Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 225: Failure is the mother of success~~

Chapter 225 Failure is the mother of success~~

"Also, if you need anything else, you can come to the team and talk to me...not just about mushrooms. If you have other ideas in the future, you can also go to the team and talk to me. Si Zhiqing, can you Don't be polite!"

Si Ningning smiled dryly and rubbed his face, "Haha... Captain, don't worry, let's see what's going on with me first."

As she spoke, Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang, frowning and winking. Fortunately, the latter was not stupid and understood what she meant.

“Uncle, let me send the things to Si Zhiqing first, and then I’ll clean up here when I get back.” Huo Lang took a step forward and took up a thick rotten wood stake with his left and right arms.

When Zhao Hongbing saw this, he forgot what he had just wanted to say, so he waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go first, there are enough people here, you don't have to worry. Send all the wooden lumps to the educated youth point first."

Huo Lang nodded and said "hmm", raised his chin and let Si Ningning walk in front, and the two of them headed to the educated youth spot one after the other.

Going around the corner of the old house, the path gradually became wider. The two of them walked side by side. During this period, Si Ningning sighed, "It will be more lively here in the future."

"And do you know? I have already cultivated a lot of strains from the mushrooms I picked last time. Now I just need to experiment... It will take three days at the earliest to bring these wood back, and it will take about seven days at a slower time to see whether it is successful. "

 Three to five to seven days old, as long as the temperature and humidity are appropriate, mushrooms can grow. It’s just a matter of size.

Si Ningning is very confident.

After finishing his words, there was no response for a long time. Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Huo Lang, wondering: "Why don't you speak?"

Horang glanced at Si Ningning with a "you know it yourself" expression. He looked away for only two seconds. He stopped and looked at Si Ningning again: "I'm actually not very busy."

“Huh?” Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, her head filled with questions, “What?”

Horang continued: "You didn't come to see me two days ago. Is it because you found someone else to weave baskets for you?"

 “Huh? That...”

Si Ningning was speechless for a while, but she also realized the reason for Huo Lang's abnormality.

It was the time when he gave her bamboo shoots a few days ago. At that time, Mo Bei was knitting a bamboo net bag for her. Before that, Si Ningning was worried that troubling Huo Lang would delay Huo Lang's personal affairs. I tried to do it myself, but failed, and was later taken over by Mo Bei...

Before weaving a net bag, Mo Bei also helped her weave a bamboo basket. After careful calculation, it seemed that she had not seen Huo Lang for a few days.

When Si Ningning recalled, my mouth could not spit out the actual words. It was this short moment that Holang hidden in his heart.

 After realizing that he was jealous like a young boy, Huo Lang realized that something was wrong with him.

But if you think about it carefully, he and Si Ningning are nothing now, and they really have no qualifications when it comes to being jealous.

Worried that this matter would bother Si Ningning or give him bad thoughts and feelings, Huo Lang looked away and gave in with a hoarse voice, "Actually, it's nothing. If you need anything, feel free to find me."

"If you are inconvenient, you can also ask Hegu and Sanao to bring me a message." As he said that, Huo Lang's peach blossom eyes showed a hint of relaxation and softness, and he looked at Si Ningning with a slight smile.

At first glance, she does have a gentle and handsome face. If Si Ningning was really a girl of sixteen or seventeen, she would have indulged in it without hesitation.

 Ke Si Ningning is not.

“Don’t look at me with such a fake smile, otherwise I will misunderstand that you have bad intentions!”

Horang’s smile broke instantly.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him, held on to the rope of the basket across her chest, withdrew her gaze and walked forward, while saying truthfully: "You usually have a lot of work, you have to be busy with the work of the production team, and you have to go In the county, recently there was an additional job to go to the brigade to maintain order.”

Huo Lang mentioned before that during the off-season, the county would arrange for film crews to tour various communes and brigades. Movies could only be played at night, and people from several production teams under the brigades would go there. Too many people would easily cause trouble, so Huo Lang needed to lead people. Maintain order in the past.

Si Ningning originally thought that Huo Lang only needed to be responsible for the Jiling Brigade, but through Hegu and the others, Si Ningning learned that Huo Lang was actually responsible for a wide range of areas, not only the Jiling Brigade, but also the Zhougang Brigade. And the Seventh Brigade of Hongqi Commune, which is not too far away from here.

