Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 223: "poison spot"

Chapter 223 “Poison Point”

Si Ningning raised her head and wanted to speak, but before she could speak, she was interrupted when she saw the bamboo basket approaching.

A big bamboo basket is full of bamboo fungus, which is the kind of bamboo fungus that has had its top fungi removed and processed.

"Pfft..." Si Ningning couldn't help but laugh. She raised her eyes and joked pointedly, "This smelly mushroom was handled well."

I recalled that when she explained the nutritional value of bamboo fungus, Huo Lang took a bite of "stinky mushrooms", but this time he suddenly changed his mind and brought her a basket, which was probably the bowl of bamboo fungus noodles that Hegu had brought back a few days ago. play a role.

Si Ningning made up her mind to make fun of Huo Lang, so Huo Lang let her tease her.

Usually at this time, all the educated youths were resting. Huo Lang could still say a few words to Si Ningning when he came over, but now there were people around him. Huo Lang was afraid of causing unnecessary verbal trouble to Si Ningning, so he left Zhu He handed the basket to Si Ningning, without saying anything to ask her to take it out. He said "I'm still busy" and turned around to leave.

“Let Hegu and the others bring the bamboo basket back to you tomorrow.” Si Ningning stood on tiptoes and shouted. Over there, Huo Lang had already walked around the side of the house and disappeared into the shadow of the rushing trees.

Si Ningning laughed and shook his head, holding the bamboo basket with one arm and lifting the wooden drawer with the other hand. Just as he was about to get up and enter the room, he suddenly met Mo Bei's eyes looking up.

 Sinning Ning paused, "What's wrong?"

                               Si Ningning.


Mo Bei lowered his eyebrows and asked calmly, "Are you familiar with him?"

he? who? Horan?

A bunch of questions flashed through Si Ningning's mind, thinking that Huo Lang had been here just now, so she confirmed Mo Bei's question.

She tilted her head and considered it for a moment, then said: "Comrade Huo Lang is the security captain of the team. He often patrols here. He will naturally become familiar with it after meeting him many times."

After thinking for a while, Si Ningning continued to add: "And because of Sanae and Hegu, apart from the captain's family, Comrade Huo Lang is indeed more familiar with them than the others."

After answering the question, Si Ningning looked back blankly and asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay..." Mo Bei lowered his eyes, bit his lower lip hesitantly, sorted out his words and looked at Si Ning again: "I'm just curious."

Si Ningning looked magnanimous, and Mo Bei could vaguely guess something.

Even though there may be misunderstandings, there is one thing that Mo Bei can confirm.

 That is, Si Ningning and Huo Lang have not yet developed to the stage he originally imagined.

Mo Bei couldn't do anything to destroy other people's feelings, but if Si Ningning wasn't in a relationship with Huo Lang, he thought, why couldn't he fight for it.

 Fair competition, Si Ningning can choose whomever he likes.

Everything has a 50% probability, so you must always work hard for yourself.

 In these green years, why not stick to the things you like?

After thinking about everything clearly, Mo Bei chuckled and looked up at Si Ningning, with a bright smile on his always cold face, "Is the previous bamboo basket enough? When I finish knitting the net bag, do you want to knit another one for you?"

"Would it be too much trouble?" Si Ningning said hesitantly, "Hmm", and after thinking about it, a bamboo basket should be enough.

Si Ningning thought that Mo Bei had become interested in knitting, and it was not good to dampen Mo Bei's good interest. After thinking about it, Si Ningning said: "Well... there are two chicken coops in the educated youth spot, how about you knit two Chicken coop?”

Mo Bei was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "What should a chicken coop look like?"

"Should a large round basket be enough? I made two chicken nests with straw but I still feel that it is not safe... If I make one with bamboo strips, I can put some hay in it later, and then the chickens will lay eggs and I won't have to worry about it. It will roll to the ground and break."

"Okay..." Mo Bei thought for a while, nodded and wanted to say something more. Jiang Yue came out and pulled Si Ningning into the house, "Hurry up, Si Ningning, I feel like I've almost finished the knocking. Please help me." have a look!"

Si Ningning turned around and winked at Mo Bei, then turned to join the queue of girls.

The fabric that Jiang Yue knocked out was evenly colored, and the texture of the main stems of the grass blades on it was also very clear. Si Ningning nodded, "That's it. Then just put it in water to solidify the color."

“Then I’ll fetch water. Can cold water be enough?” Jiang Yue asked excitedly.

