Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 215: Are my requests too much?

 Chapter 215: Are my requests too much?

To be honest, Xu Shuhua felt that even if she was willing to help, Mo Bei might not like her.

"Ah..." Si Ningning stuttered, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed.

 She didn’t know where the confidence came from. She always thought that Xu Shuhua was good at this, but she didn’t expect this result.

Mo Bei kept looking at Si Ningning, but compared to before, his sharp eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he was aware of Si Ningning's resistance.

The atmosphere was deadlocked. Neither Mo Bei nor Si Ningning spoke. At this moment, Song Xiaoyun came into the room to put the lunch boxes. Xu Shuhua was ready to be the peacemaker, so she called out to Song Xiaoyun, hoping that Song Xiaoyun would take over the matter, and then quickly turned the page.

Song Xiaoyun was quite happy at first, but when she heard that she was making clothes for Mo Bei, her neck suddenly relaxed and her eyes turned to Li Lingyuan, "I, I'd better make them for Li Lingyuan!"

After being glared at by Mo Bei before, in Song Xiaoyun's heart, Mo Bei became a wolf-like figure, and she was only willing to have a relationship with Mo Bei.

Mo Bei has always been regarded as an outstanding person since he was a child. Now that he was being pushed around, he suddenly felt a sense of being disliked. At the same time, he also felt a little embarrassed about his face.

Mo Bei frowned even more tightly, pursed his lips, and stared at Si Ningning, slowly lowering his gaze in despair.

 The atmosphere is even more embarrassing than before!

It was definitely not Si Ningning's intention to make Mo Bei embarrassed and unable to come off stage. She refused just now because she had just started researching on making clothes.

This time, I am doing an experiment on myself, why would I be embarrassed to trick others?

 But in the current situation, it would be unreasonable for her to not express her position.

Song Shuhan was always thoughtful, and when he saw Mo Bei was in embarrassment, he stepped out with his left leg and was just about to slap him and put the matter away. However, before he could stop, Si Ningning, who was refusing at the beginning, suddenly changed his tone, "I, I I’m really not good at it, but if you don’t mind, I can try it. I’ll do one for you first, and if you think it’s okay, I’ll do another one for you, okay?”

"Okay." Mo Bei lowered his head and raised it again, his eyes were cool, and it seemed that his mood improved in a short time.

Song Shuhan was stunned for a moment, then he smiled knowingly, retracted his legs, rolled up the cloth in his hand, and asked in a different voice: "Si Zhiqing, what color do you dye the cloth? If it's suitable, can you take us with you?"

"Okay." Si Ningning smiled, went back to the room, locked the cloth into the rattan box, and took out the cloth that had been cut to make clothes, "There are two mordant materials. If you want to dye them, you can dye them into Brown is gray.”

 “That’s okay, but the color is too plain now and cannot withstand stains.”

As he spoke, Song Shuhan and others followed Si Ningning out of the door.

The pottery basin on the small stove in front of the door was bubbling, and the color of the pomegranate peel had also boiled out. Now the water in the basin was a translucent caramel color, a bit like cola in the sun.

Yesterday, Mo Bei and the others were chopping bamboo in front of the door. There were a lot of broken bamboo branches at the door. They were now scattered to dry, intending to use them as firewood after drying.

Si Ningning randomly picked up a side branch of bamboo, shook off the dust and stirred it in the pot, "The material on hand is dyed in two colors, one is bright yellow, which is the color of the tips of the tender grass that just pokes its head in the spring, and the other One is the brown color of tree bark, what kind of color do you want to dye?”

Sinning Ning paused for a moment, then added: "Under normal circumstances, there are two types of dyes, but it's hard to say whether they can be dyed."

 “I want to dye it brown.”

"Me too."

"Me too!"

 “I dyed it yellow!”

The group of educated youth expressed their stance neatly. Si Ningning nodded, commandeered two more washbasins, picked out the pomegranate peels from the pottery basin, and then divided the boiled pomegranate dye solution into two parts, adding green vitriol to one part. Soap alum), add alum to the other part.

 After the alum in the basins on both sides was stirred evenly, the color of the dye solution also changed. The dye solution added with green alum became darker, a bit black-gray, while the dye solution added with alum became light yellow, a bit like honey.

Currently, the only one who wants to dye yellow and soak the cloth in water is Jiang Yue. Si Ningning picked out Jiang Yue's cloth first, wring out the water, shook it out, and put it as smoothly as possible into the alum basin. Soak to prevent multiple marks appearing on the fabric after dyeing.

