Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 222: Confrontation

Chapter 222 Confrontation

Si Ningning was usually very good at digging for wild vegetables, and since most of the things were edible, Mo Bei misunderstood and thought that the grass picked this time was also edible.

 “Then what’s the use of picking this?”

"Hmm..." Si Ningning thought for a moment and explained, "It's for making clothes."

"make clothes?"

"I'm making my own clothes, not yours." Si Ningning smiled and talked about his thoughts, "Although the cloth was dyed last time and the color was good, if it is a solid color, it will still feel plain. I just I was thinking, could I use plants to print and dye patterns on the collar or cuffs of the clothes? "

 “If it works, the clothes won’t be too plain and won’t look garish.”

Mo Bei accompanied Si Ningning and helped her pick leaves from several other plants. During the process, he asked casually: "Is this what I read in the book too?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded and nodded, "Yeah!"

Mo Bei looked at her "Yes, that's right" expression, and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips, his starry eyes slightly curved, and laughed out loud.

 “What are you laughing at?”

"Ahem..." Mo Bei coughed lightly and said frankly: "The more I get along with you, the more I feel that you know many things. When you think about it, the only thing you don't know is weaving bamboo baskets."

Si Ningning's heart skipped a beat at first. When she heard what happened later, she raised her head and stared at Mo Bei speechlessly, "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

All this time, Mo Bei rarely saw other expressions on Si Ningning's face except for a slight smile. Now, he saw a fleeting look of pampering and anger on Si Ningning's face. He didn't know why, but it seemed like... The moment the fireworks bloomed, Mo Bei suddenly felt in a good mood.

"Of course I'm praising you, you are very capable." Mo Bei said truthfully.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes angrily. She originally wanted to say a few words, but when she saw Mo Bei's eyes curved into crescent arcs, his lips slightly parted and his smile clear and cheerful, Si Ningning couldn't help but raise her crescent eyebrows lightly. stretch.

This seemed to be the first time that Mo Bei felt so comfortable and cheerful after going to the countryside for so long.

 Forget it, seeing as he rarely shows his paralyzed face, let’s not ruin his good mood this time!

Si Ningning swallowed the words that came to her lips, exhaled softly, looked back and raised her chin to take the lead, "Stop making a fuss and go back quickly! I'm exhausted."


Mo Bei suppressed most of his bright smile, and gradually followed Si Ningning with a slight arc on his lips.

Everyone at the Educated Youth Point was still eating. Si Ningning had solved the lunch problem in the town. Now he was not hungry at all. Out of curiosity about malted milk, he went to the kitchen to boil some hot water and make malted milk to drink.

Not to mention, this malted milk essence really surprised Si Ningning.

I opened the plastic bag and scooped two spoonfuls into the bamboo cup. Before the boiling water was poured in, I smelled a delicious and pure sweet smell.

Not only Si Ningning smelled it, but as soon as she took a spoonful of it with her little spoon, Jiang Yue looked over with her nose raised, and seeing the box in Si Ningning's hand, Jiang Yue asked: "When did you buy the malted milk? "

 “Just today.”

"Today? Did you go to town?" Jiang Yue was surprised.

Si Ningning nodded, curved his lips and said frankly: "I took half a day off from the captain yesterday, and I went to the town today to send a letter and bought it on the way."

“So that’s it.” Jiang Yue nodded, took a deep breath, and sighed with envy for a while: “It smells really good... I almost forgot about this fragrance.”

“Are you hungry?” Si Ningning glanced in the direction of the main room, blinked and lowered her voice slightly, “Can I get some for you?”

“Let’s forget it, it’s such an expensive nutritional supplement.” Jiang Yue shook her head, and finally added proudly, staring at Si Ningning, “I just sighed, don’t think too much about it.”

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded amusedly.

 She actually knows, but she thinks it’s okay to share it with friends occasionally, and it’s not like they give it every day.

 Blowing on the hot air in the cup and taking a few sips, Si Ningning discovered that the malted milk not only smelled good, but also tasted good.

Unsurprisingly, she will probably repurchase it after she finishes drinking it.

After drinking the malted milk, Si Ningning went out to wash the quilt. When she returned to the room, she put the malted milk into the rattan box and took out the cut cloth from the box.

Taking out all the flowers and plants picked on the road and putting them on the table, Si Ningning found the fabric that corresponded to the sleeves, spread it out flatly and found the position of the cuffs, picked up the thin vines and the other two types of leaves, and placed them on the edge of the fabric in the shape he wanted. shape pattern, and then lay the fabric of the other sleeve flat.

