Chapter 221 I thought...

The monkey pursed his lips and nodded. He rummaged in his pocket and took out a handful of odd bills. He counted them in front of him and handed them to Si Ningning, "Here are five yuan in total. Brother Yang and I collected it together." , because I didn’t know how much you would bring, so I collected these first.”

 “Take it, I’ll give you the rest when you come next time.”

According to Si Ningning, she would supply the first batch of goods first and only pay for the first batch of goods when she came over for the second time. However, Gu Yang felt that this was too unsafe for Si Ningning.

Since we plan to do business together, we must show sincerity.

This money was given by Gu Yang to Heitou. Gu Yang thought that Si Ningning would not bring too many things, and five yuan was almost enough.

 But in fact, Si Ningning did not bring many things, but the unit price was very high.

Having dealt with Heitou several times, Si Ningning knew more or less about Heitou's character. He knew that giving money was probably not the idea of ​​Heitou, so he asked casually, "Is that what Gu Yang meant?" ?”

"Hehe, you're smart, I can't hide it from you." Hehe smiled, then suddenly thought of something, slapped his head and said in surprise: "Tsk! That's right! Brother Yang said that you have to contribute to the supply here. You also need to write a separate copy of the account book to me, so that there are many people handling it to avoid mistakes in the process. "

Gu Yang was indeed cautious, but Si Ningning was already prepared.

Almost as soon as Heitou finished speaking, Si Ningning took out two cheap arithmetic books from under the basket on his back, "I've written them all, show them to Gu Yang when you go to deliver the things, so that he knows what they are." Whatever the price and quantity is, it’s up to him as to the accounting. I’m only responsible for supplying goods and collecting payment, and I won’t check your accounts.”

Si Ningning made two bills according to his supply situation, one for himself and one for the monkey head.

Si Ningning was not prepared for Gu Yang's side, because she was considering that Gu Yang's accounting must be kept in two parts, one is the purchase price, which is the price of her supply, and the other is the bid price.

Bidding is related to profit and is a relatively private matter. Si Ningning doesn't want to pry, nor is he interested in prying. The reason why he emphasizes keeping accounts is because he is afraid that if he encounters special circumstances in the future and the amount or money does not match the accounts, he will try to pull the hook again. Bullshit.

Si Ningning did the calculation before this batch of goods arrived. The total amount was forty-seven yuan and five cents. Heritou did not ask for a kettle. After deducting two kettles and twenty-four cents, the remaining amount was twenty-three yuan and five cents, minus the five cents that Heritou gave her in advance. Yuan, the remaining balance is eighteen yuan and five cents.

After Si Ningning explained everything, he checked the accounts with Houtou in person, crossed out the payment originally written in the two books, briefly explained the situation, and wrote down the remaining balance information. Both parties were sure that there was no problem, Si Ningning Then he handed one of the account books to the monkey head.

"Then let's do this for today, I'll come over next time." Si Ningning put the basket on his back and said, "You can also pay attention to see what is best to get rid of. I will try my best to get it in the future."

"Okay!" Sheitou agreed immediately, put away his things and covered them with sundries. As he opened the door, he asked, "When will you come over next time? I'll confirm with you, so that I don't have to worry about missing you and come here to stay." "

Si Ningning did the math in his mind and said: "Today is the 22nd, and the next time I come back will be the first, second and third day of the lunar month. I can't say exactly which day. Please come here diligently during those two days. If I come back before noon, If you don’t come, you don’t have to wait.”

The first day of next month is the Mid-Autumn Festival in the lunar calendar, August 15th, and the Gregorian calendar is the National Day. The educated youth point said it is half a month off. Calculating the time, it should be stuck at that time.


Si Ningning nodded and walked out first.

There were still people shopping outside, but Old Man Cheng couldn't help but ask Si Ningning, so he asked Si Ningning with a smile on his face, "How are you doing? Do you like it?"

"The cabinet is okay, but it's a bit too big. I can't move it alone. I'll go back and ask someone to help me move it." Si Ningning nodded and replied.

 The subtext is that the transaction goes smoothly.

 Old man Cheng had a clear conscience. He smiled and joked a few words, and then turned his head away when other Taobao customers shouted at him.

Si Ningning left the scrap depot and found a place to enter the space to change her clothes. When she came out of the space again, she went directly to the state-owned hotel to solve the problem of lunch.

After this trip today, she will no longer have to go to the black market in person.

Even if you go to the black market, you will go as a buyer. In addition to carefully avoiding the elusive people wearing epaulettes on the street, if you behave more restrained, you don't have to worry about attracting other people's attention for the time being.

 After finishing lunch, Si Ningning went to the supply and marketing cooperative.

