Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 209: Si Ningning in two time and space

Chapter 209 Si Ningning in two time and space

Whenever he saw plants like windmill jasmine, honeysuckle, golden cherry, etc. along the way, Si Ningning would dig out one or two at the edge and put them into the space.

Later, when she came to the creek, Si Ningning took off her shoes and socks, rolled up her trouser legs and stepped into the water with a hoe. She also took some smooth pebbles and some large stones into the space, planning to wait until later. Arranging the space into the creek can enrich the living environment of aquatic creatures.

Si Ningning was searching as she walked, looking carefully along the way, and she actually discovered some things that she had not noticed before, such as Houttuynia cordata, wild amaranth, purslane, etc.

Houttuynia cordata above the surface is called Houttuynia cordata, and the rhizome below the ground is called Zheergen in some places in the south. Many people think the Zheergen tastes magical after being served cold. Si Ningning has tried it before, and she can’t say whether it tastes good or not. Eat it, but she can't accept the taste very well.

Si Ningning originally did not plan to pick Houttuynia cordata, but considering its medicinal value, Si Ningning dug some anyway.

As for the wild amaranth and purslane, because they are close to the water and the soil on both sides of the forest is fertile, they grow quite well. However, because they have never been picked, the wild amaranth branches and leaves are as long as Si Ningning's thighs. But the ground has become old and lignified, and most of them are inedible.

Si Ningning picked up the tender tips of the side branches and pinched off half of the frame, then put the sickle against the ground, hooked the tip of the sickle to the bottom of the purslane and cut some space for it to be retracted, and then continued to move forward with the hoe.

Arrived at the soybean field, Si Ningning went ashore and sat at the head of the field. After drying his feet, he put on his shoes and socks again.

The soybean seeds previously sown in the soybean field have all sprouted. The small and tender main stem has grown about five centimeters high. Two of the three or four leaves at the top can still vaguely see the rudiments of the beans.

After a brief look, Si Ningning withdrew his gaze and walked towards the forest where he had eaten last time with his **** in hand.

Si Ningning originally planned to search nearby after finding the Nakomu hydrangea tree to see if he could find young hydrangea trees that could be moved to space for planting.

After searching around and not finding any, Si Ningning thought that hydrangeas could be planted by cuttings, and perhaps wooden hydrangeas could also be planted, so she went under the big wooden hydrangea tree and picked out the ones as thick as a finger, which looked strong and energetic. From the branches, I quickly cut a few branches with a sickle.

Gathered the branches together and put them into the space, Si Ningning continued to wander in the forest.

There were a lot of vegetation in the mountains in the south. After wandering in the forest for a while, Si Ningning suddenly heard a dense sound of birds. She wondered if there was a bird's nest nearby. She thought about catching two birds to lose space, but she followed the sound and approached. Only then did I realize that there was no bird's nest, but there were two mulberry trees covered with red and purple mulberries.

The tree is not that big. It looks like it is two or three meters high. In fact, the main trunk is only a little thicker than Si Ningning’s arm.

Si Ningning managed to hook a side branch without any effort, pulled it down, picked up two ripe mulberries and tasted two.


The sweet taste made Si Ningning couldn't help but exclaim.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s purely natural and wild, but these mulberries are much sweeter than what Si Ningning has eaten before, and they are soaked in water. She ate a few more mulberries with her tongue pressed between her teeth, and she still found the sweet taste to be refreshing. Stunning.

Without hesitation, Si Ningning let go of the branch in his hand, went into the space and took out a stainless steel basin.

The branches were pulled and the branches bounced back just now. Some of the birds that were pecking at the mulberries were frightened and flew away, while others stood on top of other nearby tree crowns. They called out "chichichiahahah" as if they were shouting at the company. Ningning screamed, as if she wanted to drive away Si Ningning, who was snatching the fruit from them.

Si Ningning had no idea and concentrated on picking mulberries. He picked half of the pot in just ten minutes.

These are nothing, there are more falling on the ground, except for those that fall naturally when ripe, and then those that are blown off by the wind. The thick layer makes people feel pity when they look at it.

Si Ningning "tsk tsk" a few times and continued to pick mulberries, picking all the mulberries he could reach. In about forty or fifty minutes, he harvested two large pots full of mulberries.

Si Ningning was not tired at all, even though the forest was airtight, she always felt bored.

 Seeing that it was already past 12 noon, Si Ningning simply entered the space with a basin.

