Chapter 212 Practice

"...Yeah." Jiang Yue nodded dullly, straightened up from Si Ningning's arms, clenched her fists and rekindled her fighting spirit, "My brother and I are the only ones in my family. I will definitely persist until the end to see the real The evildoers will be punished!"

Si Ningning nodded and smiled, "Okay, you calm down, I'll return the hammer."

Si Ningning stood up and went out. The moment she left the room, her bright face suddenly faded away, and her slender brows were covered with a hint of melancholy.

When it comes to life, Si Ningning is the ultimate optimist and romantic, but when it comes to sophistication, the education she received has made her understand what "reality" is, so she occasionally views things differently. views and insights.

Take Jiang Yue as an example. There are a large number of people in this era who have experienced similar situations, but in the end, few can make a comeback.

As for those so-called lucky people, by the time the situation is reversed and justice is served, they are already old, dead, or have experienced the separation of their wives and children. It is impossible to start their lives over again. What is the point of that time?

Of course, these are just some of Si Ningning's thoughts as a bystander. As she said, no matter what the final outcome of the matter, she hopes that Jiang Yue will be well.

 I can’t think about it anymore, it’s too sad and it affects my mood too much.

Si Ningning shook his head and placed the hammer on the side of the bamboo raft in the private plot. "Li Lingyuan, the hammer has been placed in its original position for you."

Li Lingyuan was sitting in front of the educated youth center with a snakeskin bag wrapped around his neck. Song Shuhan was holding a small pair of scissors in his hand, cutting Li Lingyuan's hair in an awkward and strange posture.

Since this was the first time he had done this, Song Shuhan had just grabbed a strand of Li Lingyuan's hair, brought the scissors almost to his scalp, and cut off a bald patch on the back of Li Lingyuan's head.

Song Xiaoyun was laughing loudly on one side, and Li Lingyuan realized something belatedly. He was shouting anxiously with Song Shuhan at the moment and didn't hear Si Ningning's words at all.

Si Ningning didn't pay attention. He walked to the swing and sat down. He watched the people playing through the gap between the shadows of the trees, and his heart slowly returned to calmness again.

 It would be great if it could continue like this.

Si Ningning has already experienced the prosperity and complexity of big cities, and has no interest in experiencing it again. Although the rural areas are a little behind, if they are managed well, they may not be able to become a "paradise".

Si Ningning really cherishes the stability and calmness in front of her.


The sky is getting dark quickly. The male educated youth are still busy with the finishing work of the fence, while the female educated youth are busy working on their own:

Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue were washing clothes by the well. Xu Shuhua happened to be her turn to cook this week and was washing vegetables by the well. Si Ningning was probably the most leisurely, holding the swing rope with both hands and tiptoeing. The audience chatted casually:

"Monkeys, do you want to eat it? It rained some time ago, and I saw a lot of them popping up from the ground... Some people in our hometown eat this, and I also ate it. The taste is okay, and it has a meaty aroma when stir-fried over low heat. If you dare to eat it, It’s easy to catch it when the weather is hot.”

"Eat, why don't you eat? We also eat this over there. I wanted to say it before, but I didn't mention it because I was afraid you would be scared."

"Hey, Xu Zhiqing, you and Si Zhiqing are really good at it. Now the educated youth can order meat and vegetables, and you have everything covered!" Li Lingyuan, who had a bumpy hair and a haircut, stretched his neck and shouted towards the well while working. .

 “Haha, this…”

Xu Shuhua smiled and wanted to say something, but Jiang Yue rolled her eyes and said: "That's right, we lesbians can do it! The rations and vegetables have been arranged, shouldn't you gays also be able to do it?" Get up? I'm telling you, the firewood house is all gone."

  When we started cooking together, we agreed on the division of labor between men and women. Now, in addition to cooking, the female educated youths can occasionally bring back mushrooms and wild vegetables. This has exceeded the original arrangement.

In contrast, Jiang Yue felt that male educated youths did not do as much work as female educated youths, and most of the time they picked up what was readily available.

In other matters, Li Lingyuan might be able to exchange a few words with Jiang Yue, but what Jiang Yue said, Li Lingyuan really couldn't refute.

Li Lingyuan scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Everyone went to the town to buy things during the first two holidays... Now we have almost all the things for educated youth. Next time we have a holiday... No, I will go pick up firewood after work tomorrow! I'll go there as soon as possible. !”

