Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 226: Teacher candidate

Chapter 226 Teacher Candidates

Huo Lang nodded. Zhao Hongbing had revealed the news to him that Si Ningning would be the children's teacher in the future.

Huo Lang thought that Si Ningning must have a reason for what she said, and she should also have her own unique way of teaching, so even if she didn't agree with it, Huo Lang was willing to cooperate, "I understand, the sun is shining outside. Big, you go into the house and put the bacteria bag on the doorstep for a while. I'll get it myself when I'm done."


Si Ningning nodded, but after Huo Lang left, she was not idle.

Taking out three fungus bags, two of them were placed in the shade of the steps. Si Ningning took the broken **** from the educated youth point and found another place to plant some near the swing at the door and in the bamboo forest behind the house. After finishing the work, Si Ningning sprinkled some with water. When I came back, the bacteria bag on the doorstep was gone.

 Horang should have taken it.

Si Ningning wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook the dirt off his hoe, went into the house and sat down and took a sip of water when Jiang Yue and the others came back.

  “You’re sweating profusely, what have you done?”

"I didn't do anything, I just planted the bacteria that I collected a few days ago... By the way, I planted bacteria on the wooden logs by the well. Please be careful not to splash water on them when you wash them. "

"I know." Jiang Yue carried the rabbit cage outside with "Teng Teng Teng". She squatted outside for a long time while feeding the rabbit, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Hey Ning Ning, do you know the academician?"

"Huh?" Si Ningning paused while drinking water. The first thing that came to his mind was Academician Liang, "You know, what's the matter?"

“I found that you are just like those academicians of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. You can raise livestock and grow vegetables and mushrooms... To be honest, did you originally plan to get admitted to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences?”

“Put it down, those who can pass the Academy of Agricultural Sciences are all outstanding seniors, but I can’t.” Si Ningning leaned on the table and smiled.

Jiang Yue refused and continued to argue, "Why can't you do it? I think you can do it. You have to have some confidence!"

Si Ningning smiled lazily and said nothing.

After lunch, Mo Bei brought over a small box of buttons and a few books.

 “Your stitching is really good, you don’t look like a novice at all.”

“I spend a lot of time, usually nailing two stitches when I have nothing to do in the pig pen. If I can’t see through it anymore, it will be a real waste.” Si Ningning laughed.

Jiang Yue disagreed, "It's hard to say about craftsmanship. Those with high understanding can do better than those with poor understanding... For example, when I first learned to make clothes from my mother, I was scolded a lot. At that time, my mother scolded me for my hands. They can’t even compare to someone else’s feet.”


What Jiang Yue said was interesting, and Si Ningning couldn't stop laughing.

 “What’s so funny? Who hasn’t read some funny stories about childhood embarrassment?”

 “Yes, you are right.”

Jiang Yue craned her neck to watch Si Ningning busy at work, chatting here and there. From the corner of her eye, she saw that Mo Bei hadn't left, and saw that Mo Bei was holding a book in his hand.

Under the influence of Si Ningning, Jiang Yue was convinced that knowledge could be learned from books, so she changed her direction, put her hands on the table and asked Mo Bei, "Mo Bei, what books did your family send you? Can you do that?" Lend it to me?"

Jiang Yue's opening solved Mo Bei's dilemma.

Mo Bei just wanted to ask Si Ningning if he wanted to read a book together, but after Si Ningning took the button, he sat at the corner of the table and started sewing.

Mo Bei hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to get to the topic.

When Jiang Yue asked, Mo Bei glanced at Si Ningning, straightened his back slightly and said seriously: "There are a hundred thousand whys, physics, geography and geology, as well as an international negotiation etiquette manual and a Russian-Chinese bilingual dictionary. The dictionary is over there. I Didn’t bring it over.”

As Mo Bei spoke, he pushed the book along the table to Jiang Yue and Si Ningning.

This time period is not considered busy, and she can still find time to read books. Si Ningning didn't pay much attention to it at first, but suddenly she remembered that Zhao Hongbing asked her to write her own textbooks, and she stopped buttoning her hands.

Si Ningning looked up at Mo Bei and asked pleadingly: "Can I read these books?"

"Of course." Mo Bei nodded without hesitation.

Si Ningning did not hesitate. After Jiang Yue took away the first book, she picked up the second one. The cover had three little figures holding books, a red flag standing behind them, and the words "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in bold fonts. "Look through the book.

