Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 211: It's so nice to meet you

Chapter 211 It’s so nice to meet you

Si Ningning didn’t hesitate anymore. She went into the house and put down her things, then opened the lock of the rattan box and started rummaging around.

Song Xiaoyun saw it and asked: "Ning Ning, what are you looking for? I didn't even look at you to take a break when I came back?"

“Song Shuhan and the others said they wanted to borrow scissors to cut their hair, so I’ll get them for them.” As he spoke, Si Ningning took out his sewing kit and took out the small scissors.

The small basket she got back from Huo Lang last time has been placed on the small table next to the bed. Since the sewing kit was not used for the time being, Si Ningning didn't think of moving it.

This time it happened to be used, so she threw the sewing kit into the small frame. "I will put the sewing kit on the table. If any of you want to use it in the future, just roll it up and put it back. Especially don't mess with the needles." Throw it away, the light in the room is not good, I’ll stab someone later.”

 “Hey, okay!” Song Xiaoyun nodded and responded, following Si Ningning out to watch the fun.

Si Ningning handed the scissors to Song Shuhan. When she saw the bamboo with its side branches cut off on the ground, she thought of another thing, "Is there any surplus bamboo? Can you split two of them for me?"

Song Shuhan waved to Li Lingyuan who was nailing the fence and was about to cut his head. When Si Ningning asked, he nodded and smiled: "There are a lot of bamboos behind the house, you can just take it. If there is not enough, we will chop it down. Anyway, we will pick it up from the team today." It’s easy to chop bamboo.”

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Then I won't be polite to you anymore, I just want two!"

There are two groups of bamboos on the ground. One group is half-cut and used to nail the fence bamboo, and the other side is a bamboo pole that has just had its side branches removed and has not had time to be processed further.

Si Ningning rolled up her sleeves and squatted down in front of the bamboo pole. She stretched out her slender arms to pick bamboos, as if she was about to start a big fight.

Mo Bei was in charge of sawing bamboo. When he saw Si Ningning squatting down, he put down the saw, took a step forward and squatted with one knee on the ground next to Si Ningning, "What do you want the bamboo for?"

“I bought a mosquito net yesterday and wanted to choose two stronger hanging mosquito nets.” Si Ningning answered truthfully.

Mo Bei knew what he was doing, so he reached out with his long arm and helped pick out two bamboos that were about the same thickness. "This will do."

Si Ningning turned her eyes to Mo Bei's hand. After appraising it, she thought it was OK. She nodded and reached out to take it, but Mo Bei moved aside and did not give it to her.

"Wait a moment."

Mo Bei took the hatchet that Song Shuhan had just used and chopped off the top part of the bamboo pole that could not bear gravity.

Thinking that the mosquito net is mesh-like, and worried that the mosquito net would be scratched when threading the rods, Mo Bei carefully scraped both ends of the bamboo with a hatchet. He peeled off some bamboo thorns that were obviously not able to be scraped off, and handed them over after all. Si Ningning, "Want to help?"


"I mean, do you need help installing the mosquito net?" Mo Bei repeated.

Si Ningning hugged two pieces of bamboo and clamped them across her waist. "No, I can just hammer in a few nails myself. Thank you."

"It's okay." Mo Bei shook his head, "If you need help, please feel free to ask."

"Okay." Si Ningning responded, happily walking into the house with the bamboo in his arms. He turned around as soon as he entered the door and said, "Li Lingyuan, lend me the hammer in your hand for a while."

"Okay Si Educated Youth, Song Shuhan and I won't need it for shaving our heads for the time being. You can just take it, it's right by the fence."


Si Ningning came out in an instant and took away the hammer.

Yesterday, Mo Bei went to pick up the planer from the team. Zhao Hongbing knew that they had found wood at the scrap station and came back to nail the table. He was afraid that they would not have enough nails, so he gave them a handful from home.

Si Ningning remembered that after nailing two tables yesterday, there were still a lot of nails left. After asking Xu Shuhua, he found the bamboo tube containing nails in the corner of the window sill.

After taking four nails and returning to the room, Si Ningning poured out the mosquito net from the sack. Jiang Yue was playing with the rabbit outside just now. She heard the noise and followed the room, "I told you what you bought yesterday. It's such a big bag... Is this mosquito net worth it?" Less money?"

Although she was asking questions, Jiang Yue had already picked up the bamboo pole that Si Ningning was leaning against the wall, and helped them shake off the mosquito net. Jiang Yue touched the small opening on the edge of the pole, and slowly penetrated it with one end of the bamboo pole, while her mouth was I still couldn't stop nagging: "Isn't that mosquito coil that I made very useful? You are still wasting this money."