Two pots of mulberries were brought into the kitchen. Si Ningning filled the freezer layer of the refrigerator with yogurt, and then went to the place where supplies were piled outside the villa to dig out the bagged lunch ham.

She was too lazy to cook, so she cut some ham and vegetables into cubes. After washing the rice, she poured them into the rice cooker. She added an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, and a few drops of sesame oil, then covered the rice cooker and steamed them together.

While waiting for the rice to cook, Si Ningning thought about taking care of the eggs, so she went to the backyard to take a look. It happened that the hen was not in the nest. She went to the kitchen and took a basin, put some soft cloth in it, and put it in. I put the eggs into a basin in the backyard and took them directly to the room in the villa.

After closing the door, closing the window and drawing the curtains, the light in the room instantly dimmed. Si Ningning turned on the flashlight and recalled what Mrs. Hu had said before. She turned the egg upside down, held the egg with one hand, and placed the other hand across the egg to avoid dazzling the light. affect the observed results.

Si Ningning originally thought that the fetal heart formed inside the egg would not be obvious in the early stages of hatching. As soon as the egg came close to the flashlight, she saw a fetal heart the size of a little fingernail inside, as well as bloodshot threads spreading like a spider web, flickering and beating very vigorously.

 At first glance, it looks like it has strong vitality and is healthy.

  Hu Po said that eggs should not be left in the nest for too long, otherwise detemperature will affect the shelling rate.

Si Ningning didn't dare to look at it any longer. After confirming that it was a fertilized egg, she put it back in a separate place in the basin and started to take down the next egg and continue looking at it.

There are a total of fourteen eggs hatched, four of which are unfertilized, two eggs with weak sperm and low vigor, and the remaining eight are all very active.

Si Ningning took out the four unfertilized eggs and put the two weakly fertilized eggs back into the henhouse with the other eggs.

The chances of the weak sperm eggs hatching were low, but when Si Ningning steamed or boiled them and ate them, she couldn't bear to eat them because of the red blood inside them.

 Just put them in the chicken coop together. If they can hatch, it's good. If they don't, it's a waste.

 After adding some rice and water to the backyard, Si Ningning closed the back door, took out his work gloves, put them on, picked up a fruit knife and went outside.

Use a fruit knife to cut diagonal cuts on the branches of the hydrangea. Si Ningning randomly planted cuttings in several places. Golden cherry blossoms and jasmine were also planted randomly, but for those like honeysuckle that can climb vines, Si Ningning chose to plant them in Planted in a fenced area around the villa.

When she was picking mulberries just now, Si Ningning noticed that there were small mulberry saplings nearby. Thinking that the rice was not ready yet, she stepped out of the space with a **** and planned to dig up the saplings.

Si Ningning appeared out of thin air. The birds that flew back to peck at the mulberries were so startled that they flapped their wings and flew up again.

"Chirping" and "chirping", the birds gradually landed on the high branches of other tree trunks, shaking their heads and cursing at Si Ningning. Unfortunately, Si Ningning couldn't understand the birdsong. At this time, she was half-hunched up, " Hey" and "ooh" were used to dig the soil attentively, for fear of injuring the main root of the sapling.

The mulberries on the two big mulberry trees grew so well. In addition to the excellent varieties, fertile land should also be a key factor.

The land in the space is fertile, so it is just right to transplant it. As long as it can survive, not only will she be able to eat it, but the fish in the stream will also be able to eat it.

Si Ningning was thinking in her mind as the **** in her hand got closer and closer to the roots of the mulberry saplings, and she couldn't help but become more cautious in her movements.

 Hands on carefully, even holding his breath carefully from time to time, waiting for a mulberry sapling to be completely dug out. Si Ningning's back was wet with sweat. Sitting on the ground with his sleeves rolled up, Si Ningning held the front of his chest with **** and shook it to dissipate the heat. After a short rest, he climbed up using the **** handle. He found two more mulberry saplings around him. After digging them up carefully, Si Ningning entered the space with a **** and the three saplings she had just dug.

Si Ningning had planned to plant mulberry saplings on one side of the meandering stream in the space.

 In the future, it will bear fruit and she can pick it and eat it. The overripe ones that cannot be eaten will naturally fall off and fall into the stream, and they will also become a meal for the fish.

The three saplings were scattered and planted by the stream. Although she knew that the space crops would have no impact if they were not watered, Si Ningning was always worried that the saplings would not survive. It was probably for self-comfort that she found a bucket for the saplings that were planted today. Saplings, flower vines, etc. have all been watered with root water.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning transferred the pebbles and big stones that had been scattered in before one by one to the creek.

