Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 214: No confidence

Chapter 214 No confidence

Sanae who had been silent looked at this scene, then turned to look at her second brother. Seeing that his second brother looked very bad, Sanae pursed her lips and looked at Si Ningning as if pleading, "Sister..."

Si Ningning frowned and glanced over, more or less sternly, "Sanae eat by yourself first."

 Sanae was a little frightened, lowering her head and not daring to speak.

Si Ningning was a little sorry, but there was nothing she could do about it. Hegu's current situation was already very difficult, and she could no longer let other factors affect Hegu's heart.

Si Ningning withdrew her gaze and turned to Hegu again. She nodded encouragingly. Hegu shook his shoulders and sobbed twice. His sleeves swept horizontally across his forehead and stained his forehead with a wet stain. His eyes were blank and he did not dare to look carefully at the bowl in front of him, as if he was coping. He picked it randomly with chopsticks, closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth.

However, the taste of bamboo fungus and noodle soup was present in the mouth. Hegu was surprised to find that he did not feel like vomiting like before.

Hegu's little face was stunned. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the smiling face of his boss Ningning. Before he could react, he heard Si Ningning's gentle voice: "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Hegu looked at Si Ningning's gentle face and nodded slowly, saying "hmm".

Si Ningning continued to encourage: "Then...have you eaten all this bowl today? When you finish, you will be rewarded."

 “Hmm…Okay.” Hegu agreed, but not because of the so-called reward.

Although he questioned whether it was because he had closed his eyes just now and couldn't see the bowl, so he didn't feel like vomiting, but for some reason, He Gu had a premonition in his heart.

He felt that maybe it was really like what Si Ningning said...

 This time, he can.

He Gu swallowed his throat and slid it up and down twice. He straightened up his body and picked up the chopsticks while sitting upright. His face flashed with a look of death, but this time, he closed his eyes without any resistance.

Si Ningning sat quietly aside, watching He Gu finish a bowl of noodles. She bowed slightly and wiped away the wet spots on the corners of He Gu's mouth. She bent her eyes and praised softly, "Very good, another big step has been taken. He Gu is a real little man.”

He Gu looked up at Si Ningning. His small lips twitched and he said nothing, but he couldn't help but puff up his chest, as if in response to Si Ningning's words: "You are right, I am a little man."

He Gu turned his eyes to the empty bowl in front of him. He felt strange in his heart, as if it was really no big deal?

His eyes fell on the small bumps on the edge of the thick bowl. For the first time, Hegu felt that they looked pleasing to the eye. But the more he looked like this, the more confused he felt. So what was he afraid of before?

Just as Hegu was thinking about it, Si Ningning had already stood up and went back to the room to fumble around. In his hand, there were two mini soaps in transparent plastic bags. They were given as gifts when he was stocking up on toiletries. About a third of the amount of normal soap.

In addition to the fact that the body of the soap is very white, the packaging is a simple film plastic bag, which is not out of place when taken out. The soaps sold in department stores today are all packed in cartons or hard plastic bags, and they look more formal.

Si Ningning gave one to each of them, curved his lips and said with a smile: "You two performed very well, this is a reward."

Hegu held the soap in his little hands and asked puzzledly: "What is this?"

"It's soap, um... it's similar to soap, but it's used for washing hands and face, or taking a bath. After using it, your body will be fragrant and smooth." Si Ningning explained carefully.

He Gu said "Oh" and nodded thoughtfully. Sanae blinked and asked, "Sister, can't this be used for washing clothes?"

Si Ningning tilted her head and explained patiently: "Its main function is to clean the skin. It will be a little worse for washing clothes... Well, it is better to use soap or soap for washing."

“So there are so many types of soap.” Sanae scratched her head, feeling dizzy.

"Yes, the production team will set up literacy classes in the future. You must study hard. When you go out and see the outside world, you will find that this world is really big and full of wonders."

Si Ningning spoke slowly, her little eyes suddenly lit up with longing, and she nodded with a sonorous "Yes".

Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled, quickly finishing her bowl of gnocchi. She opened the lunch box that Hegu brought and put all the gnocchi in the pot into the lunch box.

After fastening the lunch box, Si Ningning was worried that the two little ones would run around and burn themselves if they spilled, so she found some hemp rope and tied it overlapping in a tic-tac-toe pattern, leaving an arc buckle for Sanae to carry, "This belt Back to you brother, there is no space over there in the pig pen. You two will write at home in the afternoon. Write your names on three pages. After you finish writing, read what I taught you before. "

“How many pages are three pages?” Sanae asked confusedly.

