Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 216: with a clear purpose

Chapter 216 Clear goals

"It doesn't matter." Mo Bei shook his head slightly, holding the waistband that Si Ningning usually carried with both hands and looking at it, "Let me think about it."

Si Ningning saw that he was serious and did not disturb him.

After about two or three minutes, Mo Bei put the bamboo basket aside, picked up the hatchet and made another move.

He took a bamboo strip and split it into four or five bamboo strips like thin sticks. He also selected a few bamboo strips and overlapped them on the ground in the shape of rice. The word bamboo strips were fixed.

Don't worry about loosening, Mo Bei took the disk in his hand, more than twice as fast as before. When the disk reached a certain size, he began to try to close it upward, and the arc gradually appeared.

At this time, Mo Bei inserted the remaining thin bamboo threads into the gaps that had been braided and fixed them, then replaced them with bamboo strips to continue braiding.

Si Ningning's posture of hugging her knees and "eating melon" gradually evolved into a posture of putting her hands on her chin and looking at Mo Bei with admiration, "Is this really your first time making it up? Why don't I think it's the same? It's quite similar. Something happened.”

 Mo Bei was not as careful as Huo Lang in his preparation, but as a newcomer, Si Ningning felt that he was already powerful enough.

 At least the fact that he has a high level of understanding cannot be questioned.

"It's okay." Mo Bei's mouth was calm, but he couldn't help but straighten his waist. He seemed to be in a good mood, and he talked more. When weaving the basket, he tilted his head slightly to explain to Si Ningning, "This may not be the case. The correct way to compile it, but I calculated that it should be the safest and quickest for newbies like us who have never tried it before.”

Si Ningning nodded clearly, blinked his deer eyes, and was a little confused, "Have you calculated it?"

"...Hmm." Mo Bei nodded, lowered his eyelids and focused on weaving the baskets again, "I used to draw pictures a lot, and when I looked at the bamboo baskets just now, the picture subconsciously appeared in my mind. I can probably estimate the number of bamboo baskets, so the idea will be clearer."

Si Ningning could probably understand what Mo Bei said, and it should be similar to the analytical diagram she used to draw clothes.

With nothing else to do at the moment, Si Ningning chatted with Mo Bei for a while: "Have you ever learned painting before?"

“It doesn’t count as painting, there is still a difference between drawing and painting.”

“Difference?” Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Aren’t painting and drawing the same thing?

As if aware of Si Ningning's doubts, Mo Bei explained: "Maps, tables, and buildings, that's what I draw."

Turning his head to look at his boss Ning Ning's increasingly confused eyes, Mo Bei raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled nonchalantly, "It's what the family meant."

 Personally, Mo Bei actually doesn't like it, and even resists it.

This is also the main reason why Mo Bei agreed to go to the countryside instead of Mo Nanyuan.

Although he doesn't like it, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing at the moment. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to the countryside, let alone met Si Ningning.

Thinking about it, Mo Bei looked sideways at Si Ningning, his cold and handsome face slightly raised his lips, revealing a light smile like the first warm sun after the early spring, "Although I haven't drawn anything else, it's not very... You should be able to draw complex things if..."

"If you need it, or if you like it, you can come to me." Mo Bei cleared his throat with a "hum", his eyes fell back to the bamboo basket in his hand, his voice was a little unnatural, "I can try to draw it. "

Si Ningning originally just listened attentively and didn't think much about it, but when Mo Bei said this, she suddenly had an idea.

Si Ningning held the sleeve of Mo Bei's arm, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in his eyes: "If this is the case, I may really have something to ask you!"

"what's it…"

"that is…"


Mo Bei wanted to ask, and Si Ningning was about to speak. However, before either of them could say anything, a grunting sound suddenly sounded behind them.

The two of them stopped talking instantly and turned their heads together. They saw the round bamboo tube on the ground and Song Xiaoyun who was hunched over chasing the cup.

After a while, Song Xiaoyun picked up the bamboo cup, but she didn't say anything, didn't even look at the two people at the door, and quickly returned to the room with a strange expression.

Mo Bei didn't pay attention, and his eyes fell back on Si Ningning.

Si Ningning looked at him and said, without mentioning what happened just now, "It's time to start work. Go and clean up. If you're late, your work points will be deducted."

"Okay." Mo Bei frowned slightly and glanced sideways in the direction of the main room, with unspeakable resentment in his expression, "Then I will..."

