Chapter 219 Love Poems

 The girls in the hall were chatting casually, when suddenly their vision dimmed and a man stood at the door.

The group of people all looked over, it was Mo Bei.

Jiang Yue still felt strange, but Si Ningning had already understood and stood up, exited from the bench, ran to the chicken coop in two steps, picked up the half-woven bamboo basket yesterday and handed it to Mo Bei.

"You guys talk first." Si Ningning smiled at Jiang Yue and the others, and then told Hegu and Sanmiao, "Write well and don't let your mind wander."

"Oh." He Gu responded. When he saw Si Ningning following Mo Bei out of the door, he softly "hummed" and pursed his mouth in displeasure.

Hong Bingshu is also true. Why do you want to arrange for male and female educated youths to live so close together?

That Mo Zhiqing is so good-looking and well-educated, and lives so close to Si Ningning. What if Si Ningning is hooked away?

 The more I thought about it, the more He Gu thought it was possible.

Hegu straightened his back as if facing a formidable enemy, closed the book twice, and jumped out of the chair, "Hurry up, Sanae, there are things at home, let's go back quickly!"

Hegu wanted to go home and tell the news.

His eldest brother's conditions are so poor, wouldn't it be even worse if that Mo Zhiqing gets ahead of him again?

Sanae tilted her head to the side, with a series of question marks on her head.

 Is everything okay at home?

Although she was confused, Sanae still chose to listen to her second brother. She quickly closed the notebook, picked up the notebook and pen and jumped out of the chair. The two of them ran out in a hurry.

Si Ningning outside the door saw it and asked, "What are you two doing?"

“Si Ningning, I suddenly remembered that something happened at home, so I’m going back first!”


Before Si Ningning had time to speak, Hegu and Sanmiao had already disappeared from the side of the house.

“…How do you say the wind is the rain?”

Now, it's Si Ningning's turn to raise a question mark on her forehead.

While he was stunned, Mo Bei's voice came to his ears: "The baskets can be made today, what do you want from the net bag?"

"Ah, that..." Si Ningning suddenly came back to her senses, "I want the net bag to be deeper and stronger."

Worried that Mo Bei would be confused about the use, Si Ningning took the initiative to confess: "I saw fish in the ditch before. The production team only said not to catch big fish, but not small fish, so...hehe."

Si Ningning smiled and did not continue.

Mo Bei understood. His starry eyes turned to Si Ningning calmly, and his tone was restrained: "You don't need to do this kind of thing."


Si Ningning turned her head to look at Mo Bei's delicate profile, and was suddenly a little stunned.

Mo Bei lowered his eyebrows and continued: "You know more. If you find something, you can come back and tell everyone, and everyone will divide the work."

Every time Si Ningning found something and worked hard to get it back, everyone would eat and use it together.

Mo Bei felt that what Jiang Yue said that day was right.

 But unfairness is not limited to male and female educated youths. To be more precise, it should be between Si Ningning and others.

 Thinking about it, Mo Bei added cautiously, "Don't always work alone."

"Do you know?" Mo Bei frowned seriously and looked at Si Ningning and asked seriously.

It seems that as long as Si Ningning denies it, he will become anxious with Si Ningning.

Si Ningning was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly, with a bright and dazzling smile, "Yeah!"

how to say?

At the moment just now, Si Ningning felt that the feeling in her heart was very strange.

  Originally, I was just looking for an excuse, but I didn't expect that Mo Bei would be linked to normal things.

Si Ningning really doesn’t think it’s a big deal when it comes to detailing what she does in daily life, but it seems that for her, small things that are done easily and help her along the way seem to be a great help in the eyes of others?

Although she had never cared about this, through Mo Bei's tone, Si Ningning knew that what she did was still noticed by others.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning hugged her knees and turned to look forward, her eyes crooked, and her laughter was clear and gentle.

 My mood suddenly became very good.

Si Ningning hugged her knees and looked up at the swaying leaves on the treetops in front of the door. Mo Bei looked sideways at Si Ningning, his frowning eyebrows gently relaxing.

Amidst Si Ningning's gentle laughter, Mo Bei's slightly pursed lips curled up slightly, and his mood became brighter.

Si Ningning is really a person with a halo all over his body...

It is a pity that this bright and gentle light does not shine only on him.


 What if it belongs to him alone?

 The gentle and bright moon.

 “Hello, Si Ningning.”

It was like a bubble floating on the water exploding. When he reacted, Mo Bei had already called out Si Ningning's name.

"Huh?" Si Ningning looked back and looked at Mo Bei with a comfortable smile on her face, "What's wrong?"

