Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 210: OK, I promise

Chapter 210 Okay, I promise

Now, as a bystander, Si Ningning browses the memory and can actually deduce many details, such as Si Zhennan's connivance with his stepwife and so on.

 But these words cannot be said, and there is no meaning in saying them.

It turns out that the girl is dead, so what’s the point of waking up someone who is pretending to be asleep?

“I hope you can be treated well next time, grow up happily, grow old happily, and have a happy life.”

Si Ningning sighed softly, opened the desk drawer, put the book and the poor and gentle girl into the drawer, and sealed it for permanent protection, "I will also work hard to make myself happy, along with your share. "

Thinking about it, it’s actually not that difficult to accept. Si Ningning went to the bathroom to wash his face, and after eating, his mood became obviously calmer and better.

  Turn on the computer and play the music that he had downloaded before traveling to prevent the apocalypse. Si Ningning finished a big bowl of rice to the gentle or joyful songs.

 Although the previous cooking process was rough and haphazard, the taste is actually quite good.

After eating, she was seven to eight times full, and there was still some rice left in the pot. Si Ningning was afraid of accumulating food and did not eat anymore. She rummaged through and found a box of seaweed. She opened a pack, took out a few pieces, cut them into pieces, and poured them into the rice cooker. Mix well, and finally shape the remaining rice into fist-sized rice balls, six in total, just enough to fill the plastic lunch box.

Si Ningning covered the lunch box and placed it on the kitchen table. As long as it didn't shrink into the space, it would always be kept warm when you come in next time to eat or something.

Going out of the kitchen to rearrange the pile of supplies that had been messed up recently due to rummaging, Si Ningning randomly put some Houttuynia cordata and wild amaranth into the basket, and then stepped out of the space.

Having been busy for so long, I touched my pocket watch to check the time. It was already around 2:40 in the afternoon.

Si Ningning recalled the last time he went back to the county. He estimated that Huo Lang would be back by now. He thought that he had harvested a lot today. Now he was just waiting for the saplings and wild vegetables transplanted into the space to come alive. So... , didn’t waste much time in the woods, and gradually returned with the hoe.

Thinking about Academician Liang's incident, Si Ningning walked back to the field ridge near the production team. Si Ningning kept looking at the winding mountainside path not far away. Not to mention, she actually saw Huo Lang.

The distance between the field and the mountainside was close or far, but the figure was only about the size of a thumb, and the clothes in the countryside were similar in style. Si Ningning really didn't dare to identify it as Huo Lang, and she only dared to be sure if Huo Lang took the initiative to wave.

Huo Lang was different from Si Ningning. He walked home along the road and occasionally glanced around aimlessly. He just saw the person standing on the field ridge in the distance and looked over. He recognized it at a glance as Si Ningning.

Not only because of her good eyes, but also because of Si Ningning’s very representative clothes.

  Crisp and tender green, in the entire third production team, Ning Ning is the only one who wears clothes of that color, and she is the only one who can wear it to create that extremely vivid and vibrant feeling.

He couldn't explain how he felt. Huo Lang's steps suddenly changed. He was originally walking on the right path. In the blink of an eye, he plunged into the hillside path where small trees and branches intertwined. He ran all the way to the field ridge and followed the bends along the field ridge. He walked around and stood in front of Si Ningning in less than two minutes.

"Where have you been?" Huo Lang panted slightly, staring at Si Ningning's purple lips.

It was dyed from mulberry trees. Si Ningning didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't wash it carefully when washing his face. There were still some plant pigments left on it.

Seeing Huo Lang staring at her all the time, Si Ningning seemed to be aware of it. She raised her hand and rubbed her lips. She looked down and saw two dark purple marks on the back of her hand. Her face instantly wrinkled in embarrassment, "Last time on Soybean I was working over there, and I noticed that there were mulberry trees there. I had nothing to do today, so I thought the mulberries there must be ripe, so..."

This was a mixture of truth and falsehood. Afraid that Huo Lang would ask again, Si Ningning changed the subject and said, "Don't talk about me, talk about you! Why did you suddenly slide down the mountainside if you were not walking away? You were still running so fast. , and you’re not afraid of scratching your face with branches?”

 While speaking, Si Ningning frowned beautifully and glanced at Huo Lang up and down, as if checking whether Huo Lang had been injured by a branch, with concern in her eyes that could not be hidden.

Huo Lang was silent for a while when she looked at him. He opened and closed his thin lips and turned sideways to look away. The next moment, he took out a small package and handed it to Si Ningning. "I got some soap alum and white alum."