 In fact, I don’t have anything I want to buy, I’m just afraid that people will ask me if I go back empty-handed.

After buying a bag of ten pieces of letter paper, Si Ningning stood in front of the glass cabinet for a long time. Thinking of the malted milk that Jiang Yue and the others had expected before, Si Ningning was also curious about the nutritional supplements of this era, so she spoke A jar of malted milk.

This time the salesperson was a different person, a middle-aged uncle.

Hearing that Si Ningning wanted malted milk, the middle-aged man turned around and took a red tin box from the tall cabinet behind him and handed it to Si Ningning, "Comrade, malted milk is six yuan a can."

 Six yuan was not cheap, but Si Ningning bought it anyway.

Out of the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, Si Ningning opened the lid of the tin box. There was a plastic sealed bag inside. The malted milk in the bag was in the form of fine granules, a bit like chicken essence.

Although he was still curious, Si Ningning honestly closed the lid and prepared to unpack it when he got home.

In addition, there was a letter from Beijing and City, and she should respond to it both emotionally and rationally.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning put the malted milk into the basket, carried the basket on his back and walked towards the post office.

 At the same time, the third team of the Chen family, Huo Lang, was blocked by Chen Lianmi at the door of their house.

“Alang, it’s not my aunt who told you. In the first two years, you said you couldn’t let go of your younger siblings. Now the two younger ones are older. It’s time for you to consider your personal issues.”

"..." Huo Lang wiped his face and had just finished packing up the little ones at home. He was carrying the basket and was about to go out. Unexpectedly, he was blocked before he could go out.

Holang's Adam's apple slid, and the muscles of his arms holding the rope on the bamboo basket bulged, "Auntie, let's talk about this later. I have no such plan at the moment."

 After saying that, I wanted to leave.

Chen Lianmi sighed, moved a step and blocked Huo Lang's path again, "Don't worry about it now. People are here. Why don't you go over and take a look? If the truth is not true, let's talk about it. Next time, my aunt will be looking for you. Something else.”


Although he knew that Chen Lianmi meant well, he really didn't need anyone to introduce him to her.

Huo Lang's arched eyebrows furrowed in displeasure, but before he could finish his sentence, he heard Chen Lianmi ramble: "The girl this time is eighteen years old, and she is from the brigade next door. A sixth-grade diploma can also have a serious job, I’m working as a salesperson at the town supply and marketing cooperative!”

“Auntie, I really don’t need this, so you don’t need to say it anymore.”

"You silly boy, my aunt knows that you don't care about the woman's salary, but if this thing comes to pass, and you go to the county to run errands in the future, someone will take care of the two younger ones at home, right? You will have hot food to eat when you come home... "

Huo Lang made his attitude clear, but Chen Lianmi still refused to get out of the way. With no other option, Huo Lang simply showed his hand, "Auntie, please stop talking, I have a girl I like."

The girl who came over to take a look is now at Chen Lianmi's house. She is indeed a decent and excellent girl. Chen Lianmi made up her mind early in the morning to persuade Huo Lang to go and have a look.

 But in just a moment, Chen Lianmi forgot all about her draft, "What?!"

"You silly boy, why didn't you tell me earlier? Which girl is she from? Where have you come now? When did you go over to ask for the door?" Huo Lang originally wanted to shut up Chen Lianmi and send him away. , Unexpectedly, when Chen Lianmi heard what he said, she felt as if she had been beaten to death. Her face looked even more excited than before, and the questions she asked were more tricky than the last.

As questions came out of Chen Lianmi's mouth one after another, Huo Lang's thick eyebrows frowned slightly at the beginning, and then his head felt a little dizzy. He couldn't handle it anymore. Huo Lang simply gave up the idea of ​​going out to work and grasped the balance. He dropped Chen Lianmi in front of him, put his hands behind Chen Lianmi and pushed him out of the yard:

“Auntie, I can just take care of these things myself. When it comes to the door-to-door step, I’ll buy good cigarettes and wine and ask my aunt to be a matchmaker.”

Horang took a step forward, closed the bamboo rafting courtyard door smoothly, and added through the waist-high courtyard door: "As for the rest, aunt, please don't embarrass me now."

Although Chen Lianmi was a little reluctant, she also knew Huo Lang's temperament and didn't want to push too hard, so she took a step back and said cheerfully: "Okay, work harder and finalize the matter quickly. Auntie will wait. Let’s eat your wedding candy!”

The image of Si Ningning's bright smiling face as he turned his head flashed in Huo Lang's mind, his deep brows furrowed, and he let out a soft "hmm".

I hope that one day. Huo Lang sighed in his heart.