If Huo Lang, like others, was spending a short time off from farming, Si Ningning could come to him shamelessly and just return the favor from somewhere else. But Huo Lang was really busy.

Even though her skin is as thick as a city wall, she is really embarrassed.

"I originally wanted to do it myself, but I couldn't do it with my clumsiness. When Mo Bei proposed to help, I thought about it and agreed." Si Ningning said "tsk". Although she knew a lot of things, she still felt that I always feel depressed because I hit a wall when weaving baskets.

Huo Lang saw Si Ningning's eyebrows furrowed and her small face wrinkled in displeasure. He knew in his heart that he had thought too much just now, and he was slightly depressed and his mood improved unconsciously.

Huo Lang raised his eyebrows slightly, and inferring what might have happened from the unhappiness in Ningning's words, he lowered his voice and asked, "Did you hurt your hand?"

Si Ningning puffed her lips angrily and nodded reluctantly.

Just for a moment, she turned to look at Huo Lang, straightened her back and defended herself: "After all, this is my first time doing it, so it's normal for the surgeon to fail, right? So it's not something ridiculous, right? "

Si Ningning seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he had already come to a conclusion in his mind.

This is normal. Beginners may make mistakes if they follow the master, let alone someone like her who fumbles on her own.

Si Ningning had been secretly calculating for several days, and it was only at this moment that she freed herself from the "clumsy" dilemma. She felt better, the depression on her face disappeared, and a smile gradually appeared again.

But Huo Lang frowned slightly when he heard that she really hurt her hand.

Without answering Si Ningning's question of whether it was right or not, Huo Lang solemnly told: "Don't do it yourself next time, let me do it."

Si Ningning remained silent. Huo Lang paused, and his usually low and hoarse voice suddenly raised a decibel, "Did you hear that?"

“Oh, I know, I know!” Si Ningning snorted, glanced at him, and muttered, “I’ve never seen someone like you, so fierce and eager to be a tool.”

 “What?” She mumbled too quietly, and Huo Lang couldn’t hear her clearly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Si Ningning smiled instantly, with a playful and flattering expression, "I mean you are such a good person. If I have anything to do in the future, I will come to you!"

Horang raised his eyebrows slightly in pleasure, and said "hmm", believing it to be true.

"But then again, you suddenly mentioned this, are you jealous?" "..." Huo Lang's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he suddenly ran out of words.

Si Ningning put her hands behind her back and leaned forward slightly, tilted her head and looked at Huo Lang with wide eyes, "No way, right? Did I really guess it?"

Huo Lang avoided talking, changed the subject, and said in a low, hoarse voice: "Academician Liang said that rabbits grow fast. Those rabbits should have grown a lot during this time, right? I will make a new cage and send it over in two days." "

As he spoke, he walked to the door of the educated youth center. Huo Lang threw two rotten wood piles on the side of the steps and rubbed his forehead with his strong arm. "There are a few more. I'll bring them to you."

By the time he finished speaking, the man was already running away as quickly as he could.

Si Ningning stood on tiptoes and laughed, "I'm not a tiger, why are you running? Be careful of stumbling!"

Horang’s footsteps did not stop, but tended to speed up.

Si Ningning shook his head and smiled, and then his smile subsided.

Si Ningning has a good impression of Huo Lang, and of course she can also feel the special way that Huo Lang treats her.

 But how to say it?


  The current situation is a bit insignificant when it comes to falling in love and dating, but when it comes to friends, they are closer than ordinary friends, a bit like the trial period before falling in love...

Si Ningning had also thought that if she really wanted to fall in love, Huo Lang might be her first choice. However, the worries and worries that Huo Lang inadvertently revealed just now were actually unnecessary because they were impossible to happen.

Si Ningning has never been an affectionate person. On the contrary, because of some experiences in her childhood, she knows how difficult it is to maintain a relationship, and how lucky and happy it is to get a 'love', so in terms of relationships, She is more dedicated than anyone else.

 Therefore, regardless of whether the relationship is confirmed or not, she will not and cannot be ambiguous with multiple people.

Even with the girls, Si Ningning has always been very strict about her own behavior. When she realizes that there may be some problems, she will try to give some advice and use clear thinking to help those trapped in the situation. People have more ideas and more choices, but she won't interfere too much in other matters.

Perhaps it is this excessive self-control and sobriety that makes her seem to be getting along with everyone, but at the same time, it makes everyone feel an inexplicable distance.