Mo Bei was startled for a moment, as if he had suddenly come to his senses. His ears turned red and he looked away. He pretended to be calm and concentrated on the finishing work in hand, but his clear voice never stopped, "Next time, if you need anything, just do it." Find me."

 “If I don’t know how, I can learn.”

“Just like this time when weaving bamboo baskets, even though it’s my first time, I will put in my energy and take it seriously to finish it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the finishing work was completed. Mo Bei held the bamboo basket in both hands and handed it to Si Ningning. Their eyes met inadvertently, and both of them were stunned for a moment.

Si Ningning vaguely seemed to feel something, but the feeling passed by in a flash, and she met Mo Bei's eyes before she could grasp it firmly.

 The persistent, sincere and serious gaze made Si Ningning unable to say no.

"I will." Si Ningning took the bamboo basket and nodded casually, "Thank you!"

 Let's wait and see. As for whether it will happen or not, it will depend on the situation later.

 When Si Ningning encounters a problem, he will solve it by himself if he can. If he really can't solve it, he will consider asking for help from others.

It is not her style to ask for help before she has tried it.

“There’s no rush about the net bag. It’s still a while before work starts today, so go take a nap as soon as possible!”

 “Okay.” Mo Bei nodded.

Mo Bei was already in a good mood. He was not rejected by Si Ningning. Now he has climbed to another level. There is a breeze when he gets up and walks, and his steps are particularly happy and brisk.

Si Ningning watched Mo Bei step into the gate of the male educated youth side and shook his head with emotion: It seems that Mo Bei has really discovered the fun of basket weaving. Although this kind of fun is a bit strange for an educated young man, it is not incomprehensible.


However, although.

Si Ningning still couldn't hold back and put her fist to her lips and laughed.

 What should I do if the contrast between front and back is too great? It's really funny.

Si Ningning sat on the steps and chuckled. Jiang Yue glanced over and said, "What are you doing silly? Why don't you come in and take a nap?"

 “Well, here we are.” Si Ningning raised her lips, smiled and entered the room holding the bamboo basket.

“We just discussed steaming an egg in the evening. Then we’ll beat four eggs. We should be able to steam a big bowl and everyone can eat it. What do you think?”

“Okay, do you want to eat leeks? Go back and ask the male educated youth. If you want to eat, you can say hello to the aunt on the team and come back after work in the afternoon to cut some.”

"Eat, definitely eat! As long as you can eat it, don't choose anything!" Jiang Yue raised her hands to express, "I'll take care of this. I'll ask when I get up soon!"

"Okay." Si Ningning opened the mosquito net and climbed into bed with a smile.

 I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but every time I see Jiang Yue active and naive, Si Ningning always thinks of Li Lingyuan.

However, the two people do seem to be somewhat similar in temperament?

Si Ningning folded his hands on his lower abdomen and recalled and compared the clips about Jiang Yue and Li Lingyuan in his daily life. In a trance, he fell into a deep sleep without knowing it.

 On the other side, the male educated youth had another quarrel in the house.

 Mo Bei was not in a hurry to sleep after entering the house. Instead, he took out a pen and notebook from the box he brought from the countryside and started writing.

 “Boss Mo, what are you writing?”

Li Lingyuan was so restless that he hadn't slept since. When he saw this scene, he felt curious, so he jumped off the bed and stretched his neck to take a look.

With just one glance, Li Lingyuan saw two lines of words clearly:

 I love the moon.

 Love her forever, love her thousands of miles away...

Li Lingyuan not only saw it, but also read it aloud. Mo Bei hissed, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and raised his head and glared at Li Lingyuan, while subconsciously covering the contents of the notebook with his hands.

 "Go aside!" Mo Bei said fiercely.

Mo Bei has always been very cold. This time, the noise was so loud and fierce. Li Lingyuan shivered and was really shocked.

“Boss Mo, are you writing a love poem? Do you use the word ‘she’ next to the word for female?!”

Haunted, Li Lingyuan couldn't help but gossip, "Moon, it's very romantic..."

Li Lingyuan grinned, but before he finished speaking, his eyes met Mo Bei's icy-cold gaze. He trembled and came back to his senses instantly.

"Ah? Why am I here? Am I not sleeping? Sleep, sleep..."

Li Lingyuan turned around with a white eye and a confused look, pretending to be sleepwalking and lay down on the bed again, never moving again.

 If nothing else works, pretending to be stupid will always come first.

Mo Bei snorted through his nose, glared at Li Lingyuan before looking away, and continued writing with the same train of thought.