Si Ningning smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

Getting the positive information, Jiang Yue took out the washbasin from under the bed and went to the well to fetch water without stopping.

Si Ningning turned around and rummaged through the small basket on the table, and took out two grains of alum to prepare for later use.

After taking the alum, Si Ningning wrapped the small package in oil paper and put it back into the small basket. But at this moment, Song Xiaoyun sat next to her.

Glancing at Song Xiaoyun, Si Ningning asked casually, "What's wrong?"

 Song Xiaoyun hesitated for a long time without speaking.

Si Ningning was confused, raised his eyebrows and asked again, "What's going on?"

 If you have something to say, just tell it...

Although he knew a little more than others, Si Ningning really didn't have the ability to guess a person's voice.

"It's a little trivial." Song Xiaoyun blinked twice and glanced at Xu Shuhua in the room. She probably felt that Xu Shuhua would not go out and spread random rumors. Then she looked at Si Ningning and said hesitantly: "Ningning , I told you last time about Comrade Holang."

Si Ningning's hands that were sorting the basket suddenly stopped and pushed the basket back to the table. Si Ningning turned around and asked Song Xiaoyun face to face, "Xiaoyun, what exactly do you want to say?"

Si Ningning suddenly became serious, and Song Xiaoyun got stage fright.

After a long time to calm down her panic, Song Xiaoyun explained helplessly: "Ning Ning, don't worry, I have no other intention, I'm just worried about you..."

Si Ningning frowned, pursed her lips and said nothing, waiting for Song Xiaoyun's next words.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiaoyun’s next words completely depressed and confused Si Ningning’s happy mood all morning: “That security captain doesn’t seem like a good person, I’m just worried that you will be deceived...”

Si Ningning frowned even more, and her voice became slightly colder, "I remember I told you about this question before..."

"Yes, you said it, but the security captain just now came to see you again..." As if she could not hear the displeasure in Si Ningning's tone, Song Xiaoyun interrupted Si Ningning's words, and said cautiously but stubbornly: "And it's not just the security captain, but also Mo Bei. You, you guys have been too close recently. I think you should use a reasonable measure of balance."

Si Ningning was silent for a while and asked, "Why? Because you like Mo Bei? So you don't want me to get close to him?" Si Ningning couldn't think of a more convincing statement besides this.

“Ah, ah, it’s not, it’s not, it’s not!” Song Xiaoyun stuttered for a while, her face instantly turned red, and she denied it again and again, “I, I didn’t!”

Si Ningning's eyes swayed, and she had been paying attention to Song Xiaoyun's expression since she asked the question just now.

Although Song Xiaoyun looked a little flustered, it really didn't look like she was telling lies.

Si Ningning tried his best to suppress his depression and maintain a calm tone: "Then can you tell me the reason? Why do you think Mo Bei and Huo Lang are not good people."

"Just, it just feels like..." Song Xiaoyun had no confidence, and her voice lowered along with her head.

Si Ningning thought for a moment and remembered what Song Xiaoyun had said before. She said, "Because they look good? Is that the reason?"

Song Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and then nodded subconsciously.

Si Ningning suddenly realized that there was probably some misunderstanding.

“The quality of a person has nothing to do with appearance. If I follow your current logic, should I also be classified as a ‘bad person’ or a ‘bad woman’?”

"I didn't mean that..." Song Xiaoyun was startled, and she straightened her back and wanted to explain. However, Si Ningning shook her head, patted her hand in front of her knees, and did not give her a chance to speak, "I know you didn't That’s what I mean. Maybe something caused you a misunderstanding, but I still want to tell you that people are multi-faceted. Don’t easily define everything about a person because of other people’s words or actions.”

To be honest, Si Ningning felt a little uncomfortable.

Not only because of Song Xiaoyun’s views, but also because Song Xiaoyun crossed the boundaries of friends and frequently interfered in her affairs.

But considering that Song Xiaoyun is only seventeen years old, after all, she is still a minor in Si Ningning's concept, and Si Ningning does not want to worry too much about an immature child.

And Song Xiaoyun’s original intention and original intention may indeed be for her?

Si Ningning couldn't figure it out, but after finishing her positive words of guidance, she looked directly into Song Xiaoyun's slightly frightened eyes and spoke frankly what she was thinking, "Xiaoyun, I know you don't mean any harm, but for the sake of our long-term and To continue to live in a friendly relationship, we should all grasp the standards between good friends. "

"Not only you, but also Jiang Yue and Shuhua, I will refer to what you said and the suggestions you gave, but I have my own ideas and perceptions. I know what I should do and what I cannot do. I It’s all clear.”