Halfway through, he remembered that he had agreed yesterday with Li Lingyuan and the others to collect firewood after work this afternoon. Mo Bei paused for a moment, stuck the bamboo strips into the knitted gap below, and handed it to Si Ningning, "Then what's left I’ll edit it at noon tomorrow.”

Worried that Si Ningning wouldn't take it to heart and would do it himself after he left, Mo Bei frowned and said, "I'll do it."

 “I understand, you go ahead.”

Si Ningning smiled helplessly, but thought in her heart: Is Mo Bei a little too concerned? Could it be that I got some kind of fun?

Shaking his head to interrupt his wandering thoughts, Si Ningning placed the semi-finished bamboo basket on top of the chicken coop behind the door, and then went out to check the situation in the dye basin.

Si Ningning first fished out Jiang Yue's piece of fabric from underneath. It had just been fished out of the dyeing liquid. The color of the cloth was a bit like pure white cloth dyed through iodine. Although it was a kind of yellow, it was not Translucent, a bit dirty.

Si Ningning's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt a little worried.

 It’s not going to fail, right?

At this time, Jiang Yue and the others came out of the house, "Si Ningning, has the fabric been dyed?"

Si Ningning shook his head and put the fabric back into the dye basin with a guilty conscience, "Not yet, you probably won't be able to witness it, so go to work first."

"Ah..." Jiang Yue looked disappointed, but she had no choice but to go to work first.

When he was alone in the educated youth spot, Si Ningning turned over and took out a pair of rubber gloves from the space.

Putting on gloves, Si Ningning repeatedly scrubbed the fabric in the dye solution for about ten minutes. She added three to five grains of alum into her basin filled with water, stirred it up, and then twisted out the dye solution on the fabric. Dry it, put it in, and continue scrubbing it in water with alum added.

 Alum can be used as a mordant and is also a type of color-fixing agent. This step will wash away the excess dye liquid on the fabric and at the same time increase the fastness of the dark color and reduce the discoloration and fading of the fabric during washing after it is made into clothes.

When Si Ningning kneaded and washed, he could clearly see the excess dye dispersing in the water. The fabric, which was dark and dirty at first, gradually became clearer and turned into a gentle light yellow. The effect was not bad.

Si Ningning’s tense heart gradually relaxed.

After that, he followed the same method and washed out all the fabrics on the alum side. Si Ningning was worried that the light alum would not be strong enough to fix the color, so he changed the basin of water and added salt to dissolve it, and then passed the fabric through the water again, and then he put the fabric on the clothes dryer with peace of mind. Dry on the pole.

 Those who chose to dye their fabrics yellow, except for Jiang Yue and Si Ningning, everyone else chose to dye their fabrics in stain-resistant brown. Si Ningning cleaned the fabric in the green vitriol dye bath and found that the coloring effect was not good. It cannot be said that it was not good. Perhaps the pomegranate dyeing saturation was only so high, so the fabric dyed with green vitriol added was light. The gray coffee color may be more stain-resistant than the original color, but it doesn't look good overall.

After Si Ningning rinsed and solidified the color, he put it into the basin again for dyeing. The dyeing time was soaked for 20 minutes once. He dyed it about twice and rinsed it repeatedly. By the third time, the color on the fabric finally became solid. .

Si Ningning felt that it was almost done, so she soaked the cloth in clean water with alum and salt, wrung it out, shook it off and hung it up on a clothes drying pole. She washed a few basins and brought them back to the house. Si Ningning then lay down on the table in the living room. Go up and take a short rest.

 In the afternoon, I went to work in the pig pen and caught up with Huo Lang.

Si Ningning still felt strange, so she got out of the pig pen and asked, "What's wrong?"

Huo Lang took out an object from the bamboo basket at his waist and threw it to Si Ningning, "You want something."

"Hey, hey!" Si Ningning shook her hands several times before catching the thing and clenching it tightly. She lowered her eyes and looked at it, her little face suddenly lit up, "So fast!"

Si Ningning is holding a small pistol in his hand. It is light brown in color, has a wood texture, and has clear details. If it were black and took it out at first glance, some people would believe it to be real.

 That's right, what Si Ningning said before as he leaned into Huo Lang's ear was that he wanted an engraved gun.

"Your carving skills are so exquisite, why do you say you only know a little bit?" Si Ningning played with the wooden pistol and turned to look at Huo Lang teasingly.

Horang patted his trouser legs, walked to one side of the stone pillar and sat down casually, "I've touched it before, so it's not surprising that it can be carved into something."

