Chapter 220 Business

Zhao Hongbing rubbed his forehead, his eyes showed concern for the children, and at the same time, he also revealed the simplicity and honesty of the grassroots people.

Si Ningning sighed softly, almost thinking that Zhao Hongbing was connoting her just now.

"I know Captain, I will try my best to complete this matter." Si Ningning lowered her eyelids and thought for a moment. She raised her long eyelashes and looked at Zhao Hongbing, "But compared to this matter, there is one more thing I want to do. Ask the captain what he means."

Zhao Hongbing has always attached great importance to the literacy class. When Si Ningning said he had something to ask, Zhao Hongbing immediately straightened up and asked, "What is it?"

"The children have not gone to school seriously, so they must be taught from the basics. The corresponding courses are the first and second grades." Si Ningning said "hmm" and expressed his thoughts and doubts, "The courses for the first and second grade are Chinese...Chinese Generally speaking, two teachers are needed for arithmetic and arithmetic. I would like to ask the captain if he plans to arrange two teachers, or is it just me?”

"Well, what about this..." Zhao Hongbing put his elbows on the table and scratched his head. His palms came down and he rubbed his face again.

Children in class are different from free-range children in daily life. It is not that easy to take care of. In addition, compiling teaching materials is not an easy task. Although Zhao Hongbing likes Si Ningning, he is also afraid that the pressure will be too great and he will be given away when the time comes. Crushed.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Hongbing expressed his position: "Two of you, let's arrange two teachers. But for Si Zhiqing, we have to agree in advance that you will teach the cultural class and let another teacher teach the arithmetic."

 The first and second grade Chinese and mathematics were not difficult. Si Ningning thought there was no difference and nodded in agreement.

Regarding the topic of teachers, Zhao Hongbing asked Si Ningning for his opinion again, "Besides you, there are six educated youths in the Educated Youth Point. Si Educated Youth, do you think there are any suitable candidates to recommend as arithmetic teachers?"

This question is not easy to answer. A bad answer will attract hatred.

"Everyone usually works in the fields and seldom mentions cultural matters. It's hard to say the specific level of education, but there will definitely be no problem in teaching the children." Si Ningning pondered for a moment and chose this statement. "In terms of character, you can look at Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua among female educated youths, and Song Shuhan among male educated youths should also be good."

The reason why Song Xiaoyun is not mentioned is because in daily life, Si Ningning has caught up with Song Xiaoyun several times, who is nagging and talking in a foggy manner. To put it mildly, it will make people confused, but to put it bluntly, it is very clear. Inexplicable.

In contrast, Si Ningning felt that Song Xiaoyun’s personal logic was not so clear and she was not suitable for being a teacher.

As for Mo Bei and Li Lingyuan, one is cold and taciturn, the other is unreasonably naive, and they are not suitable.

Speaking of being silly, Jiang Yue is actually quite silly, but she is a girl, and her personality is much more delicate than that of a boy. She also has the experience of taking care of her younger brother before, and she usually gets along well with He Gu and Sanae. Si Ningning I think she can be put on the list.

Zhao Hongbing nodded after hearing this, and seemed to be thinking about it, "Okay, I'll go back and ask these three, and we'll see the situation later. Oh, by the way, Si Zhiqing, and about that classroom, I asked in private. Lin Linzong always has twenty-two children, and the empty houses that can be vacated by the team are too small to accommodate so many people. I am thinking of building a new one in the corner of the old house at the corner of the educated youth point, and the construction will start in the next two days. "

As he said that, Zhao Hongbing asked again: "Look, do you have any suggestions for the classroom?"


The scene when he was in school could not help but come to mind. Si Ningning shook his head and shook away those unrealistic thoughts, "Nothing else, just try to make the classroom as spacious and bright as possible. If you are sure that there are no weeds in the corner of the old room, It must also be eradicated to prevent snakes and insects hiding inside.”

Children are generally young, and they like to dig into the grass when they play. If they can't pay attention, adults can only pay attention to it and eliminate the danger.

Zhao Hongbing nodded repeatedly, and Si Ningning suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, a blackboard is a must."

Zhao Hongbing knew about the blackboard. He used to go to the commune for meetings, and there were blackboards on the front and rear walls of the commune house. This problem should not be difficult to solve. He could just go to the commune and ask the general manager when he got around to it.

Thinking about it, Zhao Hongbing patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, the production team at the facility will do their best to provide complete supplies."

 “Haha...Okay, captain.” Si Ningning was ashamed, her face wrinkled in embarrassment, and she thought to herself: Listen to this, why does it sound like she is making conditions?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning saw that they had almost finished talking about the matter. Before leaving, he hesitated and said, "Well, Captain..."