Then he put the fabrics of Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua into the basin of green vitriol in the same way. Si Ningning turned around and took the fabrics from Song Shuhan and the others, and put her share into the basin of clean water to soak, and waited for 5 to 10 minutes. , you can put it into the dyeing solution for dyeing.

The small stove was set up in the middle of the opening in front of the door, with her back facing the midday sun for a long time. Si Ningning had a layer of sweat on her body. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and used her palms as a fan. She got up and walked to the door to cool down. Sit down on the steps.

Jiang Yue tilted her head and blinked, "Is this, is it over?"

Xu Shuhua and others also looked confused, all looking at Si Ningning, waiting for Si Ningning to answer their confusion.

Si Ningningying's white face was flushed by the sun. She spread her hands and smiled helplessly: "How can anything happen so fast? Leave the rest to time."

Jiang Yue looked wilted and sat down next to her in frustration, "So, when the results come out in the afternoon, won't I be able to witness them as soon as possible?"

"Not necessarily. You eat first, and when you take a lunch break, you might still be able to see him before work ends," Si Ningning said.

It depends on the coloring situation. If the coloring is not ideal, you will have to re-dye it, and maybe dye it a third or fourth time. In that case, the results may not be available this afternoon.

Jiang Yue’s little chicken pecked at the rice and nodded.

Carrying the three basins to a cool place on the steps, Jiang Yue squatted on the steps, holding the potatoes that had been steamed in the morning and eating them. In addition to feeding the rabbits, she also took on the task of guarding the basins.

Si Ningning shook her head in amusement.

The other educated youth also went to eat. Si Ningning ate early and didn't really want to take a nap. After transferring the cloth in the water to the dye solution and soaking it, he took the old hatchet from the educated youth to the back of the house and chopped a root. Maozhu dragged him back.

The fish and shrimps in the space are growing well, and Si Ningning is thinking about making baskets for small fish and shrimps and a net bag for catching fish.

This kind of thing usually troubles Huo Lang, but Huo Lang is still entrusted with the task of carving small objects for her. In addition, Huo Lang must be busy with his own affairs and cannot be on call for her 24 hours a day. , Si Ningning was too embarrassed to continue causing trouble, so she decided to try to make it up herself this time.

 Just do it if you think of it.

Si Ningning neatly cut off the side branches of the bamboo. He went into the house and touched the saw blade he bought before. He sawed the bamboo into sections about two meters long and cut two sections.

After sawing the bamboo joints, the next step was to split the bamboo strips. Si Ningning had no experience and had never seen others do it before. She did it step by step based on feeling.

The hatchet first split the bamboo into two, and then repeated the splitting into two until the bamboo was split into finger-width bamboo strips. Si Ningning gathered the bamboo strips together and carried them to a cool place on the eaves. Si Ningning also sat in the shade, picked up bamboo strips and split them in two horizontally to create thin and tough bamboo strips, which would be more conducive to subsequent weaving work.

After the two bamboo strips were successfully connected, Si Ningning's frowning eyebrows relaxed slightly, but not twenty seconds after he breathed a sigh of relief, Si Ningning shivered.

The edges of the newly chopped bamboo strips were extremely sharp. In order to cut thinner bamboo strips, Si Ningning kept holding the bamboo strips with her left hand. When she used force with the hatchet just now, she also subconsciously exerted force with her hand. In that moment, her left hand was big. A one centimeter cut was instantly made on the inside of the thumb. The wound was deep and blood gushes out, quickly dripping onto the ground.

Si Ningning was shocked. She thought it was just a pain, but she didn't expect so much blood to come out.

I didn’t think about anything at the moment. I put down the hatchet, put my thumb between my lips and sucked it before running to the well.

Mo Bei didn't go to take a nap. While Si Ningning sat on the threshold and was busy working, he sat in the main room, tilting his head and chin, watching.

Si Ningning suddenly ran away, and Mo Bei felt strange. When he got up and walked to the door, he saw a few drops of bright red blood on the ground, and Mo Bei realized what had happened.

Mo Bei frowned slightly and followed him to the well. Si Ningning was holding the handle of the bucket and pouring water out to wash the wound.

Mo Bei didn't want to get too close, so he stood on the small ramp toward the entrance of the Educated Youth Point, lowered his voice and asked, "What do you want to do?"


Si Ningning was slightly startled by the sudden sound. She looked up and saw Mo Beili looking at her in the gap between the leaves.

 “Originally I wanted to make something up, haha… I kind of overestimated myself.”

Si Ningning laughed twice, lowered her head and continued to wash the wound, with a somewhat self-amused mockery in her tone.

Mo Bei went over to get another bucket of water for Si Ningning, "If it's made of bamboo, maybe I can."