Si Ningning turned her head left and right, looking for something handy to draw out the colors in the plants. Jiang Yue thought she was going to sew clothes, so she took out the fabric that Song Shuhan had entrusted to her, thinking that she and Si Ningning could make it together and chat about it. .

Seeing Si Ningning's series of actions, Jiang Yue was at a loss. She approached Si Ningning holding the cloth and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you putting grass in the cloth?"

Si Ningning briefly talked about the principles of dyeing and her own thoughts, and Jiang Yue immediately expressed her position: "Take me one, take me one!"

Si Ningning sighed helplessly, "This is my first time. I don't know the specific effect yet. Why don't you wait until I finish it and see the effect before making a decision?"

"Isn't your 'first time' enough?" Jiang Yue rolled her eyes and ran back to the bed to take out the bright yellow fabric she planned to make for clothes. Then she ran back to Si Ningning and said with a smile. : "I don't care, I will dye it with you!"

Si Ningning felt a little funny when she saw that she was acting like a willful little girl.

Seeing Jiang Yue's firm attitude, Si Ningning had no choice but to nod in agreement, "Did you see the steps just now? It's up to you to do whatever you like. Anyway, just follow my steps."

 “Okay!” Jiang Yue nodded while pecking at the rice.

 “You do it first, I’ll go out and find something.”


Since he couldn't find anything suitable to use as a small hammer, Si Ningning took two clean bamboo cups, one for himself and the other for Jiang Yue.

After Jiang Yue followed suit and laid out the plant leaves and cloth, Si Ningning started to gently tap the part of the cloth covered with leaves with the bottom of the cup, "If you can't find a hammer, use this instead. When knocking Be careful not to move the blades at the bottom. "

“Also, in order to achieve good and consistent coloring, make sure to hit every part of the blade.”

Jiang Yuefei nodded in understanding, sat on the edge of the bed, leaned close to the table, and started tapping seriously.

Si Ningning smiled and continued to explain: "In terms of dyeing, this step is related to the final result, so it is also the most difficult step and the one that requires the most attention."

Jiang Yue nodded and said with emotion: "My mother used to say that you should study more and get ahead in life. I don't deny this view, but I'm not completely convinced."

"Three hundred and sixty, you will be the best in every field. As long as you concentrate on whatever you do, you will get ahead one day. But now it seems that what the elders said is still good."

Jiang Yue raised her head and looked at Si Ningning, "I am one of those people who can't even read well. Look at you, you are different. You are good at reading, you know everything, you can do everything." Si Ningning didn't know what to do. After answering this question, he simply laughed twice and said nothing.

 What the elders said is good, but what Jiang Yue said is also good.

 In this world, reading is not the only way out, but if you can read, you still have to read.

 As for what Jiang Yue said about "she knows everything".

Si Ningning didn’t even know how to respond.

After all, the coursework of later generations involves a wide range of subjects. Many aspects of knowledge are not only written in books and taught by professors, but also on some entertainment apps, where specialized bloggers break down the details and demonstrate operations...

Even if you are not interested, you will always watch a few videos when you are bored, so the operation will definitely be better than those of Jiang Yue and others who don't understand it at all.

The regular "tuk-duk" tapping sound in the room soon attracted Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun. They learned that Si Ningning had toyed with a new dyeing method. One felt strange, and the other took out his own cloth and also Want to participate.

Si Ningning has almost beaten the part of the blade between her sleeves, and is now rolling it horizontally with a bamboo cup to draw out the remaining color in the blade as much as possible.

Seeing that Song Xiaoyun brought the fabric to participate, Si Ningning said awkwardly: "Xiaoyun, the color of your fabric is too dark. If you dye it, the plant color will not be able to cover the background color of the fabric."

When they first dyed cloth, Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun both valued "stain resistance", so they chose to dye the cloth in dark brown. The pigments in the plants were all light green and light yellow, which could not be pressed against such a dark background. color?

Song Xiaoyun didn’t understand this either, but she still asked reluctantly: “Is there no other way?”

 “It’s really not possible.” Si Ningning was speechless and nodded.

 The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"The leaves and weeds are light in color and will definitely not be printed on. However, dark and light colors each have their own advantages. We have already dyed dark colors. Now we only require stain resistance. Don't embarrass Ning Ning." Xu Shuhua Hahahaha to lighten the atmosphere, "Xiaoyun, if you really like what Ningning is dyeing now, you can wait until next time! Next time, I will buy cloth to make clothes. Then I will ask Ningning to teach you, or I can directly help you with it. , right Ning Ning!”

