Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 213: Biting fingers with chopsticks

Chapter 213 Chopsticks biting fingers

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded, thinking that it might be that she had been thinking about mushrooms so much lately, as well as chickens and eggs. These were the two things she had been thinking about the most recently.

 After quickly changing clothes and washing up, Si Ningning served her own breakfast, and Xu Shuhua and the others were already preparing to go out.

Sitting down at the table, thinking about dyeing cloth, Si Ningning said, "By the way, I have already obtained the mordant materials, and I plan to start dyeing cloth at noon today. If any of you want to dye cloth, then Remember to come back early...if you can’t come back, just give me the fabric in advance and I’ll get it done.”

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua nodded one after another and said "OK". Jiang Yue reacted fiercely and rushed directly from the door to Si Ningning, "Me, me, me! I'll see what you do when the time comes! Si Ningning, you must do it at noon Wait for me to come back!"

Si Ningning smiled, nodded and said, "Okay."

After Xu Shuhua and the others left, Si Ningning finished her meal and cleaned up the stove. Then she went back to her room and took two notebooks and two pens she bought from the supply and marketing cooperative.

Si Ningning sharpened her pencil, carried the rabbit cage on the steps into the house, then put the bamboo basket and water bottle on her back, carried them out and walked towards the team.

Originally, he planned to ask for leave to go to the town to further confirm the news with Houtou. When he thought that he had just finished his vacation yesterday, it seemed a little unreasonable to ask for leave today. Si Ningning thought about postponing the matter and talking about it in two days. .

Once he arrived at the pig pen, Si Ningning found that not only Hegu and Sanmiao were waiting there, but also a few carrot heads who usually took them with them to read.

As soon as they saw her, the little carrot heads immediately swarmed up to her, "Teacher, teacher!"

"Speak slowly, don't squeeze, be careful of falling." Si Ningning put her hands down and pressed her palms down. She walked closer to the little carrot head. She bowed slightly to look at the paper handed over by the little carrot head and kissed her with a smile. and Wen Wenwen, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The person being questioned is called Zhao Xiaohui. She is eleven years old. Although she is the biggest among the little carrot heads, due to poor family conditions, her height is only a little over 1.3 meters tall, just a little above Si Ningning's chest.

 “No, it’s not the teacher…”

Zhao Xiaohui is not a shy person, but Si Ningning's position in the children's hearts is like a shrine. When Si Ningning asked him so gently, Zhao Xiaohui still blushed and hesitantly tried to make her words clear to avoid taking the wrong place. Si Ningning would not be able to understand the dialect of the accent:

“I will recognize everything the teacher taught you! I, I just want to ask the teacher, will you teach anything new today?”

Children in the countryside usually play and run around, and it is normal for their bodies and hands to be dirty. The papers Si Ningning handed out with writing on them were relatively clean and smooth except for the obsessive-compulsive Hegu. Even Sanae's was not spared.

 What surprised Si Ningning was that the paper in Zhao Xiaohui's hand was also very clean and intact.

Si Ningning stared at the paper in Zhao Xiaohui's hand, and the other little carrot heads around him said together: "Teacher, teacher, we can do it too!"

Si Ningning glanced around, and saw seriousness and desire written on their little dark faces, which was difficult to ignore. But unfortunately, she did not prepare any new knowledge points for them when she went out today.

"Well..." Si Ningning breathed out softly, thought for a while, and said, "I've been a little busy these days and don't have time to sort out new knowledge points..."

Seeing the little black faces drooping in disappointment, Si Ningning thought about it for a moment and continued: "There is a saying called 'Reviewing the past to learn the new', which means to review the old knowledge to gain new understanding and experience. "

The little carrot heads raised their heads and looked at Si Ningning seriously, waiting for the next step.

Si Ningning chuckled "hum hum" and arched her eyebrows: "The team will set up a literacy class in a while. Classes will be officially opened at that time, and everything given to you before will be tested. Do you know what a squad leader is? "

 “Hmm…” the little carrot heads shook their heads, “I don’t know.”

"The monitor is the person in charge of the class. He assists the teacher in running the daily work of the class. He is the teacher's adviser and assistant." Si Ningning let out a long "hmm" and continued to explain: "The students are like members of the production team, and the monitor is the production team. Captain, teacher, just like a captain."

The little carrot heads didn’t quite understand it at first, but after hearing the following examples, they immediately understood. Each of their little hands clenched into fists excitedly, and they said excitedly: “The squad leader is an official!”