"Si Zhiqing, what else is there? Just ask!" Thinking it was about the literacy class, Zhao Hongbing was particularly bold and cheerful.

Si Ningning smiled sheepishly, "I want to take a day off to go to town tomorrow, is that okay?"

Zhao Hongbing was stunned for a moment, and he asked Si Ningning what he was doing in town because he had just taken a vacation two days in advance. Si Ningning explained that he was buying daily necessities, but Zhao Hongbing was silent and considered it.

Si Ningning was afraid that Zhao Hongbing would disagree with her because she delayed the work in the pig pen, so she quickly expressed her position: "I left early. I just need Aunt Lianmi to take over for me in the morning. I will be back in the afternoon."

During the holidays before, Chen Lianmi took over the work in the pig pen. If you ask for leave, you will probably have to trouble Chen Lianmi.

"Harm, that's not what I'm worried about." Zhao Hongbing smiled and waved his hand, "I just suddenly thought that when you become a teacher, it will be inconvenient for you to take care of the pig pen. I have to deal with the pig pen as soon as possible. It’s about finding people.”

 This means she agreed to take leave!

Si Ningning's eyes flashed with joy. She wanted to say that she could take care of the pig pen, but she swallowed her words after thinking about it.

She has a lot of things in her space and a lot of money on her body. She has no shortage of food, drink and some work points, and Zhao Hongbing certainly didn't let her become a teacher for nothing.

  Anyway, working in the pig pen was just a pretense. Now that I have other jobs, there is no need to hold them all.

Si Ningning was thinking about her own affairs and did not answer the call.

Zhao Hongbing suddenly said happily: "Si Zhiqing, when the time comes, don't keep the secret method of raising pigs to yourself, but teach it to everyone!"

 The secret of raising pigs…


Si Ningning’s mouth twitched, and she suddenly fell silent.

 Does she know a hammer’s secret method of raising pigs?

We couldn't talk about space, so Si Ningning chose a compromise explanation: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that animals are sometimes similar to people. If the growing environment is good, the mood will be happy, and this happiness will make you gain weight." "

Si Ningning’s eyebrows were knotted, and she always felt that this statement was a little unreasonable.

Just as he was hesitating, there was a sudden "pop" beside him, which startled Si Ningning.

Zhao Hongbing slapped the table, as if suddenly enlightened, "Hey Si Zhiqing, you are so right! Isn't that the truth? I will explain it later, and let people continue as you usually do. Dry!"

 Zhao Hongbing firmly believed in Si Ningning's words.

After all, no one would have thought that something as magical as "space" would exist in this world, let alone that Si Ningning would use the convenience of space to open extra small stoves for the pigs in the pig pen.

 Zhao Hongbing didn’t know, but Si Ningning, as the victim, knew about it.

 But now that the matter was over, Si Ningning could only silently light a candle in her heart for the person who would take over the work of the pig pen, and she could not get involved in anything else.

After chatting for a while about the pig pen, Si Ningning got up and left the captain's house.

Determined to go to town the next day, Si Ningning quickly finished her work in the pig pen and entered the space, picking and packing some things.

Si Ningning did not prepare much, just five feet of cloth, five kilograms of rice, ten kilograms of pork, and two military kettles. This was the first time to send something there, and Si Ningning didn't know how Gu Yang would respond, so he could only proceed with caution.

  If everything is handed over to the monkey head, there may be less stuff, but it’s the first time, so it’s understandable.

 But if it doesn’t work, just make an excuse and say you’ll take care of it yourself.

Anyway, it can fit in a backpack, which makes it easy to carry in the eyes of outsiders, not to mention that Si Ningning has space in his hands and can be used for space transfer.

By the way, Si Ningning left the space for a group of poultry raised in the space.

Catching Jiang Yue and the others sewing clothes at night, Si Ningning watched and joined in the fun for a while before returning to his bed, closing the mosquito net and lying down.

 In order to have enough energy to cope with the next day, Si Ningning fell asleep peacefully that night and did not enter the space again.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Si Ningning, dressed as a young man, showed up at the scrapyard in the town. He thought he had a low chance of encountering Hericium, but he didn't expect to catch up with Hericium and Old Man Cheng, each carrying a large bundle of goods on a pole. The planks are weighed.

 There are other people nearby, probably here to buy things.

Glancing around, Si Ningning stepped across the threshold and said in a low voice: "Is there a cabinet in better condition?"

Houtou was about to say no, but when he heard the voice, he quickly looked up and saw that it was Si Ningning, and he almost jumped up.