Si Ningning knew these words in her heart, but she would not tell Huo Lang.

The two of them are currently in a heart-to-heart phase, and they haven't really communicated with each other yet. These words are redundant and a bit rushed. Si Ningning doesn't like it, and it's not her style.

  Looking away, it was too hot. A layer of sweat broke out on Si Ningning's forehead. His thin bangs were wet with sweat and stuck to the skin of his forehead, or stuck into a small strip, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Putting his palms against his forehead and pushing up to wipe away the sweat stains, Si Ningning opened the door and went into the house to put down his things. When he came out, he already had a washbasin in his hand, and there was a pair of labor protection gloves in the basin.

Going to the well and getting a basin of cold water to wash his face and cool down, Si Ningning put on his gloves and started getting down to business.

The wooden pile dug out from the corner of the old house had either been lying in the weeds or half-buried by adobe bricks. It was badly decayed and had faint traces of being eaten by termites.

When Si Ningning moved it, a lot of dark brown stuff that looked like insect feces fell down, but in fact it was not all insect feces, but more of the wood residue that was naturally degraded and fermented. It looked like it was buried, but Si Ning Ning did have some resistance and disgust, but she knew in her heart that this also meant that these wooden piles had sufficient nutrients and were very suitable for the growth of mushroom colonies.

Si Ningning moved the wooden stake to the well and placed it above the drainage ditch. He took some water from the basin and poured it on the wooden stake.

The edge of the well can be kept cool from morning to night, and the ditch usually drains water, and the humidity in the surrounding area is relatively high. Even if the weather is hot in summer and the water evaporates quickly, the area around the well is much better than other places, and because It is outdoors, and requirements such as ventilation can also be guaranteed.

Si Ningning feels that this is a Feng Shui treasure land for experimental cultivation of mushrooms.

After setting up two pieces of wood, Si Ningning went back to the house to get a hatchet and fungus bag. When he came out again, Huo Lang came over with two other large wooden stakes.

Seeing that there was nothing in the place where the stakes were placed, Huo Lang asked, "Where to put them?"

 “By the well!”

The two of them went to the well one after another. Huo Lang placed the remaining wooden stakes according to Si Ningning's arrangement. He looked up and saw that Si Ningning used a hatchet to split the wooden stakes into small slits, and stuffed them with white-haired straw. Entering the gap, Huo Lang squatted and looked at it for a long time, then said: "The white hair looks like mold, can it grow mushrooms?"

Si Ningning opened her eyes wide and answered seriously: "Why not? Mold is a fungus, and mushrooms are also fungi. Although mold cannot be eaten, from another perspective, they have similar requirements for the growth environment."

They all grow better in a moist and dark place.

Horang rubbed his hair and said, "I don't understand this. Look, what else do you need besides wooden stakes? I've dealt with them all for you."

"No, I stuffed the bacteria in, and then I just waited..." Si Ningning thought about it for a moment and said, "I still have a surplus of bacteria bags here. Do you want to take two back? It doesn't have to be. To plant on this kind of wooden pile, you can also dig a few shallow ditches in a shady place, spread the straw with the bacteria in it, and then sprinkle a thin layer of moist bamboo leaves with soil on the surface. "

Afraid that Huo Lang would not understand, Si Ningning added an additional explanation: "I did the experiment on the wooden pile to better observe the growth of the mushrooms."

Huo Lang nodded after hearing this, "Okay."

“Then you help me move the remaining wooden piles back first. I’ll prepare the fungus package. You can take it after you finish moving it.”


As Huo Lang stood up, Si Ningning followed him towards the opening in front of the Educated Youth Point. He said with a gentle smile, "You used to worry that He Gu and San Miao would be too lazy to wait for the fungus packs. Go back and plant it, teach them, and let them take care of it later.”

 “You have a good idea.” Huo Lang whispered.

Si Ningning seemed to be praised, shook his neck proudly, and continued: "When they successfully grow mushrooms and experience the joy of harvest and hard work, they will have a sense of accomplishment, and their first reaction when encountering problems in the future will be to try hard instead of giving up." . If they fail, don’t scold them, but give them a few words of encouragement and guidance..."

Huo Lang turned to look at Si Ningning, "Tell them that failure is the mother of success? Where there is failure, there will be success?"

"That's more or less what I mean. In short, be patient. Children are very fragile and critical at this age. Don't suppress their enthusiasm." Si Ningning nodded and said seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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