"Hmm..." Si Ningning paused and said uncertainly, "I guess so."

  When there are no schools and literacy classes, Si Ningning can guide the children with his will and ideas. In that case, every word he knows, or one more word he knows, will be an unexpected gain.

But once a school or literacy class is established, reading, reading, and understanding principles are the main content and tasks, and the teaching plan will have certain differences. In order to increase the enthusiasm of the children, it is very useful to occasionally set goals and stimulate their competitiveness. necessary.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning continued: "The squad leader must not only have good grades, but also be excellent and positive in all aspects. I don't have time to teach you these days, so you have to review well yourself. When the time comes, try to become the monitor."

"Well!" The little radish eyes were bright and full of longing, "Teacher, we are going back! I will definitely read it ten times more today!"

"Me too!"

Si Ningning waved her hands happily, "Go ahead."

The little carrots happily formed a long string and threw them away. On the pig pen side, only Si Ningning, Hegu and Sanmiao were left.

Hegu puffed up his cheeks, pursed his lips slightly and tilted his head to look at Sanmiao, then looked at Si Ningning and asked, "Si Ningning, then are we gone too?"

"It's for you." Si Ningning nodded at the grain and straightened the tip of her nose, then took out a rolled-up notebook and a sharpened pencil from her backpack, "From today on, you two will practice calligraphy on the notebook. I understand. "?"

Si Ningning is not yet the teacher of the production team, so teaching He Gu and San Miao extra is not a favoritism at all. It is simply because the three of them are close and spend a lot of time together, so they teach him conveniently.

 But this situation is only for now. When the literacy class is officially opened and the classroom is established, Si Ningning will have to drink a bowl of water.

 “Oh!” Hegu and Sanae nodded.

Hegu carefully smoothed the cover of the rolled-up book. Next to him, Sanae had already opened the first page. Holding the book, he raised his round face and asked in confusion: "Sister, why did you break the words into small pieces?" ?”

"Huh?" Si Ningning bent down and saw where Sanae's finger was pointing. She bent her eyes and smiled: "Those are the strokes of the font. What is written on it is your name. When you write it, follow the instructions I listed. The strokes come in order.”

Sanae said "Oh" slowly, as if she had thought clearly, and gently touched the three words "Chen Sanae" at the beginning of the first line of the book with her little hand. After a while, she raised her head, her chubby little face With a childish and innocent smile: "This is my name!"

On the other side, Hegu found that what was written in his notebook was different from that in Sanae's notebook, and he realized something in his heart. He took Si Ningning's hand and asked: "Si Ningning, is this my name? "

“Yes, that’s your name.” Si Ningning touched Sanae’s head, turned her eyes and nodded with a smile. Compared with Sanae, Hegu's expression was more normal. After just staring at the three words and strokes in the notebook for a while, Hegu handed the notebook to Si Ningning hand by hand, "Please write your name at the back. Also write, Si Ningning, I want to recognize your name and also be able to write it."

Hegu’s face was straight and serious.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, but without thinking much, he took the pen and book and flipped through it. He wrote the words "Si Ningning" on the third page, and the unraveled strokes were not left behind.

Sanae looked aside with her head raised. After Si Ningning finished writing, she followed and handed the pen and notebook to Si Ningning, "Sister, I want it too."

 “Okay!” Si Ningning smiled fondly and wrote down the name and strokes in the same way.

Hegu and Sanmiao sat on the stone pier to familiarize themselves with the strokes. Si Ningning began to feed the pigs and sweep the pig pens. During this period, Hegu raised his face and asked: "Si Ningning, when you become a teacher, will you not have to work here?" Alive?"

"Hmm... It's hard to say." Si Ningning thought about it seriously, "I'll have to wait and see how many teachers the captain arranges."

 The things I teach at the beginning are all basic, relatively simple, and based on time, there should be four classes in the morning and afternoon each day.

The lectures will be scattered, and the children will spend more time reading and writing by themselves. Si Ningning feels that she can handle it, but if Zhao Hongbing wants her to take the lead, she will definitely not be able to take care of the pig pen.

Of course, in other words, if there are two teachers for Chinese and mathematics in the classroom, the situation will be different.

"Even if Uncle Hong Bing arranges two teachers, you don't have to come here. It's so dirty and smelly." He Gu frowned slightly, "You usually love cleanliness so much, don't you dislike it here?"

