Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 217: interactive opportunities

Chapter 217 Interaction Opportunities

 After brushing, place it on the steps of the backyard to dry. Then wait until it dries and then check the situation. At that time, you can decide whether to proceed further.

Seen from the corner of his eye that the hen was not in the nest, Si Ningning went into the house and quickly cleaned up the sink and the ink dripping on the floor, then shoveled half a bowl of rice and went to the backyard again.

 After adding water and grain to the backyard, Si Ningning moved closer to the chicken coop.

 I didn’t notice anything at first glance, but after careful inspection, I found that some eggs had signs of mouths in the direction of the big end. You should be able to see the fluffy chicks next time you enter the space.

I didn't do anything before turning the eggs before, and I don't know if it would affect the shell rate of the chick?

Si Ningning raised his eyebrows hesitantly, worried that the chickens would not be able to reach the feeding bowl when they hatched, so she simply poured all the rice in the bowl on the ground.

  She was almost busy and thought about the fabric again. Si Ningning stepped out of the room, went back to the room to get the fabric and scissors, and sat down at the table in the main room.

Fine linen is thin and dries quickly in the summer, so Si Ningning put it into the house before going out.

Although this material is cheap and not that difficult to grab, I am still afraid that someone will take advantage of it when no one is in the house.

Si Ningning cut the shirt according to his own size according to the layout of the T-shirt in the book. He had never done this before, so he was very careful when cutting. When he could distinguish the various parts, the other girls happened to come back.

"Have you already cut it and dyed it?" Xu Shuhua grinned because of the heat. She took off her straw hat and stood at the door where the draft passed by, fanning herself.

Jiang Yue hung the straw hat on the wall and went to see the rabbit immediately. After listening to Xu Shuhua's words, she rushed to the other end of the big table, "Oh, this color! Why is it so different from the color of the water before? So Tender!”

 Jiang Yue picked up Si Ningning's cut sleeves and made signs on her chest, "Will it look dark if I wear this color?"

Si Ningning said before that it could be dyed bright yellow. Jiang Yue imagined it more abstractly, thinking that the color would be very real and bright, but it didn't happen.

 The fabric itself is light and thin, with a sense of transparency. The light yellow color gives people just the right feeling. It is a gentle and gentle color.

Jiang Yue fell in love at first sight. Without waiting for Xu Shuhua and the others around her to reply, she quickly expressed her position: "As long as it's black, it's black! I admit it! Si Ningning, this is yours, where's mine? Where is mine?"

 “Put them all on your respective beds.”

Jiang Yue jumped into the room, followed by Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun.

“Ahhhh! Si Ningning, I knew you could do it!”

"really not bad!"

Within twenty seconds, Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua’s praises came out.

Looking at Song Xiaoyun, she turned her head and glanced at Jiang Yue, who was jumping up and down with excitement, and her mouth became sour.

 Dark brown fabric is good, but... the bright yellow one is so much better!

 But the cloth has been dyed, and there is nothing you can do to change it now.

Song Xiaoyun could only tighten her fists and comfort herself: It's okay! The dark color is stain-resistant and can be worn even when doing rough work! It’s also pretty good!

Si Ningning finished cutting the cloth and was about to go back into the space and use the sewing machine to finish the work a few times, so he put away the cloth.

Xu Shuhua was packing up to prepare dinner. Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun couldn't sit still, so they borrowed Si Ningning's scissors and started cutting cloth.

After Si Ningning finished feeding the rabbit, she sat with her chin in her hands and looked at her, "What are you going to do?"

Song Xiaoyun said: "I plan to make a coat. The fabric is thin and can be worn now. It will also be worn outside when autumn comes."

Jiang Yue followed: "I originally wanted to give priority to making menstrual belts, but when you asked me to dye cloth, I just wanted to join in the fun... Now it's better, I can't even bear to make menstrual belts!"

Si Ningning held her chin up and laughed, "This cloth is wide. After two months of work, there will be enough left for your clothes."

"We'll talk about it after I finish cutting it!" Jiang Yue pursed her lips and twisted her neck, looking in a good mood, "I'll cut a long sleeve first, and then put together a short sleeve. If there's any leftover, I'll put together a menstrual belt." !”

 “Why don’t you say you’ll cut off your winter clothes again?”

 “I think that’s enough!”

 “Do you still know the question of whether it’s enough? I thought you didn’t know.”

Jiang Yue made a "tsk" sound and glared at Si Ningning, "You're burying me again, aren't you!"

Si Ningning chuckled and narrowed her eyes.

The male educated youths came back in the evening when supper was cooked, and they brought back three large bundles of twigs and firewood.