"Really!" Si Ningning said in surprise, and quickly took the small oil-paper parcel. Huo Lang turned around and walked back, and she trotted behind him holding the things. "How much do these cost?"

Soap alum is green vitriol. The small package is half the size of a palm, containing half white vitriol and half green vitriol. Although it is not a lot, it is definitely enough.

"Alum is not valuable." Huo Lang said lightly, and then mentioned another matter, "The letter has also been sent to Academician Liang. She can't reply to you because she doesn't have paper and pen, so she asked me to relay it."

Si Ningning was thinking about asking how much alum costs just now. When he heard this, his attention was instantly diverted, "What did Academician Liang say?"

"Academician Liang said that rabbits are easy to feed. They eat not only radish leaves, but also leaves and twigs of locust trees." Huo Lang recalled for a while and continued: "He also said that if you plan to raise rabbits, you must prepare rations for autumn and winter in advance. . Rabbits give birth quickly, and adult rabbits also have a big appetite. There is no grass outside in the cold winter, so they can’t stand it just by feeding them radishes.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Si Ningning nodded repeatedly, agreeing with what he said, “Jiang Yue and the others at the Educated Youth Point have already started making preparations. The entire Educated Youth Point is raising rabbits together, and everyone is very concerned about it!”

Huo Lang said softly, "Yeah", "Academician Liang said that rabbits eat the grass that cattle and sheep eat, and they can eat it after drying it... If you don't recognize the grass, Hegu and others usually come to find you, so just let them Go and cut them... They are still young and should be exercised to avoid developing a squeamish and lazy temperament that will be difficult to train in the future. "

Si Ningning waved her hand, realizing that Huo Lang was walking in front and couldn't see her gesture, so she quickly added: "I know this well."

There are many kinds of grass that cattle and sheep eat. Si Ningning does not know all kinds of grass, but he does know some. Where is the use of grain and grain?

 As for laziness, there are many ways to prevent and guide it, and you don’t have to choose what Holang said.

Although the job of mowing the grass is not heavy and many children in the production team are doing it, Si Ningning still feels that it is not very safe. If there is a snake or something in the grass, the children don't know what to do and bite them again. trouble.

Huo Lang said a lukewarm "Hmm" again, and suddenly stopped when he thought of something. He turned sideways and stood on the ridge of the field and took out his pocket. After a while, he handed over another dirty oil paper package, which was bigger than the one containing alum just now. More than half the size.

"This is?"

"Medicine to treat gastrointestinal and excretion problems in livestock can be used on cattle, sheep, pigs and rabbits. If there is a problem, soak it in water or add it to the fodder and give it to the livestock, and it will get better in a day or two." He lowered his eyebrows and stared at Si Ningning's pointed chin, "Academician Liang gave it to me to say thank you for the pickles."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed the next second, "Look, what did I say? Academician Liang was influenced by me!"

The news brought back by Huo Lang was basically understood by Si Ningning and had little effect. But it was different now. With this medicine, Si Ningning's hanging heart was finally settled.

We are not afraid that the rabbits will not be full, but they are afraid that they will be fed miscellaneously. Educated youths are not professional rabbit raisers. If a mistake causes gastrointestinal problems, it will be really fatal. The rabbits will die immediately, and they will die in pieces.

Si Ningning put the medicine away, and after a while she recovered. The joy on her face did not diminish. She raised her head and asked Huo Lang, "You haven't explained how much the alum cost? I asked you to help me with these two things." , you helped me a lot, I should have thanked you, but I can't take advantage of you anymore!" Huo Lang sighed softly and had to say truthfully: "Yijiao."

Si Ningning pinched his pocket. It was empty, and there was no foreign body sensation at all. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "I went out today without bringing any money. Let's do it tomorrow! You asked Hegu to bring a lunch box when he comes over tomorrow, and I also promised you to make bamboo fungus. "

"There's also the wild boar meat from last time. Hegu and the others didn't go to my place a few days ago. I was afraid that the meat would spoil, so I put a thick layer of salt on it...Tomorrow I'll cut some meat and cook a bowl of gnocchi together, and then let Hegu I’ll serve it to you, so you don’t have to cook for lunch.”

Si Ningning was talking nonchalantly. She was stuck for a moment as she thought of something. She glanced around and asked, "Where are Hegu and Sanae? Didn't you bring them back?"

It is impossible to think about it. He Gu and Sanao are only a little bigger, and they cannot take care of themselves if they are left in the county.

 Then there is only one possibility.

 “You lied to me again!” Si Ningning reached out and grabbed the hem of Huo Lang’s clothes, “Did you not take them to the county at all today?!”