The days of educated youth are becoming more and more stable, and the biggest credit goes to the female educated youth. However, if we want to live a good life, everyone must work together, and we cannot just point at the female educated youth.

 Jiang Yue is right, they should really stand up.

Probably thinking that Li Lingyuan was quite sensible, Jiang Yue snorted and did not keep tugging on him as before. Instead, she turned around and started joking with Song Xiaoyun and the others.

Li Lingyuan breathed a faint sigh of relief, and Song Shuhan came over holding the last small pile of sawed bamboo.

 putting down the bamboo, Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and smiled with an unclear meaning, "Friend, I'm here to help you."

Li Lingyuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Song Shuhan speechlessly, "Who is your enemy? Go, go!"

“I didn’t say you were my enemy.” Song Shuhan chuckled, picked up a stone and followed Li Lingyuan to hammer a bamboo raft beside him, “The three of us will go together tomorrow.”

"where to?"

 “Go and collect firewood. It’s not unfair to call you a fool.”

“Song Shuhan, do you want to fight?”

 The day came to an end amidst the excitement of everyone.

Si Ningning wasn’t very sleepy at night and was always thinking about mushrooms. After everyone fell asleep, she turned over and entered the space.

Growing mushrooms requires bacterial strains, which are already in the developed stage. If Si Ningning wants to experimentally grow mushrooms, he must start with the first step of extracting mycelium.

Whether it is the extraction process or the final container, it needs to be kept sterile. Knowing this, Si Ningning started to prepare as soon as he entered the space.

 In order to survive in the apocalypse, she stocked up on medicines, including a lot of disinfectant and alcohol.

Grabbed a medical first-aid kit, carried a large bucket of disinfectant and alcohol and placed them on the marble table in the middle of the kitchen. Si Ningning put his hands on his hips and stared at the things on the table for a while, then turned around and left the kitchen to continue rummaging.

There is still something missing.

There is no container to hold mycelium... In order to facilitate observation, it would be better to use a transparent test tube, but now there is no one, so Si Ningning can only find something else to replace it.

Si Ningning first rummaged through the gift box given when she purchased supplies, and found two glass bottles with rubber plugs that were exactly the same as the ones she used to hold sugar. She took out the two glass bottles for spare use, and then continued to rummage.

There were many supplies collected, but there were very few in bottles or transparent bottles. Si Ningning walked around the supply pile for more than half an hour, and found barely usable fruit candies in the area marked as a snack area. Can.

 It is said to be a sugar bowl, but it is actually a small transparent round box, about the size of an air freshener.

Counting the types of mushrooms, Si Ningning took three boxes. The freed-up fruit candies were washed and packed in a plastic lunch box, and the space was brought back for Hegu and the others to eat.

 The container is almost ready, and Si Ningning starts the next step of preparation.

 Wash the glass bottles and plastic small round boxes, fill the pot with water, put them in and boil them at high temperature for sterilization.

In the meantime, Si Ningning cleared the table top, wiped it with cotton pads dipped in disinfectant, and then wiped it with alcohol.

In order to prevent the exhaled breath from containing microorganisms during the operation, which may cause bacterial infection, Si Ningning wore a mask.

After disinfecting his hands in the same steps as before, he wiped one side of the countertop with alcohol cotton. Si Ningning took another ball of alcohol cotton and gently wiped the surface of several mushroom caps prepared in advance. The water in the pot was just right. Get churning.

Si Ningning wiped the chopsticks with alcohol cotton, and then used the chopsticks to transfer the bottles and jars to the countertop that had been disinfected many times. After drying the water for a while, Si Ningning wiped the bottles with alcohol cotton after disinfecting his hands again. The tank undergoes secondary disinfection.

 The process of extracting mycelium is really not difficult, as long as you pay attention to it, but it is undeniable that it is really boring.

After disinfecting the bottles and jars, while waiting for the alcohol to evaporate, Si Ningning sterilized the tweezers, then wiped the mushroom caps with alcohol cotton again, broke open the thick fleshy caps, and carefully picked out a small part of it with tweezers. Putting it into the bottle, Si Ningning put down the tweezers and quickly plugged the rubber stopper.

 The lips under the mask were slightly opened, and Si Ningning exhaled. In this way, a portion of the mycelium had been extracted.

Putting the bottle aside, Si Ningning continued to extract the mycelium from other mushrooms in the same steps. The only difference was that the container at the back was replaced with a small box, because the mouth of the box has a spiral slide, Si Ningning Worried that the sealing is not in place, I added an extra step during the operation, which is to cover it with a layer of sterilized plastic wrap before sealing it, and then screw on the lid.

