Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 218: Light up new skills

Chapter 218 Light up new skills

 Because the most difficult step in the whole process is to extract the mycelium, now that the bacterial strain has successfully developed, it shows that there is no problem with her extraction method.

Then the next step is to find suitable materials to make bacteria bags, and use a small amount of bacteria in the bottle for further breeding, and cultivate a large number of bacteria to reach the quantity that can be planted.

Common materials for mushroom bags in later generations include sawdust. There was no grinder in this era, and even if there was one, it would be impossible to obtain. So as far as the current situation is concerned, large quantities of sawdust are difficult to collect, so we have to find ways to find suitable things that can replace the sawdust. Just fine.

With something on his mind, Si Ningning filled the military kettle with water and made room.

Go to the team to collect rice bran and then go to the pig pen. Unfortunately, He Gu and San Miao are not there. They haven't come yet after Si Ningning finished his work.

Si Ningning sat on a stone pier in the shade under the wall and waited for a while, but no one came. Si Ningning guessed that something happened to the Chen family, so she didn't wait, got up and went to the threshing floor.

Originally, he thought about picking up a small bundle of straw, but when he thought that the educated youth didn't seem to have a decent chicken coop, Si Ningning simply picked up half of the bundle.

Returning to Zhiqingdian, he threw the straw in the shade at the door. Si Ningning opened the door and carried the rabbit cage in the main room to the door step for ventilation and smell. Then he took a small horse and sat on the edge of the straw, starting to plate the chicken coop. .

Si Ningning was busy with her hands and was still thinking about the issues before going out.

 Mushrooms are not only cultivated on mushroom bags. As long as the temperature and humidity are appropriate, land and rotten wood can be used as seed piles for cultivation.

But if there is a bacteria pack, you can use the strains initially cultivated in the small bottle to expand to a whole pack of strains. In this way, you can basically cultivate a strain by breaking off any piece of such a large pack. Clusters of mushrooms come.

It cannot be said that one bacterial bag can be divided into countless portions, but there should be more than ten or twenty portions, right?

 It is equivalent to developing one seed into twenty seeds. This is just one bacterial package. If there are two or ten bacterial packages, the efficiency will be even more impressive.

 But, what can achieve the effect similar to sawdust?

Si Ningning was thinking about it, and suddenly her thumb hurt.

 Looking down, I found that a piece of straw was stuck in the hole scratched by the bamboo yesterday.

Si Ningning pulled out the grass clippings, put his index finger against the wound on his thumb and rubbed it gently, while dragging the grass clippings with his other hand and blew in a breath.

Small grass clippings are floating in the air. Under the sunlight, they appear light blue for a while, and a little yellow for a while.

Si Ningning kept following the grass clippings with her eyes until they fell to the ground. There was a "ding" in her mind, like the moment when fireworks exploded, and she suddenly had an idea.


 “What happened to the straw?”

 There was a sudden sound in her ears, and Si Ningning was startled. She turned her head and saw Hegu and Sanae squatting beside her.

 The two little ones should have come here when she was in a daze just now.

Si Ningning pretended to be serious, and tapped Hegu and Sanmiao on their foreheads, "Why didn't you say anything when you came? You scared me."

An apology flashed across Sanae's face, but Hegu held his belly and jumped away happily.

Si Ningning looked at Waiting Hegu angrily, then waved her hand to ask him to stand in a shady place:

“I’ll gather two chicken coops and they’ll be ready soon. Why did you two come here so late today? What happened at home?”

“No, elder brother asked us to wash our hair at home and then come back.” He Gu thought for a moment and said seriously.

Si Ningning looked sideways and realized that Hegu's hair was indeed quite fluffy, while Sanae's hair was longer, and the corners were still a little wet at the moment.

Si Ningning didn’t pay attention just now, thinking it was because it was too hot and she was sweating.

"Your elder brother is quite particular." Si Ningning chuckled.

Sanae saw her smiling and laughed too, "Sister, my eldest brother asked you to help me cut it too."

Si Ningning asked with a smile: "Okay, what kind of pruning do you want Sanmiao to have?"

"Hmm... cut it like the second brother." Sanae pointed to the grain, "The elder brother said, if you cut your hair short, it will be less likely to get lice."

"Why do little girls cut their hair so short?" Si Ningning gathered the chicken coop and led the two little ones into the house. "Lice has nothing to do with the length of the hair. Just wash it frequently. I will cut it for you later."

Sanae's eyes rolled around as she thought for a moment, then nodded obediently.

Si Ningning placed the chicken coop on the chicken coop at the door and shouted to Hegu to take the pony. She then went into the house to get a washbasin, a towel, a comb, and small scissors. When she came out, she waved her hands and led the two chickens toward the well. go.