"What you say makes no sense." Si Ningning paced and sat down next to him. She was in a good mood and said with a smile: "According to what you said, objects in daily life are also commonly touched. Wouldn't that make the carvings more beautiful? Okay? That’s not to say ‘not proficient’.”

Huo Lang was choked and couldn't speak. He looked sideways at Si Ningning and realized that he really couldn't defeat Si Ningning.

 If you can't say it, just say it can't be said.

Huo Lang turned his face to the side and looked at the alley wall a few meters away. His handsome face softened, "I went to the county that day and got the news. During this period, the county will arrange a film crew in time for the autumn farming season." I have been touring various brigades and communes before, and it should be my turn here soon.”

"Huh?" Si Ningning paused slightly while playing with the carved wood pistol, and turned his head slightly to show his confusion, "Movie team?"

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded and continued to explain: "There are once or twice every year, mostly after the harvest and busy farming in summer and autumn. There is not much fun in the countryside. There are also the one or two nights when movies are shown when several production teams gather together and can Lively and lively.”

“Is this a reward for the hard work of grassroots members?”

 “Absolutely the same meaning.”

That's quite humane.

Si Ningning nodded in understanding.

She tossed the wooden bowl again and thought for a while. Si Ningning turned around and asked Huo Lang, "Then when everyone goes to the movies, will you go too? Do you want to go together?"

 This is probably an invitation.

However, Huo Lang's breath was stagnant, and he paused before saying: "Not this time. There are quite a few production team members in total, and there may be people from other brigades coming to join in the fun. The team leader means that the security team will go there in advance. Maintain order."

“…Well, that’s okay!” Si Ningning sighed softly. Although he was a little disappointed, it was understandable.

Huo Lang saw Si Ningning's frustrated expression and felt sorry for rejecting Si Ningning's first invitation. After thinking for a while, Huo Lang said: "The educated youth will have a holiday next month. If you I think we can go to the Seventh Production Team of Hongqi Commune next door.”

 “The one you went to hunt wild boars with last time?” Si Ningning asked.

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded and explained in a low voice: "I told you last time that there is a side industry of planting over there, and this season the lotus pods are ripe."

Looking at Si Ningning's expectant eyes, Huo Lang paused deliberately.

Si Ningning frowned and hit him on the shoulder, "Keep talking, why did you stop?"

Huo Lang raised his eyebrows and chuckled, teasing and uttering the most crucial sentence: "Pick the lotus pods at will."

"Really!?" Si Ningning stood up quickly, clenched his fists and raised his hands vigorously, "Go, definitely go! Even if you have something to do, you have to make time to go!"

Huo Lang watched Si Ningning jumping excitedly with a smile on his face. After a while, he stood up and propped himself on the edge of the pig pen and took a look inside. Seeing that the inside had been cleaned, he turned around and said to Si Ningning: "Then I'll leave first. You Clean up and go back to the educated youth spot to rest."

Si Ningning pecked at the rice and nodded. Huo Lang turned around and took a step forward. When she thought of something, she called out again, "That's right, Huo Lang!"


"He Gu's hair is long. If you don't have time to take him out to cut it, can you let him come to my place tomorrow and I can cut it for him?"


Watching Huo Lang leave, Si Ningning was in a good mood, humming a small tune to finish the finishing work, and then turned back to the educated youth point.

It will take a while for the other educated youths to come back. Si Ningning seizes the time and enters the space with the wood-carved pistol she just got from Huo Lang and the black ink she bought earlier.

Si Ningning had a clear goal. He wanted this wooden pistol to be used to bluff people.

In case you are stared at again when you go back to town.

Of course, if you want to bluff people, you need to further process it.

Si Ningning took two things to the bathroom, blocked the bathroom sink, put on rubber gloves and unscrewed the ink bottle cap, took the small brush that she usually used to apply facial masks, cleaned it briefly, dipped the small brush in ink and gradually applied it to the wood carving. Paint on the pistol.

The details of this gun are carved very well, but Si Ningning will not take it out to compete with others.

If she really encounters a situation, she may try to show her outline faintly. As long as she is not a fool or a fool, she will consider it carefully.

  After all, the real gangsters will always be suspicious in their hearts. Can a person who can come up with so many good things be an ordinary person without a backing?

With the blessing of "gun", it is easy for people to be subjectively misled and mistakenly think that Si Ningning's backstage is an iron backer.

The ink is very pigmented, with only some spots appearing in some places. Si Ningning brushed it back and forth several times before covering it up.

 (End of this chapter)

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