 Xu Shuhua asked Si Ningning.

Si Ningning nodded.

 “Okay.” Song Xiaoyun sighed in disappointment.

Although what Xu Shuhua said makes sense, I just bought the fabric and it will take at least two or three years to make clothes. The next time I make new clothes, it will be one or two years later.

Song Xiaoyun still has some money in her hand, but she is reluctant to buy more fabrics.

Perhaps it cannot be said that she is reluctant to give up, but based on the concept of frugality, Song Xiaoyun feels that it is too extravagant.

Although he understood the truth, as he watched the dyeing effects on Si Ningning and Jiang Yue's fabrics gradually appear and become more and more exquisite, Song Xiaoyun felt more and more regretful.

 “Alas…” Song Xiaoyun couldn’t control herself for a moment and sighed.

Jiang Yue looked sideways at her, "Don't sigh! Why don't you hurry up and learn more? Once you learn the skills, what do you want to do later?"

This makes sense.

Song Xiaoyun instantly smiled and stood happily close to Si Ningning's table, carefully observing every step of Si Ningning's operations.

Si Ningning is not stingy and sees that they are all interested, so during the operation, he will share some relevant knowledge with them.

The female educated youths were chatting in the room, which was very lively. But outside the door, Mo Bei was fumbling to weave a net bag. Li Lingyuan sat cross-legged next to him, clumsily splitting bamboo strips with an old hatchet according to Mo Bei's instructions.

 “Is this okay?”

 “It’s a bit thick, use the blade of a hatchet to scrape it off.”

 “Oh, okay!”

Mo Bei looked away from Li Lingyuan who was very busy. He was just concentrating on knitting a net bag when his eyes suddenly darkened and a pair of men's legs appeared in his field of vision.

Looking up the broad legs of the misty blue trousers that were washed white, Mo Bei saw, as expected, the man's handsome face as sharp as a knife.

Mo Bei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and exhaled from his nose impatiently, "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm." Huo Lang put the big drawer and bamboo basket on the steps. Compared to Mo Bei's impatient aloofness, he smiled and said, "Look for the educated youth."

Seeing the wooden drawer, Mo Bei's expression didn't change at all, but when he saw the bamboo fungus rolling out of the bamboo basket, Mo Bei frowned fiercely and squinted at Huo Lang in disbelief.

This man... is really cunning.

  It wasn’t enough after giving away flowers, now I even took over the work of picking bamboo fungus.

As if threatened, Mo Beiling pursed his lips tightly.

And when Huo Lang saw the half-finished net bag in Mo Bei's hand, as well as the bamboo strips and bamboo skins scattered on the ground at the door, he probably understood why Si Ningning didn't go to him in the past two days. His thin lips curled up slightly. The smile gradually faded, and the gentle peach blossom eyes suddenly became sharp, looking down at Mo Bei.

 Smelly boy, don’t you like it?

 If you don’t like it, why should you pay attention now?

The two men's eyes met, and lightning seemed to burst out between them.

Li Lingyuan, who was witnessing this scene from the side, looked like a pitiful and helpless girl, throwing away the hatchet, folding his arms and trembling with his shoulders.

 Knocking on her grandma, how terrible!

Mo Bei and Huo Lang just stared at each other, with no intention of giving in. In the end, Li Lingyuan couldn't bear it any longer, so he tilted his head and called for reinforcements, "Si Zhiqing, someone is looking for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Bei turned around and glared.

Li Lingyuan smiled as if begging for mercy, moved the hatchet toward Mo Bei's leg, and ran away.

Si Ningning heard the movement in the room and said "Come here", and then said to the girls around him: "Top dyeing and solid coloring are generally just these things. Think carefully about what I just said and wrote. Don't you be busy afterwards?" I’ll take the time to write another one.”

 Speaking, he got up and went out.

As soon as Si Ningning saw Huo Lang outside the door, he walked a beat faster and said, "Huo Lang...comrade."

 After realizing that there were other people at the educated youth spot, Si Ningning quickly added the word "comrade" after Huo Lang's name.

Si Ningning saw the wooden drawer standing between Huo Lang and Mo Bei at a glance. Without Huo Lang's explanation, she squatted in front of the wooden drawer and looked up and down with her hand on the drawer, "Have you done it so quickly? I wonder why? Have to wait two days.”

"It doesn't take much effort to nail a few boards together." Huo Lang picked up the bamboo basket and handed it to Si Ningning. "If it hadn't been busy the past few days, I should have sent it here long ago."

 (End of this chapter)

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