 The afternoon time always passed quickly. Si Ningning woke up again and was awakened by the vague voices of Jiang Yue and others.

Jiang Yue and others in the main room heard the noise and turned around. Seeing Si Ningning opening the mosquito net, Jiang Yue said: "We are getting ready to work. If you are not in a hurry, you can sleep a little longer."

Si Ningning yawned lazily, shook his head, got out of bed and put on his shoes, "Although I'm not in a hurry to get to work, I still have other things to do."

Si Ningning did not forget that Zhao Hongbing came to find her.

Despite what he said, Si Ningning got up later than Jiang Yue and the others, so in the end they were not able to go out together.

After Jiang Yue and the others left, Si Ningning simply stopped being anxious and slowly poured water to wash her face to wake herself up. She scattered her hair and combed it neatly again. Then she carried the rabbit cage into the house, put on her straw hat, closed the door and walked towards the team. went.

The real busy time for farming has passed. Zhao Hongbing went out to work recently and was no longer as hasty as before. In addition, He Gu and the others were asked to send a message to Si Ningning in the morning. After lunch break, Zhao Hongbing simply waited at home for Si Ningning to come.

 Waiting left and right, Zhao Hongbing moved from the table to sit on the horse stand against the wall, and then moved from the horse horse to the threshold, looking around but still no one came.

There was really nothing to do. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the sweeping broom at home was ruined with only a broom head left. Zhao Hongbing put down half a bundle of sorghum stalks hanging from the beam in the hall, intending to make a new broom in his spare time.

Zhao Hongbing took the maza to the door and sat in a drafty place. As soon as Zhao Hongbing sorted out half of the sorghum stalks, a clear voice came from the courtyard: "Captain, you are looking for me."

It’s Si Ningning who’s here.

 “Oh, Si Zhiqing, come on, come in, sit down and talk.”

 Zhao Hongbing put down what he was doing and took the lead in taking the enamel jar and pouring water.

Having dealt with Zhao Hongbing several times, Si Ningning basically understood Zhao Hongbing's temperament, so Zhao Hongbing asked her to sit down, and she sat down openly without any nervousness or restraint.

"It's not about anything else, just what I told you about the literacy class last time." Zhao Hongbing pushed the enamel jar to Si Ningning, poured a cup himself and sat at the table diagonally, "Over there in the commune. The latest news is that literacy classes are definitely going to be held, but if we want to teach little kids, it’s a little different from literacy classes.”

"I know this." Si Ningning nodded, looked at Zhao Hongbing and asked, "What are your thoughts, captain?"

Zhao Hongbing thought about it for a moment and said, "Well...we are peasants, and even the few words we know are learned in a crooked way. I don't know what a serious school looks like."

Zhao Hongbing said, and the topic suddenly changed, "My thoughts may make you feel embarrassed, but I want to tell you first, and we will communicate further about the details. What do you think?"

Si Ningning nodded and approved the proposal.

"What the school is like, we crawlers don't know, but Si Zhiqing, you have gone to school seriously. I think how you learned in school before, how you will teach those little kids in the future, I believe this I can't trouble you, but there is a thorny problem at the moment..." Zhao Hongbing rubbed his face. Although he felt a little embarrassed for Si Ningning, he still said it as it happened: "What kind of "teaching" method did the commune say? It’s up to us, but we don’t provide teaching textbooks.”

It is a literacy class for adults. You can just focus on common words or quotations in life. It is basically not difficult. But for children, literacy class is school. Zhao Hongbing wants to be more professional so that children can learn more things. .

 It's hard to talk to others about Zhao Hongbing, and people may not agree if he does. After all, not everyone is as capable as Si Ningning and likes children. The key is that he is easy to talk to.

Si Ningning listened to Zhao Hongbing for a long time and roughly understood the problem that Zhao Hongbing was struggling with, "That is to say, if we want to guide children in a formal way, we need to compile our own teaching materials."

 “No, no, no…” Zhao Hongbing waved his hand quickly.

Si Ningning frowned slightly.

 That's not it. Could she have got it wrong?

Just when Si Ningning thought he was mistaken, Zhao Hongbing added: "It's not us, it's you, Si Zhiqing!"

“…” Si Ningning pursed her lips hard and looked at Zhao Hongbing with a speechless expression that meant she was either crying or laughing.

Zhao Hongbing didn't seem to notice Si Ningning's speechlessness. "Hehe" he smiled and continued talking to himself: "I don't know a few Chinese characters, so how can I mess with it? Hehe, hehehehe..."

 (End of this chapter)

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