"Thick ones are not allowed to be picked up, and thin ones cannot withstand burning. We will pick them up after work in the afternoon these days." Song Shuhan explained.

Si Ningning nodded.

While Xu Shuhua was putting the food on the table, Jiang Yue had already started measuring the male educated youths.

“Mo Bei’s shoulder width is 49, Li Lingyuan is 47, and Song Shuhan is 46.”

“The waist circumferences are 86, 88, and 82 respectively.”

Si Ningning paused slightly while recording the measurements, "Are they still in the same order as before?"

 “Yes.” Jiang Yue nodded.

Si Ningning nodded and returned his eyes to the book, "You continue."

Jiang Yue nodded and continued to measure. When measuring Li Lingyuan's bust, she complained a few words: "Why do you look so good? It's like a round tube, and the top and bottom are the same thickness?"

"Hey! Can you speak? I'm a **** man, not a lesbian. Do I have to be like you lesbians? I have a bulge on my chest? Oops! Don't, don't, don't hit, I'm wrong Isn’t it okay?”

As soon as Li Lingyuan finished speaking, Jiang Yue fiercely grabbed his head and ran around, "I take it back, I take back what I just said!"

Si Ningning tilted her head and propped her chin up, watching their fuss.

"It's useless to take it back." Song Shuhan shook his head and laughed, "You can't hide from this fight~"

 After fussing for a while, the bust and sleeve length were measured.

Si Ningning waited for a while, but saw no movement from Jiang Yue, so she asked out of curiosity: "Is it gone?"

 “That’s enough!”

"Hmm..." Si Ningning pondered for a moment, then added the words "arm and forearm" in the notebook, "Measure the arms and forearm as well."

 After all, I am not a professional tailor, no matter whether I use it or not, I can’t go wrong if I know more about it.

 Jiang Yue had some blind confidence in Si Ningning, so she immediately said nothing and continued to measure.

The male educated youths have also seen the cloth dyed by Si Ningning, and they inevitably chatted a few times at the dinner table, "Si educated youth, you are so good! If you just read something in a book, you can do it as soon as you say it, and you can achieve it in one go!"

“Don’t say that. After you went to work in the afternoon, I almost panicked to death.”

Mo Bei, who was sitting across from him, raised his eyelids and looked at Si Ningning, "Why are you panicking?" Si Ningning made a "tsk" sound and curled her lips in an awkward smile, "The light ones are okay, they show up at once. The dark ones were delayed. For a while, it didn't color, and I had to dye it several times to fix it. At that time, I was worried that the fabric would not be white or gray, and it would be ugly and dirty, and it would be a waste. "

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this already dyed? And I said at the time, just give it a try." Jiang Yue took a big mouthful of sorghum rice, squeaked her cheeks, and followed the flowery rat who just hid the food in his mouth. It’s like, “Everyone participates voluntarily and no one is forcing them, and they are all mentally prepared to take risks.”

  While swallowing the rice, he added: "It doesn't matter even if it's really stained. If it's ugly, just be uglier and it won't delay wearing it."

Song Xiaoyun nodded and agreed: "That's right!"

Mo Bei acquiesced in this statement, and took Song Shuhan as the representative to express his position, "This is the truth, haha..."

 Song Shuhan's smile was a little awkward, but he didn't show any objection.

Looking at Xu Shuhua and Li Lingyuan, one nodded in agreement, while the other ignored what was going on outside the window and just lowered his head and worked frantically.

 Si Ningning supports his forehead.

 I don’t bother to think about whether they said this sincerely. Anyway, for now, the result is good.

After the meal, Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan each brought their own snacks, including biscuits and glutinous rice sticks, to Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue respectively as thanks for helping make clothes.

Si Ningning helps Mo Bei make clothes, so Mo Bei will certainly not be left behind.

But Mo Bei doesn't eat much snacks, so what he brought was a small bag of rice.

Si Ningning felt numb all over when he saw it.

Houtou revealed before that he sold things to educated youths, and Si Ningning is now convinced that Mo Bei is the unjust educated youth who bought rice at a high price.

Thinking about it, she caught up with Mo Bei when she went to the black market for the first time. At that time, Mo Bei bought her military kettle for eleven or two yuan. This few cents per pound of rice should be worth a lot to him. It’s nothing.

"Fine grains are hard to come by, so you can keep them for yourself." Si Ningning's mouth twitched as she stuffed the bag back to Mo Bei. Before Mo Bei could speak, she said, "I'll help you make clothes, and you can help me too." I have made bamboo baskets. If you insist on giving them, I can take them, but I will only take one third...and I don’t want you to make the remaining bamboo baskets.”