"Come one by one, cut Hegu first." Si Ningning filled a half basin of water and asked Hegu to sit on the horse. She put a towel on Hegu's shoulders to prevent the broken hair from falling into the clothes when she was cutting. Turning around makes my body itch.

Si Ningning used to use a clipper to push her grandfather's hair and cut it seriously, but this was the first time.

Although he didn't have any clues, thinking about Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan's haircuts, which made each other's haircuts so uneven, Si Ningning felt an inexplicable confidence in her heart.

 How to say something?

 In everything, I am afraid of comparison!

Si Ningning’s lips curled up into a soft smile. He Gu turned his head and raised his neck to look at her, “Why are you laughing?”

 “You’re not laughing, hurry up and sit down.”


 “Is it okay to cut it shorter?”

“Hmm... Big brother said that if I can shave my head, I will shave my head.”

Si Ningning wetted the comb in the basin and combed He Gu's hair, "Shave your head? I'm not that capable, but your elder brother is. You can go home later and let your elder brother shave it for you."

Shaving your head requires specific haircut tools, but Si Ningning didn't have any. The most she had on hand was to cut Hegu's hair a little shorter.

“I don’t want a bald head!” He Gu protested and shook his head, “A bald head looks too strange.”

 Speaking with great imagination, "Like an egg."

Si Ningning laughed out loud, "Okay, don't move around, I'm going to start cutting."

"Oh!" Hegu sat up, obediently no longer moving, but his small mouth kept chattering, "By the way, Si Ningning."


“Sanae and I met Uncle Hong Bing when we came here. Uncle Hong Bing asked us to take a message and asked you to go to the house when you go to work in the afternoon. He has something to tell you.”


Si Ningning said "hmm" and guessed that it was about the literacy class.

  Comb Hegu's hair open and smooth, and Si Ningning put a comb under the hair and slowly cut it.

The neck tends to sweat in summer, and children are more likely to get prickly heat. Therefore, close to the neck, Si Ningning's comb is basically close to the scalp on the back of Hegu's neck, and is cut as short as possible. On the contrary, if it is close to the top of the head, the length will be slightly Be a little looser. After pruning for more than ten minutes, Si Ningning reached out and ruffled Hegu's hair, shaking off the broken hair, and then walked around to Hegu to look at it. to say it?

The broken hair is long at the top and short at the bottom. While it is clean and tidy, it also reveals the side of He Gu's face.

He used to have a small face that was as big as a palm and a scary pointed chin, which always made him look a bit sickly. But now, Hegu's entire face is revealed, and his face is a little bigger. The previous sickliness is gone, and instead Revealing a little shot's exclusive breast cuteness.

Si Ningning pinched He Gu’s cheek with satisfaction, “Very good!”

 Gently patted Hegu's neck to clean up the broken hair stuck to it, Si Ningning took out a towel, shook it out, and asked Sanae to sit on the pony.

Similarly soaking the comb, Si Ningning combed Sanae's hair through and said, "I'll boil a pot of water while I'm cooking. I'll wash your hair after dinner."

 “But it was already washed when we came here, so it’s not dirty.”

Hegu squatted beside the basin, scratched his neck, and took a look at the water. After a while, he raised his head in displeasure and looked up.

The shadows of the trees overhead were far away, so the illumination was clearer. When Hegu tilted his head to look, there was only a shadow outline in the basin, and nothing else could be seen.

Si Ningning was thinking about how to cut Sanae, and replied smoothly: "The purpose of washing your hair is to wash away the excess hair, so as not to leave it everywhere, prickly and itchy. It does not mean that you are dirty."


“Does Sanae know how to tie her hair?” Si Ningning asked.

"Yes." Sanae responded, and added after a while, "But if it's not tied well, it will fall apart easily."

Si Ningning nodded, knowing what was going on.

Sanae cannot tie her hair well, and there is no woman in the Chen family. It is basically impossible to expect Huo Lang to tie Sanae's hair.

Even if Huo Lang knew how to do it, he wouldn't be able to take care of it every day.

 So... it is indeed more appropriate to cut it shorter and easier to take care of.

Sanae's own hair was as long as her shoulders. Si Ningning lifted a strand of her hair. Before using the scissors, she lowered her head and said, "Do you want to cut it short?"

Originally, I thought that the little girl would be reluctant to cut her hair short, but Sanae was ignorant and didn't look strange. Instead, she nodded obediently.

Si Ningning is not so worried anymore.

 Hand the scissors to the correct position of the earlobes on both sides, and "tweeze" a few times, Sanae's hairstyle gradually took on a student-like bob.