Afraid that she might fall, Huo Lang slowed down a little and said, "Watch your steps."

"They usually come to you, and you value them and don't mind them, but what about the other educated youth?" Taking Si Ningning across the water storage ditch and back to the main road back to the production team, Huo Lang said in a deep voice: "Educated youth point. How can it be appropriate for them to make trouble again after a rare break?”

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he naturally understood the truth, but he still said a few words of defense, "It's just two children... and they all ate the meat you sent over before."

“If you only think about the benefits and don’t want to get involved in other things, how can such a good thing happen?”

 “Okay, let’s be considerate of each other and you should take a break.”

"Hmph..." Si Ningning snorted, complaining and hating that iron cannot be made into steel. "Since you are afraid of trouble this and that, why would you give such a precious thing to me?"

"People are all for each other." Si Ningning frowned slightly, and her pink lips pursed slightly in displeasure, "Huo Lang, you are a sensible person. You know what I am talking about, don't you?"

"Yeah." Huo Lang responded lightly, "Next time something like this happens, I'll talk to you first."

 “Really?” Si Ningning didn’t quite believe it.

Holang nodded in amusement, "Really."

While speaking, Si Ningning had already reached a fork in the road, but she still didn't believe Huo Lang. She stopped and said with a strong look on her face, "You promise!"

Having been indirectly deceived several times, this time, she had to get Huo Lang's personal guarantee before she would be willing to accept it.

"Okay, I promise." Looking at Si Ningning's coquettish and domineering energy, Huo Lang sighed and nodded, with a hint of indulgence in his tone, "I'll tell you the truth this time, I won't lie."

"That's okay!" Si Ningning was satisfied, her eyes curled up with a faint smile, she jumped out from behind Huo Lang and ran along the side of the fork for a few words, then turned around for a while and looked over, " Don’t forget the promise you made yourself! Go back, I’m going back too!”

After finishing speaking, Si Ningning turned around and ran away again.

Huo Lang looked at the braid dangling behind Si Ningning's back, breathed out gently, shook his head and laughed dumbly, then turned around and walked towards home.


It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when Si Ningning returned to the educated youth spot. Most of the bamboo fence around the private plot beside the house was fenced. The bamboo fence was chosen to be made of bamboo with a diameter of two widths and nailed instead of using a smaller cat bamboo. Thick bamboo is split into bamboo strips and then processed, so it will be more stable.

The male educated youth made his own triangular stand from wood. At this time, the labor was divided reasonably. One cleaned the bamboo side branches, the other put the bamboo on the stand and sawed it into two sections. The third one was responsible for moving the sawed bamboo to the side of the private plot and surrounding the private plot. One nail after another was driven into the soil.

There is only a small part left and should be completed today.

Si Ningning was looking around and suddenly heard a soft male voice: "Back."

Si Ningning moved her eyes away from the fence and met Mo Bei who had just finished sawing a piece of bamboo. She said "hmm" and said smoothly: "You have finished sending the letter."

Si Ningning was surprised to see that Mo Bei's originally long and flowing hair had turned into a regular length. "Is there a barber shop in the town?"

 In this era, there were state-run barber shops, but Si Ningning never saw one in the town these few times.

Mo Beiteng touched his head with his hand and said, "After sending the letter, I happened to catch up with the barber who was picking things up and crossed the street, so I asked someone to shave me."

Si Ningning nodded and asked curiously: "Does barbering make a living in private? People with epaulettes will not stop them if they see them?"

"This doesn't count. I asked about it and was told that it was a quota given by the production team. I arranged the skills I learned from the barber shop. I collected money and tickets for working across the street. I had to hand it over to the team when I got back. Then I would draw from the team. Work points." Mo Bei explained.

“So that’s it.” Si Ningning nodded, understanding what was going on.

Just as he said this, Song Shuhan sighed: "Unlucky, we didn't catch up when we went to town yesterday."

Song Shuhan took off his glasses and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He stroked the hair that was long enough to block his eyes back. After a while, he put the glasses back on the bridge of his nose. He narrowed his eyes and smiled at Si Ningning and said, "Si Zhiqing, I I remember you have some scissors? Can you lend them to us? My hair is too long, so we can just cut it ourselves."

 “Okay.” Si Ningning nodded hesitantly, and for a moment he furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously, “Can you cut it yourself?”

Song Shuhan smiled and said, "That should be fine. She's not a girl anyway. She doesn't need to look good, as long as she doesn't get in the way."

 (End of this chapter)

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