She had read a similar extracurricular book when she was in elementary school. Si Ningning thought that if she wanted to write a textbook, she could get all her inspiration from this book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", or extract some of the content as knowledge points for class. When he opened the book cover and looked around the catalog, Si Ningning was dumbfounded.

Look at what’s written on it?

  1.Why does a light machine gun need to be operated by two people…

  2. Why do heavy machine guns need spare barrels…

  3.Why is the ballistic trajectory curved…


  46.Why do some bullets “wear” “caps” of different colors…

As small as seedling sowing, adobe covers houses, as large as surgery, fire, and tank frying aircraft. The "100,000 why" in front of the eyes are all included.

Si Ningning felt ashamed. This is an enlightenment reading magazine for teenagers. Think about the "One Hundred Thousand Whys" she once read. What was written in it?

Why do dogs keep sticking out their tongues in summer?

  Why don’t homing pigeons get lost?

 Why do chickens eat sand?


 The one she read was at best a children's science publication.

Think about it, times are different, and the scope of the culture they mainly promote is also different.

Phobia of lack of firepower. In this era, everything is lacking, so I want to teach the younger generations everything I know.

The book seemed very complicated if I remembered a lot of it, but Si Ningning flipped through it roughly and found that the principles of each knowledge point were analyzed very logically. However, the language was more official, and it seemed a bit obscure at first glance. I wanted to understand it. You have to calm down and watch slowly.

An idea came to Si Ningning's mind. She raised her eyes and looked at Mo Bei and asked, "I would like to borrow this book to read for a few days, is it okay? If you want to use it, you can take it away at any time."     This book Some of the content in it can be used as reference examples for writing textbooks. Once adopted, easy-to-understand examples can be summarized in the accompanying text.

Mo Bei nodded first, then shook his head, "You can read slowly, I'll look at something else first."

Si Ningning's red lips twitched, and just when she was about to say thank you, Jiang Yue suddenly raised her head, held a book in both hands and held it upright towards Mo Bei, "Well, Mo Bei, I want this book "How to Make Livestock Fatty" "Strong", if you're not interested, just lend it to me for a look! I'll return it to you after reading it, and I'll definitely not damage it!"

Mo Bei was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes to the book cover in Jiang Yue's hand that had cows and pigs drawn in thick lines. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Don't worry, you, just take your time and read it."

He obviously took this book out, why did he mix it in again?

He glanced at Si Ningning out of the corner of his eye and saw that Si Ningning was just looking at Jiang Yue with a slight smile and no weird look on his face. Mo Bei gradually breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then you go ahead and call me if you need anything. "


After saying goodbye to the female educated youth, Mo Bei returned to the male educated youth's room with the remaining books. Li Lingyuan lay on the bed and fell asleep. Song Shuhan sat by the bed and read the Russian-Chinese bilingual dictionary borrowed from him. Gotta relish it.

Mo Bei entered the room, Song Shuhan looked up, curled his lips and said with a smile: "I'm back."

Mo Bei said "hmm", and then Song Shuhan lowered his head to read again.

Mo Bei sat sideways on the edge of the bed, opened the package sent from home and sorted it out. Unsurprisingly, he found another book "How to Keep Livestock Fat and Strong" inside.

 The difference is that the next volume is marked in parentheses below the book "How to Keep Livestock Fat and Strong".

 Mo Bei suddenly understood what was going on.

Placing the second volume next to Li Lingyuan's bed, Mo Beichong said to Song Shuhan: "He is familiar with Jiang Zhiqing. When he wakes up later, you remind him to send this book to Jiang Zhiqing."

Song Shuhan said "Oh" and asked again: "Why don't you go by yourself?"

Mo Bei unbuttoned two buttons on the collar of his shirt, put a few books on the pillow at the head of the bed, lazily got into bed and lay down before uttering one word: "Lazy."

Song Shuhan was not surprised and said "OK", and then lowered his head to read again.

The weather is still hot at the end of summer. The warm wind carries the fragrance of unknown flowers and causes the wooden windows to sway. The sound of turning pages of books can be heard constantly in the male educated youth room. On the other side, in the female educated youth room, From time to time, deliberately suppressed chatter and laughter could be heard.

 Pleasant time always flies by. Half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. The "literacy class" in the corner of the old house has been mostly filled, and the candidate for another teacher has also been confirmed.

Si Ningning thought that for some kind of "fairness", Zhao Hongbing would choose one from the male and female educated youths, but he did not expect that in the end Zhao Hongbing would choose two girls, one is her and the other is Jiang Yue.