Two hours after finishing his work, Si Ningning took off his mask and threw it into the trash can. He wiped his sweat and turned around to wash his face in front of the faucet. When he finished wiping his face, he realized that he was holding a rag.

Throwing the rag into the pool in disgust, Si Ningning was a little tired and didn't want to clean it up. She planned to wait until she went back to the space.

After making up his mind, Si Ningning took several small jars to the study room. Without taking the paper, he tore out a few pages of the notebook to use as labels. He wrote down the names of the mushrooms one by one and put them on the bottom of the corresponding bottles and pressed them down so that he would not mess up the next time he came in to observe. mix.

With a long breath, Si Ningning took a quick shower, dried her hair and went out to cut a piece of watermelon. While eating the iced watermelon, she wanted to go to the backyard and flip some eggs, but as soon as she opened the door, she saw a hen in the nest. Lying down inside.

Si Ningning dared to chop up the killed white-striped chicken, but Si Ningning really didn't dare to chop up the live chicken. Firstly, she was afraid that the egg would be broken by flapping too much, and secondly, she was afraid of pecking it.

Fear comes from psychology. It may not hurt much if you are pecked, but it is scary, just like bugs and earthworms obviously cannot bite, but Si Ningning is still scared to death. It is the same reason.

 Stalling the back door, Si Ningning ate melon and walked towards the vegetable patch in front.

The trees and flowers transplanted into the space should be alive, and the branches and leaves are very energetic, with no signs of wilting at all. If it weren't for the new soil dug out of the holes on the ground, it would look as if they had grown from the beginning. As if there.

This is gratifying, but at the same time, Si Ningning also has a question mark in her mind.

Is she lucky that the plants she selected this time are all plants with strong vitality and easy to survive? Or is it that space actually has a hidden effect of increasing the survival rate of plants, but she has never discovered it?

Si Ningning was not sure, but while she was thinking about this issue, she remembered something else.

 Yesterday she not only transplanted plants, but also cuttings!

If space has the effect of improving plant survival, then cuttings should be able to see more clearly, right?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning ran straight towards the place where the hydrangea branches were cut. However, the result was that the leaves of the hydrangea wilted after the cuttings were made, and the condition was indeed not as good as that of directly transplanted plants.

Si Ningning has no experience in cutting. She can't see the benefits just by looking at the leaves. She plans to wait until tomorrow to come in and take a look.

According to the proportion of time, two days outside, almost six days have passed in the space. In six days, if the condition of the hydrangea does not improve, it will basically be confirmed to be dead.

Throwing the watermelon rind into the pig pen, Si Ningning went into the villa and washed her hands before leaving the room. She lay back on the bed and couldn't stop thinking about it.

Two days outside, six days in space, and 21 days for the chicks to hatch. Calculated in this way, doesn’t it mean that we can see the chicks hatching in these two days?

Si Ningning was surprised for a while.

In the past, I didn't feel much about the time gap between inside and outside space. This time, hatching a chick felt like it happened in the blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye, there was no time to care about anything, no time to do anything, and the chick was about to hatch. Out of the shell! ?

After thinking about it carefully, Si Ningning sincerely lamented the incredible blessing of space and time. In this way, you don’t have to wait too long, and you can see the changes in the mushroom mycelium in a day or two at most.

Thinking about the mycelium, Si Ningning turned over and hugged the quilt, falling asleep in a daze.

That night, Si Ningning had a dream that she hadn't seen for a long time. The dream was a mess. One moment, she was hit by a mountain of eggs, and the next, a giant mushroom grew in front of her. She was also making domineering demands to her, saying, Why only accept stir-fried meat with mushrooms and not other methods...

In the dream, Si Ningning was one and two heads tall. Until she woke up in the morning, she felt her forehead twitching and painful.

Song Xiaoyun came back from brushing her teeth. When she was washing her face with a basin, she saw Si Ningning sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing her temples. She asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is it because you put up a mosquito net, but you can't get used to sleeping?"

"That's not true." Si Ningning shook his head, "I just had a dream all night. I'll just take it easy. You can wash up and eat quickly. If you're late for work later, your work points will be deducted."

"Yes." Song Xiaoyun nodded, and turned around when she left the room, "Ning Ning, people say that you have your thoughts every day and your dreams every night. Don't just advise us, you should also pay attention to rest yourself and don't be too tired. "

 (End of this chapter)

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