Si Ningning originally thought about cutting the inner part of Sanmiao's hair closer to the back of her neck just like the haircut she had just cut for He Gu, but after weighing it, she gave up.

 Although Sanae's hair is very dark, it is also very thin and soft, which visually gives people the illusion of sparse hair. If she cuts off the inner layer of hair on the back of her neck, she may become bald.

Si Ningning gave up the idea, put the small scissors against Sanmiao's neck, straightened the corners of her hair a little, and trimmed the fragmentary and eye-catching bangs in front a little, and then stopped cutting them to eyebrow level.

“Okay, Hegu, come and take a look?”

Sanae tilted her head and showed He Gu openly.

He Gu stretched his neck and looked at it, nodded and said: "Very good, like a Bodhisattva."

  【In dialect, it is said that a child is like a Bodhisattva, which means similar to "child". It mostly refers to the child's cute spirit. 】

Si Ningning also thinks it’s very good.

Sanae has a chubby baby face, and her hair is now cut into ear-length shorts. Because her hair is thin and soft, it has a shallow in-button feel, and paired with thin bangs that look like air bangs, she is really cute and adorable.

Sanae held up her short hair with her little hand and pushed it up. Seeing Si Ningning and He Gu staring at her, she pursed her lips and smiled shyly: "Sister, I feel like my head has become lighter."

 “How can it not be light if you cut it off so much?”

Si Ningning shook the towel clean, soaked it with water, folded it up and held Sanmiao down so that Sanmiao could bend down. She took the wet towel and rubbed Sanmiao's neck around it, followed by Hegu.

Finally, she poured water on a clean towel and walked back. From the corner of her eye, she looked at the two neat little ones on her side. Si Ningning's lips curved and she thought funnyly:

 It seems that a new skill point has been lit up invisibly?

To save trouble at noon, Si Ningning took out the rice **** that he had made in the space. There were six in total, exactly two for each person. Although they were two rice balls, considering the size, Hegu and Sanae would definitely be full.

As for Si Ningning, she was too lazy to do it, so she decided to deal with it first and eat some fruit, watermelon or something later.

Si Ningning was thinking very well, but she forgot that there were diced hams in the rice balls. As soon as she put firewood on the stove to boil water, He Gu ran over with the rice **** in her hands, pointing at the pink and tender ham dices in the rice balls. : "Si Ningning, what is this? It's delicious."

"Ah? This..." Si Ningning stuttered, and with the corner of his eye he spotted a small piece of wild boar meat left on the kitchen beam. An idea flashed and he replied: "This is ham, which is actually chopped into pieces." Mud, mixed with starch.”

   said and pointed to the beam, "There is still a little meat left. If you like to eat it, I will cook it for you next time."

"This is delicious, and this minced rice is salty and delicious too." He Gu said honestly.

“Okay.” Si Ningning nodded with a smile, put his index finger on the tip of He Gu’s nose and nodded, “I’ll do it for you next time.”

Hegu nodded with a "huh" sound, squatted next to Si Ningning, and accompanied Si Ningning to make a fire and boil water.

  After dinner, I washed my hair again. Hegu's short hair dries quickly, but Sanae's long hair dries more slowly. Fortunately, the towel he washed before was also dry, so Si Ningning put it on Sanae's shoulder.

When the educated youths came back, Si Ningning was correcting Sanae's writing posture in the main room.

Seeing that everyone was back, Si Ningning was just about to make room for the two little ones when Xu Shuhua waved her hand and said, "Let them write. The food was all prepared in the morning. Everyone ate separately, and there were not many people at the table." Sit on."

Si Ningning nodded, sat at the table and chatted casually with Xu Shuhua and the others, "How was your work today?"

"Isn't it just those jobs?" Xu Shuhua shook her head with a smile, poured a glass of water and sat at the table to eat potatoes, "But having said that, it is indeed much easier than before."

"Isn't that true? I hid in the field for a while after I finished my work. I was afraid that when I came back early, the scorekeeper would say that I didn't work carefully." Jiang Yue carried the lunch box and crossed the bench to sit next to Sanae, stretching out Long Neck looked at Sanae, "Xiao Nizi, what did your sister teach you to write today?"

Sanae was a little embarrassed, but she still straightened up and showed Jiang Yue openly.

"What a name..." Jiang Yue stared at it and boasted casually: "It's very good. Keep up the hard work."


Sanae nodded vigorously, then pursed her lips and smiled brightly. Her chubby little face matched with her new haircut, she was soft and well-behaved. It made Jiang Yue's heart soften when she saw it. She held Sanae's little face and rubbed it again and again. rub.

 (End of this chapter)

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