Si Ningning opened the book and scratched it with his hand, "This is one side, this is a page, do you understand?"

 “Got it! Both sides are one page!”

"Yes, that's great." Si Ningning pinched Sanae's face gently, then waved her hand and said, "Go ahead."

 The two little ones said goodbye, got off the table and walked back.

Before leaving the house, Hegu held his hand on the threshold and turned around, "Si Ningning!"


"You're awesome!" He Gu praised, scratching the back of his head in confusion for a while, then glanced at the bowl on the table with his mouth puffed out, "I'm not afraid anymore."

Si Ningning was a little startled when she heard He Gu say that she was no longer afraid. After just a moment, she stroked the loose hair behind her ears, waved her palms outward, and said with a very gentle look and voice: "It's not me. , you are great.”

 “I don’t care, you’re just great!” Hegu said a few words and jumped away.

The moment his small body stepped out of the eaves and plunged into the sunlight, his **** grape-like eyes curved into small crescents, and he said "hehehahaha" twice, and Hegu's little face showed a cheerful and bright smile that he had never seen before.

Things are going very smoothly, even faster than expected.

so good!

The children's voices faded away, and the birds chirped outside the house. Si Ningning's mood changed from sadness to a trace of lightness, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief, showing a faint smile of relief.

 After quickly clearing the table and the stove, Si Ningning went to the team to ask Chen Lianmi to borrow a pottery basin before other educated youths came back.

When she was about to borrow something, Si Ningning stepped out of the courtyard with half a foot of the pottery basin. She turned around and said to Chen Lianmi who was washing clothes in the yard: "Auntie, if you are not in a hurry to use this pottery basin, just give it to me. Wait. I’ll go back to town and buy new ones and give them back to you.”

Chen Lianmi waved her hand, "What is a pottery basin worth? You take it and use it, and then give it back to me when you're done with it! Is it worth buying for you?"

"Hey..." Si Ningning bared her teeth and smiled, bright, well-behaved and lovable, "Auntie, to tell you the truth, I borrowed this basin to dye cloth... Some mordants are needed to dye the cloth. I don’t worry about tossing the things in the pot. This pot will have to be used as a pot when I take it back. The bottom will be burnt black, and I will definitely not be able to return it to you. "

"Oh, Si Zhiqing, you can also dye cloth!" Chen Lianmi exclaimed for a while, then waved her hand again, "That doesn't matter, just take it back and use it without worry. This basin has been sitting idle at home, so that's it. I’ll use it to decorate after the Chinese New Year, it’ll be fine.”

Chen Lianmi repeatedly emphasized that for this reason, it would be pretentious to refuse any more. Si Ningning thought, and simply said no more, curved her lips and said thank you, and went back to the educated youth spot with the basin in her arms. .

She had just built a simple small stove with broken adobe at the entrance of the educated youth point. Si Ningning took the pottery basin and put it on it. She pressed her hands on the edge of the pottery pot to test whether it was stable. Behind her, intermittent voices came from the side of the room. At first glance, I saw educated youths pacing back from the shadow of the trees.

With sharp eyes, Jiang Yue saw Si Ningning at a glance. She said "Wow" and ran towards Si Ningning excitedly, "Are you going to dye the cloth!?" "Yes." Si Ningning nodded with a smile.

 Jiang Yue immediately said: "I'll get the cloth!"

Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun also followed quickly into the house. Three male educated youths stood behind Si Ningning. They looked at the small stove that Si Ningning had set up like a play house and said, "Hey! Si educated youth, you can also dye cloth." Woolen cloth?!"

“It’s either that I don’t know how to do it, or I’ve read the relevant knowledge in books before. This is the first time I’ve done the experiment.”

 “Oh! So it’s just like that.” Li Lingyuan nodded.

Seeing Jiang Yue and others coming out with cloth in their hands, Li Lingyuan scratched the bumpy back of his head and asked, "Where did you get the cloth?"

Xu Shuhua and others all looked at Si Ningning. Si Ningning nodded calmly, and then they explained: "Ning Ning bought it when she went to the county a while ago and ran into a department store for an event. She bought a roll. Give us some.”

Li Lingyuan nodded knowingly, and when he heard that Si Ningning still had a lot of cloth left, he sighed and said, "It's a pity that I don't know how to sew or mend, otherwise, I would buy some too!"

As soon as Li Lingyuan finished speaking, he saw Mo Bei squatting down beside Si Ningning, "How much cloth is left? I want it."

Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she turned her head to look at Mo Bei in confusion.


On the other side, Song Shuhan laughed and scolded Li Lingyuan, followed Mo Bei and squatted down on the other side of Si Ningning, "Si Zhiqing, I want it too."