Hegu asked Si Ningning if he disliked it, but in fact he disliked it.

Hegu’s obsessive-compulsive disorder mentality has improved a lot, but he still cares about these things in his heart.

Si Ningning's pupils twinkled slightly under her long eyelashes, and she noticed the details. She only smiled and said hello, and said nothing else, but she couldn't help but think about it in her heart.

She usually uses gentler methods to guide Hegu out of his psychological barriers. Now that Hegu has almost adapted, he can move on to the next step.

Si Ningning made up her mind and saw that Hegu and Sanae didn't have their lunch boxes in their hands. She guessed that Huo Lang had forgotten to mention it. Si Ningning was not annoyed and gave the order for the two little ones to go back and get their lunch boxes while she took advantage of the situation. Clean the pig pen during the free time.

By the time Hegu and Sanae came back with their lunch boxes, Si Ningning had just finished packing, and the three of them walked towards the educated youth spot carrying their things.

The bamboo fungus in Zhiqingdian was half-dried in the sun and needed to be soaked before eating. In order to save time, Si Ningning took some out of the space while Sanmiao and Hegu were feeding the rabbits outside the door.

 After a quick wash, the noodles were served with bamboo fungus and wild boar meat, and were quickly cooked.

Si Ningning served three portions, and she, Hegu and the others each had one portion.

  When serving rice to Hegu, Si Ningning changed from usual and replaced the bowls and chopsticks with coarse porcelain bowls and slightly worn chopsticks used by educated youths.

As expected, as soon as the bowl and chopsticks were put down in front of Hegu, Hegu's face wrinkled in protest, "Si Ningning, this is not my bowl, I want yours."

"No." Si Ningning shook her head firmly and told Hegu decisively without leaving any room for error, "From today on, as long as you eat at the educated youth spot, these are your bowls and chopsticks."

"But I don't like this bowl..." Hegu's joy at getting the pencil and notebook faded away, his face turned red and he couldn't stop shaking his head, "The bowl shouldn't be like this, it should at least be smooth,"

“Si Ningning, I don’t want it, can you change it for me?”

He Gu picked up the chopsticks with his little hands and poked at the small brown bumps on the edge of the coarse porcelain bowl. He looked at Si Ningning with red eyes, trying to persuade Si Ningning to change her decision.

Si Ningning frowned slightly and breathed out gently. Just when He Gu thought she would change her mind, she raised her eyes again, stared at He Gu and said resolutely: "No."

Hegu's little face full of expectation fell down instantly, and there were tears in his red eyes, but he bit his lips and refused to let the tears fall.

He Gu always remembered what he promised Si Ningning.

 He is a little man, and he will not cry casually, because Si Ningning said that tears can't solve anything.

Hegu bit his lip and sat up facing the bowl on the table. His sleeves rubbed his eyes and forehead. He clenched his chopsticks and tried hard to eat the things in the bowl, but...

The chopsticks almost hit the edge of the bowl several times, but were finally taken back tremblingly.

Hegu was a little panicked, but couldn't help but burst into tears, "No, I can't, Si Ningning, I can't."

The little guy turned his head, tears hanging from the corners of his eyes. Just a short while ago, a layer of dense sweat had appeared on his forehead, and now it was sliding down with the tears.

Si Ningning had already softened her heart, and when she saw this scene, she felt even more uncomfortable.

 But she understood that if he couldn't come out now, Hegu might stay like this for the rest of his life.

The hands under the table were slowly held. Although Si Ningning maintained a smile on his face, it was not as friendly as usual. Instead, there was a hint of seriousness and sternness, "These are small things. You can do it. Hegu, look." , Don’t you hate this pair of chopsticks? You’ve picked it up, nothing weird happened, right?”

"The same goes for the bowl." Si Ningning pushed the bowl closer to the grain, "Do you believe me? If you believe me, try again."

Hegu nodded first, and then turned his eyes to the bowl on the table as Si Ningning comforted him. Although he nodded, he was very hesitant.

Si Ningning couldn't help but think that He Gu had resistance and hesitation written all over her face when it came out of her mouth. If it were someone else, He Gu would probably only protest in an extreme way.

Thinking about it, she continued to comfort and encourage, "I promise you, different bowls and chopsticks will not affect your eating, and they will definitely not bite your fingers with open mouth. Come on, let's try it..."

 (End of this chapter)

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