu said it! Song Shuhan, right?" Li Lingyuan pushed Song Shuhan, and Song Shuhan said "hmm" and pushed Li Lingyuan away.

Li Lingyuan was not annoyed, and turned back to look at Mo Bei, and continued: "Boss Mo, don't you like Si Zhiqing? If you like it, you have to tell it! What's the use of just loving her to death behind your back? You have to take the initiative, Otherwise, how can we argue with the security captain?"

Mo Bei frowned slightly. With Li Lingyuan's silly and naive character, he would never say such a thing. Thinking about it, he turned his eyes to one side and looked at Song Shuhan who was washing his face.

 Song Shuhantou hung a clean towel on the rope and put on his glasses again.

The vision in the room was dim. Even with glasses, Song Shuhan couldn't see clearly, but he could roughly feel Mo Bei's gaze.

Song Shuhan rolled his eyes, smiled gently and shrugged, "This time he doesn't care about my business. He figured it out on his own."

Mo Bei withdrew his gaze, took a long breath, and returned his gaze to the letter paper.

Although he tried his best to ignore it, it was undeniable that Mo Bei did feel a little uncomfortable because of Li Lingyuan's words.

 But so what?

 Excellent girls have countless eye-catching features, so it is normal for them to be liked.

Just like the first flower that blooms in spring, it attracts bees and butterflies at the same time. The bees and butterflies both want the flowers, and they fight with each other, causing both sides to lose. But can you blame the flowers?

The strange flowers bloom so beautifully and smell so fragrant?


Although he can't figure out the details of Huo Lang for the time being, what Mo Bei can confirm is that the man is very good.

Even though he felt pressured and unhappy, Mo Bei admired Huo Lang subconsciously. At least Huo Lang could find the beauty and purity in the girl he liked.

Li Lingyuan became a little anxious when he saw that Mo Bei had been silent: "Boss Mo!"

"I have my own plans for my own affairs." Mo Bei frowned slightly, and under the kerosene lamp, his slender bamboo hands clenched the pen, "It's getting late, you guys go to bed."

As he spoke, some fragmentary pictures flashed through his mind, all of which showed Si Ningning with crooked eyebrows and claiming that she liked reading.

Mo Bei's eyelids were half-closed and he added another sentence at the end of the letter, in which the word "book" was particularly conspicuous.

The night is getting darker, and in the corner of the pond, water flies are taking advantage of the moonlight to climb up the waist of the water plants, trying to shed their skin and spread their wings when the first ray of sunlight shines in the morning, and transform into a dragonfly soaring in the sky. However, at the moment when the water breaks, they inadvertently startle. ripple.

The water surface sparkled under the moonlight, with ripples covering one layer after another, just like the disturbed hearts of two men.


  Si Ningning was so tired during the day that she went to bed very early at night and fell into a deep sleep.

Early in the morning, the light outside the window was dim, and there was a faint sound of the door closing. Si Ningning was very tired during the day yesterday. She went to bed very early at night and woke up earlier in the morning than before.

 At this moment, listening to the movement, her eyelids raised. Drowsily, he squinted his eyes and sat up on the bed, when he saw a tall shadow passing by outside the window.

Si Ningning asked casually: "What are you doing so early?" Mo Bei was startled by the sudden sound and turned to look out the window. He could not see anything in the dark room.

Although he couldn't see anyone, Mo Bei recognized Si Ningning's voice. With a cold voice, he casually replied with an excuse: "...I forgot to send the letter yesterday, so I just wanted to make another trip today."

"Oh." Si Ningning had just woken up, her eyes hadn't been fully opened, and her brain wasn't working well. She didn't think about Mo Bei's words at all. She yawned and waved her hands lazily, "Then you go, go early to save the heat. "

As he spoke, his body swayed, and he lay back on the bed in a daze and squinted.

Mo Bei was slightly stunned outside the door. He looked away the next second and started off again.

Si Ningning woke up again and was awakened by the sound of the hen outside the door "clucking" and Jiang Yue's non-stop coaxing words of "eat, eat, eat".

Song Xiaoyun was not in the room. Xu Shuhua was still lying on the adjacent bed. Si Ningning took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was nine-thirty in the morning.

She stood up gently and before she put on her shoes, Xu Shuhua at the end of the bed looked up and asked, "Are you awake?"

Si Ningning nodded, "Did I disturb you?"

"No." Xu Shuhua smiled and stood up, "I slept a little longer in the morning. It's so comfortable. I also saved a breakfast."

"Then you should eat more at lunch, otherwise you won't be able to bear it."

Si Ningning was talking to Xu Shuhua and had already changed her clothes and braided her hair. She took the basin and toiletries to the well to wash up.

Jiang Yue kept Si Ningning's words in mind. She carried the rabbit outside the door as soon as she got up in the morning. The hall was cleaned cleanly, and the rabbit on the doorstep was eaten.