There was no trace of aquatic plants in the stream that he walked outside before. Si Ningning planned to look back and pay attention to see if he could catch some aquatic plants in the ponds and ditches of the production team, or adapt to the waterside and surface. Growing grass will work too.

 She wants to restore the natural ecology of the space creek as much as possible. Only when the aquarium grows in a comfortable environment can it reproduce stably and continuously.


 It’s not just limited to the creek, it’s the whole space.

Si Ningning hopes that it will be lively and reincarnation-like, rather than “lively” in an abstract sense.

Simply taking root and sprouting, waiting for her to be picked and consumed, is enough to satisfy life, but from other perspectives, the expression of "life" is too monotonous.


 We should continue to strive for self-improvement, never ending and uninterrupted.

After washing her face by the stream, Si Ningning casually rubbed her sleeves twice, then walked into the villa with a wave of her hands.

Originally, he wanted to see if the meal was ready, but when he passed by the living room, he accidentally glanced at the crumpled letter on the small coffee table. Si Ningning paused slightly, and finally turned and walked towards the coffee table.

 The mood has calmed down, and it’s almost time to deal with the bad things.

Si Ningning was sitting upright on the sofa. When she tore open the envelope and saw the familiar fonts on it, her heart still felt a little shaken.

Si Zhennan's handwriting is very similar to Si Ningning's father's handwriting. It can't even be said to be similar, it's almost exactly the same.

Si Ningning thought that since she was fifteen years old, she had hidden her desire for her father's attention so deeply that even she thought she no longer cared about it. But when the memory of Si Ningning from this era emerged, , her memories surged uncontrollably.

The moment of inability to control herself that day let Si Ningning know that she still cared...

Very concerned.

 If you don’t care, you won’t want to be good, become better, or want to be in your father’s eyes.

 But so what?

People have to look forward all their lives. If you keep looking back and thinking about unrealistic things, you will not be able to get through life.

What Huo Lang said that day, Si Ningning felt was right and meaningful.

Some people like the moon, and some people love the stars. No matter which one is better, there will always be someone who makes a different sound.

 Just like Si Ningning and Si Fu.

Maybe it’s because Si Ningning is neither a star nor the moon, or Si’s father completely belongs to the third type of person. He doesn’t love either the stars or the moon, so can he force it?


 The hurter will only hurt the hurtee repeatedly because they don’t care about other people’s pain and tears.

Si Ningning doesn’t want to waste time forgiven, nor does she want to waste time resenting, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care.

 She has been thrown into the cold wind since she was a child. She will never forget those memories and images of self-doubt and self-denial.

Throwing the seal into the trash can, Si Ningning silently made a decision:

From now on, whether she grows up, excels, or works hard, it will all be because she wants to become a better version of herself, not because she becomes that way to please someone after being hurt by someone...

Si Ningning took a deep breath, took out the letter and faced it calmly. However, what he took out of the envelope was not only the letter, but also a piece of black ten yuan.

Si Ningning put the money on the coffee table and read the contents of the letter carefully.

The letter actually only contained a few simple sentences. Si Zhennan asked about his daughter's situation after going to the countryside, and also stated his personal situation. During the on-site inspection of the railway project, he accidentally broke his leg, but it was not serious. He will rest at home for a few days. That's all.

 At the end, he mentioned money and asked Si Ningning to take good care of herself. If she didn't have enough money or if she needed anything, she would write to her family and they would make arrangements.

"Huh..." Si Ningning breathed out softly. His brows wrinkled and relaxed, then wrinkled again. His eyes shifted from the letter paper to the black ten yuan on the small coffee table.

Ten dollars is not a small amount of money. It must have been sent without telling the mother and daughter, right?

 What is the purpose? They've obviously done that kind of outrageous thing.

Si Ningning lowered his eyelids, refolded the money and letter paper and stuffed them into the envelope. He pulled out a book from the bookshelf in the study and tucked the envelope inside the book.

 In the memory of the original person, Si Zhennan was actually a very gentle person.

When I was a child, I was attached to my father's warmth and relied on him. But later I got my stepmother and stepsisters. Those two women were too powerful. I also had the character of a little sheep. I didn't say anything when I was wronged. Over time, There is also a gap between him and his biological father. They no longer treat each other like father and daughter, but like a boss and a taciturn subordinate. They are like outsiders at home...

 Many of the subsequent events, Si Ningning's experiences in the two time and space are very similar, so they can resonate with each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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