Helping Si Ningning make bamboo baskets, what a great opportunity for interaction!

 Can Mo Bei let it go easily?

 Absolutely not.

"Then, let me take it back first." Mo Beida swallowed the words on his lips, paused, and then said, "I will help you make it up at noon tomorrow."

Si Ningning nodded.

 As night falls and the sky becomes dark, the educated youths of both sexes go back to their houses to wash up.

Because Si Ningning bought a kerosene lamp, she usually lights her own lamp whenever she wants to do anything. Jiang Yue and the others now have a small table beside their bed, so the shared kerosene lamp is usually placed on their side.

Before going to bed, Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun discussed helping the male educated youth to make clothes first. They had to accept the things given by others and it was not easy to drag them around.

After washing up, Si Ningning originally wanted to open the mosquito net and lie down comfortably. When she saw Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue sitting cross-legged on the bed, she thought for a moment and leaned over, "Can I come up? Let's see what you do."

 “I thought you could?”

There was enough light near the table. Jiang Yue moved to the bed and motioned for Si Ningning to sit inside.

Si Ningning climbed onto the bed unceremoniously, "I can do simple ladies' tricks, but I've never done men's tricks."

There are also men's clothes in the space. Si Ningning originally wanted to take the time to go into the space to dismantle both sides and make layouts in seconds like before. Now that there are two 'masters' in front of her, of course she won't miss it.

 Look around and learn something if you can, so that she doesn’t have to figure it out on her own.

“Actually, I feel the same. Men have a lot of activity, and sometimes the range of movements may be larger. Cut it an extra inch according to the size, and it’s fine to make it looser.” Jiang Yue said.

Song Xiaoyun nodded in agreement, "Yes, girls' clothes have to be pinched at the waist, which is a bit more troublesome."

 Girls' clothes will be slightly narrower from the armpits to the waist. This is not necessarily to look good, but more to save an inch and a half of fabric.

Si Ning Ningfei nodded in understanding and watched for half an hour. It wasn't until Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun cooperated with each other to finish cutting the cloth and tidied up to go to bed that they put on their shoes and crawled back to their beds.

 Sleeping deeply at night, Si Ningning entered the space the next morning.

As expected, the chicks were all hatched. When she entered the backyard, the hen was "clucking" and taking the chicks for a stroll in the backyard.

The chickens were running around. Si Ningning counted them for a long time but couldn't figure it out. He went directly to the nest to look. There were three eggs inside... No, it should be that two eggs were silent. There was one egg that pecked the shell from the small end. Only a small piece was pecked off and nothing happened.

I tried to peel it off a little. The chick was developing well, but it was a pity that its neck was stuck under the wings and could not move... I found it too late and it was already dead in the nest.


Si Ningning sighed, feeling a little pity.

 But there was nothing she could do. Space and time flowed at different speeds outside, so she couldn't pay attention all the time.

  After checking the other two eggs and confirming that there were no signs of life, Si Ningning threw them directly into the trash can. She found a broom and dustpan to clean the backyard, replenished them with water and food, and threw in a few young vegetable leaves.

Si Ningning found a saw blade and sawed a small square passage in the corner of the backyard fence.

The fence wall is in a staggered shape, with many holes the size of fists. Chickens can get through, but they are afraid that the chickens will not know how to get back after passing by. Just in case, Si Ningning sawed a small square window.

Afraid that the hens and chicks wouldn't know, Si Ningning and Rice put out a long line that extended from the backyard to the outside of the fence.

 The hens can basically recognize the way after taking the chicks once or twice. In this way, Si Ningning no longer has to worry about entering the space to feed water and food.

There are so many vegetables planted in the vegetable field that they can peck at them as they please.

But if there are more chickens in the space, the chicken coop needs to be expanded.

Si Ningning closed the back door and walked towards the study, thinking about going to work in the pig pen for a while and picking up some straw when passing by the threshing floor.

Thinking about it, he had already walked to the bookshelf. Several bottles and jars for extracting mycelium the night before were placed on the lower shelf of the bookshelf. Si Ningning bowed slightly and looked at them.

It seemed that she had done a good job in preparation. The filament-like mycelium extracted from several bottles had small white hairs growing around it, and the volume was more than three to five times larger than before.

Those tiny white villi are all later-developed strains of bacteria. As long as the box is not opened and sterile conditions are maintained in the box, the volume of those small villi can increase at least four to five times.

 At this point, Si Ningning has taken a big step forward from his plan to grow mushrooms.

Although the entire process of experiment has not yet been carried out, Si Ningning is confident that it will be successful.


 Don’t think casually: I’m going to wilt. I have to queue up for nucleic acid tests every day (*)

 (End of this chapter)

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