Seeing Si Ningning getting up, Jiang Yue trotted after her, counting the things she had done in the morning to Si Ningning as if asking for praise, and finally kept asking: "Did you see the main room just now? Is it okay for me to do that?" "

  "Okay, why not? Everything is cleaned up very carefully." Si Ningning praised.

 What Si Ningning said was not a lie. Jiang Yue was very attentive to Rabbit, and he really cleaned it up carefully.

Jiang Yue seemed to be recognized, he smiled and said happily: "I followed what you said yesterday!"

Si Ningning took a bucket of water and poured it into the basin to wash her face. She laughed and agreed, "Keep working hard. If the rabbits are well raised in the future, you will be a great contributor!"

Jiang Yue nodded repeatedly, happily ran back to the steps and squatted in front of the rabbit cage to do it. After a while, as if she thought of something, she turned around and said, "Si Ningning, what are your plans for today?"

These words stunned Si Ningning.

"" Si Ningning thought about it seriously, "Speaking of which, I really have plans. I plan to go around and see if I can find any edible wild vegetables. I shouldn't be back for lunch. "

As he spoke, Si Ningning turned to Xu Shuhua, who was squatting beside her and washing her face, "Shuhua, I picked a lot of mushrooms the day before yesterday and haven't cleaned them yet. If you have nothing else to do today, can you help clean them up?"

 At the pig pen, because of the break, Chen Lianmi is taking care of it for the time being, so Si Ningning is not worried.

"Okay!" Xu Shuhua agreed immediately, wiped her face and threw the towel into the basin to wash, "I have nothing to do today. Are the mushrooms still the same as before? Wash them and dry them to make dried mushrooms?"

"Yes." Si Ningning nodded, "I picked a lot of them the day before yesterday. I will keep two to eat in the next two days. The rest can be made into dried mushrooms for easy storage. In the future, when there is a shortage of mushrooms, I can still eat them."


Having agreed with Xu Shuhua, Jiang Yue stood up under the eaves over there and shouted with a loud voice: "Si Ningning, do you need to carry a basket when you go out?"

"If you don't memorize it, can you let me use it? I just remembered last night that I heard from the uncle on the team that cutting grass in spring and summer and drying it will become fodder, which can be eaten by cattle in winter... I also want to cut some grass Come back and try it. If the dried rabbit is willing to eat it, you won’t have to worry about it in the winter.”

 “Should be feasible.”

 Many pet feeds in later generations were produced in a similar manner, but instead of being sun-dried, they were dried in large quantities using a dryer.

Since in this era we can produce fodder that cows are willing to eat, rabbits should be able to do the same.

Si Ningning thought in her mind and said, "I'll just carry the bamboo basket with some water or something. There are mushrooms in the basket. When Shuhua takes it out later, you can just take it."

"Okay!" Jiang Yue said, but actually she couldn't wait to find the basket on Si Ningning's back and poured out all the mushrooms on the steps, "Shuhua, I dumped the mushrooms here, and I took the basket away!"

 “Oh, okay~”

Jiang Yue put the basket on her back and shouted to the male educated youth before leaving: "Li Lingyuan, don't forget what I told you!"

"I know! You are really interfering, keep talking and keep talking!" Li Lingyuan's impatient complaint came from the male educated youth's room.

Jiang Yue was not annoyed either. She stood on the steps and winked at Si Ningning with a smile, "I asked him to fence the vegetable field."

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and chuckled, "I know."

  "Then I'll leave first! Go to the team to see if I can get the sickle."

 “Hmm.” Si Ningning nodded.

After Jiang Yue left, Si Ningning didn't have time to spare. She picked out two mushrooms of each variety from the pile of mushrooms at the door. Si Ningning rushed to Xu Shuhua who was washing clothes by the well and said, "Shuhua, you can clean up the big mushrooms when the time comes." Just the pile of mushrooms will do, don’t touch the small pile, I’ll use those.”

 Small piles should be used for experiments.

 In fact, when Si Ningning came back with mushrooms that day, he put some of various types of mushrooms into the space.

The ones that are singled out now are just to cover up, so as to avoid any questions that others may ask in the future so that they can be easily answered.

"Okay!" Xu Shuhua took a moment to respond, and then asked: "Don't go to too far away places alone, and come back early."


Si Ningning responded, carrying the bamboo basket and walking out the door.

 Today, Si Ningning’s task is to fill in and organize the space.

There were scattered places around the production team, and it was easy to bump into the busy uncle, making it inconvenient to operate, so Si Ningning went to the soybean field where he and Huo Lang had worked together before.

 As soon as they were almost out of the production team area, Si Ningning took out a **** and sickle from the space.

The sickle is placed in the basket on the side of the waist in case of emergency, and the **** is carried on the shoulder. It can also be used as a crutch when encountering difficult places to walk. If you encounter a place with deep and high grass, you can avoid stepping on snakes. Si Ningning will also hit it with a **** first.

 (End of this chapter)

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