"Hello, comrade, there is a cupboard with half a door missing. If you think it's okay, you can go over and have a look." Houtou tried his best to suppress his excitement. After speaking, he looked away and concentrated on cooperating with Old Man Cheng to adjust the height of the pole. Convenient for weighing.

"Okay, let me take a look first." Si Ningning nodded in agreement, sighing in her heart that the monkey head was still cautious, and walked towards Lijian.

 Old man Cheng quickly weighed it and sent the monkey to the inner room with a wave of his hand.

The monkey head walked into the room and shouted: "How about this? Is this good?"

Once inside, avoiding everyone's sight, the monkey head swooped up to Si Ningning, "Why did you come so fast?"

As if afraid that others would see it, the monkey head glanced back warily, then looked at Si Ningning again, and continued in a low voice: "I'm so anxious, I've been looking forward to you!"


Si Ningning could see the eagerness of the monkey head, seeing that his words were so inconsistent.

Without too much entanglement, Si Ningning went straight to the topic, "How do you reply over there?"

"It's done, Brother Yang said he's willing to join the gang!" Heitou responded in a low voice. He always felt that it was not safe to talk outside, so he gave Si Ningning a look and said, "Go to the cubicle."

Si Ningning nodded, and then the monkey head took the lead and "introduced" to the cubicle: "There is a wooden board here. If you like this cabinet, you can take a look at this wooden board. Repair it and it can also be used as a cabinet door. make."

Entering the cubicle, Houtou closed the door and carefully told Si Ningning what happened in the past few days: "I told Brother Yang about this, and Brother Yang thought about it and said it was okay. He can also keep the account, but he said He can only write softly."

 The word "soft pen" should refer to the writing brush.

 Si Ningning nodded his head to express his understanding.

The monkey head continued to ramble: "Last time you said you would only come here every ten days and a half. I couldn't let it go. I felt that you would definitely come here every two days, so I didn't do anything else these days. Waiting here."

“Brother Yang said that you would definitely bring something when you come here. Have you brought it?” Monkey Head craned his neck to look at the basket beside Si Ningning. He was a little hesitant but also a little expectant. “Did you really bring it?”

"Yes." Si Ningning didn't hide anything. He directly opened the cloth at the mouth of the basket and took out everything inside, "Look at the goods first. If you think you can make a move after reading it, look for a ruler or a scale to check. "

"Okay, okay!" Houtou picked up a piece of newspaper and put it under his butt, rubbing his hands excitedly, waiting for Si Ningning to show off his treasure.

“I’m not sure what’s going on here this time. I didn’t bring much, just five kilograms of rice, and the unit price is fifty cents per kilogram.”

“Five catties of pork, the unit price is two yuan per catty.”

“Five feet of cloth, the unit price is two pieces per foot.”

“This is a military kettle, with an insulated liner...a good thing from a big city, priced at twelve yuan apiece.”

“What, what, what!?” The monkey took a breath. The prices of rice and pork in front were understandable. What kind of cloth and kettle could be sold at such a high price?

After seeing what Si Ningning took out clearly, the monkey head shut up.

 If you want to ask why, what else can it be for?

 Quality value!

The monkey-headed hands couldn't help but fumble on the thick pile of cloth that Si Ningning took out, and his mouth almost burst into laughter, "It's so soft... This is good stuff, this is indeed good stuff!"

"Okay, don't touch blindly. Your hands were touched everywhere just now. Are they dirty? If the cloth is stained, it will be difficult to do anything later." Si Ningning sneered.

The monkey head took back his hand and said a little embarrassedly: "This kind of good thing is not common and is rare... I can't hold it back, I can't hold it back, haha!"

"Okay, I've seen it all, no problem." said the monkey head, pulling out a small scale from under a pile of debris in the corner of the cubicle.

The things he usually sells are hidden here.

After weighing the pork and rice, there was no problem. The monkey called Si Ningning to help him stretch out the cloth and started to draw on the two short lines on the wall that looked like marks.

Si Ningning knew at a glance that the distance between the short lines was one foot.

The monkey head stretched out the fabric a few times and measured the size. "The fabric is fine."

After the words fell, Monkeyhead turned to look at Si Ningning, "Dongdong, let me tell you the truth. The rice and meat can definitely be sold. The price of cloth is a bit high, but the material is good, so it should be about the same. That military kettle will cost Twelve yuan a piece, I’m really clueless.”

Si Ningning nodded, "It doesn't matter, I can take the kettle back, and you can just sell the others."


 Begging for votes domineeringly! (akimbo)

 (End of this chapter)

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