Si Ningning turned to look at Song Shuhan again, her eyebrows furrowed even more tightly, "Can you two sew clothes?"

"We don't know how to do it, but we can ask female educated youth comrades to help." Song Shuhan pushed up his round glasses and turned to look at Xu Shuhua and the others.

Jiang Yue's heart skipped a beat. She was afraid that Song Shuhan would find Song Xiaoyun, and then Song Xiaoyun's thoughts would be rekindled, so she quickly stepped forward and said, "I'll help you!"

"Thank you." Song Shuhan smiled and nodded, then turned his eyes back to Si Ningning, "Si Zhiqing."

Si Ningning gave a light "tsk" and nodded: "Okay then."

Li Lingyuan also reacted and quickly raised his hand: "Well, how many educated youths do you have? I want it too, okay?"

Si Ningning's mouth twitched, "If you don't want much...well, it should be enough."

The group of people didn't even eat, so they urged Si Ningning to cut cloth.

Si Ningning had no choice but to put down what she was doing, go into the house and push aside the mosquito net. She leaned forward slightly and opened the lock of the rattan box. She took out the wool rope and the remaining cloth. After closing the mosquito net, Si Ningning squatted down again. She lowered her body and pulled out the washbasin under the bed and handed it to Jiang Yue, "The pomegranate peels are on the windowsill. You take them and put them in a pottery basin to cook. Fill this basin with a basin of water. Soak the cloth to be dyed in water first. I'll do it in a moment. Come."

“Okay!” Jiang Yue took the basin and turned around quickly, swinging her pigtails. Song Xiaoyun followed behind with the potatoes steamed in the morning, “I’ll go too!”

Si Ningning smiled lightly and shook the cloth out on the table in the main room, "This is fine linen material. The average price I paid for it is three minutes and eighty feet. How much do you want?"

 “Alas…” Li Lingyuan scratched his head, “How much do you need to make a piece of clothing?”

"It depends on what it is made of. The width (width) of this cloth is 110cm. According to the body size of a lesbian, one foot of cloth can be pieced together to make a half-sleeved suit. For **** men, it will not be enough. If you want to make long sleeves, you need to estimate Two feet."

Li Lingyuan nodded and said: "Well, then I want two feet!"

Song Shuhan followed: "Excuse me, Si Zhiqing, I want two feet too."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded and turned to Mo Bei, who was sitting across the table and looked up at her, "What about you?"

 “Four feet.”

Song Shuhan first glanced at Si Ningning, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Bei, "Are you going to do two replacements?"

Mo Bei nodded slightly.

Si Ningning smiled clearly and said nothing. He quickly started to measure the fabric. After measuring it, he asked Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan to stretch the two sides. Si Ningning opened the small scissors and cut from beginning to end with a "stab" sound. "It's two feet."

By analogy, the cloth was quickly cut. Si Ningning rolled up the remaining small roll of cloth and was about to return to the room. Mo Bei suddenly called her, "Si Ningning."


Mo Bei stood up slowly, his eyes burning, "Can I...entrust you to help make clothes?"

 “Huh?” Si Ningning’s eyes suddenly widened.

 Entrust her?


 She is still a noob!

Si Ningning squeezed the roll of cloth in embarrassment and was sewing Xu Shuhua out of the kitchen. Si Ningning saw a savior and said, "I, I'm not good at this either. You... why don't you ask Shuhua?"

Xu Shuhua just took a bite of a potato when she was suddenly called upon. She choked and rolled her eyes. She tried hard to swallow the potato and asked blankly: "What? What are you asking me for?"

"Mo Bei is looking for someone to help make clothes. I can't do it, can you? If you can..."

Before Si Ningning finished speaking, Xu Shuhua had already raised her hand and said, "No, no, no, I can't do it."

Xu Shuhua was also a little embarrassed and said sheepishly: "If you make shoes or something, I can help you, but I can't make clothes."

Xu Shuhua only got two feet of cloth, just to make two menstrual belts. She will keep the rest and see if it will be cold here in winter. If it is, she will think about making a pair of thicker cloth shoes.

Even if she is making clothes, Xu Shuhua only wants to make a living and wear them herself. It doesn’t matter if they are a bit rough, but she really doesn’t have the courage to make them for others!

 What's more, the person making clothes now is Mo Bei.

 Mo Bei's consular ability belongs to consular ability, but his personality is really too cold. Xu Shuhua also feels that he is not easy to get close to and get along with. In order to avoid embarrassment, Xu Shuhua does not want to have anything to do with Mo Bei in this matter.

 (End of this chapter)

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