The thumb basically stopped bleeding. Si Ningning was worried that the bamboo just now was too dirty and there would be bacteria, dirt and other residues in the wound, so she pinched both sides of the wound and squeezed it again. When she heard Mo Bei speak, she looked up at Mo Bei curiously. Bei glanced at him and said, "Have you made it up?"

"No." Mo Bei shook his head, and then said: "But, I think it shouldn't be difficult."

"Hmm... let's give it a try?" Si Ningning thought about it. She might not be able to do this. If she didn't go to Huo Lang, she would probably go to her uncle in the team for help. If Mo Bei knew how, she wouldn't have to go. The team ran away.

Standing up with wet hands, Si Ningning thought of something as she walked back. She tilted her head and whispered to Mo Bei, emphatically telling Mo Bei: "Let's just give it a try. If it doesn't work, stop! You can't compete with yourself, Zhu Pian." It hurts a lot.”

"Okay." Mo Bei nodded, raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised his starry eyes to meet Si Ningning's eyes, who turned his head, "Are you in pain?"

 “Huh? It’s okay!”

Si Ningning stuttered. She said that just because she was worried that Mo Bei would take her back. As for the question of whether it hurts or not, it was quite painful when it was scratched just now, but now it has basically recovered. Son.

The two of them walked back side by side, and Mo Bei asked again: "Do you still have iodine? Wipe the wound. It's hot in summer, and the wound may become inflamed if not treated carefully."

Si Ningning lowered her head and nodded, "I know, I'll apply it soon."

While talking, she glanced at Mo Bei quietly.

Mo Bei had been paying attention to Si Ningning, so he noticed her little moves, and he asked casually: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Si Ningning laughed and shook his head, then smiled and said frankly: "I found that you have changed a lot during the time you went to the countryside."

 "Change?" Mo Bei took a deep breath and was a little unresponsive.

“I used to think that you talked less and were not very approachable, but if I look at it now…” The moment he stepped onto the steps and crossed the threshold, Si Ningning chuckled and did not continue.

Mo Bei was stunned for a moment. For a brief moment, he felt as if he had grasped some kind of message, but it seemed that he had not grasped it firmly, and he only vaguely understood some of it.

Mo Bei wanted to ask Si Ningning in depth, but Si Ningning had already entered the room. When she came out of the room again, she already had a small aluminum box and a small dark green bottle in her hands. She sat down at the table in two steps. Start cleaning the thumb wound.

Mo Bei wanted to ask again, but it was out of date.


Mo Bei sighed lightly and could only temporarily withdraw his thoughts. He sat where Si Ningning was sitting before and picked up the hatchet to chop the bamboo strips.

The small aluminum box that Si Ningning took out was actually made of dry and wet alcohol cotton, and the small dark green bottle was made of iodine. She tore off the original plastic-textured paper film with the ingredients labeled, and in this way, from From the outside, it looks like a random small plastic bottle used to hold iodine.

Si Ningning had just taken a dry cotton ball and dipped it in iodine to disinfect the wound. When she heard Mo Bei sigh, she turned her head and saw that Mo Bei had already begun to chop the bamboo strips.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait for me." Si Ningning said anxiously.

After wiping the wound twice and tightening the cap of the iodine bottle, Si Ningning squatted next to Mo Bei, picked up a bamboo stick with his thumb and explained, "This kind of edge is very sharp, you have to be careful."

 "Okay." Mo Bei nodded in agreement.

Si Ningning put the iodine and alcohol cotton on the table and confiscated them just in case something unexpected happened. However, the bamboo sticks that were not very obedient in her hands were taken care of by Mo Bei.

“You can do it!” Si Ningning praised, feeling quite surprised.

In fact, neither Si Ningning nor Mo Bei had ever done such things as splitting bamboo strips and making baskets. The bamboo strips they split one after another were considered semi-finished products at best, not qualified bamboo strips at all. But there was no way, they couldn't stand it. It was a stupid young man, looking at the half-finished bamboo strips that he had chopped out.

After chopping the bamboo strips, Mo Bei said: "I remember that you usually carry a basket on your back, can you bring it here to take a look?"

  "Okay." Si Ningning hurriedly went to get it.

Finally, he handed the bamboo basket to Mo Bei's hand. Si Ningning sat beside Mo Bei with his hands on his knees and began to explain his thoughts: "I want to make a net bag that can catch things, um... I also want to catch small fish. Did you know that the bamboo basket for small shrimps has a conical entrance shape like a dripper? Small fish and shrimps can go in, but they can’t get out.”

After rambling on and on, Si Ningning rested her chin on her knees and looked at Mo Bei sideways, "Are my requests too much? This is your first time making it up."

 (End of this chapter)

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