Si Ningning chuckled and did not answer the question about money, "I'm going to hammer nails, and you need to hammer two more into the wall over there. I'll roll up your bed first to avoid it being stained by dust."

 “Just watch and do it.”


Si Ningning didn't have the skills to drive the nails at first. He couldn't drive the two nails into the brick surface, so he decided to do the next best thing and drive the nails into the plaster gaps between the red bricks.

 A normal mosquito net should require four bamboo poles, two long and two short. The long one is placed on the wall to support the weight, and the short one is used to spread the mosquito net.

Si Ningning didn't want it to be troublesome, so she just chose two long poles to thread at the head and end of the bed.

After the mosquito net was put through, in order to prevent the mosquito net from moving and deforming, Si Ningning used hemp rope to wrap the two ends of the cloth strips several times and tie them with dead knots. After that, as long as the positions of the two bamboo poles were fixed, the entire mosquito net could be supported. stand up.

According to the placement of the bed, the bamboo poles can only be erected horizontally, but in this way they remain in the same orientation as the nails on the wall, and the bamboo poles cannot be hung at all.

During this period, Jiang Yue wiped her sweat and said: "What should I do now? I have been busy for a long time, but it has been in vain?"

The bamboo pole now carried the weight of the mosquito net. In order to cooperate with Si Ningning, Jiang Yue lifted the bamboo pole several times in a row. Not to mention the sweat on her forehead, her back was almost soaked with sweat.

Jiang Yue suggested: "Why don't we call some male educated youths to come in and see what we can do?"

"Don't bother them, we can solve this problem ourselves." Si Ningning stood on the bed, feeling a little stuffy. She frowned and thought for a while, then jumped off the bed and started rummaging.

Jiang Yue was lazy for a while and sat down on the bed. Her lazy eyes followed Si Ningning, "How to solve it?"

Si Ningning dug out several hemp ropes of different lengths and threw two ropes to Jiang Yue. She sat on Jiang Yue's bed and started tying and winding the other end of the bamboo pole, "Tangle this around both ends of the bamboo pole. Leave a buckle."

Jiang Yue was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what Si Ningning meant, "If you can't put it up, how about hanging it up?"

Si Ningning raised her head and glanced at Jiang Yue approvingly, her cherry-colored lips curled up, and she teased: "Jiang Yue, you have made progress, your head is spinning faster and faster."

Jiang Yue listened carefully to Si Ningning's words at first, but halfway through, she curled her lips and rolled her eyes to the sky, "Are you going to stab me with a soft knife again? Do you think I don't understand? ?”

Si Ningning laughed and shook his head, "No, this time it's the truth." "Humph, don't say nice things, I don't believe it."

Jiang Yue snorted softly, saying she didn't believe it, but her eyes curled up with a smile.

Having someone help me, the whole process is actually quite fast.

After setting up the mosquito net and covering the edges under the mat, Si Ningning lay on the bed and felt it.

This mosquito net sells for five yuan plus an industrial coupon in a department store. The price is really not cheap, and the quality is certainly not good. I raised my head and looked towards the window a few times. The mesh of the mosquito net is dense, not only the view is not transparent, but also the quality is not good. Not even the wind can penetrate...

Si Ningning secretly considered the options and decided to keep the mosquito net.

It’s actually not that hot to sleep on a mat at night, and Si Ningning can’t stand the lack of privacy even more than the heat, which is why she prefers a white mosquito net.

Si Ningning lay comfortably for a while, then thought of something, turned over and got up again, hurriedly put on her shoes and ran towards the adjacent Xu Shuhua's bed.

Jiang Yue was stunned by her actions: "You were so surprised, what are you doing?"

“The mosquito net is too thick to block the wind. I’ll try here in Shuhua to see if it’s all blocked by the mosquito net.”

As he spoke, Si Ningning had already sat beside Xu Shuhua's bed.

 Hey guys, not only is the wind blocked, the light is also poor.

Si Ningning took a breath and just frowned, Xu Shuhua walked in from the door with wet hands, "Hey, mosquito net, when did you buy it?"

The mosquito net was too conspicuous. Xu Shuhua saw it as soon as she entered the room. She turned around and saw Si Ningning and Jiang Yue looking strange. Xu Shuhua scratched her head blankly and asked, "What's wrong with you two? Are you so bitter and so bitter?"

"It's not a big deal." Si Ningning smiled helplessly, briefly explained the matter, and then asked: "Shuhua, why don't we change places? I'll move inside, and you can sleep here with me. ?”

“It’s harmful, no need.” Xu Shuhua waved her hand, “Is it difficult or easy to set up a mosquito net? I won’t waste the trouble.”

After finishing speaking, Xu Shuhua looked at Si Ningning and said, "But Ningning, if you now have a mosquito net, won't you need the mat that was nailed to the wall? Why don't you lend me that mat? You can use it later." If you want to use it, I’ll clean it and return it to you.”