However, when determining the candidate for the teacher, Zhao Hongbing summoned all the educated youth except for Si Ningning, who had the default quota. It is said that he set a test to assess everyone, but Si Ningning did not ask much about the specific content of the assessment.

With the candidate of another teacher confirmed, Educated Youth Point also ushered in a new round of holidays.

By chance this year, the Mid-Autumn Festival of the lunar calendar coincides with the National Day of the Gregorian calendar. Zhao Hongbing was also happy to give the educated youth three days off. If they wanted to rest, if they were willing to work to earn work points, they could say hello in advance so that the team could make arrangements for it.

Everyone was discussing how to choose and how to arrange their time. As they talked, their eyes couldn't help but look at Si Ningning. They were all waiting to hear what Si Ningning thought.

Under the kerosene lamp, Si Ning Ningying's white face reflected a light and bright warm halo, "I should go to the county, and then because of the compilation of textbooks, I will wander around the production team or brigade. , find the subject matter. You can do it according to your own situation, I cannot be used as a reference target. "

When everyone heard this, most of them withered away.

 Yeah, how could they forget?

From now on, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue will be teachers. Even if they say goodbye to their work below completely, they have said goodbye to most of them.

 Although everyone was very happy when they first knew that two compatriots among the educated youth were selected, now that they think about it, they suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

How come the gap between people is so big?

They are all educated and come from the city. How can their jobs be linked to books and they have to work in the fields and work in the mud?

This kind of luck is too bad, right?

 Sigh...I can't think about this. The more I think about it, the more depressed I become.

Li Lingyuan sighed angrily, picked up the lunch box and stood up, "I, I'll go back over there to eat."

Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and stood up with a smile on his face, "I'm going to see what's going on."

Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan left, and there were four lesbians left in the hall. It was not good for Mo Bei to stay any longer. He looked at Si Ningning, and Mo Bei nodded lightly, "If you need help in compiling teaching materials, you can always contact me." I."

As he spoke, he picked up his lunch box and left.

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua felt a little regretful because they were not selected, so they just bowed their heads and ate without saying anything.

Most of the people left at once, and those who remained just immersed themselves in eating and did not talk. The usually lively dining table suddenly became colder, but Jiang Yue was heartbroken and seemed not to notice the undercurrent surging on the other side of the dining table. Hearing Si Ningning talk about the holiday plans. Going out to look for topics, she babbled while eating: "Then I'll go with you? It just so happens that I also want to work on teaching materials."

"Basic arithmetic is simple. Can't you just think of a few question types and apply them in the educated youth center? I'm different from you. I want to write a text... You, just be honest." Si Ningning said, picking up the lunch box Walking out, "I went to wash the lunch box. I was too tired during the day. Let's wash up and go to bed early today."

 I’m not tired, I just don’t want to continue in a stiff and awkward atmosphere.

Teaching is a fat job, and you can get six work points for half a day. If you want to work in the fields for the other half of the day, you can get more work points. If you work hard in one day, you can work as hard as others for one and a half days.

With such a good job in front of you, it doesn’t matter what the reason is for those who are unsuccessful, as long as they are unsuccessful, they will always feel unbalanced and unhappy.

 However, there are more wolves than meat, so this encounter is inevitable, and it should be better if you survive these few days.

Si Ningning neatly washed the lunch box, fetched water and washed up in one go.

Although it was getting dark, it was still early. Si Ningning lit the kerosene lamp and sat on the edge of the bed with a corner of the mosquito net, reading the book borrowed from Mo Bei. Occasionally, he would take a pen and write a few words in the notebook.

"What are you writing?" Xu Shuhua sat by the bed and washed her feet. Seeing that Si Ningning looked serious, she tilted her neck and glanced at it curiously. While reading, she inadvertently read out what Si Ningning had written, "I gave you my youth." Dedicate your life, dedicate your life to your descendants. Every senior has dedicated his life and the future of his descendants in the military and industry to contribute to the motherland. At the same time, he has used his life to write down legendary stories of loyalty. As the flowers of our motherland, we , the future pillars must inherit the perseverance and unyielding spirit of the revolutionary predecessors and the physique and character that are not afraid of wind, snow, and difficulties..."

The more he read, the louder Xu Shuhua's voice became. Si Ningning felt a little embarrassed and moved her elbows to cover her face. When she thought of something, she removed her hand and showed it to Xu Shuhua openly, "Isn't it a bit too high-sounding for me to write like this? "

 (End of this chapter)

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