Thinking that there were still guests at home, Chen Lianmi did not stay at Chen's house for a long time and turned around to go home after encouraging Huo Lang for a few words.

Si Ningning returned to the production team just in time for work to end at noon. When he turned to the path at the corner of the old house, he met Mo Bei.

The tall man with broad shoulders and narrow waist walked slowly in front. The scene seemed familiar. It reminded Si Ningning of the scene when she and Mo Bei walked here when they first went to the countryside.

At that time she greeted Mo Bei, but Mo Bei reacted very coldly and turned away before she could finish her words.

 Although the relationship seems to have eased now, that memory was not beautiful to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning swallowed her saliva as her throat slid, and hesitated for a while. Just when she was about to give up the idea of ​​saying hello, Mo Bei in front suddenly stopped and turned around, "Si Ningning?"

"Huh?" Si Ningning raised her head suddenly and looked at Mo Bei. Si Ningning straightened her waist subconsciously and responded with a dry smile, "Ha... Mo Bei, what a coincidence."

 “Don’t stop, walk and talk.”

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, nodded "Yeah", and trotted to Mo Bei's side.

For a moment, Si Ningning thought: Mo Bei, it seems that he is indeed different from before.

 If this was the case, she wouldn't have to hold on to the past again and again, and then stick to this and avoid that.

Let’s not talk about whether it’s tiring or not, sometimes it will make it even more embarrassing.



The two of them walked back side by side. It was a bit awkward to remain silent. Si Ningning considered speaking, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Mo Bei's voice.

Si Ningning turned her head and saw Mo Beiling's lips pursed slightly. She couldn't help but think of Mo Beiling's cold temperament. It was really difficult for him to expect him to find a topic to ease the embarrassment. So, she curled her eyes, although she was considerate. , but also said somewhat forcefully: "I'll say it first!"

"Okay." Mo Beixing's eyes flickered slightly, he lowered his eyelids and slowed down his voice, "You say it first."

"Have you been off work for a while? You usually go back to the educated youth camp with Li Lingyuan and the others. Why are you alone today?" Si Ningning asked curiously.

"I asked them to go back first." Mo Bei paused and continued: "I just went to the captain's house to ask for leave."

Si Ningning's breath was stagnant and he asked casually: "Did the captain say anything?"

She just asked for leave yesterday, and Mo Bei asked for leave again today. She won't be scolded, right?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning looked sideways at Mo Bei, only to see Mo Bei's eyebrows slightly furrowed, with confusion written all over his face.

Si Ningning felt a bulge in her heart.

Have you really been scolded?

Whether he was scolded or not, Si Ningning soon knew because Mo Bei spoke: "There are guests at the captain's house. I agreed without saying anything."

Mo Bei continued to explain: "I sent a letter to my family a few days ago, and I thought I would receive a reply in the next few days, so I wanted to go to the post office."

This is half true and false. In fact, Mo Bei was a little impatient.

 He sent a letter to his family about the books. If nothing happens, he will receive the books in the mail in the next two days.

 Once the book arrives, he will have a reason to find Si Ningning...

Si Ningning vaguely remembered something like this. She saw Mo Bei going out early one morning.

Just as he was thinking about it, Mo Bei turned around, pursed his lips and asked hesitantly: "I'm going to the town in two days. Do you... have anything you need help bringing back?"

Si Ningning shook her head and turned sideways to show Mo Bei the malted milk essence in the basket on her back. "No, I just went to town today."

After finishing speaking, he paused and explained with a dry smile: "You know about the letter I received. I asked the captain for leave yesterday just to go and mail the letter today."

 “That’s it…”

Mo Bei frowned and lowered his eyelids, just thinking about it.

Even if Si Ningning didn't go to town today, it had only been a few days since he last went to town. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be short of anything.

There were girls running behind Mo Bei before, but this was the first time that Mo Bei had the idea of ​​actively pursuing a girl.

 When a young man is first attracted by his heart, it is inevitable that he will feel confused. Mo Bei knew that there were not many places where he would be related to Si Ningning, so he did not want to miss or give up on anything he could think of.

 But now…

Mo Bei suddenly felt a little regretful.

Mo Bei nodded sadly, while Si Ningning seemed to be attracted by something. She took a step to the side of the path, bent down and pulled off the grass vines wrapped around the small trees on the roadside, and picked up the thin vines to pinch them. A few paragraphs.

Mo Bei was diverted by Si Ningning's actions and helped push the small tree toward the roadside to make it easier for Si Ningning to operate.

 “Can you eat this too?” Mo Bei asked.

Si Ningning glanced at Mo Bei in surprise, "This is grass, you can't eat it."

 "I thought..." Mo Bei uttered three words and then fell silent.

 (End of this chapter)

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