Si Ningning was very grateful to Song Xiaoyun for considering her, but she had the ability to distinguish herself.

"If possible, I hope we can help each other, give each other enough freedom, and not interfere too much in each other's affairs."

After saying a lot of words in succession, Si Ningning glanced at Xu Shuhua, then focused his eyes on Song Xiaoyun again, and asked sincerely: "Is it okay?"

This question is not only asked about Song Xiaoyun, but also Xu Shuhua.

Perhaps because of some things he has experienced, Si Ningning feels that Jiang Yue may be the person who can best grasp the sense of proportion and boundaries during this period of time together, and he is relatively comfortable getting along with her.

 In comparison, Xu Shuhua’s thoughts are relatively conservative. It’s not that she can’t say it’s wrong, but there are definitely some weak points in her old thoughts.

 Speaking of Song Xiaoyun, maybe she really hasn’t grown up, right? In short, my thinking and focus are a bit strange.

 Lin Linzongzong, everyone has some problems, including Si Ningning himself.

Si Ningning thought, they are all passers-by in life anyway, and they have only been together for a few years. When the college entrance examination resumes, everyone will go their separate ways. Even if they are in contact again, they will not face each other every day, so he feels that as long as they don't touch each other, Bottom line, you can get along with each other even if you run in and out.

 But one thing she wants to confirm now is that something similar to this time will not happen again.

Si Ningning spoke in a serious tone, but Song Xiaoyun was still in panic and had not recovered.

At the far end of the bed, Xu Shuhua sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed and was the first to express her position: "Ning Ning, I will not interfere in your affairs."

As he spoke, he rubbed the dirt on his trouser legs sheepishly and continued: "But if there is anything we need help with, I hope you can tell us."

Si Ningning nodded and turned to look at Song Xiaoyun.

Although this incident made Si Ningning feel a little uncomfortable, she was not a three-year-old child after all. She would break off the relationship or something like that if she was unhappy.

We all live under the same roof and have to see each other more than a dozen times a day. Si Ningning doesn't want to make things too tense.

It's best to be able to use words to clear up the matter. Even if you can't clear up the matter, at least you have said it correctly and you have a clear conscience. She will not be the one who is embarrassed if they confront her in the future.

Song Xiaoyun seemed to realize that Si Ningning was taboo, and nodded like a rabbit, "I, I understand, but Ning Ning, I have no ill intentions..."

Song Xiaoyun grabbed the corner of Si Ningning's clothes and emphasized again and again: "Anyway, I will pay attention to it in the future. I hope you won't be angry with me just because of this time!"

"Yeah." Si Ningning smiled and said, "It's not long before we start work. You guys should take a rest."

 You can be friends, but after this incident, the extent to which friends can be friends in the future depends on Song Xiaoyun's performance.

Song Xiaoyun's behavior reminded Si Ningning of something.

Looking back at the youth romance novels I read before time travel, the heroines in them seemed to look like this.

The body is light and small, and the appearance is pure and innocent. He is not very smart, but he is still cute in a daze? There is also a standard feature, which is to do bad things with good intentions, or do things that are annoying...

Si Ningning shook his head, interrupting his thoughts.

After all, those love romances were all publications she had read when she was sixteen or seventeen years old. Her mood and experience at that time were different from now. If she thinks back on them now, it is easy to seize on some "poisonous points" that ordinary people cannot understand and analyze them in detail. .

It's like the male protagonist is the president of a large group company, and there is a fiancée in front of him who is strong in business, generous and beautiful. If the male protagonist doesn't love him, he will love the new one. She is pure and confused and can spill coffee on her face in one second. Crotch, the little white-flowered female secretary who can lose the plan in the next second.

Maybe no one can stop true love when it comes. Anyway, Si Ningning is not the person involved, so she can’t understand it.

If Song Xiaoyun also has that confused personality, it would be fine in detail. As long as there are no harmful thoughts, Si Ningning can accept it.

  After all, people will grow up, just like she once did. She read all the nonsensical romance magazines with gusto, but don’t she have a different view now?

Song Xiaoyun is the same. She was confused for a year or two when she was young. Can she continue to be confused?

Si Ningning shook his head and took Jiang Yue's cloth out of the room.

 Put the fabric into alum water and soak it for three to five minutes. Take it out and look again. The color of the dyed plants is slightly lighter, but it is still quite delicate and beautiful.

 (End of this chapter)

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