Si Ningning was stunned when he heard this, then hit his right fist on the palm of his left hand, "I'll take it apart."

Actually, Si Ningning had thought about this just now, but she always felt that it was a bit overwhelming for her to bring it up. Now that Xu Shuhua took the initiative, it showed that Xu Shuhua had this intention.

 One of the people involved has expressed his willingness, and Si Ningning will certainly not hesitate.

Mosquito nets are troublesome to dismantle and assemble. If nothing happens after that, Si Ningning will basically not throw them away. The mat is equivalent to being given to Xu Shuhua half-heartedly.

 After removing the mat attached to the wall, he saw that there was a lot of dust on the area where the mat was attached to the wall. When Si Ningning handed the mat to Xu Shuhua, she couldn't help but tell her, "This needs to be washed. It's very dusty."

Si Ningning loves to be clean. The front of the mat faces her. She wipes it before going to bed every day, so it is clean. Xu Shuhua will not stain her clothes when she sleeps on it, but she can still smell the heavy smell on the back when she is close to the mat. The smell of dust.

"It's okay. I'll go get a basin of water and come back. Just wipe it hard a few times." Xu Shuhua waved her hands cheerfully, and as she spoke, she took out the basin from under the bed and walked out.

She didn't dislike it, so Si Ningning couldn't say much.

Jiang Yue was making the bed just now and remained silent. After Xu Shuhua left, she looked back at Si Ningning and said, "It costs a few cents to buy that mat... Are you willing to do it?"

“You and I are willing to live under the same roof, so we can help each other out! There is nothing to be reluctant to part with.”

Si Ningning checked and saw that there were no mosquitoes inside the mosquito net. She gathered the mosquito net together and pressed the edges under the mat, so that when she went to bed at night, she no longer had to worry about being disturbed by mosquitoes.

As for what Jiang Yue said about not letting go and whether it would be a loss or not, Si Ningning really didn’t have much feeling. Or to put it another way, a mat can fulfill the wishes of two people, so she thinks it’s worth it.

"Your family is in good condition, but you have to be wary of people..." Jiang Yue gushed. Her family had experienced some bad things, so she always felt a little uneasy under Si Ningning's 'rich and wealthy' style. " What if someone is really jealous or something and reports you?"

 Having heard this, Si Ningning's lips curled up, and she wanted to tease Jiang Yue: If she was cautious and sensitive, she shouldn't tell her what happened at home, and should hide it tightly.

But then he heard Jiang Yue's voice suddenly lowered, and Si Ningning slowed down her hand movements by half a beat. When she turned around, she saw Jiang Yue sitting on the edge of the bed, her head hanging down, looking uneasy, just like she was haunted by memories before.

Si Ningning understood deeply and knew that her actions reminded Jiang Yue of some bad memories. She sat next to Jiang Yue and softly comforted her with conservative words: "The people's eyes are sharp, so what if I'm reported? Let's go." They will investigate, and one day they will find out, and then everyone will know that I am innocent and I was wronged. "

Si Ningning patted the back of Jiang Yue's hand, "So, do you understand? Jiang Yue."

"Really?" Jiang Yue looked up at Si Ningning, with a faint blush in her eyes.

Si Ningning nodded firmly, "Of course."

Si Ningning refers to herself as "I" every word in her speech, but the words she speaks are guiding and encouraging Jiang Yue in disguise, allowing her to maintain her love for life and persevere.

Persist until the day when the injustice is over and the day comes when you get rid of the hat.

"It's so great that I can meet you." Jiang Yue suddenly hugged Si Ningning and rested her chin on Si Ningning's shoulder. Her tone was full of frustration and melancholy, "You know, Si Ningning? That's right. No matter what the mistake, once we are exposed to these things, we are like rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats us, and there is no place for us.”

“There is no one like you who doesn’t mind knowing who I am and encourages and comforts me.”

 “I’m so stupid, you are so kind, I still targeted you like that at the beginning...”

The more things she recalled, the more emotional Jiang Yue became. When she finished talking about it, her tears fell uncontrollably.

 Jiang Yue felt very sorry because Si Ningning was really nice.

Jiang Yue couldn't even imagine what her current situation would be like if she had always insisted on targeting Si Ningning and missed Si Ningning as a friend.

"Those are things in the past, not your fault." Si Ningning lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes drooping down, as thick as a small fan, she spoke softly and patted Jiang Yue's back.

While comforting him, he did not give Jiang Yue time to think wildly, "Things have already happened. We can only hope to develop in a good direction. No matter what the final result is, we must love ourselves and love life. Do you understand?"

 (End of this chapter)

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